Z or Kai?

Z or Kai?

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Kai of course
but wrong board dood

Z, Kai is gay as fuck.


>Kai of course

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If you are skipping over DB straight to Z, watch Kai.
However if you watched DB first Kai will feel way too fast compared to what you are used to, so stick with Z.

Filler is a pleb filter

Patrician answer

yeah sure I absolutely want to watch a 20mins episode with 6min of op/end, 5mins of fight and 9mins of some scenes where we just see the wind blowing on some rocks or some useless shit like a character screaming endlessly

Neither. Dragon Ball was only good when Goku was a kid, and the show was a comedy-adventure.

just read the manga, it's literally the same thing except with better art and a non fucked up pace

Kai rushes through everything and there's zero buildup

Z is far superior.

Z but with the original score, nothing of that burgerland "music".

Provided you've watched Z before already, even if it was as a kid - ideally you'll have watched DB too

digits prove this is the only answer

>those first few chapters where you'd marvel at what crazy designs would come out of Bulma's capsules

I want to go back

if you want the fucking story, read it. if you want to "get it" watch the entire show like we all did. i watch the entire db/z/gt and specials once a year. I've seen Kai twice, once eng and once jap, didn't care for it.

tell me one good reason to go through the show's atrocious pace when you can just read a better vedrsion of it and the original intent

Nah, only trips do that.

Like other anons are saying, Z if you watched DB first, Kai if you are jumping straight into it

some people just want to watch anime user
I know this might trigger the purists, but it is what it is

Abridged would be great if it wasn't for Masako's shit Goku voice..


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Kai is too fast if you are used to the pace of og Dragon Ball

Despite being a recut, Kai's pacing is somehow garbage. It also mangled the framing by coverting to widescreen, censored violence, switched out a very iconic soundtrack for throwaway tracks of distinctively different genres and has the entire Buu arc with a disgusting green tint over it. Watch Z or read the manga.

The manga's pacing is bad too, just in the opposite sense.

>mangled the framing by coverting to widescreen
They actually reframed the entire show, not just sloppily converted it like they did for the orange brick release. The framing in Kai is about as good as it gets

Sure didn't feel like it with Saiyans and Freeza, especially mid to late Freeza.

Oh shit, I forgot about the soundtrack. That's the main reason I can't do Kai.

>a very iconic soundtrack

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Kai has the best intros in the entire franchise. Fight me

ocean dub Z.

low tier bait

Z is WAY comfier

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If you’re not a weeb and watch in English then Kai is the only way to go. There is a night and day difference between the quality of the voice acting and dialogue in general. The returning funimation actors improved drastically between Z and Kai. New actors fit nicely as well (Frieza, young gohan).

Only thing I wasn’t a fan of in Kai was the score. Growing up on the Toonami run of DBZ made me fall in love with Faulconers score and it was sorely missed in Kai. Thankfully some guy on a DB forum gutted all of kai’s OST and reinserted Faulconers score. You can find the download link with a bit of googling.

Isnt the young gohan and frieza voice actors different in kai? I remember hearing it once on a tv and they sounded fucking strange

>If you’re not a weeb and watch in English Kai is the only way to go
Stopped reading right there.

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Young Gohan for sure is changed. I kinda prefer it though


Kai probably

Z is equivalent is a 90’s shopping mall. Hope this made sense

It didnt.
If you dont care much about anime, or just want to binge watch/rewatch it then Kai is better. It cuts out all the filler and useless moments, which never had the same charm as in the original Dragon Ball. I also like the animation better.