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Why didn't he just morph into a dog and use it to approach John without being detected?

he can't morph into dogs only in humanoid shapes

Has to be equal mass

that's what she said

so morph into his moms dildo


so how about a big dog?

I love this shot. It's comedy without breaking the mood of the movie.

>Top tier infiltration unit
>Engages into direct combat for most part of the movie

Was he retarded?

The real question is why didn't he become the floor like he did in the movie and move around all the time.

Why did cameron cut the scenes near the end of the movie that show the T1000 morphing into railings, floor, and his skin flickering?

This is what always bothered me. He could have killed every character if he continued morphing into people and being sneaky about shit.

what happens if you drink him?

When was the last time you saw a liquid nitrogen truck?

Daily reminder that you literally cannot top this

Attached: T2_truck.webm (626x350, 2.96M)

Sad part is, this seems like a simple stunt by todays standards, but goddamn, it looks good.

It would be extremely painful.

My nigga.

Best stunt ever.

How does the cgi hold up so good bros?

You enter the matrix.

Tastes like capri sun

most of it is practical + cgi.

real effects

>When was the last time you saw a liquid nitrogen truck?
They typically use train cars.

I broke one in half on the way to Trader Joe's this morning. It happens all the time in America.

no green screen. No matter how advanced it is utter shit. Like always.

>my ancestor :)

I drive a liquid nitrogen truck on my way to the molten lava factory every single day

you now remember those liquid metallic cgi capri sun 90s commercials

Why are all action movies today so bad compared to their 80s and early 90s counterparts

Casually climbs on the hood of the truck, unloads a whole 30 round mag at point blank range. Pure kino

Right around Christmas. They’re not super uncommon. I do always think of the terminator though.

>you now remember those liquid metallic cgi capri sun 90s commercials

What the fuck are you talking about? He transformed into the floor in one scene

Man, I remember how cool rollerblades were when they were first introduced

Everybody had to have them.

He did it for the lulz

God I miss the 90's. Everyone could morph into a silver puddle.

just become a big dog

Attached: 35A6168F00000578-0-image-m-70_1466851486344.jpg (634x726, 123K)

Cameron was on such a roll in the 80''s and 90's. What the fuck happened?

But he made that greatest movie of all time that changed cinema forever 10 years ago.

The real question is why didn't he become a floor and move around women's bathrooms

imagine morphing into a toilet and letting women piss and shit into you all day haha that would be nuts haha

soo good

Haha I had a good laugh, for (you)

>Avatar was 10 years ago
It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Attached: 1547079722262.png (633x758, 32K)

He can only morph into objects that are of similar size. Dogs are too small.

You guys realize Arnold can deceted him, right?

I haven't bothered watching any of the Terminator movies after the abomination that was part 3. Are they good at all?

I dont really rate avatar, but Terminator 2 alone makes Jim the GOAT. Capeshitters do not fucking @ me

Aliens and Terminator 2 are his best works. They're just pure kino.

It's like watching new Alien movies. You're only setting yourself up for massive disappointment.


I liked Salvation more than 3, not that that's high praise. Genesis was terrible.

Attached: 1546691495410.jpg (550x171, 13K)

Nearly 30 fucking years old.

dont bother

why didn't the t-1000 just turn into an eagle and drop john connor in the volcano?

Cameron is a hack

For you

I broke one in half on my way to Whole Foods this afternoon, pretty common retard

It can only form simple objects

>How does the cgi hold up so good bros?
It doesn't. The practical effects look good, but the CGI is obviously aged by today's standards. Same as Jurassic Park.

Attached: bb3b911e-8694-11e7-a41e-c6bf8f143af9-780x325.jpg (780x325, 228K)

Looks better than the capeshit action scenes of our modern times.