Well, what are your excuses?

Well, what are your excuses?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why didn't the street fighter movie work?

I can't afford tons of cocaine

cant afford rich people muscle drugs

I ain't no JCVD

Im not a rich celebrity with plenty of time on his hands


No thanks

These old rich guys definitely take testosterone therapy.

It was peak vidya kino, are you retarded?

Attached: bison.jpg (650x388, 63K)

I don't like working out because it gives you wrinkles and quite frankly it's just cope for manlets


I don't have a stupid accent

gaming used to be niche.

>with plenty of personal trainers on his hands

Not many people can afford or aspire to be a career martial artist.

Attached: IMG-20190327-WA0003.jpg (500x500, 21K)

I've given up on life and don't care anymore

>t. Overweight incel trying to cope.

I'm too lazy to lift and I do physical work so I'm in pretty good shape anyway.

here's Van Damme blowing dope and plowing used up bogged serbian turbofolk roasties

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nobody is paying me to do it

Pretty much this. Street Fighter was a boy's game. Girls hardly played video games back then, if they did it was something pleb like Donkey Kong.

based and same

he was a martial artist before he was an actor, i doubt he needs personal trainers to know how to workout

I don't like Tostitos

Is sex and money really worth all that effort?

lmao I'm none of those things, I leaned out just by eating healthy, drinking water and getting enough sleep. Girls love ottermode, sorry you got memed by a bunch of closet cases over on /fit/ ;)

We believe you

you know he's on a shitload of juice, right?

You should, cutting out shitty food and sugars isn't exactly magic

there's no point for someone like me to work out. I'm hideous and repell woman andI can't think of a more boring thing than lifting weights

but all my reddit podcasts, even the soiboi indie ones i know from some of my college filmschool friends told me it was baaaad and laughed at it but really though...what IS a street fighter?

I can't afford the steroids and HGH

>retards not realizing working out isn't just for aesthetics

kek I once borrowed Donkey Kong for the Game Boy Color from a girl in my class and never gave it back to her

why else?

I only played the really old street fighter when I was like 4 so I don't remember it pretty well but I think most of the stages were streets

My excuse for being a small fry? I'm a based as fuck bloatlord who eats every single thing that I come across weighing in at 500lbs at 7'3.5.

I don't know where to buy steroids.

I don't have the

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>>No TRUE Street Fighter movie.
Feels bad.

Attached: ca3.jpg (800x1424, 181K)

This is one of the few cases where I doubt the guy actually does steroids. You can look like this in a year of natty lifting and clean eating. He's just really lean

But it did. Niggers ruined Street Fighter for wanting it to be serious shit.

>Van Damme fucked Dragana

Absolutely based

hgh accelerates the aging process. i guess he looks better but it's just vain bullshit.

He gets paid to look like this

I love fucking whores in cosplay.

He’s 5’9” so it’s easier to look ripped.

>cutting out shitty food and sugars
This but you should also lift. Unless you enjoy being a weak bean pole.

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No matter what, any girl would rather fuck the guy on the left than the right.

your personality

I'm not an insane Belgian.


He is paid to look like that because he looked like that before he was paid.


Not him but working out has changed my life. Everything from how I sleep, feel, look, attitude, energy, etc etc. I never want to go back to the way I used to be.

there's no such thing but you're right because most people would say I have a boring personnalit but that's because that's just what I project physically.

I'm a lazy piece of shit and I've never pretended otherwise

Leg day

>you will never be a bison dollar billionaire
why even live

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that's different than growth hormone though i'm sure both help

How much weight do I really need to be able to lift in my day to day life. If I need something moved I'll pay some chumps to fuck their backs up lmao
Exactly. Face > Height > Frame

>This is one of the few cases where I doubt the guy actually does steroids.
P. much anyone who can afford test uses it after 40. It's also healthy.

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I've read two posts by you, and know there are a million exactly like you on r9k.

I'm sure those faggots are right sometimes

Left looks like a faggot in need of a heem.

