Over 1 billion

>Over 1 billion

Attached: tenor.gif (268x268, 2.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 (one) billion US dollars

Attached: giphy.gif (245x320, 1.4M)

buying your own tickets doesn't count.

b-but /tvpol/ incels and le ebin youtubers told "get woke go broke"

Attached: 1470352686489.jpg (291x344, 15K)

> it wasn’t that bad
> certainly not the worst from the MCU

>the woman who defeats Thanos
>the new face of Marvel from here onwards

Attached: Sad Cap.gif (245x300, 1.94M)

>implying they didn't spend more marketing
>implying usd has ay value
>implying Hollywood doesn't basically print money on buyout projects by the hundreds and throw money at this shit because it isn't entertainment its propaganda
>being a little faggot and worshipping $$$

>Over 6 million

Attached: IMG_6118.jpg (511x600, 30K)

>still shit

>the new face of Marvel
That's actually what saddens me. I don't care about money or that kind of shit, but that? Cpt Marvel the face of the MCU...? Really?
She's a boring bitch in the comics, nobody cares about her, and even less people like her...That's a weird move.
I guess people that don't know shit about the comics think that because she's called Cpt "Marvel", she's Marvel's Wonder Woman but no...She definitely is not.

Maybe the Russos found a way to finally make that character appealing and interesting. But losing Cap and Iron Man for her makes me sad.

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They only turned a profit because they bought empty seats to inflate numbers. Why cant you understand that?

based and kikepilled

Is that garbage still news? I doubt Disney bots still work with this shit.


I don't know anyone who watched it. Literally zero cultural impact

Holy shit so based

Attached: 1534443553926.gif (500x400, 999K)

how mad are dkeks right now? this fake captain marvel is making a billion, while the original one is currently flopping

>there are people that still believe captain marvel will beat thanos

1 billion potatoes

>287mil spent on charity and ticket buy outs by disney

wonder why marketing for avengers end game is minimal?

Guessed it right, spent on salvaging kapitan femenista.

what's your point?

It was shit, she's ugly, and a bad character. Also capeshit in general is bad.

Endgame needs no advertisement. Infinity War is the biggest ad you can make for it. Trailers broke views records even without showing anything.


how can she not be the main marvel character? Her alias is litterally the name of the brand

How will Yea Forums ever recover?

Attached: Screenshot_20190405-055827_Chrome.jpg (1080x2158, 768K)

>no argument

they'll just deny it and make shit up about disney buying tickets
they whole life and ideology is comprised of lies and denial

Give it a month and nobody would talk about it anymore

With the power of denial.

>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

>less than Aquachad

>white dudes
>white men
>white men
why is she so obsessed with white men

Attached: 1494653907441.jpg (500x469, 62K)

Fuckin oppressive wh*te men!

damn she already hit the wall

>they whole life and ideology is comprised of lies and denial
Kind of like you thinking you're a woman?

Attached: alt-left surgery.jpg (509x672, 44K)

and nobody in the mcu is speaking in a sequel

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She has daddy issues, ez answer

was amusing seeing the 'guaranteed flop TOP KEK' narrative immediately turn to 'w-well it only made a billion because disney bought them all... all my fav youtubers said it was gay heh sjw btfo'

falun gong

have sex incel

Thanks Lord for that

Thanks again white incel dudes for watch my movie and make Mickey gets richer

Attached: I AM RICH, BITCHES.jpg (589x591, 24K)

god i watched this movie yesterday. i was craving a movie for a long time. and finally. i decided on Instant Family

good reviews, isabella boner, should be comfy. But capekino ENDGAME is around corner. and I havent watched Capt Marvel. And I got no time to watch it later.

I decided capt marvel. Honestly, once the cat started to go octopus flerken whatever shit, i felt like walking out. Bries stupid smug face...the whole movie felt like a drag.

and finally in the mid credits scene, cap and the gang...and wheres fury? thats the only thing that tied this movie.

if you just told me that Capt Marvel is a typical girl power beat boys kinda tomboy life, with a bit of a funny side, and she has super saiyan powers, then that was the price of one ticket. i could just give you my 8 pounds.

This movie was a fever dream. Why did they show her feet? was it on purpose? in some angles she looks stunning, and then in others, you can see that potato head.

it feels like it was trying to break a trope, but just so lazy. CGI wasnt even that good. god this movie had no narrative. what the fuck was it about.

i feel dreadful, i couldve watched instant family instead I wasted 2 hours of my life. really shit movie.

now i understand the 1dimensional character known as carol danvers, and thats all i think was worth it, JUST because now i know how'll she react with other better characters.

