Brexit should be cancelled because the Remain campaign didn’t understand Facebook

>Brexit should be cancelled because the Remain campaign didn’t understand Facebook

The underlying seething of this movie is incredible.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Iraq_War

>Brexit the tv show
>Mums make porn
>contant clownworld of BBC news
>probably some shit tv show about the monarchy
>having to pay for a liocence to watch any of these
Why is British TV so shit

You forgot


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where are you from user?

>Tusk proposes 12 months extension
OK, as a European, I'm enraged now. Fuck Tusk and fuck May.
Fucking leave already.
Fucking fuck off, kindly.


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Most countries have a TV license. Those that don't have some form of public TV service funded by taxes.

sauce on tune pls

When they established the EU decades ago, did they mention how fucking hard it would be to leave it?

This film wasn't anti Brexit at all.

So you have to pay a fee to watch any of the shit T.V. I have a crazy idea; don't watch them and you don't have to pay.

it was totally different back then purely trade

Psh they started it as a Coal and Steel Comission for a bunch of Lowlands countries and then slowly grew it from there. They're smart fuckers sleepwalking everyone into a new superstates

>purely trade
>implying the issues with BREXIT aren't trade related
>implying the EU isn't still mostly about trade

Which network made this? And why does it have such an underlying theme of fury

>this thread again and again

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It's like any other kind of divorce.
You setup a lot of shit jointly that you have to unravel when you leave.
You cannot have one without the other.

>implying the EU isn't still mostly about trade
While true, the regulations imposed by the unelected EU courts by EU MPs that don't understand what they're voting for are the biggest problem.

> "guys we're going to start using a single currency, change your money to Euros"
> "guys you have to take in refugees"
> "guys you have to pay for these failing countries in the EU"
> "guys btw we're letting anyone from any shithole become an EU citizen so then you have to let them enter and settle in your country by law"
> "guys we need to start building an EU army"
Oh yeah, it's just trade, really.

MR SPEAKER I wish to remind the Remain camp that the UK voted to LEAVE the European Union and this Parliament has sought to UNRAVEL that vote at every opportunity.

I would take this time to also REMIND my Honourable Friends that I have previously put forward a motion for them to SUCK MY BALLS if they don't like democracy but none of my Honourable Friends have taken this offer, thank you Mr Speaker.

>the guy reads out the start of the Navy Seal pasta
That's just fuckin' fantastic

That's what you got from the movie?


Did you even read what I was replying to? The EU didn't start out as a political union you twat, we enter it when it was purely a customs union.




thank you Mr Honourable Speaker

They tried to make the Brexit campaign look corrupt and dangerously tech savvy which manipulated people.

In the real world, it is called ‘online marketing’. Companies do it all the time.

Funny how Remainers call Brexiteers old but they’re the boomers who don’t understand social media and instead point the finger at Russia because Democrats did.

>did they mention how fucking hard it would be to leave it?
There's nothing preventing Britain from leaving apart from retarded British politicians, it's not like EU paratroopers are going to storm the isles because reasons.

Exactly. The EU have done their part.
It's Westminster that is divided on what to do next.

*checks calendar*

ayo u pussy ass brits didn't leave yet?? lmaooooo oh no no nooooo

Extremely yankish post.

what did he mean by this?

I’m from England, Kraut

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Seriously. Shit or get off the pot. Either way, everyone involved will look stupid.


>they voted yes
>the only thing stopping them from leaving is the brits being too retarded to figure out how
>let's make a thread everyday blaming everyone else for the clusterfuck brexit is

Yea Forums should start a campaign to stop people from paying their tv license, would be something fun to meme against and a worthy cause.

remember when this site used to do fun things?

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BREXIT is a mistake no matter how much you deny it.
All your reasons for leaving are braindead retarded.
It will only make the country worst.



The Christchurch thing was pretty fun.

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>haha reply to my epic bait

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Merkel let in 3 million migrants and then continentals started getting run over and blown up.


You people seem awfully butthurt and obsessed with what is, according to you, supposed to be a terrible movie. Every single day you make a new thread just so all the salty pro-Brexit people can gather around and bitch and whine about it. Don't you have better things to do?

Yeah but happenings die quickly this could go on for ages, imagine all them seething media people.

Leaving the EU political project is a good. It's an overcentralising, overcontrolling, undemocratic mess. Leaving the single market is a stupid idea.

Yeah all those pakis in the 70s and 80s were clearly Angies fault

makes a nice change from every other sight on the entire web where salty anti brexit people gather around literally fucking everything and bitch and whine about it. Why don't you go and join your friends on reddit, instagram, or facebook

Integrating your economy to a large single market and then leaving it is hard. At this point it's british domestic politics that's causing the problems.