At least I'm not a fat nigger.

How come guys always call pretty boys faggots? Is it a jealousy thing? do you secretly think about gorgeous guys splitting your cheeks?


not enough cammy/kylie

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I believe you Satan

>This is one of the few cases where I doubt the guy actually does steroids
>you can look like this in a year of natty lifting and clean eating
please never type anything about fitness and juice ever again.

I didn't win the genetic lottery

ok, going to gym right now! no excuses! Im getting up, packing sweatpants and going!

I'm not getting paid to be /fit/.

Her armpit game was top tier.

Yeah, you'll never make it with that attitude.

Based, lift and do cardio.

He works hard for that. You're just lazy.

Teased the fucking leotard. Say what you want about Olivia Munn but at least she delivers.

Because none of the cast and crew knew what the fuck they were doing and treated the movie as an excuse to have one massive cocaine and booze filled sex rampage through Thailand. I'm kind of jelly of them.

Steroids is probably the reason he lives in Hong Kong.

don't forget to be yourself bro

I too have an shiny 5head.

>not getting paid to be /fit/.
Work out on the clock so in essence you are getting paid to lift. that's what I do :^)

You know, a couple of years ago Schwarzenegger gave a very candid interview where he spoke about the topic of body issues in the fitness culture. Basically, back when he was in his prime and we all looked at him as the very apex of humanity, he was actually immensely insecure of his body and whenever looked at a mirror, he only saw imperfections. That mentality gave him the drive to fully immerse himself in training and hammer his body into further perfection, but at the same time gave him painful mental issues now that he is an old man, because he literally finds his aging body repugnant.

Dahnald, the delegates!

>How much weight do I really need to be able to lift in my day to day life
Enough not to come off as an effeminate pussy.

bruxism for me
as soon as I start moving too much the pain returns
it's for life apparently

So like 50lbs then?



how do you get that fucking smooth vein on the bicep goddamit that's all i want.

That's one weird fetish user.

Well, for one thing, Guile sounded like he's Belgian.

For another thing, Guile was the main character.


I like cake and sleeping

>remove glasses
>grow hair a bit
>dont shave for a couple days
>remove that gay as fuck necklace
>take a picture somewhere other than a dirty bathroom
>dont be flexing like a try hard
this will improve his pic a lot but left lucked out on genes

i have heart problems

user he had coke problems so step it up!

lol how is that the same thing

I would also blame including too many characters.

I think JCVD seems like a nice guy. Seems like a bit of lighting use in ops pic

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I'm sorry, I don't remember it being that good. For you it was the defining movie going experience of your young life. For me, it was Tuesday.

I pay 90 cents a gram for testosterone from china you can be on welfare and afford roids lol

I can and my only source of income is disability. I make a $150 order from china a couple times a year and its enough gear to blast for more than half the year and cruise (TRT) for the other half

Did Kylie do coke fueled orgies?

No. Everyone dies and degenerates go to hell

Because it had shit fight scenes. Imagine making a film based on the most simplest of things like a fighting game, and fucking that up. Also Ryu and Ken are meant to be the main characters in the franchise, and just look at the absolute state of the actors they chose for the film. This is why the Mortal Kombat was vastly superior - it had great fight scenes.

I'm still waiting for a new Street Fighter film with Scott Adkins.

Attached: BOYKA-Scott Adkins.jpg (1000x1503, 229K)

I have cancer.

milk and cookies

about 200lbs

Holy shit dude I'm not trying to pick up your mom

I was gonna miss my workout today but this thread is making me not miss it.

I've never had disposable income enough to use HGH or other steroids.

Guy on the right could snap guy on the left like a twig. Guy on left knows that and so does his girl.

I'm sorry user...

I mean he could pull it off but he's a little small, don't you think?

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My mom is 132 lbs

/fa/ and /fit/ on grindr

He fucked prime Kiley during filming
Is Van Dame the original Chad?

you asked, i answered

Dosnt matter 99% of females you know would suck his dick in a second.

i would fuck van damme no homo

Martyn Ford could be Zangief.


