Why can't cats be trained to perform on camera like dogs do?

Why can't cats be trained to perform on camera like dogs do?

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Because they're pussies

cats' brains are twice smaller than dogs'

Evolution. Wolves evolved as pack hunters that took cues from each other. When we domesticated them, we managed to trick them at a genetic level into thinking that we were their superiors, so they instinctively try to perform actions that seem to please us.

Cats evolved as solo hunters, and have been domesticated for a much shorter period than dogs, so they need to be trained more on the basis of receiving a physical reward directly, whereas dogs view praise itself as a worthy reward.

Because they’re stupid bastards

What are you, some kind of canine biologist?

Cats are too cool for school.

So are manlet and female brains relative to humans, and almost all actors are either manlets or women.

They can be. I saw a cat circus when I was in Russia that was astounding.

Dogs are pack animals that have a good social understanding of each other, a sense of their place, empathy, and a desire to please their leader. This makes it easy to train them to do almost anything.

Cats are solitary animals that spend almost their entire lives alone. They have no need to socialize or fit in. They see no need in pleasing someone else. Also, they are only semi-domesticated, which means they can still survive by themselves out in the wild. If you are mean to a cat or it thinks it can get a better deal elsewhere, it will up and leave. For these reasons, it's impossible to train cats to do anything useful.


But, some can learn youtube.com/watch?v=MxKHDvA-4uA

Are you retarded, American or a woman? Probably all three together.


Imagine owning a cat and having a daughter.

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oh lawd he comin

Because they're strong indipendent qweens who need no man to tell them what to do

> attending a cat circus
>attending Russia
I feel sorry for u

humans are evil

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Here's a little spot on it. It was actually cool. Moscow did sort of suck, though.

>Cats evolved as solo hunters
Didn't you watch Planet Earth nigger?

You don't own a cat, you just have an understanding

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Cats are the niggers of pets

>give them free food
>house them
>try to care for them
>turn round, scratch your eyes out and believe they own you

But they can be, OP.


Lions r the only ones that hunt in groups of female lions, because the male lion is a lazy nigger. The female lions represent modern white women.

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didn't you retard

And dogs are literal inbred manmade pathetic human slaves with no identity.

Based cat

bitch please

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Literally me

A cat may have a slightly smaller brain than a dog, the structure of their brain is far more similar to humans

>Garfield taught me that cats love belly rubs
>Didnt meet a single cat in my life who doesnt bite me the moment my hand gets near it's belly

Fuck you Garfield

Absolute unit.

That Lauren southerns hot sister?

Sent from my iPhone

Mass scales exponentially with height. A 25% taller person of the same proportions would have a brain twice as big.

My cat snuggles with me and does tricks and will sometimes just hug me. He's pretty based.

They can be, it's just harder, cats don't really give a fuck to be honest, sometimes they do, mostly not, that's why it's harder to train them, easiest is if you start training them as young kittens, you have almost no chance with a mature cat, best you can get is train them not to claw you ... Dogs are easy-medium (depending on race) cats are medium-hard ... My cat can do barrel rolls, lay down, play dead, stay, fetch

based kitter

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Haven't met enough cats. My cat is alright with it, but not too stoked usually.
The real g-spot is at the side of the mouth or jaw.

it's cruel but humorous

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Cat owners say it’s because they are independent, but let me tell you that is bullshit. Any intelligent animal can and has been trained. If an animal can’t be trained, it usually means it’s fucking dumb. Cats are nowhere near as smart as dogs, yet cat owners can’t seem to accept this.

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If they're in a body position where you can rub their bellies then they're pretty vulnerable and their instincts kick in, they'll only allow you to rub them if they have complete trust in you.

Nice headcanon catfag. Source on your little made up fantasy?

Based sonicposter laying down the facts

Got any sources on that beside your faggot ass?

Don't be cruel, that's just the toxoplasmosis talking.

My cat learned how to open the door by pulling a door knob down. By themself.

this is weird

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>the height of catfag argument is spouting anecdotes like a middleaged housewife
I had rabbits that learned how to push things

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>it's a sign of intelligence to behave exactly as told

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Yes it is. This is why chimps and dolphins will utterly demean themselves for rewards. Please stop this delusional projection of human thought onto animals. If you actually loved your cat(s) you wouldn’t care they are dumb as bricks.


its true. service dogs exist, service cats don't. a dog can literally lead a blind person. a cat just shits in a box and knocks things of your table.

>I had rabbits that learned how to push things
You wish they learn how to push your fat ass out of yo mama basement.

