Comfy Sneedposter Thread

Let's discuss Sneed

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Homer the Heretic.

Ok but first could somebody explain the joke to me?


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OP used reverse psychology to guarantee a comfy Simpsons thread. Fight fire with fire. Bravo OP bravo.

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What's your favorite Simpsons episode user?

TIL when Farmer #1 interviewed for the role of porch-sitter at "Sneed's Feed and Seed" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the staff got their paychecks, the first thing that Farmer #2 bought was a fancy German car. Farmer #1 bought a hot dinner.


Probably Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment

someone search the archive for sneed and bane and tell me which has more search results

Oh sweet, I was hoping someone would start a Reddit general! About fucking time!!

That store is designed pretty well. You have classic big store windows, a nice porch for people to chill, cartwheel and fork leaning next to wall, patched roof and a nice looking old pick-up truck. Modern Simpsons would have done much more simpler and streamlined version if that episode were to air in 2019.
Sometimes it is pretty nice to just look into all the effort that was put to make backgrounds look nice.

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Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk

i watch simpsons everyday!
today also wayward pines marathon on fox, jipppieee!
i love tv!

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E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

Read the box.

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it is feed for bucks, you dum dum

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i hate this forum with a passion. fuck all of you die slow

I am tired of whiny bastards like you. Always just posting complaints and nothing more instead of improving Yea Forums.

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The Simpsons


Thoughts on the Local Yokels' canon names?

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I am here to stay.

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*shits himself*

WELL, what can I say????

I feel like Farmer 2 deserves to be Farmer 1, but they're alright I guess.

First one to talk gets to be Farmer 1.

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eat shit and die

The bigger guy deserves to be number 1.

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formerly live

Terminator 2 is the comfiest movie ever made

Well done big boy, what a great insult!

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How the fuck is the Simpsons still on? Like who even watches this shit? I watched a few minutes of that itchy and scratchy female reboot episode and everything is so stiff and unnatural, espically the dialogue and writing. Who the fuck keeps watching this gay shit it’s absolutely insufferable.

Are there any recent developments in sneed lore? Any new theories bros?

Who knows? Maybe Guatemalans or something. Nobody in America still watches it.

3rd worlders

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I thought fancy Germans still watched it.

That's just superstition.

My turkish roommate loves the simpsons even now. One day I saw him watching it and then later I referenced a joke in an episode and he was acting all confused. I had to explain the joke to him and then he just starting laughing hysterically even though it was the most simple thing you could imagine. I wondered why he even loved the show so much if a joke like that would fly over his head. Are 3rd worlders just automatically drawn to funny looking cartoons or something?

>Are 3rd worlders just automatically drawn to funny looking cartoons or something?
Yes, that and the bright colors



Annoyed Grunt


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I would fuck and suck her, if you know what I mean.

you lost me

Formerly Digg general

Just like kids are fascinated by those Youtube baby videos with brightly colored animations. Simple things exhilarate simple minds.

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Hey Yea Forums. The internet called. They're running out of memes!

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I don't get it

You're going to regret saying this. Mark my words.

stinky butt lookin ass lmao

lmao are you gay

OH YEAH?? well reddit called, they're running out of (You)

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this thread should have died ages ago shame on you Yea Forums

Sorry, what was that? Finish chewing first. It's not very polite to talk with your mouth full of cock.


so i'd have to chew your dick off first? i'd be happy to. fucking retard.



Yeah, better get on that real soon, dingus. Before I fuck your mom with it.

implying i have a mom faggot

Why would you chew a man's dick off? Seems pretty inefficient when we have knives and other cutting tools available.

Because he likes the taste even though he wants to do damage.


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