Also, THOR is stronger than her. dont gimme that bullshit.

literally all me
i went to see it a billion times

Nothing suspicious about overtaking Spiderman Homecoming even though it has Tony Stark in it. Nope nothing suspicious about Captain Marvel.

absolutely based

How can somebody with such a cute smile be such a bitch

Thor can't fly without his axe. Captain Marvel can easily destroy one huge spaceship and scare Ronan

>mfw I actually like Brie

Attached: king crimson.png (1228x1228, 1.95M)

>Black Panther overtook Spiderman Homecoming even though it hasn't Tony Stark in it
>Jurassic World overtook Spiderman Homecoming even though it hasn't Tony Stark in it
>Incredibles 2 overtook Spiderman Homecoming even though it hasn't Tony Stark in it
>Fast and Furious 8 overtook Spiderman Homecoming even though it hasn't Tony Stark in it

Attached: 1481819441012.png (611x407, 124K)

Me too. With some butter, on a slice of bread it's delicious

why do I feel like Thor is stronger though?

How does that work exactly? Please tell me, as I'd really want to spend money on flowers that I sell , in a way to make more profit.

Please explain sempai


Nice, keep adding lies

Well done, lad.

Attached: wallace.gif (250x188, 470K)

what a fucking waste

On a budget of 700 million? Yep it sucks.

it was literally the worst movie ive seen in a long long time, nothing made sense and I couldn't even pay attention to it it was so stupid and boring. I loved infinity war/dr strange btw so idk it was just so shit brie really is a charisma vacuum lol

Why oh why oh why couldn't she look like that instead?

Holy fuck they spent 700 million making this absolute turd? Lmfaoooooo

>pulling made up numbers out of my ass instead of just admitting I was wrong and moving on with my life

Brie was wooden and annoying in Kong too
not to say Redditston was any better.

>actually the incels are the ones seeing the movie, not the ones that railed against it for a year
Fuck off, incel.

Sure the number's a joke but if you account for the production budget, the advertising budget and the fact that distributors get almost half the money, it's really not much.
Notice I didn't mention the budget for ghost screenings so don't @ me with that

U a big boy.

Attached: 1554094497821.png (659x623, 673K)

is anyone elses 4chanx fucking up?

I frequent the normiesphere and I haven't met anyone who has seen CM. How on Earth did it get to 1bn?

no? what's wrong?

I haven't messed with any settings, just started today

Attached: ohno.jpg (609x77, 25K)

Actually the budget was 3 Billion.

>Why cant you understand that?
because there is no proof outside anecdotal """"""""evidence""""""""

Not my money.

Not my problem.

Some sjw probably paid for 10 tickets and then complained that they don't have any money for their transition medicine so they killed themselves

I made so many claims on here that if didn’t reach a billion I would eat my own shit because I was 100% CONFIDENT in girl power.

Attached: 509A7835-ED30-4B35-B004-B4EC5E450D85.jpg (1160x814, 251K)

I’d be angry at white men too if my fappening picks were leaked! Lol


Nobody remembers Captain Marlel anymore. If it wasn't because it broke a billion nobody would be talking about it today.

>using words like "butthurt" and "dudes" on your headline
>call yourself """"""""""""professional""""""""""""

It's bad

Looks like the producers let the right girl blow em this time.

>Wonder Woman still had more cultural impact than Captain Marvel

I guess that other than making money, the mouse will never win.

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-144518.jpg (1080x1920, 783K)

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>using android
Lmao’ing @ ur poorfag life

I'm not going to read that shit, phoneposter.

surely these random posts on Yea Forums count as proof

> as I'd really want to spend money on flowers that I sell , in a way to make more profit.

Tell investors to spend more on the next project because LOOK AT THE BILLION SALES

>3 replies in 3 minutes
based seething copeposter

This! Us DChads were told Captain Marvel would kill the MCU and be Marvel's first flop and that Shazam would make more money.

I'm starting to think this "Yea Forums is always wrong" thing might have some merit

>how can she not be the main marvel character?

>MCU builds up IW for over 10 years
>tony stark character development is absolutely amazing
>thor character development is amazing
>banner getting his sidestory over 3 movies granting huge potential for the future (Dr.Hulk)
>Spiderman joined the avengers and tom holland is a great cast for that
>Dr.Strange - only 1 stand alone movie but one of the most important characters in IW (and the mcu)
>Cap becoming a man and doing his own stuff
>Loki was only super evil in the first avengers cause he was under the influence of the mind stone (scepter)(was revealed in an interview) -yet another great potential for storytelling
>Nick Fury being a complete badass at all appearances (except for cap.marvel movie)

>how can she not be the main marvel character?
Because they invested so much fucking time/money to create the characters they created in the way they are now.
IronMans character development is the best example.
Yet they are putting this super unlikeable actress/character into the foreground.
Cap.Marvel had 1 movie and most MCU Fans disliked it.
I wouldn't give a shit about her being the lead of the Avengers (even though it doesn't make any sense to me except for "cause she's the strongest hurr") but being the face of the MCU? nah.

