What do you call this /core/?

What do you call this /core/?

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Incel thinks Chad is just like him because he's quiet too core

Travis and joe are not Chads
driver is borderline
nightcrawler guy is sociopath chad

save-on-dialogue core


>just like me core

Blade Runner is a stretch desu.
The others are

Man search for purpose and meaning kino core.

male power fantasy wrapped in persecution delusion core

have sex

self-insert core

Silent hero journey boy

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tits or gtfo

Does she mean what I think she means?

yes, the meme is real

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Boats are based.

Please don't include bladerunner in this 'core' of yours

Underachieving white guy in his 20s who latches onto movies with loner protagonists to satisfy his persecution complex as he sees the privileged status he feels entitled to being eroded by an increasingly diverse world core.

Seriously, anyone who watches this type of movie should be placed on an alt-right/fascist watchlist.

have sex

but user i like these and im a semi-prim ancom


>lonely, disenfranchised young men should be put on a watchlist instead of helped

People like you are monsters

school shooter-core

>semi-prim ancom

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unhingedcore or BPDcore

Shoo shoo discord tranny

regular ancom who thinks technological progress is not an end in itself and should be limited because it has alienated us both socially and enviromentally

gamma male core

They don't want to be helped. That would mean abandoning their persecution complex.

gamma is good right? opp of beta?

>Niggers/faggots/trannies/sandniggers/wymen/beaners don't want to be helped. That would mean abandoning their persecution complex.

"Winding Refn is a good director"-core

God I could go some boats right now.

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>top movies your gf wants to watch
>chad fucks stacy
>tyrone fucks stacy
>stacy cheats on nathans
>mysterious vampyres

Women are incapable of appreciating nautical culture

Was the Das Boot tv show any good?


Opinions on /Ryan Gosling has autism/ core?

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The new one? Fuck no

The original movie is a 6 hour miniseries cut down though. I personally prefer the 4 hour directors cut though

Don't forget
>Stacy goes on vacation and fucks Chad


essential Yea Forums material

I like the one where goose gets the shit beaten out of him

I was just wondering when the hell the next Boats franchise movie was going to come out.

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Where's the uncomfortable hyperviolence?

worse than beta

>hating on Boats
No, this is not okay.

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>Fight Fight Fight

Did The Place Beyond the Pines inspired the white boy soundcloud rapper aesthetic?

Nightcrawler isn't even Chad, he has to blackmail his boss just to get her to go on a date with him.

I could go for some fucking boats right now.

Literally me-core


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Top Movies Your Girlfriend Wants to Watch
-Unhappy Roastie
-6/10 Roastie Gets the Chad
-Roastie Biopic
-Super Roastie

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The good-kino-good-garbage core

No, fight fight fight implies violence that is neither uncomfortable, nor above the usually acceptable level in film. It's the fun kind of violence

Beat me to it. Turn your fucking trip back on

26/36 seen
am i euphoric yet?


Yea Forumseddits entry level to imdb
formerly "wtf you pretentious hipsters nothing happens in drive"

Remove the goose flicks and replace them with the original films and then you have KINO /core/

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Why do guys like cars and driving? It's so boring.

Nightcrawler is the ugliest and most incel of the bunch, he only gets laid because of blackmail

Roastie GTFO


You (played by a handsome Chad) are just a loner cause you're weird core. Fuck these movies. I'm a loner cause I am ugly. Fuck Hollywood's dishonesty.

I don't even own a single hat, I swear.

I would so much rather watch one of those movies than watching reality TV or media about infidelity, which is all they care about.


>I can't hate or like things unless they have retarded labels.

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movies girls want to watch
>their phone while they text friends about how much of a bitch their best friend is
>taking a call in the other room
>coming back and asking you to tell her what happened
>getting pissy when you pause it so you can tell her because she realizes how much of an intrusion she is

>blue checkmark
wow the butthurt

Most famous males are ugly, they're just ugly in interesting ways or have charisma to back up their ugliness. You are a loner because your personality sucks and you probably masturbate too much.

>no the driver
>no le samourai
>no tokyo drifter
How goddamn pleb can you be?

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autism has become a compliment at this point

You’re a woman aren’t you?

t. delusional autist

Not physically, no.

my girl likes to watch horror movies

My personality sucks because I don't get to improve it by social interactions because I am being shunned for being ugly

i don't get the ending of le samourai
but i can say i don't ever notice a movies music, but this was good

>not every single image is anime.

This is true, women like watching horror thriller with their man because subconsciously they feel that their man is their protector and then they award him with hot steaming sex
You can ask anything you want from a woman after watching a horror movie together and she is cuddling in your arms


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I don't think Nightcrawler fits the bill. All the other guys are troubled loners who feel rejected by society but Lou Bloom was just an evil psycho.

I think he had just given up. He felt like a caged bird, the same bird you see in his apartment which dies later.



he is literally Yea Forums