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Only capeshit that is unironicaly KINO
TDKR is ironically kino
Just watch Raimi's Spiderman trilogy and batman begins and you don't have to watch any other capeshit because these are the best
Ultimately, it fell short, but major fucking props for the effort.
The world wasn't ready for this kind of capeshit back then.
Totally agree. It's so crazy how everyone thought it was a bad movie 16 years ago. I don't know if our standards are lower or if people just weren't ready for a comic book movie that wasn't just guys in rubber suits fighting other guys in rubber suits while things explode in the background. HULK is just such a weird movie. It's a character drama that's really focused on individual performances that just happens to feature the Hulk. There's long stretches where nothing happens but the leads just fucking acting, and they fucking nail it. They're performances are just so fucking rich and full, it genuinely amazed me when I went back and saw it.
>just realized there was another hulk movie made after iron man which is part of the mcu
am i the only one who missed it?
My current theory about this movie's failure is that neither the older generation of Baby Boomers who only knew the character from the cheesy TV show, nor the edgy Gen X kids who just wanted to see Godzilla but smaller, had any real taste or even passing familiarity with the source material.
HULK nails the character. Like the comics, it focuses on psychology and doesn't focus entirely on the using the Hulk's manifestation to solve every problem. Perhaps even stranger though, is that the CGI and special effects are genuinely pleasing, even by today's standards.
I don't even think that movie is really canon, because marvel is just shit.
I remember watching the first avengers and wondering who the mexican fuck was supposed to be, and then getting really confused when he turned out to be the hulk
Ang Lee's Hulk is fucking amazing
Story, themes, direction, editing, comic like transitions, acting, and of course the themes and symbolism
Kino of the highest order
For real, kino. Years ahead of its time.
All capefilms before the Nolan Trilogy ended were kino. They all had substance.
The most surprising thing watching it today is how utterly serious it is. The whole fucking movie nobody cracks a smile.
>capeshit will never this good in your lifetime again
At least we have ANTS
No one who has gone back and actually watched HULK hates it. It's simply become this weird internet meme that people say to sound like they get comic books and nerd culture.
The detail of Hulk alone losing his balance while throwing the tank makes this better than the MCU Hulk.
Seems like they actually put effort and care into the CGI, and this is FROM 2003.
>Played by Bana
No shit. Hulk actually looks mad with rage in Ang Lee's movie. The way his body is just shaking with anger and the way he's constantly flexed out, just fighting with himself. It's fucking great.
>this is FROM 2003
Tbqh CGI doesn't seem to have improved that much since then and coupled with the decadence of good cinematography and lighting along with the scourge that is reckless color-correction and we-will-fix-it-in-post has resulted in an huge dip in image quality
For example yesterday I watched Minority Report and I was impressed with how good the CGI looked, perhaps technically not better than current CGI but along with practical effects and competent cinematography and lighting along with color balance that made sense resulted in a visual masterpiece
MCU has destroyed science fiction and effect heavy cinema, no wonder they shit a new flick yearly
Apparently, the studio fucked with Lee pretty hard during the making of this movie. They cut his budge over and over during production, forcing him to remove something like half an hour of CGI fights he's planned. They had a habit of approving scenes then coming back and demanding changes or cutting them entirely. The reason the movie goes to comical lengths to show the audience that no one dies is a result of a studio directive.
Good to see Yea Forums hasn't completely lost its sense of good taste
It also had a great and memorable soundtrack:
ILM at the time knew what the fuck it was doing. No idea what it's like now, but it hasn't wowed me in a long time.
Reminder that Jurassic Park was made in 1993.
The difference is that in the past you couldn't brute force CGI. It took a lot of technical knowledge and skill to overcome the limitations of technology. You had to really focus on lighting and environmental reactions to sell it. This means that there were still a ton of practical effects supplementing the CGI.
This scene still looks good because of how well framed each shot is, the carefully planned lighting, and how full of misc items the lab is. It takes a lot more work during the filming, and a lot more preparation to set up these scenes, but it usually pays off. The decline in CGI quality today comes down to studios hiring unskilled yes men for directors and outsourcing the intensive CGI work to overseas CGI sweatshop. Every CGI scene is as sterile as possible so there's less physics objects to animate and worry about. Every set is built like an empty slate with flat lighting and empty floor space.