Immigrants are a non issue hyped up by opportunistic populists that if given the chance would destroy the continent for the 3rd time.
Fine, get on with it and fuck off then.

>i can't comprehend the anger against globalism in general and how the Brexit vote was perfectly timed to vent that bottled up anger when there was no other avenue to do so because speaking against globalism has being semi illegal

There's nothing hard in leaving, it's the Tory government being a complete shitshow where they didn't even get a consensus on what they wanted to achieve in the exit negotiations and now find themselves backed to a corner because not even their coalition wants the deal the government negotiated.

I'm sure the UK won't start importing Muzzies by the score to make up for all those Poles. It'll all be Australians and kiwis, no doubt.

No they're a pretty big issue. You dumb leftypol's just won't dare to attempt to understand the world outside of material dialects. People don't care about economics when their country is being settled dumbass. Didn't African decolonisation teach you that?

Muslim immigrants had been coming to Europe since the 1950s but Islamic terrorism only started in 2000s.

Maybe it has more to do with America destroying the middle east. And they are only attacking us because they cannot reach America.


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how about we just don't import anyone. Crazy eh?


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I lived near a Church converted to a Mosque for 5 years.
Muslims are a non issue.

probably more to do with them reaching critical mass and getting into their 3rd generation where their descendants feel comfortable enough to know they aren't getting chucked out

To be honestly im pretty sure ((((they're)))) cooking up a way for the next big global conflict to happen so that UK can put brexit on "hold" indefinitely.

>undemocratic mess.

Says the county that can't even get their own exit deal passed in parliament and has undemocratic body like House of Lords in it.

the Anglo is an inferior race that deserves to be extinct!

No it doesn't. Stop trying to make a monster out of normal people. It's pathetic and ironically almost makes you look more like a monster.

The fact thats a non issue to you shows just how lost you are! You are being settled and replaced and you lived right by a living breathing example of it and saw it as nothing! Perhaps if you screwed your fucking head on you'd realise that it doesn't matter how nice the immigrants can be they aren't us! A country is supposed to be a homeland not a fucking economy dumbass!

Muslims get allong great with all of their neighbors, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Confucianists etc. Great point


What next? Communism has never been tried? There’s no such thing as gender? Islam is a religion of peace?

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>bleurgh its all americas faults but don't blame any of the brown people cos that makes you a monster but blaming America and ourselves doesn't make us a monster in the eyes of the muslims

Real fucking braniac aren't you?

I can't wait for the Norf to awaken and sack Londinium.

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>Can literally see it happening before his very eyes with the goal of economics in mind - whole towns once ethnic are now immigrant across Europe but nvm don't wanna be racist!

why was this even made, who cares about politics in 2019 lol

Do bongs really think people will miss them?

>What next? Communism has never been tried?
Don't care for it.
>There’s no such thing as gender?
Idpol is propaganda to attack the left.
>Islam is a religion of peace?
I'm not saying it is harmless. But it's not demonic either. It is just the same as Christianity and other religions.
Ultimately they are just normal people trying to live their lives.

>Stop trying to make a monster out of normal people
The Koran is worse than Mein Kampf

Yes it is all America's fault. Trying to deny that is just dishonest. They literally destroyed multiple ME countries in the span of two decades.

Demographics aren't changing in Western countries and there is no Islamic terrorism in Europe or the US. Why lie about easily observed facts?

>immigration should be limited
>the Polish immigrate
>therefore excluding the Polish will limit immigration!
Yeah, sounds like a fine plan.

you sound like the god damn canadians. naive motherfuckers that are just coasting by on luck and feels, and then they'll be crying when something bad happens wondering what went wrong

And you sound just like the kind of terrorist sympathizer that would approve of the cold blooded massacre of innocent people, young and old, that have done nothing wrong besides being a certain shade of brown.

no i don't lol

Fucking this, "ever closer union" is literally the official goal of the EU. All our current problems stem from the fact it's not just a trade agreement, it's a wannabe federation.

and that attitude is why many muslims think its fine to attack western civilians en masse. It would happen 10x more often where it not for a 24/7 security effort 365 days of the year. They guard christmas markets with machine guns now. This is not a normal situation and it is not fine by the majority of people.

People who despise themselves will be despised by others.