Attached: martyn ford.jpg (1280x960, 124K)

>spends years lifting weights and taking roids to get impressive body
>tattoos all over his hard work
I'll never understand why some lifters do this.

Nigga looks like Johnny Sins but a bucket of roids a day

Hello brothers it feels bad at first but as time goes on very nice

Tru he’s not like the left and probably much older but that hair and glasses and autism standing posture ruins him

The day you saw this masterpiece of a movie might have been the best day of your life, but foB bison it was tuesday.

Excuses for what?

>sniff sniff

Vascularity is genetic.

It's second best vidya movie after Mortal kombat. Vidya movies are just shit in gerenal.

None, I lift. Thanks for reminding my why, based JCVD.

>It's second best vidya movie after Mortal kombat.

That's Silent Hill. The Street Fighter film is just shit and has no redeeming qualities.

do it bro

Even Mortal Kombat Annihilation is better than Street Fighter.

>with plenty of steroids in my hands

I don't want to roid and destroy my health

Since I began lifting I'm convinced that the vast majority of ripped celebrities, fitness "gurus", etc. use steroids. The image they create is completely warped, and you can see it when you compare them with bodybuilders from 100 years ago.

Can't afford to eat healthy food, and especially can't afford to eat a quantity of healthy food that would support that much mass

It has great fucking acting from Raul Julia

They do roof especially the guys in marvel movies but jean Claude does especially over 35 and with that body nothing wrong with roiding at that age and roiding in general if you know how to do it

Hollywood is all smoke, mirrors and HGH breh

You can buy a bags of frozen broccoli and asparagus for less than a McDouble meal

Fuck off /fit/ gymcels. Sorry you’re too awkward to play sports or go outside.

>roid and destroy my health
And yet Van Damme is just fine at 58. Arnold and Sly are in great shape and in their 70s.
>inb4 they're rich
Most of the old school bodybuilders are alive and well and they ain't rich.

There's a very big difference between the kind of steroids they did back then, and the amount.
You won't get away with that shit nowadays.
If you really wanna juice, by all means go ahead. But don't come cryin' when you're 50 and having all kinds of health problems already.

It's actually cinéma

That’s if you don’t know how to do it and can’t cycle properly and do pct

Are you an idiot? They took a lot more gear back then than the average gym rat does. Arnold was known for eating dianabol like candy.

PCT is worse for your health than just cruising on TRT doses, actually.

I literally don't have time
>classes from 8 am to 1 pm
>have to go back home, eat and shower
>work from 4 pm to 10 pm
>have to go back gome, eat, do homework and read and sleep
Only free time is friday mornings
>inb4 weekends
Working out one day per week is absolutely worthless

Yes and that's propagated by social media as well. It's full of guys with physiques that are just not possible natty unless you're in the top 1% of genetics.

Sauce? I’m new to it and haven’t done and I’m 25 got my test levels checked and they’re good so I’m planning to do it once I’m 30

kek dick head

It's simple. When you get off the gear your test levels will plummet while your cortisol levels will shoot up even with proper PCT. This will not only affect your gains but your overall health, your mood, etc. Big shifts in hormone balance are very stressful for the body.

I gave up because no amount of muscle is going to fix my badling and my face being hideous.

So on trt there is no pct

Shave your head and grow a big beard. It works if you're jacked.

i never take tattoos so i never have to remove them.

I can't grow a beard and my face is full of blackheads and acne scars.

True I’m the same but you can be a weak balding ugly guy or a musclesr balding one and don’t shave desu

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No, because you'll have normal test levels. I cruise on a dose that puts me at about 950 ng/dl which is just on the edge of the natty range (300-1000).

Well, even so it's better to be big and ugly than just ugly.

Why? Am I going to get laid more?

Yeah there will be a higher chance

Some chicks are into brutes.

