How do we add Joaquin Phoenix's Joker to this?

How do we add Joaquin Phoenix's Joker to this?

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The based clownposter

>Michael Keaton as the joker

i never knew michael keaton also played the joker in the 89 movie

The Incel

The Artist.

The gamer

>The N word

Attached: FF722406-E43F-4569-A74A-3(...).jpg (1076x1342, 134K)

The broken


as a tranny incel, this

The Umpteenth Unnecessary Reboot

The gamer.

>Michael Keaton

The Misanthrope

The Victim

The Gamer

The queen

Attached: 1554465775136.png (305x440, 212K)

>Michael Keaton

The Tragedy.

The Sneed

The Jogger

Attached: joaquin-phoenix-the-joker-movie-runs.jpg (300x300, 109K)

The runner

The Kinosseur

The statistician

Basé Michel Quiton.

The I'm gonna say it

The Joker (lets be honest, its this. hes he closest to the real philosophy of comic and cartoon joker. its all a joke. laugh.)

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The Cuck

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The Pagliacci.

What do we call them? They need a group name so everyone knows what they’re about. That they’re insane and also clowns and work well together as a posse of some kind.
I know!
The Aristocrats!



That fits

Leto is just pure cringe.

the runner

Nicholson is the mobster. Leto is the gangster. Phoenix is the average Joe, guy next door.

ultra kek

The seed and feed

Tip top lel.

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the gamer

The chuck



I don't get it?

You're a literal retard if you think Ledger Joker was an anarchist.

That was just part of it. He was an evil piece of shit who liked to make people kill other people, destroying their idea of who they are. He rarely exhibits an emotion throughout the film other than sadistic predatory glee. He's a psychopath.

Anarchy was just his vehicle for making the kingdom of hell on earth.

The Jogger


leftists rarely do

And thats why he’ll be the most objectively sympathetic one, and why women will irrationally hate him the most.

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>a joke

Who is he ating?

I'm not leftisit at all, just hadn't thought of it that way.

I thought it was a math joke or something.


wow, I never thought about it like that dude

Hot soccermom

He was an agent of Chaos.

The Wigger

the realist

He was just a humble tangerine bandit


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I thought he was an engine of chaos?

damn Scott... interesting take

You wait for the movie to come out first.

You literally just projected your inner desires onto him. He doesnt kill anyone without purpose of helping him reach his goal.
You’re objectively wrong. Have sex.

The Pagliacci

found the incel

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His goal is to prove how people are evil pieces of shit deep down, who have no qualms with killing and just pretend otherwise.

This is what the whole two boats thing was about, even though he's proved wrong.

His whole deal is that in times of stress people crack, like he clearly did. Hence his line "whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger."

He's a bad, bad dude. The kingdom of God refers to the internal world of goodness and love, where as he thinks there's no such thing inside people, only evil and viciousness - hence the kingdom of hell.

Everything moves towards that goal. That's why he's alone at the top of that tower. Nobody wants that but him.

Anarchism has nothing to do with that. It's about getting rid of government and questioning power.

He wanted chaos because it reveals peoples "true" character as he saw - that is, murderers and killers who are out for themselves

The faggot

suicide squad is 100 times better than 'the dark knight' and this remake joker bullshit

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I misread one of your sentences that changed the whole thing. You right, you right.

this. this is so true. this. leto's joker was the best rendition when you look at character.

lie down. breath.

The hipster contrarian answer as its best

t. John Boyega

nice reddit spacing, faggot

look at letos script and character development and tell me that it's not the best done yet.

and there's nothing wrong with being a 'hipster' so don't get angry.

Found the white knight or roastie

"I'm morbidly obese and ugly but girls don't like just because all girls are evil"

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nothing from suicide squad was better than

Wow, slow down there with the projection.

the only reson people liked the dark knight is because heath ledger died halfway through and it made it 'all sad n tragic' ok whatever i dont care i prefer better acting like leto

If someone answers with 'stop projecting' it's probably because the projection was true.

Just fuck off to reddit or r9k incel

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Leto joker was a literal cuck

Who hurt you?

>the only reason
nice projection
people liked TDK because it was a very good crime thriller movie not only some capeshit adaptation

Dispite being 13% percent of the populatino
They commit
violent crimes

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>Just fuck off to reddit or r9k incel
stop projecting

It’s breathe

says the kind of person who thinks high testosterone is good and women belong in the kitchen etc. 'cuck'

>I thought it was a math joke or something.

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Is he a gay man?

Hi. same person here. I'm gay. Just wanted to know if in louis was gay?

it's almost like the joker is a fictional character

Beavers have lips beneath their large front teeth so they can avoid drowning

>blue check

obviously is

what character development? are you delusional?

The fuck does one thing have to do with the other.

The Baybee

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The Incel

You don't have to be either call you out on your misogynistic fuckery. The fuck do you care whether women'll find him unsympathetic?

This one, finally a relatable one.

Saw this in another thread

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The Incel

th only good answer

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the soize... of a tangerine



This scene will be the most kino of all time
