Boys I have a plan

Boys I have a plan

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Unding know who that is but I hope your thread takes off user.

Has anyone watched the animated series yet? What did they do with Lahey?

A shithawk takes him and he appears as a ghost through liquor to Randy bobandy


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kurt russell lookin good

We're going to Tahiti.

Patrick Swayze lookin motherfucker

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I've seen it
Definite mixed bag, it starts with total shit and actually gets better as it goes, the best part are the subtle visual gags

how do i achieve this look?

Big fucking shithawk

>gets better

Does it happen rapidly? Because that shit was so bad I turned it off after literally 2 or 3 minutes.

I tried but I grew up watching the boys' original run and the cartoon didn't really do it for me. I'd give it another shot but I'm planning to watch the Vengeance trilogy this weekend

It involves you

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I dont know Juliann i dont want you boys going back to jail. Whos gonna help me take care of my kitties?
I think you mean patrick swayze you dorty dancing bastard.
Yea. I only seen the first episode. It kinda made me sad. Lahey was my favorite aside from bubs.

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*ice cubes clinking*

I implore you to tell it to us, Dutch

There's always another GODDAMN plan, Dutch!

First you must learn to master his art of drinking. Go a week without spilling a drop and your cup never emptying. Perform these acts and at the end of the week you'll be buff and rugged with a goatee and at some point will have purchased a gold chain. It worked for me.


Yeah within like two minutes you go from Corey making an out of character racist joke to Sam Loscoe being a tranny. Absolute clusterfuck

You implore me?
>i dont know why we're genre mixing but i love it.

Donairs, rum, lifting cinder blocks

Yeah well I got a plan too Julian. I'm taking the Universititle Champion off Brock Lesnar this Sunday at Wrestlemania.

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This is just too perfect

I just need more time and money, trust me.


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Jesus Randy, what's with all the fucking racket?

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Tom Savini?

>sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn't
That would be his response to building 7.

Either that or:
>Lahey, this is like the trailer park of the apocalypse

OoooooHHhhh myyyyyyy juliaaaan
my handsome julian
patrick swayze you were so fuckin sexy in roadhouse
fuckin dirty dancin


holy fucking kek

Okay John Petrucci, I'm listening


>This iPod can hold over 500 songs
>Or half a dream theater album