Brexit clearly shows that if you give the British people the option to limit immigration they will limit it. When besides brexit are they given that option? doesn't mean they shouldn't have taken it with brexit

The HoL is the upper house and has limited powers. Absolutely because Theresa May is a terrible PM and the Tory party don't know what they want.

lmao who could forget the great jihad held against china during the finno korean hyper war

you need to read the book they're preaching in that converted church you dingus. You think these posts on Yea Forums are bad you got another thing coming

Chinese put them in camps but another great point from you

>China's literally putting them in camps after several huge massacres perpetrated by Muslims with knives in which hundreds were killed or injured

Yeah they love each other

We studied the Koran in Catholic middle school.
It wasn't anything much.

Muslims don't even get along with other types of Muslims.

Never underestimate British Parliamentary incompetence.

>We studied the Koran in Catholic middle school. It wasn't anything much.

If you didn't study it in a mosque or a madras you aren't getting the whole picture. Modern western scholarship is NOTORIOUSLY cowardly and deferential when it comes to the Quran (mostly because there are serious repercussions if academics aren't)

nobody fucking supports what that idiot at christchurch did man. nobody, not even here. I mean we might joke about it but fuck, NO. Not really... I mean, that was an awful no matter what. 50 people died. Fuck that racist idiot. It's war of ideas not guns and bullets. And even if it was a violent war you don't kill noncombatants dishonorable with no warning. But the guy that did it clearly thought his way of life and homeland was being invaded and encroached upon and can you blame him for feeling that way? No. Not at all. It doesn't make what he did right, but he did have valid reasons for it. If whites lived in their own ethnostates and muslims lived in their own ethnostates this shit wouldnt happen. Terrorism in general wouldn't happen as much. Hate crimes wouldnt happen. We've tried the multicultral bullshit and it does not work. The humane race isn't mature enough for it yet. We'll try again in 100 or 1000 years.

Exactly. Anti-EU sentiment isn't jonly to do with immigration. Look at the Visegrad 4 countries. Only Austria has significant immigration.

You've made this thread like a hundred times, you seem quite upset yourself

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Yeah, the poles are just a warmup i suppose. Given the trajectory of brexit, maybe in 20 years when the rest of your country is as brown as London you'll finally have decided to do something about the real problem(by do something i mean decide to do something and have parliament begin to follow through).
You'll have bendy bananas in the interim though and that's what sovereignty is all about, innit?
What a fucking farce.

Look at the origins of the AfD in Germany, arguably the country that has benefitted most from the EU.


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Serious question why dont the UK just break the union, england and wales can just leave and the NI border wont be an issue.

Based never ending brexit threads (Just like real neverending brexit)

>Serious question why dont the UK just break the union, england and wales can just leave and the NI border wont be an issue.
I and I think a lot of other English people wouldn't give a shit if Northern Ireland left. They are nothing but a drain anyway.

>nobody fucking supports what that idiot at christchurch did man. nobody, not even here.
Delusional. Just try going to /pol/ and implying that he was in the wrong for killing innocent people and the niggers will come out of the woodwork going >mudslimes >innocent, muh invaders etc.

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>American public television: hand puppets singing dumb a, b, c songs to toddlers
>British public television: interracial porn

The Middle East is at peak dysfunction because Europe divided it up post WW1 in the most retarded way possible and paved the way for Wahabism to take over thanks to the House of Saud taking over Arabia.

I believe theyre required by law to pay. I at least know theyre required to fund the bbc

Is this because the politicians make money off of EU trade deals? Why do they care so much about the EU. Especially when Trump is offering to put UK at "the front of the que" (a shot at Obama). If UK struck a good trade deal with the US, it would automatically make them the most dominant economic entity in Europe. They're just too scared of the faggy Londoners getting butthurt over muh Drumpf.

>The Middle East is at peak dysfunction because Europe divided it up post WW1 in the most retarded way possible
Yep, also a reason for so much civil war in Africa. Europe has had a habit of creating or dividing countries up with zero thought to the history of various ethnic or religious groups.

The Brexit should be cancelled because its honestly embarassing at this point.
>day 1015 since the Brexit vote.
>still nothing.

Wrong. You don't have to pay a license fee if you don't own a tv (you also get half price if you are blind lmao)

Yeah, the middle east wasnt a shit hole full of savages cutting each other's heads off until 2002.

And for some reason, this means that Europe MUST take them all in and destroy their own culture in the process.
>literally committing suicide because you hate America
Brilliant lads you all are.

What a low IQ post. (((They))) dont need to invent anything to avoid Brexit, theyre just gonna not to do it

Dude its literally EU policy, its in the books

I just think it's funny when a Euro tries to dump the problem entirely at America's feet. The US is far from blameless, but it kicked the hornet's nest that Europe very much created.

>Yeah, the middle east wasnt a shit hole full of savages cutting each other's heads off until 2002.
The first Islamic suicide bombing took place against American troops stationed in like the late 70s. The concept is very new and was a desperate response to western invasion.