Stan Lee had a cameo in all those movie and literally wrote the fucking comics.
Why is he not the lead i mean he was in the movies?
>inb4 cause he's dead

>I'm starting to think this "Yea Forums is always wrong" thing might have some merit
It's the truth.

Attached: WAKANDA.jpg (1000x800, 213K)

>can't count
About what I expected from a phoneposter.

Attached: Tinfoil_hat.jpg (244x206, 15K)


I'm happy for her.

Attached: brie.jpg (1200x632, 404K)

Honestly, I’d put my wiener in her

Considering the DCEU is like a billion ahead the MCU by the same point in their universes, not even that

disable the flag as the thing says and it'll work, happened to me yesterday

>common sense isn't worth a damn

I want to see it but I know every time she opens her mouth or smirks I'm going to want to punch her in the face.
She's just one of those people that irrational annoys you for some reason, and every time you see them it irks you.
But I have to see this for Endgame man. I might just download a cam honestly.

I had the same thing a while ago, couldn't post, couldn't reload threads.Did what it said and it worked.
You in Aus by chance?

I'm more then happy for her to take over after Endgame, but why introduce her beforehand? Makes no sense man.

How do you guys think this poster looks like in real life?

more like incel power

Thanks adding 1 billion to my filter

It counts as hilarious tho. I don't even want disney's failure anymore, it's just good comedy.

Also, yeah, smelly shits attract plenty of flies, as per usual.

More like ''MAGApilled redditors are always wrong''.

Attached: 7.jpg (225x225, 6K)

It's got zero relevance with Endgame. What's wrong with you?

Are you stupid? She's a new character. Giving her legs by launching her with established characters makes things way easier.

Woah, that's like, at least three 4's .

Chris Evans has officially announced his retirement from MCU before end game even released, so...

I've never seen this board try to ignore being btfo as much as they are for captain marvel. Its pathetic

Are free speech warriors officially lamer than social justice warriors?

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_11_28_at_12.59.38_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

There's been plenty of mor deserving movies that have made more. Batman and Robin could net a billion now if it came out today, that's how low standards have dropped

No because their is validity to their point, while SJW's are speaking on behalf of big business.

>This will be the first Marvel flop!
>No one is going to see it after the first weekend!
>Ticket sales dropping on weekdays is a proof of failure!
>Disney bought all the tickets!
>Anyone pointing out facts is a shill!
>It certainly won't make a billion! (said at 910M)

Attached: Brie smiles.jpg (392x377, 22K)

the only reason iron man/cap lead the avengers was because their first two movies made their characters charismatic

why are incels so obsessed with dumb frogs?

Society is full of bluepilled retards. No surprise. The most popular things are usually the shittiest because they appeal to the lowest common dominator. Pretending that successful movies means good movies is basically like saying top 40 pop music is the best music out there. Dumb manchildren just love their comic movies and star wars. Literal sheep who wait to be led by Disney

Memes and jokes aside, is Captain Marvel a flop or not, Yea Forums?
Discuss and be nice.

Considering the production budget, the advertising budget and the fact that the distributers get almost half of the billion, yes its not a good yield at all.

Its decided, Thor is stronger until Brie attains superior digits

with your logic then not a single movie has been a success

Twitter and Youtube is like a Arena for the mentally retarded nowadays.
You can watch from a distance and enjoy the show, but joining them is humiliating.

Fake billion.

she's such an ugly and unappealing women that you need to use her pictures as a child to make her seem cute, it's incredibly desperate and pathetic

You seem upset.

not at all, I'm laughing about it



Attached: Times When TV was Wrong.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

>Captain Marvel sells one billion dollars, does shit in China
>considered a massive success
>TLJ sells $1.3 billion, the 11th highest grossing movie ever, #9 until Black Panther
>considered a massive failure and shut down anthology movies
What did they mean by this?
just to be clear, both movies are ass

Attached: 11-tcllwsr.jpg (676x1115, 136K)

Thank you feminazi SJW shill
for working for free and making me richer

Attached: 1551794570249.jpg (661x566, 142K)

you're a brainlet.

have a sex, tranny

cgi laughs are becoming quite realistic

the problem is 100% the shitty actress. if they had katheryn winnick as cpt marvel it would be lit