I’m a dogchad, even if I wasn’t at the gym 5 times a week I’d be getting walks with my best pal. Your move catcel

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rate my baby

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cats are not as smart as dogs in most aspects. That being said, cats can be trained.


Maybe your faggy rabbits should have told you to lose some weight,fatso.
Also,you a gay.
And ugly,even other fat gays won't have sex with you,stupid.

Seething catnigger

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My cat does that!
It's a round knob,I just assumed that fuzzy feet couldn't grip a round knob.

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shes not a lesbian just into incest

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manlet detected


lol,they sniffen each others sniffers

>fucking loud all the time
>obnoxious as fuck
>random acts of violence
>stupid as hell
Sounds more like dog to me

>walks with my best pal.
I bet your favorite part is packing shit in the bags.

>at the gym 5 times a week
Dang,I've only been fucking your mom 4 times a week.

they'd be a cute couple if they werent siblings

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Depends on what you consider smart. Sheep have brain power equal to monkeys and, in some of the tests, humans. So I guess that makes sheep better than cats and dogs.

As opposed to cleaning out a shit stinking box of sand?

Do people still use this as an insult lmao? Isn’t it a bit late for you to be up grandpa?

>any fucking scene ever in any film
>a scene has a cat in it
>loud screechy meow sounds
>the cat doesn't even open its mouth
I fucking hate this so fucking much

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t. literal fucking brainlet

A whale's brain is also bigger than that of a human's, does that mean they're smarter than us?

lol,your cat has a kot for a pillow!
and this cat has a cat for a blanket!

Not him (or am I?), but I remember learning in neursocience class before I dropped out that: A lot of what we know about the visual part of the neocortex (the pink flappy part of the brain...what most people think of when you mention the brain) we learned by cutting open kitties' skulls and zapping various parts of their brains, and also seeing how their brain reacts to visual stimuli.

So I think there are -some- structural similarities. At least for the visual part of the brain. Poor fuckin kitties

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I'm a pussy biologist and I studied your mom last night.



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You can train dogs to do that too, retard

I just wish you would go to the gym less often,I hate fuckin your mom.
You dad does insist upon it tho.

I can guaranteed my 16 year old cat is smarter than you.

It's a pack thing. They work alone.


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That cat has a necklace!
Thats crazy!
You're crazy!

>16 year old cat

Is this suppose to be impressive?

This is true, the other two replying are insecure manlets

That dog is waterboarding himself.
What a silly fella.

>it's another people get mad at people who like different pets thread

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pepe is better than slowjack,"fren".

Because they see their owners merely as idiots who give them what they want. They are uncapable of the same affection as the man's best friend.

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>male lion is a lazy nigger
most male lions hunt for themselves, only pride leader don't hunt

Yeah, like yo mama shitted you out in the hospital instead of the toilet.


>They are uncapable of the same affection as the man's best friend.

>As opposed to cleaning out a shit stinking box of sand?
My cat only pisses outside

And he only shits on someone else's lawn

lol,you cant drive from there!

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Hey guys,I need science to prove that a stupid fuckin animal is capable of loving me!
That's how much of a fucking unlovable nerd I am!

>having pets at all

>cat owners are proud of ruining someone else's property

*sneaks some treats into teh cats dry food*

*destroys the whole species reputation*

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>gets proven wrong
>calls names
As expected of a brainlet dogfag

>being a nigger

I was calling out dog owners,stupid.

That’s a gene mutation, not Garfield obesity.

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The article isn't about dogs

There is a cat in my neighborhood that’s kind of smart. He had been around as a stray for years and I noticed that he even looks while crossing the street to watch out for cars. My neighbor took him in during the winter though.

Fuckin skin him make a cat bag!


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I have both a cat and a dog and love both very much

All jokes aside, cats are stupid


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he's chunky

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What you're seeing *is* the performance.

some very good kitty friends in this thread

Because cats are Reddit, they are NPCs of the animal world. Anyone who owns a cat should be shot. I also don't like dogs either, they're also Reddit


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Has reddit ever celebrated Caturday?

>everything is reddit and should be killed

Maybe its you, m8.

filthy race mixing slut

>pet me, bitch

ATTENTION Dogs and Cats are both dumb, Rabbit is the superior pet

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>how obedient an animal is is somehow related to it's intelligence
Great logic you've got there

Rabbits dont have emotions besides fear and hunger.


