why are americans always portrayed as the cool people in movies? Are americans really just cooler than us?
Why are americans always portrayed as the cool people in movies? Are americans really just cooler than us?
theres more of us, so it's easier to find someone cool to put in front of a camera.
Compensating for insecurities.
>cooler than us
than who? are the movies that you watch made there? they aren't portrayed that way in Europe
Yeah we're for sure cooler then most people, it almost gets a bit tiresome though having to be the life of the part all the time. My nickname is Edgelord because I'm always on the cutting edge of coolness. I tried giving myself a nickname like "cool dude" but edgelord just stuck for some reason
Well, think about American culture. Self made millionaires, liberty, guns, fast cars, big trucks. Those seem pretty cool to a lot people
My mom says I'm cool.
Compared to everybody else, we are the coolest.
Nothing personnell
It's not so much that we're cool (we are) but that you guys are so uncool.
You guys all absorbed our popular culture wholesale as the epitome of coolness. You desperately copy us and want to be us. So it's really your own fault.
genuinely speaking more cool things come from america than anywhere else
debate me fuckos
Yes. The world follows our culture trends.
god damn loch ness monsta
i bet you that cop just wanted an excuse to go full bush wookie while working
In an increasingly globalised world it's inevitable local cultures will die out in favor of a dominant (American) culture. So yeah, no wonder people want to get it from the source rather than the dilute version mixed with the remnants of their dying culture.
I love how foreigners obsess over us and don’t even charge rent.
portrayed as cool in movies made by americans
they just wish we thought they were cool
That slut is so fucking hot. Who is she
She’s kind of fat lol
The better question is why is the rest of the world so uncool? Do you guys even try? We drew a dick on fucking MARS for the hell of it.
...he said, having watched enough American movies to feel confident in making that statement.
I love tcap!
>6 or 7 policemen employed just to catch a guy who wanted to fuck an imaginary 15 year old
I'm really sure burgerland doesn't have more serious problems to solve
nah, you're right
Yes, especially black americans, they're the coolest of cool.
It's a tv show, a literal show of force. They want everyone to think 6 cops are coming after you for anything you do online.
Why go through all that effort of wearing a ghillie suit to ambush him when the other cops would've just arrested him anyway?
Honestly the coolest thing about America is the guns, it's also the shittiest part because retards who have no business around guns can also have them
Ok pedo
Life is generally cooler in the US. It's like Europe was designed to suck all the fun from life. Want a car to go on a nice drive? 1500eur license, shit box cars and still expensive, tiny roads and overpriced gas. Want your own place? Better earn 6 times the rent and have 10 ancestors backing you up. A big house or a fun vacation? Get fucked, wages are shit unless you're a fucking trader.
Yes we are, and its without effort and thats your countrys problem (any country). We have problems but compared to the rest of the planet we are leagues ahead of everyone on a cool level.
Fuck shithole 3rd worlders
Fuck europoors
And FUCK communism
It's a double edged sword for sure...but also
based and freedompilled
Based ghillieman.
We’re only uncool when we forget to resist authority. That’s our history and passion. Lefties, influenced by betafags from other countries, were quickly making us uncool. Electing Donald Trump made us pretty cool again.
This. European """""culture""""" has unfortunately rubbed off on a good portion of Americans and they think being a fag is cool for some reason. 3rd worlder is a hard virus to eradicate too though. Pretty much have to force whiskey and fried food down their gullet and hand them a shotgun until they man up.
Milhouse is not a meme
You're cucks who stayed with a tyrannical government, americans are chads who said fuck off and made their own home.
>being a shitter afraid of pvp
>why are americans always portrayed as the cool people in american movies?
>are americans really just cooler than us?
Who's "us"? Also Americans are usually portrayed as dumb in the rest of the world.
If you are not Italian, then yes
>We have problems but compared to the rest of the planet we are leagues ahead of everyone on a cool level
Yeah, sure.
I'd be okay with it if you gave kids guns too, I don't like the idea of them being defenseless in class
Teachers should be allowed to carry. Some already do.
>americans are chads who said fuck off and made their own home
And then mortgaged their house to Israel, essentially becoming slaves to another tyrannical government.
You tell me
Christcucks and their bullshit strikes again.
hot take: women in clothes are way hotter than naked women (unless said naked woman is standing one meter from you).
Who’s this thicc thot
>my wife made friends with some lesbians
>went to their meetings
>left him for another man
I thought he was going to cry about them turning her into a lesbian, subverted.
Another one, women look hotter in masks.
Is that even a hot take? It's pretty obvious... It's the mistery of it all.
The good kind
cry more mohammad
unironically t h i c c
got damn swamp thing outta nowhere
>this is so cool
>FINALLY get to use this
>im on TV too fuck yes so badass
>OK here he comes
why are europeans always considered smelly?
it's not the people, it's the places/facilities. Public transportations stinks everywhere in Europe.
>America doesn't have universal healthcare!
