*Sees black person *

*Sees black person *

*Envisions an orc*

are they gonna do that scene anons?

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hope they add the scene where the orcs are fucking his love interest

stop watching hentai user

Nah, these modern biopics usually do the complete opposite. Make the figure look far more 'woke' and progressive' than they actually were.
It'll be more like
>sees Harlem Hellfighter bravely capture an entire German platoon single-handedly in WWI
>takes off gas mask to reveal it was actually a black WOMAN all along, who'd previously snuck aboard a US battleship bound for Europe to join the war
>that action gives Tolkien the inspiration for Eowyn in LotR
>evil white patriarchs at the book publishers make him alter the passages about Eowyn's 'thick, regal afro' and make her a blonde white woman instead.
>five minute monologue of Tolkien directly into the camera and criticising white privilege.

*movie tanks*


>casting bryan singer's cockholster as JRRT


at least McKellen fucked him too

Attached: kauppias.png (506x556, 34K)

Here's your director bros
known for his widely popular movies such as

Lähde omiesi matkaan
The Home of Dark Butterflies
Beauty and the Bastard

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>inb4 they make him gay

I'm so fucking tired of this dystopia we live in

Looks like Viggo

>user makes a wildly ridiculous claim
>ugh I hate the world it's such a dystopia DAE support hitler

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they knew that they couldn't give him a black wife so they found the most mexican looking white woman to play his wife.

dumb wojakposter

Actually Tolkien pretty explicitly describes Orcs as looking like Asians if you look it up.

They are described as having slant eyes and sallow skin.

shut up tyrone

The worst part about this scenario of yours,is that it's pretty plausible

>Satire, artistic form, chiefly literary and dramatic, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature
Never stop learning new things user, and remember, it's ok to keep silent when you have nothing worthwhile to say!

>hating on Lily

It was Mongolians. Do your research.


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