Kek nobody cares about orphans user

the qt at my work has a rabbit but im too scared to ask her out ;_;

That's called toxoplasmosis infection(which is also related to homosexuality)

based pusy poster

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>rats are smarter than cats by leagues
>still get eaten

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catto caca


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R8 my kitty

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>it's published therefore it's true!!!11
Why don't you link articles proving there are 89 genders too? Try observing reality for a change

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i dont think shed appreciate that much :c

Would tummy tickle.

He screm

t. incel

>twice smaller

Would literally cut your finger off he’s such a fucking nigger cat who hardly wants love without bites or scratches.

I have that same toy. It's like crack to my cat
10/10 kitty btw

Just dropping in to say BASED

rabbits get put in the boiling pot on Yea Forums

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I'd have gay sex with the guy on the right tbqh.


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>it's that canned Wilhelm cat scream

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she gonna make more kitties with her brother

Her eyes look kinda dirty, otherwise a cute kitter

she mirin

Bet you can't find the cat.

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But what do they feed him

/r/ing japanese girls putting cats heads in mouths

took me a while

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That cat fucks white cats

Yes!!!! 10/10

They're not a pack animal. They can still be trained to do a lot but it's going to be on their own terms.

can't believe nobody posted it

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W-wow :3

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Only considered half domesticated we're just now starting to realize that their behavior is like no other cat. Turns out they communicate with their tails, stick to groups when needed, recognize their name, and lot of other shit I'm forgetting. It was on some documentary that was interesting as shit.

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what a slut

well that cat is better than millions of indians so i guess

Absolutely, completely and utterly based


I do that too. Hardly ever any accidents anymore.

cats are not board specific,stupid.

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*sips* i remember when this was a new meme

>Try observing reality for a change
Yeah all my nice interactions with cats must've been figments of my imagination.

just because no one loves you faggot doesn't mean you should project onto others lol

You misspelled 'rat'.

>as intelligent as a toddler
>have actual hands they can use
>love you like you're the alpha rat
>clean little poops

The only downside is that they don't live long.

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How the fuck does this happen?

So like white people then.

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>Why can't cats be trained to perform on camera like dogs do?
Says who? Cats are just harder to train. It's actually Man who's the brainlet here and can't train cats well.

pet monkey is best pet

Based and catpilled

That's just murrican humor for you.

How did the cat train that lady?

Rats really are great pets. I've had them for about 10 years but recently stopped because I couldn't handle them having relatively short (some very short) lives.

About 7:15,they set up walls for the cats to play with as Indiana Jones music plays!

My two rats died last month about three weeks apart. I'm taking a break from pets for a while, because it hit me like a truck. Poor things.

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pls rember

Based and based, soibois like dogs coz it makes them feel tough, but a real gangsta will own a cat because a cat can't be bossed around

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Roll 2d8 to see if kitty is entertained.

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These 3 are all well trained to NOT swipe dice. The gray one will play hide and seek with you and will hang out with you as long as you do something weird to keep him interested. So I'd say he stays entertained on 2 through 5 on 2d8.


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i try to clean them but she gets bitey

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longcat 2.0

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oh my.

he's a big guy 4 his sister

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I appreciate this post

>visit someone with a cat
>place smells like piss
>oh that’s just my cat she’s such a cutie
>sand and hair balls in every corner
>oh that’s just my cat
>seemingly all furniture covered in hair
>oh don’t sit there that’s the cats chair
>holding and kissing a disease carrying creature that shits in your home

sounds like they dont know how to care for their cat


Blessed Picture

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>Thinking dogs aren't 10 times worse than every problem you described

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Cats and Dogs should be only allowed to kept if your house has a Garden

>dog licks shit covered asshole
>owner let's dog lick their face and mouth afterwards

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Posting chunkybois here.

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Nanners can be pretty scary sometimes.

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Me and my gamer crew.

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seen that partern with some cat owners but also with every dogs owner who let them stay inside their house


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because they're the pet version of niggers, which happens to be the regular version of niggers also

Holy lol

Underrated post

>When your cat brings in a bird that's on the endangered species list

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>poop and pee outside to fertilize and water flowers
>shed far less or not at all and it’s cute when they do it
>obey orders and stay off furniture if taught to
>require owner to have a routined life and maintain a dominant position
>will only infect owner with love and companionship

>and it’s cute when they do it

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Wiggle wiggle yeah.

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>they're the pet version of niggers
It's funny because it's dogs that randomly attack people and maul children.


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c h o n k y
p u s s y

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based roar youtu.be/099VKn9jCcQ

I love cats
I just want to hug all of them
But I can't
Can't hug all the cats. ( ._.)

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I hope that's Mike Tyson on the line.

