would you drink it Yea Forums?
Would you drink it Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, i don't drink shit whiskey in general.
no, I don’t drink in general
Nope I only drink john blue whiskey.
I only drink rich energy
no I'd keep it because some retarded GoT fan will pay through the nose for it later.
no, i don't drink generals
It's all right. The bottle is great, I keep it in the freezer, the eyes light up.
I only drink Johnnie Walker Blue Label SECOND Harvest
Why does JW smell like shit several days after the bottle is opened?
absolute garbage
Is this real? I'm never drinking JW again
Best spirit coming through
For me it's gin.
>lol I'm a pirate guys haha
Green Label is the only thing they make that's worth a damn. Rest of it is trash and Green Label ain't that great after they discontinued it and brought it back. Tastes off these days.
It's not even rum, it's distilled fucking seaweed with rum added in to mask the awful taste.
post aesthetic bottles
>It's not even rum
>it's distilled fucking seaweed with rum added
>rum added
There are naming standards to follow in order to call your spirit something. It isn't rum. It's seaweed liquor with rum added in.
unless i'm feeling fancy this is a go to
Wonder how many thousands of dollars are in this image.
I actually tried this on vacation at the Caol Ila distillery. Nothing special, but CI's single malts were fantastic. The nonpeated 18 or 15 yo was uniquely sweet, but not in a bourbon way.
good stuff
No I only drink the strong ass wine my grandfather makes
They were selling it for 8 bucks a shot on St Patrick's Day. Was pretty great, that Yellow Spot.
No because I'm a cheapskate when it comes to Scotch and usually only spend £20 max per bottle.
I only drink steel reserve
I've drunk all of those except the 23 and it's kind of crazy how much better they are over any other bourbon.
For me, it's Glenlivet.
>bourbon whiskey
What? Bourbon is whisky made with maize, so wtf is this shit? A blend?
>ass wine
I can't find this shit anywhere now. What happened?
Because you are supposed to drink it right away
i posted the 101 turkey, but when i can i get blantons...probably the best around. occasionally my friend in KY is able to get me this. honestly the best bourbon i've ever had. it's basically pappy.
whats the best mixer to have with bottom shelf whiskey to make it somewhat enjoyable? Or do you have to spend real dolla to enjoy it? or am I just a pleb
high dollar scotch is a meme.
>adds for alcohol
what a shame Hiro
Yellow spot is an Irish whiskey cosplaying as a scotch and green spot is much better prove me wrong
Foe mer its Glenmorangie
i've got a bottle of 12 sitting at my house i've had unopened a couple years now. probably going to wait until my wedding or something to open it.
>Drinking blended whiskey and thinking it's good
Coke. When I but cheap blended Scotch I stick it in the freezer and have it with coke like a pleb. It's for the best.
Diet cola
People found out about it and are buying it up. It's easy to get in certain states, though.
Guys calm down with the fun, the jannies are going to clean this thread up for free
whiskey is for advanced alcoholics. You need to lose the ability to taste alcohol before you can enjoy it.
That said, just about everything mixes well with mexicoke.
The high dollar stuff sees diminishing returns quickly but middle tier scotch $60-$100 is goat
whats a good substitute? because i can not find it in GA.
>whiskey is for advanced alcoholics. You need to lose the ability to taste alcohol before you can enjoy it.
Stuff like Famous Grouse and Whyte & Mackay is okay considering they're usually £18-20 per litre from the supermarkets. Bell's seems terrible though.
I bet you still wince whenever you take a drink, like a faggot.
$200-$300 Scotch probably is, but the $60-$80 stuff is very nice.
Except it's not, it is made of malted and unmalted barley. Same as all other Irish whiskies, but they stick it in fancy barrels like scotch producers and charge a boatload for it because all you faggots finally realized that scotch and irish distillers have been using used bourbon barrels for years and years and got cranky about it.
Yeah, whiskey state. I quite like pic related, but it's hard to find also.
>high dollar
My biggest regret was buying into the hype for Glenlivet 18. It's not that it's bad but it's just...boring. is it worth trying any of the other ones?
my local store in NC gets a few cases of it every month or so...unfortunately it's so bad the employees won't even put it on the shelves because some asshat will come buy literally all of it. so basically i know the employees well enough that they tell certain people when they have some available.
