Wasted gone, flushed down the toilet, nothing learned, met no one, accomplished nothing, just woke up and stared at a screen and went to bed. It’s all fucking gone. What the fuck was I thinking?
I wasted 5 fucking years of my life
Nigga u still here lmaooooo
Did you at least enjoy it?
do you see the funny side yet
Like nigga, just find a hobby and be happy
>wah wah my ex this my ex that
It's not like next 5 ones will be better, dumbass.
>regretting being a NEET
but the very fact that you post here instead of just clicking on the red arrow let us know that you're not ready yet to leave
not to late to just pee yourself
low tier bait
>only 5 years
This. All of life is a waste of time, if you look at it a certain way. We all have to choose what matters to us, what can do with our time that makes it worth it, because nothing is objectively meaningful. Meaning is subjective and individual. That's not to say it's always a choice, though. Only that different people will naturally find meaning in different things.
If you felt like spending your time enjoying lots of kino was meaningful, if it made you feel emotions and took you on journeys and let you live all of these different lives for a little while, then it wasn't wasted. But if you legitimately feel like you have been wasting your time, that's just your inner self trying to tell you to seek out more meaning somewhere else.
Being a neet that doesn't leave the house for months/years at a time, goes that same length of time without speaking to another human or really using your voice properly is far worse than any wageslave job. You just sit and stare at a screen for 12+ hours a day, alienating yourself from your family and friends as they grow to resent you. Waking up at dinner time to eat your dinner for breakfast and then going to bed when the sun is coming up and you can hear birds tweeting and your neighbour's alarms going off. At least going to work forces you to socialize in some way and you get paid (well in some cases). People here mock wagecucks but their lives are far worse, being constantly poor and if your job isn't forcing you to do the wagedance and is somewhat comfy then it's 100x better than neetlife. You can tell someone's a neet on here because they take tiny thing's so seriously and because they come to Yea Forums 14 hours a day, every day, seeing something they dislike is a huge deal
You will later realize that it was something you had to do and will benefit you in the future.
Something good will happen to you and you realize if you hadn't "wasted" all that time you wouldn't have been in that place at that time.
Accept that there was no way, no alternate timeline where you would have done it differently. The key is to try to fix what you currently have, think nothing about the past.
>clicking on the red arrow
I did that too. But now im married with a kid.
Never too late bro
>he doesn't know about the arrowpill
cross* sorry
>living with regret
Then fucking arrowpill me my man
And this is why I'm fuckin glad I'm no longer a neet.
>The Red Cross
Like go get a job there or...?
Just go to college to become a nurse bro, it's what I did after spending high school as a friendless, kissless, virgin. I met a qt, now we both work 3 days a week 7a-7p and have 4 days off a week and life is pretty good desu. It shouldn't be too hard to get a qt gf in nursing school and when you finish and start working you're not a 5 day a week wagecuck.
what the fuck was your point you contributed to nothing, everyone here knows that and specially op
I've lived both and I'd pick having a job and a normal life over being a depressed lonely neet any day.
I actually want to get a job but I've been away from society for such a long time holy fuck
Reminds me of the anxiety I used to get before going back to school after every summer
Your life sounds like a tragedy huh?
It's never too late to change.
I wasted 10 years doing drugs and not accomplishing shit.
Now Im a wage slave with my own house, yard and dog.
Only missing the girl. One is coming over later to watch a movie with me.
Being NEET is a poorly optimized local minima. While you're in it, it feels comfortable because going anywhere else is an uphill climb that feels difficult.
But then one day you pass through and realize what an awful decision you made.
I know that feel man, good luck and don't give up looking for jobs. I was really nervous in an interview recently
Wait till you get to 10 years
Look at the bright side, at least you are not a virgin
Hey man, some people just like to hear themselves talk. Worst habits one can have, like whatever the fuck you're into
kek, even worse
>I wasted 5 fucking years of my life ...
Feelnigger OPs rarely follow up their stories.
>People here mock wagecucks but
But nothing, they're right to mock self-satisfied wagecucks. Being a NEET's a different kind of hell but it's preferable to wagecuckoldery to people of a certain social sensitivity
So is this where you realise you life isn't in fact a tragedy, nut a comedy?