Pic related, Iran in the 60s

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Jesus christ i could write a more ignorant post if i were trying to parody you

Iraq in the 70s

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Eu army>Nato

More like some chic bit of Tehran.

100 years have passed after WW1. Still haven't gotten their shit together.

That seems kind of stupid. One reason why you guys can actually afford shit like good public healthcare is because the US handles the whole global security thing and by far contributes the largest bulk of NATO support. Just how big is this army planned to be? How much tax money will it gobble up?

Just look at any middle eastern country then and now, look at Syria

>100 years have passed after WW1. Still haven't gotten their shit together.
Yeah and thats what happens when you divide countries like that, these divisions run deep. Same with places like Northern Ireland

reddit post

I can't help but notice the success of the Iranian Revolution. The country certainly had a pro-Westeen leader, but the fundamentists also had the fucking of support needed to completely undo all of that, and it didn't come out of nowhere.

>Eu army
Will never be anything more than a token force. If Germany won't spend 2% of GDP on its own forces, it's not pay to create an EU army

Yea Forums anons will defend the Unabomber and shooters because they cant get laid, but will act confused why a Middle Eastern person would attack the nations that directly and intentionally plunged their wealthy nations into theocratic anarchy

>The country certainly had a pro-Westeen leader
You mean an American puppet

That's a pretty broad and thus indefensible statement.

Geordies rise up

American puppet is a subcategory of pro-Western, so what's your point?

EU army is about internal control, not Russia.
Why send Greece money, convince Hungary to take in migrants or tell Italy they don't like their budget when they can just send in German or French troops to "maintain order"

>The Ottoman empire ruled most of the Arab world for 100s of years before the British and the French.
>Iraq and Syria were basically battlegrounds for the Ottomans and Persians for 100s of years.
But again this ignores agency on behalf of the Middle Easterners they made shitty choices and didn't get their act together.

My point is why then would it be any mystery where the fundamentalists got their support from

>not defending Timothy McVeigh instead, who had a perfectly logical argumentation

why didn't the UK make a plan before they invoked Article 50?
like did they just decide to "do it, we'll figure out the detail later"?

Have you never postponed your homework to the last minute?

Yeah better to be ruled by theocrats and revolutionaries who steal everything than Pro-Western leader.

Point being that people are eager to blame the middle east for being violent, but are radicalized over much less than what they're dealing with over tgere

Maybe it'll be something everyone else has to pay for. That'd be a fun shit show to watch.

>if Greece can't pay us in money then it will pay with the blood of its sons
>mass conscription ensues

The first suicide bombers were in the French-Algerian War

false dichotomy

yes, but I'm not running a country with 60 millions people neither

>tfw looking at pictures of Syria in the 70s
Genuinely feel so bad for my middle eastern bros. You could have been great.

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There was a plan or at least a workable exit. EEA-EFTA. Theresa May and the hard breiteers, along with some remainer help, decided that this wasn't brexit enough



That's what happened. Look up EIKO, the supreme leader's own


Well some people postpone their bachelors thesis to the last couple of days, just increase the scale further and further.

from butthurt upper class muslims with cash to burn, same way as lobbyists do in the west.

But I thought diversity was strength? Idiotically partitioning pieces of land into countries should lead to better countries (diverse) as opposed to natural homelands (undiverse, boo!). Are you telling me diversity plus proximity leads to strife?

Yes we have our “dads google history” and other cringey garbage but it seems to he mostly confined to sbs

Fuck the honorable speakers mum

Then why not overthrow the guy and install their own foward-thinking ruler? Because conservative Islam had a hell of a lot more pre-existing support Amon the people than Western progressive thought did.

I think that all those genius second generation American immigrants I went to school with, who got all those pretty degrees, could probably go and refound some good states over there

Yes but I mean it shouldn't be a choice between western puppets and the chaos that followed. Western puppets shouldn't have been there in the first place and there wouldn't have been so much support for reactionary fundamentalism

Why aren't they just leaving? It has been 2 years.

>Are you telling me diversity plus proximity leads to strife?
It some cases, yes. I never said otherwise

>your country turned into a playground for superpowers
feel bad man

>it's not like EU paratroopers are going to storm the isle
i'm disappointed

the poor people were islamists and the rich liberals were wanking off to idealized communism, guess who won
talk to anyone from north tehran they are leftist in outlook

There wasn't a plan becase the referendum was held to rule out once and for all the possibility of leaving the EU.
David Cameron, the prime minister at the time who declared the referendum was a hardline remainer, his government spent some unholy sum sending a glossy booklet to every home in the UK explaining why they should freely choose to vote remain. The plan was that we'd vote remain and never speak of it again.
Unfortunately, everyone underestimated the power of disenfranchised northerners and the Welsh, so we voted to leave and had to scrabble together a plan for actually doing so in a very short time. Obviously we couldn't do that effectively.

