Perfectly sane man in a mentally ill society

>perfectly sane man in a mentally ill society
once you realize this it all makes sense

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Other urls found in this thread:

getting rejected from a mental hospital for being too fucked up is the real hell

Have sex.

1 like=one honk
Hope u find ur Harley Quinn

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Nothing makes sense
Stop lying to yourselves

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>ow my balls
>everyone must die hehe

>crazed moterfucker dressed as a clown running in the street and laughing like a madman is the sane one
incel logic

Why aren't there more people like this in real life? 7 billion people on the planet, you'd think it would be more common

there are user, they're either rambling hobos or in the looney bin

why don't they rise up?

ooohhh right in the honka honkas!

>when the "despite being 13 percent of the population, over 50 percent of the crime!" hits

because they're either rambling hobos or in the looney bin

There was some comic, where it was pointed out that Joker is not crazy but actually super sane. That's his superpower, super sanity.

Well, he isn't the joker, that's the twist. He dies at the end and inspires the real joker to rise up

Literally me also fuck niggers

>man dressed as clown trying to make people happy is totally unrealistic to you
>people fucking him up is perfectly normal and expected
that's the mental illness talking

society is the joker and joaquin phoenix is just playing a normal guy

Attached: Joker.png (1468x780, 1.7M)

In the Arkham Asylum comic, it is explained that the joker has no real personality. His sickness is the need to fill every day with a new one. Unfortunaly this guy resorts to joking and ultra violence as the blueprint. He is sick and in need of help. Just like society. Bottom text.


What is this magic

>a mentally ill society
>Have sex.
Case in point.

So his mom got killed by thugs?

It's pretty obvious that his mom is the only thing holding him back and she will be killed halfway through by society and it'll tip him over the edge

His mom is named Martha.

it's dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong

>tfw unironically excited for this
>tfw unironically excited for a capeshit flick

>mentally ill society to normal guy
>you have mental illness
>conform to us
>normal guy to mentally ill society
holy fuck

fuck. also notice that conforming makes him happy. this movie deep as hell.



when you realize modern society needs to burn to the ground

"It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane."

Why did you say that name?


he's not going insane. he's just fitting in. which feels like insanity for him.

>mfw i still don't know how these work

Attached: just sleeping not dead.png (468x345, 226K)

sane literally means fitting in with the current society
see: trannies, homosexuals, and soon others are no longer "insane"

PNGs are like ogres, they have layers and Yea Forums processes layers for thumbnails differently than for full pictures

Bro, i see mad homeless people daily. I mean proper mad. Try bring at the very bottom of the financial hierachy.

Right now Im wearing a free t-shirt i picked up in 2014 . I cry but theres no one to notice. One bad move and im one of the homeless loonies. If i lose my shitty dead end job i die.

Would it be considered assault if you kissed both of those female coppers?

PNG has no layers. The thumbnail pixels are just juxtaposed with the full res pixels

How what works?

dont worry user its not capeshit

Pedosexuals soon

Because the joker's schemes are over the top sophisticated and impossible for anyone to realistically pull off.

>didn’t give two fucks about this movie
>see how it’s making white knights and feminists on twitter and Yea Forums absolutely seethe
>kinda wanna see it now

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Why didn't he have sex?

Owie zOWie s My ballz THATS GOTTA HURT!!! hahahah INTHE BALLZ

you guys know the actual movie will be shallow capeshit right? dont have your hops up for actual honk kino

The threads are still full of reddit capeshitters with the same posts as always. I can't tolerate the faggotry. I barely come to Yea Forums anymore.

>see how it’s making white knights and feminists on twitter

Screencaps of that?
Why would this film upset them?

>see: trannies, homosexuals, and soon others are no longer "insane"
all mental illnesses. i would also include things like criminality as a mental illness. all these mental illnesses are things society has accepted as sane therefore society literally has a mental illness until it decides these things are no longer acceptable. phoenix's joker is not mentally ill, so he does not fit in to the mentally ill society. it's when he tries to fit in that he becomes insane.

>when you see the crime statistics

I've already seen Watchmen

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>people hate incels so much that a crazy clown flick is causing this much shit storm 6 months before release
2019 will be the year of the honk, can't wait desu.
t. unironically believe we live in a society and wish gamers would actually rise up

>rich instagram kid thinks sign spinner is crazy motherfucker
Gen z IS the clown generation.

Have children

teehee I'm barely 27 you incel

i just want him to make people laugh and be successful as a comedian

I have to agree with that. The world is fucked up, sometimes it gives you no other choice but to finally snap and do what others don't have the courage to do.

>do what others don't have the courage to do
Like have sex with Jamie Lee Curtis?


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Found one, I’ll post more. I’ve seen others posted on here which were basically “um I don’t wanna watch a bullied white boy become a school shooter”

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David Koresh rose up

A hole is a hole.

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And I’ll finish off with this one

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David Koresh literally did nothing wrong.

They should have used this version for the trailer:

>female police

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They have no access to vidya


I also did that one. Feels good when stuff you made is constantly spread.

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Will the majority shitskin capeshit audience be able to relate to the profoundly existential but not primitive struggles of the young white man?

so this is the incel cope thread i guess

>people are gonna think hes becoming crazy
>when hes doing what every autist wishes they could finally do
this shit about to be kino as fuck

Why is this normie response everywhere?

This thread is not even about being racist or sexist so why this response?

I see that the psyop is working still.

Why did the white man start whipping the black man?

Involuntarily celibate people can't have sex, it's a joke.


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>incel goes on a bloody stabbing spree against society
Happens all the time in China.



i dont get it

If it wasn't for my mom and dad I'd quit my job and go live on the streets.

he will kill his mom

wow. most retarded post i've read all day.

I can't believe someone would type this out unironically

One on the right is QT holy shit

Clock's ticking roastie

After 30 the chances of having a stillborn and a child with down syndrome will increase. You should have gotten knocked up at 25.