Mental illness kino

mental illness kino

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he seemed pretty sane to me

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Pic related is great. Everyone should see a psychologist and figure themselves out.

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What About Bob doesn't get enough praise

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schizo kino

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There's a movie with Ralph Fiennes called "Spider", it really tried to show the viewer the mental state of an insane person, it's a really creepy and depressing movie.

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I liked it. Especially him living a lonely life in poverty.

I think this counts as well, we have a good few mental kinos from the UK.

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Wonder where Johnny would be now.





holy fucking based

how is a movie "reddit"?

because he's cringe

based and checked

Good taste, user.

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one flew over a cuckoos nest

Agreed. Almost entirely sane. Awesome movie, tho.

Shame is another good one.

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Possession, the story of Adele H, Camille Claudel

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Reddit movie, spastic taste

One of my favorite films of all time, but it really depresses the fuck out of me. The first time I saw it, I had this horrible feeling for days. The soundtrack and cinematography are incredible.

Only the realest know this movie

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