It's pretty stupid of the ME to suicide bomb a bunch of Westerners instead of improving their own countries. The Unibomber was crazy but he didn't try blowing up the Kremlin.

>America forced Muslims to act like savages
>America forced Europe to take in millions of Muslims savages
Would you third-worlders just have some personal responsibility for once in your entire existence?

But user, every single militant and guerilla faction in the Middle Easy DOES have a plan for establishment and improvement of their nations, and they DO blow up people buildings and cars over it

>blow up your own infrastructure
you are literal niggers

Actually yeah, the UK and the US literally did radicalize, equip, and put into power theological degenerates, with the express purpose of making the Middle East too unruly to rule and erode any capability for alliance and contribution to the USSR

Well at least when the yellow man inherits the earth from us they will know how to maintain their “civilisations”

>Yeah so, we noticed when we convert your old prices into euros they don't come out as round numbers.. Oh well, nobody likes decimals, we'll just round up :)
>Salaries are ok the way they are tho

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And that desire for internal reform is very understandable. It's lashing out at America and Europe that is so stupid because all it does is invite air strikes on their retarded ass.

Did all of the Soviet countries need 4+ years of "negotiations" with Russia to break away from the Soviet Union?

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>They were sent by email on April 3rd, 2017 to a high-ranking aide in Putin's administration calling for concrete "support" for Frohnmaier, 28.

>The analysis describes Frohnmaier's chance of being elected as "high" and an assessment of his potential value to Moscow: "We will have our own absolutely controlled MP in the Bundestag."

>millions of people can be radicalized by a Coca Cola ad
Not saying much for your people, are you?

>be America
>cooperate with Saudis, known terrorist enablers for decades
>complain about having to deal with said terrorists while continuing to back Saudis
What did Americans mean by this?

based retard poster


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How do you not realise the same comparisons are going to be made about England and the US and Sweden in a future where whites are a minority in the countries they have lived in for centuries or millenia in the case of all of europe.
Its not about Islam its about race brown people just happen to have lots of muslims

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Our politicians are soulless idiots, this is not news.

That was the choice that existed. The Shah, who for all his faults was genuinely attempting to modernize. All such modernizing attempts in developing countries engender a reactionary backlash. Khomeinei was that backlash. Iran should've stuck with the modernizer.

based brainlet

>known terrorist enablers for decades
What do you mean terrorists? I thought Muslims were peaceful?

You dont understand the Middle East at all. They were actually destabilized and radicalized on purpose by the US and UK governments, though its a mess, the intent of the terrorism is literally to scare the West out of the region
Youre right its a degenerate cycle of destruction and terrorism though

>What do you mean terrorists? I thought Muslims were peaceful?
This might blow your mind here user, terrorist ≠ muslim

Sure, its an awful plan, I agree
Wtf lol?

>they radicalized us by helping us defeat the Soviets
>they radicalized us with Coca Cola
>Americans sold us guns, so of course we had to kill Americans
These are literally your sides arguments. Literally nigger tier.

For the purposes of this argument I don't give a flying fuck if mudslimes are all literally Hitlers of if they're all mother Theresa, the fact is that America has consistently backed one of the worst supporters of Islamic terrorism in the world, nigger.

Lmao you are very fuckin stupid.
Pro tip: one is being invaded right now by Russia

shoo shoo brainlet

>the us purposely uninstalled it's own puppet monarch

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>they radicalized us by helping us defeat the Soviets
Wrong, they specifically helped radicals defeat the Soviets.

The middle east has been a civil war fueled shit hole since Mohammad. Pure savages, and the only time period you can point to in which they were successful is when they were emulating Western nations and ruled by Western "puppets". You people make no sense.

user, I don't think I understand. There is more to reality than simple good vs. evil?

>Remain had a campaign that was labelled project fear
>This movie tries to claim it was the leave party instilling fear
Are they fucking retarded, the real reason the remainers lost was because they gave zero credible reason to stay in the EU

That's exactly what they did with both Sadam and Noriega.

I thought younger people voted more for remain though?


>slaughtering every non-Muslim and Muslims who follow the wrong sect
>Golden Age

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Who do you think is still actively using Facebook?

Saddam outlived his usefulness by rejecting the hand and going after Kuait. Dunno about the other guy.