Well shit. You are right. I buy Blanton's Gold all the time. Amazing drink for the price but my usual supplier has no Blanton's at all. None!
How fucking hipster can you get
Worse than vaginal yeast double IPA
You called?
Cheers , seen plenty of it. Will try tonight.
kraken is nice in bars because they usually have a bunch of bottles they fell for the meme and they're desperate to get rid of them, so they'll pour it for less than anything else.
I have, its overpriced fucking shit. If I had to pick some of the GoT line, I'd get the Talisker or Dalwhinnie bottles instead
All IPAs taste like pine cones to me. I grew up in a pine forest, so I hate it so much. It even smells like pine needles.
>user you like beer, drink this, it's triple imperial buttfuck you with a 2x4 of pine wood aged in Pine Sol bottles for forty eight months
Fucking hell. Mezcal is good for all you scotch types in this thread. I like it much more than tequila, but you gotta stay away from the dirt cheap stuff.
>fedora tipping "classiness"
>real classiness
did ya know its impossible to say that word without it applying to you?
That one isn't hard to get. This one on the other hand ...
to 50%-70% of this board, that's def high dollar for a bottle of booze. This isn't /whitecollarjobs/.
>being a booze snob
I’ve got it (gift). It sits with other whiskey bottles I don’t drink
>real classiness
port and cognac
>all these hipster bourbons
I just buy Jim Beam 70cl for £14 British pounds from ASDA lmao.
did you know you're a faggot? i did.
I only like potato vodka, rest can fuck right off. Nice thing about vodka is you can buy a case of half-gallons for pretty cheap and go on a nice bender.
drinking this tonight desu
Get Evan Williams. Same quality, but cheaper.
They're not bourbons, amerifag. Bourbons are shit
Bourbon is a type of whiskey made solely in the US (mostly Kentucky), has a mash bill of at least 51% corn, and is aged in new, charred oak barrels and cannot contain anything aside from the mash (so no vanilla, or apple or some other trash shit for basic bitches).
Due to that last requirement, all bourbons are at least drinkable. Even something as cheap as Evan Williams is fine.
Cool bottle, tastes like shit tho
>hipster bourbon
nah. some people just know good bourbon. jim beam is pretty meh and i generally avoid it.
I only have pic related and bacardi for mixing in the house. I used all the dark rum for Hurricanes during a party.
Potato vodka is underrated.
tastelet, in both senses of the term
What potato vodka do you recommend? Monopolowa? I have some Luksusowa I haven't opened yet.
>aged ten years
>the distillery hasn't even been open that long.
no I dont exist whoaaa
Mercury cider and if it's on special.
>trusting fatburgers to make a decent drink
Many people are posting bourbons in this thread.
>vodka, the drink of slavs and blond thots
>classy in any way
Best cheap bourbon is half gallons of Bulleit.
That's how distilleries work, dude. They don't say they're "open" until they have product to sell.
Yeah it's sourced from MGP same as many other ryes
Well Scotch is too powerful.
I got a bottle of this recently and liked it
am I a massive pleb?
I only drink the cheapest of ethanols
I don't know anything about bourbon or whiskey but this tastes good
America makes the best whiskey, the best beer, and the best wine. You just can't cope and think that coors and jack daniels are all that's made here.
>Best cheap bourbon
Buffalo Trace makes a few things mentioned earlier that are great:
Pppfffff you fucks don't even have a purity code and call dog shit with pumpkin in it "beer".
while top shelf is a total meme, bottom shelf is not. Cheaper spirits will have a higher concentration of methanol and propyl alcohols due to a less involved distillation process, and those are what fuck you up in all the bad ways.
Neat? user if you possibly can, try sourcing Appleton 21 and drinking it straight. It's the best sipping rum I've had
I used to smuggle the little cans of whatever it was they made into places and if I got busted I said it was a can of espresso. Worked every time. The stuff in the can is different than the stuff in the bottle.
bourbon is what people drink because they don't have a personality.
>veering away from real whiskey for value booze
>not buying Arehucas Rum from Amazon Prime for £11.50 a bottle
Bourbon and their micro-breweries are very good. Their food is terrible though.
I drink evan williams. $9 a fifth, two blocks from my house, and is decent enough to sip on the rocks or mix in a sour/old fashioned/manhattan for a dessert.
Also, Costco spirits are surprisingly good. Their vodka is literally Grey Goose, their bourbon is Jim Beam (but stupid cheap), and they have great prices on other brands like Bulleit.
