I just realised that this asshole was completely useless in the story after New Hope. Like...

I just realised that this asshole was completely useless in the story after New Hope. Like, he contributes absolutely nothing to the overarching battle between Empire and Rebels, the victory was reached without his help altogether. How is Luke a hero, again? At least Rey is actively saving asses in her unique Marysueish way.

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>saved Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt
>brought his father back to good, and this lead to his father killing Sheev
I repeat, Luke is the reason Sheev is dead. I would say that really helped the rebellion. Your bait is shit.

He kept Vader busy who otherwise would've thwarted the rebels' attempts at destroying Deathstar 2. If he hadn't been in the throne room, he would've been force choking Ewoks by the hundreds, if they had even got that far without Luke saving Han.

>at least Rey
why did I even reply to you.


Just because he's irrelevant to the story doesn't mean he's not an interesting character

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This. And not only this, but at the destruction of the DS2, the Imperials clearly have time to evacuate. We see them doing it whilst Luke talks to Vader. Without Luke there, Sheev would have lived, even if the rebels somehow managed to defeat Vader and destroy the shield generator.

Star Wars is fundamentally uninteresting.

you're fundamentally even less interesting

I haven't watched these movies since I was a kid. I always thought the DS gets destroyed because the emperor gets thrown down the shocky pit and his lightning on it makes everything explode. That's not what happened?

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No, Lando blows it up. Vader basically just killed Palpie 10 minutes earlier than their inevitable demise.

>If he hadn't been in the throne room, he would've been force choking Ewoks by the hundreds
Goddamn, I want to see it.


Han is literally just a fucking guy. He only seems important because he's a major character in a movie.

Destroying the Death Star saved millions of lives I would suppose.

that and the ewoks still only won because chewie jacked a chicken walker

Death Star personnel was probably in the millions too, mostly hired workers, forced to slave for the oppressive regime, or just straight-up brainwashed into obedience by the Emperors powers.

"Luke Skywalker didn't do anything but gets all the credit? Is that fair?"

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Thats exactly how I always remembered it.

>redeems Vader which leads to the death of Sheev
>completely useless


Except Luke had plenty of time to drag Vader's 400lbs ass, have a conversation with him, and put him on an escape shuttle. Sidious would have escaped if Luke hadn't redeemed Vader.

It's some sad shit.
Motherfucker said he didn't want to live no more.

He jumped.

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Yeah, yeah. We've all seen Clerks.

he leads the strike team
The role could have been more dramatic and conflict-heavy but he still demonstrates leadership and responsibility (something faggy millennials fail to appreciate). It's also his simple tricks and nonsense that gets the rebels into the bunker to blow up the generator.

No Palpatine in the reactor core, Death Star kills everyone, 1000 year Sith Reich.

t. Disney/Lucasfilm shill

objectively right