You're right, I can't. Where is it?

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That's why you put on a hoodie with thick sleeves and go for broke.

what the h?

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>herrrd you were talkin shit

My heart...

>"What? What is this specimen trying to do with this compact rectangular device he's constantly holding and pointing at me? Humans are sometimes strange. I've come to the conclusion that their nature can be undeniably irrational and illogical at times and thus behave in such an unpredictable manner that I often find myself confused, helplessly trying to interpret their daily habits to the point where there's just simply no adequate satisfactory answer to many of their characteristic traits.

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Real human bean.

assuming they are the minority that actually picks it up, that is. also it's a great way to meet women.

They actually just think you're a giant cat.

The capacity for compassion, kindness, and empathy is probably simultaneously humanity's greatest strength, and most vulnerable weakness.

Pretty funny how the deer doesn't see the cat as a threat but the dog triggers the "it's a wolf" instinct for the deer to immediately attack it to save her kid.

It's weird how everyone knows different breads have different tendencies, unless it's a mauler of peace, then they're just blanks slates 'bad owners' install shit wrong.

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>yesterday my roommate's cat was trying to escape out the front door while I was entering
>got mad and tossed it around and bit its head
is there something wrong with me?

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You need to get institutionalized you fucling sperg.

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There should be one of these on every mountain top.

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10/10 gato.

>is there something wrong with me?

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>they call me the catman

cute as fuck mate/10

They’re right.

>twice smaller
looks like yours is also twice smaller

>>>holding and kissing a disease carrying creature that shits in your home
You mean like a woman? Horrifying thought, right?


based potty trained poster

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>Stop that ...

Cats are fucking useless pets. They would eat their owners if they could. Owning any kind of pet is dumb but at least you can form some sort of bond with most dogs.

This is Alfredo. He loves nature.

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me on the left

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they are less intelligent

Beautiful. I’d have named him Wampa.

Dogs eat you too they just wait a little while longer. Cat's are survivors like that. Poochie goes to the woods and gets eaten by the first bear he runs up on like the retards they are.

>Owning any kind of pet is dumb
There is something missing from your noodle.



they love eachother a lot

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he mad

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Still don't know how he hunts anything with those little nubs.

Rate my niggers.

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Are you really trying to say a bear wouldn’t eat a cat on sight too? There’s stray dogs and stray cats. Most of them don’t go in the woods. They just stay in cities to get handouts

a cat would fuck a bear up

>at least you can form some sort of bond with most dogs
t. someone who never had a cat

Yeah I’m the crazy one for thinking it’s pointless to spend hundreds of dollars to keep a dumb animal alive in your home just to look at and play around with every now and then until it dies in only 10 years or so.

How's the weather up there giraffe user?

true except for the women part

I’ve had dogs all my life and just recently am having experience with cats because my gf has them. They’re dumb af. They just piss and shit everywhere and don’t even know their own names. I have other friends that own cats and it’s the same thing.

Top of middle stack.


What are you talking about? Never seen Cats the musical?

manlets don't have souls either

The top 10 most intelligent animals can all be trained. Hell, lions can be trained. Yet cats cannot.

Maybe it would help if you made an effort to bond with them instead of writing them off because they need to excrete like every other living being.


Your parents didn't really love you.

>The average brain weight of the adult male was 1336 gr; for the adult female 1198 gr.

lol catfags are seething ITT

Expect my dog hasn’t pissed or shit in the house since she was a puppy and knows to go outside because she’s not retarded.

Because shitting everywhere outside is a sure sign of intelligence and worth.

dogs are lawful neutral and cats are neutral evil

No my parents did. That’s why I don’t need the “love” of a fucking animal

More intelligence and worth than doing it in the place it lives

Holy shit.

Do you take dumps in your front yard or in your toilet?

I have found that people that hate cats are, they themselves, more like cats than dogs. The same is true but to a lesser degree about dogs.

Cat owners are loyal and patient. They will adapt to their cat's behavior out of love. Much like a dog.

Dog owners want something from their dog. They like their dog but only because they provide them with something. Much like a cat.

Plenty of exceptions like most of us like both. But in the realm of those that have a distaste for one or the other, the traits have this irony.

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mm hmm

I never said dogs are smarter than humans. I’m just saying they’re smarter than cats. Obviously both species are dumb af compared to people. Not sure what you’re trying to prove

>Not sure what you’re trying to prove
That dismissing a cat for shitting where it lives exactly like modern civilized humans are expected to do is idiotic.


rate mine guys

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sleep tight,kitter!