Tastes great, though. At least pic related does. All other pumpkin beers can fuck right off.
no that's flavored vodka
>tfw you live in a state where shipping booze is illegal
>tfw you were partially responsible for getting a few online outfits shut down for shipping booze to you
I know this, mayne
that's gonna be a yikes from me bro
bulleit is very very good for the price, but it used to be even cheaper before it was popular.
makers is pretty good, but there's better options at the same price point.
anything from the buffalo trace distillery is quality stuff
gotta love the projection from autists
Ouch authoritarian state user. Whatever happened to free market economy?
Feels bad.
Crony capitalism.
I'm American and none of that is true.
Saw this shit in my country a month ago
>literally the same garbage as red label Walker(aka the shittiest whiskey you can buy for cheap)
>30 euros, 3 times the price cos of a meme bottle
You know a whiskey would be garbage if they make you put it in the freezer in the first place
Wine is arguable, beer is not, whiskey depends on your personal preference.
will try
>he doesn't finish a bottle in a night
It's true except for wine. The rest, especially beer, is true
Fokin' plebs
You can get a half-gallon of Katie for 11 USD.
Belgium makes the best beer. There are some very good US beers, but they're in the same league with UK and German beer, behind Belgian.
This is a joke. Right?
That’s not brandy.
Sadly, even the monks are falling behind American breweries in the middle of bumfuck nowhere pumping out belgian style ales. Pic related is one of my favorites, though.
it isn't.
Well, I meant here, I'm eastern yuroland so regular store doesnt have much American imports aside for the usual Jim beam/jack/four roses/makers mark/bulleit unless you go to specialized liquor store, sonthe cheapest stuff is shitty scotch like Johny walker/ballentines/j&b/teachers etc
Drink the flowery pink one instead.
Ya fucking queerhawk
I thought you guys just drank industrial cleaner.
I unironically think pic related looks awesome. Don’t think I’d dare to open it if I had it. I’m not a collector but I understand their way of thinking. Always sort of envied kids who’d just wreck their toys without giving a fuck. I always treated everything gently, going as far as putting missiles and such back in the the hole they were in when I first bought the toy.
I got this on offer a while back and was pretty disappointed. Much prefer Mount Gay at the lower cost range.
Can I mix this with Sunny D?
I know shit about whiskey, but I bought it because it's one of the few things my supermarket carries.I drink a bit each night. I think it's good for me, really. But it just tastes like the Frangelico liquor. How do I into alcohol anons? I'm done with wines, beers and shit,but whiskey in moderation is supposed to be good for you.
Lol epic Xd
>mount gay
Collectable bottles are a joke. I had some relatives who owned a liquor store and they had amassed a ton of collectable bottles over the years and not a one of them was worth anything. Just took up space.
I'd just grind up the whole goddamn orange tree and mix it with that.
is it mint flavored or some other fag shit?
There is literally nothing wrong with drinking Jack.
Tastes like glue to me.
It's just overpriced, George Dickel is both better-made and cheaper.
Its drinkable, aftertaste just tastes like crap but it's certainly not the worst whiskey. That award goes to some "craft" distillers who think it's innovative to age in casks for 12 HOURS and then pretend it doesn't taste like nail varnish remover
except it's boomer commercial shit. w.l. weller is premium. next time you get a bottle try it. trust me.
Good thing there's naming rules that say you have to do X, Y, and Z or you can't call your spirit a bourbon or scotch or whatever.
Weller is prime old fart chugger. The old men at the bar can go through a fifth of weller in a day. Anything Buffalo Trace makes tends to be good.
be careful. we had another spirti's bottle that the cork dried up, the liquid got oxidized and ruined. it should be in climate humdity control to keep the mouth closed.
I know nothing about liquor, in fact I generally only drink beer but damn do I love some of pic related.
>muh manly whiskey
Get out twat
>The old men at the bar can go through a fifth of weller
it fits the bill, the old bar men probably know quality and a low price. aside from dickel, everything else itt is looking like 60 to 80 bucks or above. I want a 25-30 bourbon that is unique and not commercialized meme shit. i'll get buffalo trace again next time though
Rittenhouse Rye is incredible. BiB, $20, and tastes fucking smooth.