1. No. See the other reply.
2. Just because Western ideals are ideal doesnt mean the West didnt intentionally subvert and destroy the region and its vast successful 20th century development with a targeted campaing of national destruction
Like dude I agree they are best westernized, but the UK and US came to destroy not to grow. The current Western plan for Middle Eastern peace is literally Greater Israel.

the usa gave some retards rocket launchers in the 80's, i don't see the causal link between that and the islamic world still starting shit in the middle east, africa, south asia, russia, china, europe and america. it's a thing that began 2000 years ago, not with america bumbling around in the cold war.

>rediscovering shit the Greeks stole of the Nubians

Yeah they did dude. Are you fucking new to this? Your knowledge of this region doesnt seem to go back further than they day of 9/11. Why are you so confident in facts about history you never looked into are wrong?

>Robbed Orthodox Byzantine
>Quran place values on education and emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge

The rockets were given to religious extremists for blowing up the secular governments, user.

>The current Western plan for Middle Eastern peace is literally Greater Israel.
1950's zionists want their plan back

>>Quran place values on education and emphasize the importance of acquiring knowledge

>Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave

>Seek knowledge even if it is far as China

>Seeking of knowledge is a duty of every Muslim

They are quite literally the same individuals as now

Muslims were pretty big science and math nerds for centuries when things were going well for the islamic world.

I guess that explains why they live in subpar countries who still steal tech to this day.

op is a mong but it was hardly a bastion of liberalism was it and the Mongols ruined it not the west

weren't they all shia and sufi's too? most Muslims are sunni aren't they?

Obviously a secularization of the region is necessary to return them to their progress, but being that America empowered violent fundamentalists, its totally not true that America is anything 'anti-Muslim'. America is why they are Muslim today

You don't even need to pay if you own a TV, only if you want to watch broadcast telly.

>Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave
Did you read the Quran?
It's the most contradictory, raving text of all time.
What's the point of seeking knowledge if you get your balls cut off for questioning your own idiocy?

I don't think they were Sufi, Sufi was always a minority in Islam, could be wrong though

>when things were going well for the islamic world
You mean that one time they killed and stole from other cultures before splitting into tribes and getting assblasted by mongols?

Would you rather your taxes automatically go up by, say, $500 a year to pay for public television and infrastructure, or would you rather pay $500 if and only if you choose to watch it?

Greater Israel is a retarded plan there's a reason it was abandoned, they would become a minority within there own nation which is unsustainable.
They keep their opponents constantly unstable now.

Sufi's are honestly pretty based as far as modern Islam goes

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Sufis are just lowtier ascetics.

So why pretend Middle Eastern stability is even the plan? Just admit they belong on the ropes for Israel's sake lol

>EU good

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Then you will have no problem linking a source.

>They keep their opponents constantly unstable now.

Just like Russia:

I just like their music

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This image has altered my entire worldview. How have I been so blind thank you user

As a globalist, I can assure you we are laughing harder than ever–Iraq_War

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Good man.

have sex

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Sufism was literally started in Baghdad and was in large part what kick off the golden age within Islam culturally.

There are currently 10,000 troops under arms in this country, many of them European. By some strange coincidence, they will be here till the 12th April

>implying I'm not sucking a million refugee cocks atm
Brexiteers, can they get ANYTHING right?

>Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain
Literally shaking.

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>US sides with Iraq AFTER super Islamic Iran overthrew American puppet monarch
Not sure how this is supposed to support your asserion that America purposely uninstalled it's own puppet.

>I shill for brexit even though I'm not British because the constant barrage of Russian propaganda I consume all day forces me to. I have no control of my thoughts or my actions.

If you're asking about soneone specific please say who. You're so vague and pointless it really doesnt sound like youre familiar with the subject

the seethe is real

>can't follow a short comment chain
Best not be throwing shade there.

What a bunch of retards, preventing the country's economy from collapsing with their common sense. They should listen to the completely genuine provocations online, which are posted by coerced children unwittingly pushing Putinist agendas.
Seriously, what are they thinking?