Yeah you will I have a lot of anecdotal stories but you will

>that winged scapula

Bullshit. You're telling me if I have an instagram body but male pattern balding, bad acne, facial scars, and an overal ugly as fuck face, I'd actually get laid?
Don't FUCK me on this because I hate putting in effort for no rewards.

he looked better in the before pic
what a loser

>The only reward from lifting is getting laid

Also with that attitude you're not getting laid no matter what.

>skull shape like a grey alien

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This scene is more funny than any shit from marvel capeshit.


You COULD get laid. You still need to actually talk to women and have a personality. You guys have to learn that the body is just your opener. Your mouth has to seal the deal.

Are you autistic? Of course a tall male model with a nice face and nice hair will get more women than I ever will. But you can still get laid despite being bald and ugly if you have a nice body and generally try to take care of yourself. And have a descent set of hobbies

I wonder if these coping people ever go outside. I see fat schlubs with 5s and 6s all the time.

Shave your head and lift.

People need to get off Yea Forums and stop taking the destructive blackpill

I can't really claim my charisma is 10/10 but I do tend to take care of myself. I just don't bother going to the gym. I talk to women at work everyday and they seem to enjoy conversing with me but that's as far as it goes. I am successful and make a lot of money, so that helps maybe.
As for a decent set of hobbies, I am severely lacking in that regard. I like gaming, reading and watching movies and that's about it.

It did work.
At the time I hated it. I wanted my favorite game to be treated with 'respect' like the anime did.
But looking back the movie was exactly what it should have been.

>Working out one day per week is absolutely worthless
Not true at all. Just hit all your major muscle groups in one day and give the body one week to rest. You won't make massive gains, but you'll be in a much better spot than most. What might typically be a 1-2 hour session at the gym you can turn into a 3-4 hour session over the weekend. Don't make excuses. ANYTHING is better than nothing.

>I wonder if these coping people ever go outside
They don't. One of the hottest chicks I know that the whole friend circle wanted to bang dated a 5'6 bald armenian who skipped leg day. Another 9/10 dates a fat baby-faced dork. A third hottie I know dated an ayyy lmao-looking soccer player. You can absolutely get hot chicks even if you're not all that good-looking. It's just easier to blame your genes than put any effort into yourself.

Well that’s good you can talk to them but I wouldn’t tell girls my hobbies are video games and movies maybe once they get to know you. But lots of ugly dudes with bad hair can get laid regularly you’re probably don’t as ugly and bald as you think. It’s not as a good as you think or as bad as you think

Hes like 60 and is in better shape now then ever. Lol at no roids. The average person is so clueless about lifting.

>that seething in the background

I don't know. It's just that I've never seen anyone with skin as bad as mine. The supposed ugly or fat dudes that people talk about who still get action, still seem to have somewhat clear skin most of the time.
My skin just looks completely horrid which I believe is worse than anything else.

Go to a dermatologist and get a good skincare routine

I've been consistently doing that for years.


Well post a pic of your skin

yeah bad skin is a fucking curse, believe me I know
what worked for me was getting on Accutane medication, it has some nasty side effects but my skin cleared up nicely after 2 rounds bullshynsk and forgod help me helpmeeee jhsj aaasjcj sdnwd horriol skins teeth jjkka eeeecdsac cdcc.-../'ßw

>Tfw 5’6 and was scared to leave the house because of my height and his post kills me

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post your disgusting acne user

I don’t have any I’m not that guy i still get some weird ones behind the ear thou

My excuse right here.


Like this except ten times worse. Deeper pores with blackheads so black they absorb light, and a lot more of them.

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Does she get annoying to you on that podcast or do I just hate women now?

>Working out one day per week is absolutely worthless
Better than not working out at all, faggot.
Your body starts losing its mass after the 8th-10th day, so hitting the gym one day per week is not that bad if you do push ups, air squats, calisthenics, etc. 2-3x times per week in your room before going to sleep.
Also, why not on the weekends?

