How did the Russo's get away with it?
Also can someone confirm that she gets choked out by Thanos?
How did the Russo's get away with it?
i unironically hope this is true just to see the absolute hypocrisy of "journalists" and sjws
I hope that cunt dies in a fire
YEEEOWCH that's gotta smart
She's just baiting him because she can take it.
Your balls should get blown off by a shotgun
they don't have the balls to have Thanos kill her off
not even temporarily
Go dilate you fucking trannie faggot
Why do you want something like this in a childrens movie?
Because she's a terrible character and it would be awesome to see them have the balls to hurt her.
if you idiots think marvel is gonna let their slay queen female protagonist lose you are mistaken. this is probably right before she wrecks his shit while the male avengers look on in awe
I thought this was fake when it posted a week or so ago but this image cropped up before Thanos' new sword was revealed so I think it might actually be legit.
you retards know she is narcissist right?
you talking about her is giving her what she wants, positive or negative
I'm not sure you know what hypocrisy is.
Hipocrisy is whining about "muh women" in movies then supporting those movies by watching them.
why is the power stone in his right glove?
She's a hollywood star, retard. They all want this. You're really desperate if you're using it as an insult now.
she's level above retard go look at her interview
others actually care about their reputation, she doesnt
shes only using 1% of her power
she gets angry later and kills him
this, I'm sociopathic and narcissistic and when people say shit about me I just process it as people being jealous and seething desu
read the leaks retard
That’s clearly made out of screenshots of Infinity War
The bottom one is when he’s holding spiderman
give the leaks retard
>they go to fuck up thanos
>they fail
>they return to earth
>ant man arrives
>tony arrives
>they travel in time to get the stones and make a gauntlet
>captain fagica uses the gauntlet and dies
This is an obvious leak as damage control and is likely just before she does some ace up her sleeve move to kill him anyway
tony dies get your leaks right fag
To be honest that would be actually schocking. Introduce shit character, push it so hard and - subverted- kill her off right now!