>Pro-Brexit but only because I want the UK to collapse

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>my propaganda good
>your propaganda bad

The brain damage is palpable.

the seethe is real

>false equivalence

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Dude fuck off, I'm following the chain, just say the name of the person you claim to be talking about, because as it is now you're not following the very basic reality of Operation Cyclone and the US' intentional and direct push for radical theocracy in the region, during the time the area was becoming securalized left alone

seething mainlanders sprouting seeth with my countrys native tongue

couldn't imagine being so cucked

>b..but we learned because of america


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When confronted, the disinfo agents devolve into one liners and cheap provocation..

having deja vu over this thread

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the seethe is real

Its funny cause it's true

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Yes, so it comes as no surprise that the US is known to uninstall their own puppets when they run their usefulness. I think the original user is exaggerating when he say they straight up took the Shah out of power but it is well documented that they cut any support they had for him right at the time of the revolution. The Shah was starting to get a little patriotic and was starting to distance itself from the US influence, which likely ruffled some feather and would probably have ended in a CIA sanctionned coup were it not for Al-Khomeyni


Attached: brexit.png (662x741, 602K)

Englad should not leave the EU, but English politicians should always say the UK is the greatest nation in the world, and build more statues of King Arthur (white). If they werent so pathetic about the national ego, then people wouldnt need to pretend to leave the EU just to feel sovereign

Ayatollah Khomeyni*

1. You failed to show evidence that the US overthrew the Shah of Iran, linking an article about a conflict that came after his ousting.

2. Operation Cyclone was Afghanistan-targeted, not the whole of the Middle East.

Does that clarify things, illiterate-kun?

here is short history of relation beetwen usa and middle east

this is Cameroon's fault isn't it?

>German comedy

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World Bank doesn't take leave for an answer. Nice to know your voice never mattered, oi?

see, the USA messed with lot of governments in the middle east and south america. one place got over it, and one is still shit 40 years later because their problems are not because of governments.

>one place got over it
What country are you talking about? South America is pretty shitty too tbqh

The brits couldve already left. But they need a deal to keep their standard of living high. Im sure you understand that

I'd rather they burn it to the ground.
American PBS:
>Arthur, Mr. Rogers, etc.
>literal propaganda to control the masses

No, it was their own fault for turning off their brains randomly at the end of the Islamic Golden Age. They literally decided "okay rationality was fun but now it's time to be retarded." Why?

>this wasn't supposed to be a documentary!

I honestly don't know how Tories didn't motion a vote of no confidence the second she contacted Corbyn this week. Even the blacks don't work with the opps they rap about it all the time. Example

She might actually be responsible for destroying the Tory party at this point.

Yeah we need more statues of fictitious people to feel better about ourselves

>They literally decided "okay rationality was fun but now it's time to be retarded."

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They're just waiting for the EU to start seeing what they had in the bongs and make them defacto king

None of the countries in the EU are better off now than they were 3 years ago.

>its an everyone calls on may to resign as if to say a magical solution will pop up once shes gone

It will better when she's gone

You literally do

By decades ago you mean 1993, right? Don't let EUnuchs pretend the EU is the cause of post-war wealth and stability.

muh Russian agents okay pal

No, it's that retarded brand of nationalism that got us into this mess in the first place. You've got it completely backwards. Lionising Feudal myths will just sink us further into modern irrelevance.

Nationalism replaced feudalism you dumb fuck.

>incontrovertible proof of Russian desire to destabilise the EU
>muh muh

why didn't you save her

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Okay fine then build statues of Churchill then, your government just needs to do anything with outward self-respect instead of being schizophrenically worried and downplaying its citizens and status as Britan

It was his plan all along

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>can't follow a 3 post thread

It was a response to the fact that the poster wants to build nationalist morale by reigniting pride in a myth from the Feudal era you absolute fucking weapon.

They have a lot of high quality history programs with a strong dedication to accuracy though!

Attached: History according to the BBC and UK.jpg (1024x902, 237K)

Devil's advocate but the Roman soldier one is fine. They drew militia from all over the Empire. There were Africans garrisoned on Hadrian's Wall.


What the fuck is with this lanky goggle eyed freak and propaganda flicks? Is he CIA?

you know full well what kind of africans served in the roman legions.

North Africans, from before the Arab invasions. There may have been an extremely small number of black Africans in Britain but to portray one so prominently is obviously dishonest.

>Legionnary centurion
>Centurion of the fucking citizen-restricted legion
>From all over the empire
You don't exactly have the historical knowledge you think you have, do you?

...and the band was Showaddywaddy

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There are references to Ethiopians specifically


would this shit show be fixed if we re-annexed ireland and then left?

The only reason it's hard is because the EU managed to fix a lot between Great Britain and Ireland which the British are now having a tantrum about.

As a European can't wait for them to leave.

Also four of those characters are fictional lmao

Doesnt leaving the political part while remaining economically linked mean you essentially have to listen to the EU but have not vote

Even if the Roman legions in Britain were 1% black (they weren't) it would still be obviously agenda driven. The fact that you are only arguing 1 of the 6 means you've already conceded that.

>As a European

you`re not fooling anyone, shitskin piece of shit

Nobody had a vote anyway.