How? Tell me your secrets senpai

>skin just looks completely horrid
I've always had acne issues but it's a non issue now.
The fix:
>wash your pillow cases weekly
>eat better no junk food
>work out
That's it.

The right looks like a proper rapist

You know what fine. I'll work out. I'll go hardcore for a year. I'm not sure what and when I'll be able to eat to keep up my macros but I'll figure it out somehow. If my luck doesn't turn around, I'll kick your ass at the end of the year with my new gains.

Too big and bulky he probably smashes evil angry Arab milfs

I know plenty of ugly yet fit guys from my gym who have a gf or wife, so yet it is possible you could get laid. Probably not though, as I can tell just from your posts your personality is abhorrent.
> I hate putting in effort for no rewards
Then you won't get laid, nor should you. You shouldn't even look at working out just as effort, it should be fun too.

shut up you stupid fuckign clueless fagggot

It's okay. I've had a good life. I used to be ripped. Hope you guys have a good life as well.

Don't get me wrong. I like working out. My personality is probably abhorrent, true, but working out has been fun for me in the past.
These days, however, I have very little time for it due to work. I don't even know how I'm going to eat 6-8 meals per day yet. A reward at the end merely gives me some extra incentive to justify the time spent.

Not everyone can be a Statham.

Attached: jason-statham-workout.png (1180x938, 1.21M)


Just go with this

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I workout almost everyday kek don’t tell me you guys aren’t get fit for the racewar?

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fat manlet who gave up after a month spotted

I am can’t wait till whites are killed and their women sold as slaves I’ll make a good buck on white pussy to sell

Post body

what the fuck has he been doing since I don't remember

LOL, well respect the honesty.

The good news though is that the 6 meals a day thing is kind of a myth. It only got started because old school roidheads were injecting so much stuff that they needed to eat every few hours to stabilize their crashing insulin levels, and it just got repeated as fitness mantra and no one ever questioned it. Normal people won't have to do that.

i'm working on it lads
no pics tho :P

excellent dad bod.

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I unironically saw JCVD in a supermarket in Knokke Heist once. He seemed to feel really embarassed at being recognized

>those fucking traps
Never going to make it

Would full-body workouts on saturday and sunday give me some results? Then a big dinner every weekday? Along with proper lunch, breakfast etc.

anyone who calls them "films" doesn't have a valid opinion on movies

Don’t need traps to kill whites and survive. I have outdoors skill and connection plus I’m 6’3

jesus christ

>plus I’m 6’3

>white Manlets


Body dysmorphia. Dude probably still hates himself.

>Don't FUCK me on this because I hate putting in effort for no rewards.
Your face doesn't seem to be your problem when it comes to attracting the opposite gender user. KEK


>get fit for the racewar?
Helter skelter?

You're on Television & Film, and come back when you can type better too.

his hands got bigger

>what are your excuses?
All my willpower is expended resisting suicide.

If those days are the only ones available to you...yes 2 full body workouts are still much better than nothing. By far.

Excuses for what?

Do we rate Jean-Claude's daughter?

Attached: daughtera.jpg (545x800, 75K)

Links on that story??? Never knew.

Guy on the left would make a good cast for Alita

Fine as fuck holy shit. Any more?

As amazing as SF was, Mortal Kombat was better
MK movie > SF movie > literally every other vidya movie
SF games > MK games

5"11 vs 6"0

cant you just do roids to build muscles fast then switch to natty ?

I'm just lazy. Working out is just that: WORK. Why work when I can just relax and watch cartoons instead? I'm going to die anyway.

based and waingropilled

>JCVD had too much cocaine
>Raul Julia had stage 4 cancer
>Script was written in one night
>Capcom had the final cut

Serious question for anyone hitting the gym hardcore here.
I'm taking in a lot of protein as I should, hitting my macros and shit. I find that I have the urge to jack off a lot, like I just need to relieve some pressure or some shit. Is it because I'm producing more cum or what? Anyone experience the same thing?

producing more testosterone. try not to jerk off more than once a week to maximize your gains.