Elijah Craig is a good $20 bourbon as well.
you ever pout some in a cup of hot chocolate? it's crucial
Never had a US Belgian style that ranked with St. Bernardus or Trappistes Rochefort, but I suppose some might exist.
I like bourbon quite well, but never had one with 50-60% of the complexity and sheer deliciousness of a good Scotch. Best I've had was Booker's I think. Would love to try Van Winkle, but still couldn't imagine it would stand up against a good Talisker or Caol IIa
>Pembrokeshire seaweed spirit drink with rum
That sounds good.
For me it's Evan Williams
You should really try a slightly more expensive brand. You can get super nice quality rum for just $25-$35. Capt M tastes like artificial chemicals in comparison.
Holy mother of BASED
i'm putting them on the list
Wenn Kräuter dann HKT oder Jägermeister.
Hubertus Tropfen wenns billig sein muss.
>implying a blend cannot surpass single malts
Absolute pleb.
>got this as a gift
>have been using it as mouthwash
genuinely what kind of person happily drinks this
That's basically vodka.
Only Jack.
Glenlivet is shit. get Macallan
Girlfriend's mom got me some of this from a business trip to japan. very good stuff
Looks like trash.
>no one posted anything decent yet
Good to know Yea Forums's taste in spirits is just as shit as its taste in everything else
Can you actually drink that stuff safely asking for a friend
holy fuck i'm 13 years old again and surrounded by barely literate niggers
delicious mixed with cognac
its no worse than drinking beafeater or aristocrat.
>threatened by a drink not even slightly masculine
Do you have a glittery gin glass, ya wallflower?
Not that user, Drinking beer is for advance alchoholics not spirits, I don't know someone who's 25+ and doesn't drink beer, but I know a shit ton of people 16+ who only drink whisky/spirits.
Can you tell me better rums?
I'm the opposite, strictly drank beer when I was younger and now I only drink whiskey. Although it's primarily because I have to pay my own bills now so beer seems like a ripoff, I can just as drunk for 1/10th the price with liquor
Ginger ale my man
Flor de Caña
advanced alcoholics can drink and achieve/maintain their desired level of drunkenness with anything. Faggots afraid of blacking out or getting wasted stick to beer. Teens are adventurous by nature.
Thanks user.
Can I mix these with coke or will that ruin it, Any anons got any suggestions for other mixs I'm all ears.
Macallan is pretty decent but they mark up alot because they're Macallan. 12 year is forgettable for me except it costs so much more compared to other 12 year scotches.
For me it's Stoli with vermouth and a garnish of lemon twist
Absolutely based for Zacapa
For me, Diplo goes anyway you want, Flor de Cana needs mixing but Zacapa should be drunk neat. No idea about the other two
For me it's whatever is the second cheapest vodka available and cranberry juice.
Yeah, the roughly $20 offerings you can mix, but most of those brands offer aged, really smooth tasty stuff for just $30-$35.
Based straight edge poster
And ginger beer is the best mixer for rum, and then ginger ale works too.
Barrel picks of BT are some of the best values in Bourbon right now.
Jack is the some of the shittiest """""whisky""""" around faggot. Only glorious Scotland can make truly great whiskey.
That might be so, in America or Europe but most of what that user listed was 60-100 in Austarlia I'm afraid. Defintally picking up this tomorrow danmurphys.com.au
>this thread
Got this for my uncle last christmas and one for myself.
>babby grill needs sweet drinks
/ourguy/ Horst loves it
For me it's Glengoolie.
Right. Rum's cheaper in the US because it's made just south. Trickier to get good rum in AUS, I guess. Harder to make a rec given the price hike.
Holy shit. A fellow Duchess connoisseur.
Sour ales and Felmish ones are great.
Elijah Craig
Weller (if I can find it)
Is this the family pack? 2 for the kids and 1 for the divorced father?
A man of culture
A friend got a limited run of Suntori Hibiki aged 12 years in plum wine casks. It was for realaxing time. You know lat pack?
What a nice gift user, uncle is lucky to have you
>buy it
>put it away for a couple of decades
>sell it to some disgusting neckbeard GoT obssesive.
>spend the money on hookers and blow
>Grandpa makes moonshine spirits his entire life and our garage is filled with it
>Dad's been drinking on the rocks his entire life
>Pulls out one of the bottles of moonshine he wasn't familiar with and had one on the rocks and fucking passed out and woke up the next day only remembering the drink.