And as a eurofag, you should thank your lucky stars. When we do go, (And even though I'm against it, its pretty much inevitable that we will adopt universal healthcare at some point) your costs are going to fucking skyrocket. America subsidizes healthcare costs for the rest of the world. That's why something like insulin is so fucking cheap in Europe but is like 550 bucks for 10 day supply of an out of patent brand like Humalog. Once the US starts negotiating the price with drug companies all that cheap medicine goes bye-bye.
I've noticed a lot of girls wearing these white nationalist masks lately
in the Netherlands, we learn to not piss on our hands
It's the hobos.
WTF is that 94%? Tunisia?
The irony in Europe being that while they get more time off, they make less money and so have absolutely no way to spend it on travelling.
No we aren't that cool. Some people are but most aren't. I'd say our defining traits are being friendly and being fat.
my parents just came back from SF and told me it was "The Walking Dead"-tier in terms of filth and hobos. But yeah transportation stinks here because hobos piss and sleep in there.
Except traveling within Europe. As much as I would like to dismiss economic pacts as meme's the EU has done it's job making the European market homogenous.
Norwegians have it pretty good though, they have time off AND money
that's turkey
tunisia ist where the african coast angles southwards just across italy
Raiders fan from 2016
in terms of transportation yes but everything else is comparable to the US for half the wages
High amounts of homeless is bad for society but great for the real estate market. Remember kids, anybody who tells you what's best for the market is best for the society is fucking retarded.
The problem with feminism of any kind (even the seemingly morally decent 1st wave) is that it breaks the natural social contract between men and women that has existed (up until 100 or so years ago) for millennia.
Women give up familial fulfillment for careers that men only enjoy because it gives them money to take care of their family. Feminism destroyed the nuclear family and it is slowly eating away at Western culture as a result.
kek you're definitely a burger
define "us"
Americans are the least coolest people you could ever meet. Collar popping, baggy khaki slacks wearing squares most of em. Even the NYC hipster types like The Strokes were contrived and try hard as fuck.
No one outside of America finds these people remotely "cool". But they are way too lacking in intelligence, irony or self-awareness to realise it.
because they are. They rarely bathe and when they do they don't use soap.
t. traveled all over Europe as a lad.
you took showers with europeans as a lad?
>Collar popping, baggy khaki slacks wearing
Looks like whatever shithole you are in just finally got out 90s tv shows.
>implying europeans have showers
in the middle or every european town there's a fountain, that's where they bathe three times a year
yeah like in Britain where they are really worried about knife control and being insensitive to Muslims but raping children is not a big deal really.
That is true.
The Nordic model only works however because they are small countries with a homogenous ethnic population that share the same values and cultural identity. Social safety nets are beneficial at that point (not having to pay for national defense is also a large plus) because a society that values hard work can afford to help a few citizens down on their luck.
I don't think the Nordic model would ever work here in Burgerland because of the incredible amount of different cultures and ethnicities (even just regionally since the US is so massive) but we certainly can learn and should emulate their top tier education system.
compared to yuropoors burgers are way cooler, anyone from south american and even aussies are cooler than burgers tho
Cool is a false ideal created to sell you something.
Commiefornia literally thinks taxing more people for more programs somehow helps society as a whole and doesn't screw everybody.
They also happen to have the highest homelessness rate and population in the US. I wonder why.
who is this girl and goes she do anal?
To be fair, using too much shampoo or soap is actually bad for you in the long run.
that and the Norwegians have that oil money. But coming from France, Norway looks like a country 20 years further in the future (in a good way)
Yes yes, tell me again (((white man))) how I'm not white.
Fag detected
No, but I do (top)
Their women are also retardedly, naturally hot with minimal makeup.
Gun control beliefs are predicated on the idea that if you take away the guns from rural whites, then urban blacks will stop killing each other.
That and just general tyrannical aspirations.
>Anal sex
Not even once, user.
nothing gets my dick harder than bitches who look and act like this
i'm doomed
Based retarded burger
It’s very overrated and a literal shit hole
The fuck?
Every European I've ever met has traveled extensively and were able to do so when they were in their late teens or early twenties.
If you're not from a rich family, good luck doing that in a new world country
>not being married to an OCD buttslut that spends an hour in the shower getting her asshole spotless for you
based oil
How old was she when she was molested?
YOU'RE A LOOSE CANON, SWAMP COP. But a damn fine officer.
I was super into anal until I was actually with a girl that let me do it fairly often. Quickly realized how superior pussy is in every single way. Now it’s been years since I’ve stuck my dick in a shithole and I miss it dearly.
Why do you miss it if pussy is superior to you?
All ghilled up!
>even aussies are cooler than burgers tho
Kek you should come here, there are spergs everywhere
>marries a beaner
>gets betrayed
Yea Im thinking this was a mexican problem not an american one.
Fuck you
He’s not honest with himself about being a fag
>white nationalist
ok this is funny shit if it's true
it's nice to have the option.
I had forgotten Turkey was a thing.
Just like the rest of western civilization