Hormonal differences. It's a good thing. Exercise releases good chemicals and supports your libido, but it also makes you more aware and clearer so you have better judgment.

t. talking completely out of my ass but is my own experience


>Van Damme was spending $10000 per week in cocaine

Let's be realistic instead of brainlets. If there were a genuine safe way of doing it then every athlete would do it (legally) and there wouldn't be a problem with it.
We already know what humans are capable of and steroids push you further. Therefore sports would be a lot more entertaining because everyone be operating at an above human level. What's more, it would be an entirely level playing field because everyone would be doing it rather than select individuals, thus no one would have "the edge".
Do all steroid addicts forget that the heart is a muscle too, or do they just ignore that and hear what they want to hear, like "knowing how to do it and cycle properly"?

why not? Statham isn't especially handsome, he looks like a normie dude mostly

I lifted for 3 years 2-5 times a week, went from 0 mass to a pretty good strongman(strong but fat) physique but never got that vein and others.

So for 2 months I saw a personal trainer once a week for dietery advice and for a more optimized training routine.

Turned out I was at 22% body fat. He put me on a 1900 calories 290 protein diet. after 2 months of insane HUNGER I got down to 12-10% bodyfat and suddenly ALL of my veins were popping like a MOFO.

So imo it's bodyfat + those veins being used for years in higher volume lifts/intense cardio that require those arteries to work harder.

tldr; Just get to under 12% bodyfat and make sure your body USES those veins for pumpnig blood

Lmao cope

>tfw taking the same course as Dolph Lundgren right now

Attached: 1546119231761.jpg (961x816, 239K)

muscle of brussel

god i love this guy and i love that nickname

Tfw gave up and gained 100 pounds in a year after being in good shape and now addicted to fast food and pills

Attached: ADD86386-6B44-412D-8E75-0DDC50013814.png (513x697, 429K)

This sucked. I enjoyed mortal kombat more even tho i was a street fighter kid.

Why, man? Why'd you do this to yourself? Shameful. Better to become a skeleton and depressed than a fat fuck and depressed. Come on, man. You're not being the man zyzz knew you could be.

its called leaving humanity behind faggot

I love June. Mostly because even though I know she believes in the "woke" shit she is saying i kinda do too i can tell that sometimes she plays it up for bits sake and shes pretty good and when to push it and when to move on. It's good comedic sense and timing. And while i've never been into the idea of being in a relationship where the woman is a bit more in control thinking about a strong woman like June makes me fucking DIAMONDS.

Only the first MK movie. The second one was bad.

True it was after college football ended I was in great shape and so strong but I just woke up and ended it I ha e no hope for my life and going to comitt suicide in the summer after binge eating I usually spend 100 dollars a day on fast food too

>Why didn't the street fighter movie work?
what do you mean? it is kino

What kinda pills yo

Back in the day he used to be natty, nowadays at his age it's just impossible

OxyContin and extacsy

based delusional retard

Is that Ceca?

That's normal. Your test levels are much higher now. I remember when I was 19 and started lifting, I really had to keep myself from jumping any girl I saw on my way home from the gym.
Don't wank off and keep lifting heavy and be amazed by all the power. You'll understand pub crawls

Work out before you go to school.

>Make up crew spends 6 hours a day to remove shitty tattoo in his huge ass body
It's probably cheaper to make him CGI

Are you sure it's test and not gutter test?

Actually this is the body of someone that takes fairly good care of themselves. Protip: it’s not as easy post 35. He looks pretty good, awkward angles aside

Some guys can actually have the bald/big beard combo without being ridiculous

But 80 % of the time they're clones with glasses that smell dudes that didn't get laid since a few years at best

>Martyn Ford
why cast a manlet?

Attached: olivierrichters.jpg (960x781, 117K)

I'dont care

not really

Yeah it is

what's your source?

cringe & lowt'd