What the fuck could you put into moonshine to cause that.
high IQ post
Poison I guess. Alcohol is the nigger of drugs
t. Alcoholic
its priced in such a way that it will never appreciate in value and anyone dumb enough to buy johnny walker red at a 200% markup because its in a meme bottle already has bought it.
you'd have to find a buyer quicly, after this season ends the show will be forgotten
Pure alcohol, I drank some moonshine with cherries in it that was apparently like 80% once. I remember eating a handful of cherries but I dont remember much else
It was either a batch produced with the incorrect temperature (none of the ethanol evaporated, meaning only methanol and propanol ended up in the final collection) or he decided to keep the leftovers from a first or second distillation (all the ethanol evaporated, leaving only methanol and propanol). ya pawpaw probably bottled and put on the shelf to fuck with people coming to steal his booze or he roofied ya gramgram. is a retard.
It's very overpriced here in the UK, especially compared to some other bourbons and you can get Scotch quite cheaply.
>not single malt whiskey
Kys you shit taste pleb
haha no thanks I'll have a smirnoff ice on the rocks
yes i would drink pretty much anything with an alcohol percentage
turned 21 half a year ago and have drinken many types of beer but not so much other alcoholic drinks.
>how do I into spirits?
fr*ggin upvoted, I love to drink that sh*t in my mancave
The same way you into beers you drink them and acquire a taste
Happiness in a bottle
>losers jerking off over expensive poison
I'll take JD or Ballantine's, don't need anything fancier.
This, but the opposite.
>drinking alcohol
Sup incel
For me its
zoom zoom
Seeing people talk about whiskies is a pain as a Finnish bloke. The cheapest shit you can get here still amounts to 25 dollars. And that's the absolute bottom shelf stuff. If you want ANY quality it's 30 dollars and up Bulleit here costs 35-40 dollars.
Devised by Dan Aykroyd so totally Yea Forums related.
>literally opened the thread just to see someone post this. Was about to close the tab when I hit the bottom and your post appeared.
based meme-vodka poster, have a (you)
It's a decent vodka, but I like Dan and love collecting crystal and stone skulls, so I pick it up from time to time.
Also something something pure Newfoundland leaf water, something something Herkimer diamonds.
b u m p
good choice. I'll raise you Macallan.
I got the GoT scotch set. I plan to flip it sometime in the future. For now they make for a nice decoration.
Am I a dumbass?
Yes, but who cares. If it makes you happy and you can afford it, go for it.
Slavs are the noblest race.
step aside
they're all different it just depends if anyone wants them in the future and how easy it is to get them that drives the price
like those funco pops will never be worth shit after those crash, just like beanie babies. it's selling based on the fact that there's only a limited number of some but once that interest fades it doesn't matter at all
liquor won't fade as it has value outside of memes so it's not the worst investment
say 90% of them are drank and some more broken in the future then the supply might be low and if there's any interest it just depends if there's any available
I'd just drink it then roll the dice that anyone wants some liquor bottles from a tv show in the future
Green, black, and double black are good.
>hes never had Compass Box
For years I really thought Pappy Van Winkle was a meme and you were paying all that money to be a faggot. I will tell you, it is legitimately great. If you could get it at its MSRP all day long I'd exclusively drink it. But because it has a pseudo meme status you basically can never find it and when you can you're paying x4 MSRP and I can't afford that.
outta my way drinklets
Why the fuck does Yea Forums have a better whisky and bourbon thread than /ck/ ever does?!
I wouldn't use it as mouthwash because of all the sugar in it. I'd keep it around to give to pleb guests or women.
It really does beat any other bourbon by a large margin which is nuts. There is no comparison in the whiskey or wine world, lots of great ones but nothing so far ahead of the rest.
In 2013 it became a hot ass meme for some reason and sales tripled every year until about 2016 when it crashed because everyone was sick of it
Also hope you're just being a memer on the mouthwash part because it has more sugar per oz than fucking coca cola
There is a small island in the Himalayan Sea called Malderiki, upon which I own a large mansion...
Never been closer to throwing up while drunk as when I drank that shit
Got a bottle of the game of thrones scotch for Christmas, the lagavulin one since that's my go to for scotch, anyway.
I don’t know about that one but I love Glenmorangie.
>it's a shill thread
fuck off you black skinned animals
> I love Glenmorangie.