>Even if the Roman legions in Britain were 1% black (they weren't) it would still be obviously agenda driven.
Question, what is wrong with providing young black people with positive examples in media anyway? Isn't it better to have black superheroes or whatever than the only people of the same skin color they see being gangsters and rappers?

They should have waited a little before voting.
The EU will probably collapse or devolve in the next few years because the common currency won't survive and there is little to none popular support for a EU federal mega state.

>thinks history should be used a societal tool
>thinks history should be distorted merely to make a certain part of the population happy
>gets all Socratic when people call him out on his bullshit
Fuck you and your gay ass rethoric, you are the cancer that's plaguing humanities. But continue posting, please, it's highly entertaining to see you have your back progressively rammed against the proverbial wall.

>it's highly entertaining to see you have your back progressively rammed against the proverbial wall.
Thats not happening, and I said media, not history. A BBC cartoon or Doctor Who is not a historical documentry brainlet

Roman legions are positive examples?

>daily buttmad triggered snowflakes
What said pathetic fucks you are. Always angry. Always hating.

>what's wrong with lying

Nationalist bread and circuses and verbal endorsement from the government wouls have smoothed over this farce of a debate

>yfw 1 year extension, second referendum, revocation of article 50, and a corbyn government
nothing personnel leavers

>remainers did their propaganda on Facebook
>the proles didn't have a Facebook license so they voted leave by default
The absolute state

Everyone in this thread needs to read The Strange Death of Europe

I'm not a brit but my impression is Corbin is not very enthusiastic about staying in the EU either, like most old school leftists of Europe.

>t-that's not happening
Head in the sand and back against the wall, loving it.
>A historical documentary part of a historical series aimed at educating children is not history because it's a cartoon
What an embarrassing display lad.

Nothing I posted was incorrect. There were black Roman auxilia in Britain. And a Centurion from Africa could easily be black as well, if their father was a citizen. Most conquered nations were at some point or another absorbed into citizenry anyway.

>After inspecting the wall near the rampart in Britain… just as he [Severus] was wondering what omen would present itself, an Ethiopian from a military unit, who was famous among buffoons and always a notable joker, met him with a garland of cypress. And when Severus in a rage ordered that the man be removed from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's ominous colour and the ominous nature of the garland, [the Ethiopian] by way of jest cried, it is said, “You have been all things, you have conquered all things, now, O conqueror, be a god.”

This was at Hadrian's Wall. Severus himself was from Libya, with African ancestry. There is evidence that he was not white. How do you think his family became citizens?

kek, love this guy's vids whining about the rozzers

he's not but a tory government couldn't survive a second referendum coming back remain

I'm so glad Britain will be wiped out in my lifetime. You've lost all your colonies and Sharia law will be next. That's what you eternal anglos for betraying the white race

>um sweetie Severus was a kang
>posts a story of him wanting a black guy removed from his sight as evidence

I did say Devil's advocate. Although this is a good point too:

I didn't say black. I said non-white. Read the link I posted, it talks about how Romans were superstitious about dark-skinned people, and this serves as an example. Non-white =/= dark-skinned.

It really isn't.

Go ahead you southern poofters. Try to cancel Brexit.

The Norf will rise again.

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I have a Berber friend that would kick your sorry ass if he heard you
Let's break this down a little bit.
>a sub-saharan random dude, let's say Ethiopian, makes it to the Border of the Roman empire
>He then gets second class citizen status and enlists in the auxiliary
>He is then shipped on the other side of the fucking empire to serve as Garrison in Britain
>He then manages to reach the highest military rank available to peregrini
>Is assigned to supervise the fucking construction of the Hadrian's wall
>Has a cohort entirely comprised of Nubian looking men
>Somehow managed to get citizenship before his 25 years of service are through
>Climbs to the top of the social ladder and build himself a kick ass Villa
In what world does this sound like believable history to your nutbrain?

>incontrovertible proof of Russian blah blah

Still to be provided

>so reddit you tell people you're playing "Devil's Advocate" on an anonymous imageboard


>A BBC cartoon or Doctor Who is not a historical documentry brainlet
Yeah it's worse, because by the director's own admission the entire point of BLACKing historical setpieces is to gaslight children into thinking white countries have always been like that, because they're impressionable when they're young.
I literally don't understand how far up your own ass you need to be to try and defend this shit when the creators themselves are outright saying with smiles on their faces that they have a political goal.

>coulda woulda shoulda

Try again.

The Ethiopian encountered by Severus would have been long after the construction of Hadrian's Wall.

As for a black or mixed-race person climbing the social ladder - not overly far-fetched.

The desire is laid out right there. Explicitly wanting to have an anti-EU MP under their control.