Try some of this if you can.
Haven't opened it/tried it yet. Thats a 300 dollar bottle here in Canadastan, so I'm waiting for a reason
Got a bottle of this as a Christmas gift and it was fantastic.
Not too expensive either.
Bowmore black rock is the best whisky ever
Ya, I considered that they have more lasting power than other collector items. I don't know how much of an indicator this is... but I see the full set being sold for waaay more than I bought them for. I'm going to hold on to them. Like I said, they look nice as a decoration. (all eight line up nicely on the back of the shelf behind the decanters.)
The Portwood is even better but the price has more than doubled since I first discovered it.
Have a bottle. Only because they claim it’s a “special” and “unique” blend. It’s ok. Better than red, different than black.
These exist too.
absolute doom
I'm jealous
those are pretty nice
what's the value of the liquor alone with that one and
are they already really expensive liquors or are they just cheap shit in cool packaging
Tried forever to find the Oban one but it wasn't in any stores in Ontario
best wine: red bordeaux
best beer: belgian blonde ales
best spirit: whisky followed by gin
plebs can pack it up
The only acceptable scotch.
Friendly reminder that if you drink anything other than whisky, wine or beer, you're a pleb and non-white.
Not him, but the lagavulin/lannister I have was the only one with an age statement I think, at 9 years and was the same price as the normal lagavulin 12 (I'm in Ontario, Canada)
A friend of mine bought it and we drank a few glasses
Its not bad actually if you drink it straight
rum was a staple of white sailors do you think that's for coloreds?
>tfw the royal navy had a rum ration up until the 70s
Not sure. Store had the Tully and Lannister for 77. Talked to owner for a bit, he said different crests cost different prices because of supply/demand.
>thinking poor people are white
Dalmore 12? That shit is like sugar water, it's so fucking sweet.
But I guess babby's first scotch means something, lol.
After all of the brands I've tried, Woodford Reserve is my choice, it's a smooth sipping whiskey, with flavor that isn't sugar water.
I like water too
sailing was a lucrative venture for most of history
You're irish aren't you?
That shit is fucking disgusting, and I say that as someone who gets the majority of their alcohol from plastic jugs.
Please don't ever post American swill on my board again.
could you imagine being a sailor in ancient greece
or during the exploration of the new world
venturing into the unknown with a ship you have no idea will survive the journey
hope we can do that with space soon or else life is so boring with everything explored and seen and able to be seen in pictures and shit
Ah bloo bloo, alkie.
Whatcha know about this? Probably nothin
If JB was that cheap here, I'd probably just fuck myself up with it. It's best that I just buy a handle every 20 days. Jim is the best bourbon to make home made whiskeybombs with.
Is steel reserve the special brew of America?
No I don't drink, General.
For the novelty, I would.
I do prefer my Johnny Walker label like my men: Black.
Pleb/trash/hick/hipster confirmed
Australia actually makes a bit of its own Rum (the north east of Aus, Queensland, is practically tropical and sugar cane is a big industry for them there). if you ever see any small batch stuff made by Bundaberg it may be worth trying. stay away from their normal stuff.
the problem is the govt taxing the living shit out of alcohol, like they do with everything else. wages haven't risen for over a decade and we're paying at least 30usd for a bottle of the most basic spirits.
>Being a nigger
>Going to be drinking today
>only 10:35am
>Bored as fuck
Is it too early to start? I'm going to be drinking anyway.
gay mount
>Is it too early to start?
Can't argue with those digits, Isildur.
If you are not having a shot after seeing holy trips , literally unironically kys.
literally the only thing good about New Orleans is that this god nectar can be found for 20 bucks a fifth
I mean if someone had it at a party. Certainly wouldn’t buy it
The Weller 12 year is easily the smoothest drink I've ever had, good shit
>Is it too early to start?
i never got this. i drink whenever. im not an alcoholic, it's just that a shot or 2 or a couple of beers wont affect me in a way that it'll ruin my daily activiites
People who wake up at 10am feeling superior to people who wake up at 5am.
>he think bourbon is hipster trash
lmaoing @ ur life
>aged 0 years
>calls itself whisky
>even though it's illegal by all Scottish and US law to do so
How brave of them to sell something on their name alone rather than taking the time to make the product they're alleging they're selling
I’ll shill for this. Never can find it though