A male feminists worst nightmare

>shitty actress
Watch Room, she's not a bad actress. Just not the best pick for Captain Marvel. Then again, we don't know if Winnick would've been a better pick, aside from looking more like the character.

no one's impressed by your samefaggotry. Put a gun in your mouth and kill yourself, faggot

Attached: 0D3F1018C3794EC687DF200E0BB24BC1.jpg (1998x726, 232K)

who is interested in ticket sales for this superhero shit?

why are you so obsessed over kids movies

never unterstood this meme

All Winnick would need to do is play tough from her Vikings role

Fucking makes me weep
a CM movie minus the bitch attitude and the grrl power bs with a strong script and solid direction (MALE DIRECTOR NOT SOME DIVERSITY HIRE FEMALE)

Attached: images (26).jpg (554x554, 24K)

Fuck back to pol/ you stupid niggerfaggot poltard,you belong there with the rest of Reddit.

Kek so now we are debating the market value of a US dollar because you were again wrong about a Marvel flick making money? Lol

>girl power movies are bad because (incel screeching here)
You know that you don't personally have to be the target audience of every movie around you, right? Are you a 13 year old girl? Or a literal child?

Have we forgotten that these are movies for babies?

Meanwhile Shazam is flopping overseas and DC shills are coming up with the most hilarious excuses as to why. My favorite one was that a white American boy turning into a superhero doesn't appeal to them while in the same breath noting that they have the most diverse cast seen in a recent capeshit film.

DCfags contradicting themselves as usual.

I still don't know a single person that has seen this movie. I've never heard anyone talk about it and I'm around lowest common denominator capeshit plebs all the time.

>people that doesn’t endorse racial prejudice btfo
We did it reddit.

Wait, has this actually hit $1bn?
I went to see it with my kid opening week and the cinema was empty.
Since then I haven’t heard anyone irl mention it.
There’s been a lot on here about culture war but that’s it.

Imagine thinking that a Marvel film riding off of IW wasn't going to make a billion?

So a white guy that covers movies praising her for saying too many white cover movie. Maybe should stop covering movies?

most of that empty seats bought and paid for.
Also she doesn't smile. She should smile.

How do you guys think this faggot still shilling for Disney looks like? I bet you're fat lmao

Nah. Disney shills are still most pathetic
Post this guy's picture as much as you want, you're still literally shilling for Disney, for free. xD

Too bad the movie itself is dogshit.

Fake sales.
Watch how this supposedly incredibly lucrative character gets quietly shuffled away with no explanation.

>Watch Room
Lmao she is shit in Room
>buuh she won an Oscar
So did Black Panther lmao

>Wait, has this actually hit $1bn?

Of course it fucking hasn't, Disney just literally bought tickets from itself so that they wouldn't have a massive flop right before Endgame comes out.
Meanwhile they're doing everything possible to downplay Carol's importance in MCU, which they sure as fuck wouldn't be doing if she made a bil in real money.

Seeing how this shitshow will go on for another decade, she's gonna get ROGUED soon.

You need an updated version with BP making $1.3B

>Sandwhich in between Infinity War and Endgame the two biggest events in capeshit cinematic history.
>Marketed as a must see so the biggest cinema event since Avatar makes sense.
>The controversy and massive shitstorm surrounding it.
>Released at a time where there is literally nothing else to watch for an entire month.
>Associated with the Marvel logo
>Actively defended and shilled by nearly any vaguely progressive or left wing, nerd, and or Disney/Mouseshill paid media outlet.

If anyone here thinks Captain Marvel's billion dollars is legitimate, and is based on the films own merits, is fucking stupid. If this wasn't sandwhiched inbetween IW and EG it would've fell flat on it's face.

I still don't know why Black Widow wasn't the first solo female mcu movie. Black Widow is by far Marvel's best comparison to Wonder Woman as far as having a recognisable brand is concerned. All the framework is there, they'd only need to write a plot, no having to concept a completely new franchise.

>the buying tickets meme
You keep saying this as if you know absolutely no idea how a company makes money.

Daily reminder.

Attached: 1549889037330.jpg (745x170, 36K)

Daily Reminder:
Brie Larson is an unlikeable dyke with no acting skills, whose rich mommy and daddy bought her various failed careers until this one stuck

I have literally never met a person who has seen this movie.

Just eat the disc already

Have sex

is that true? I know literally nothing about her past so I assume she's very good at manipulating people to boost her career. I wonder if she'll pull a jessie smollet?

He meant as in 1 billion opening WE you doofus hahahahaha kekistani bro am i right or what?

Yea Forums is dead.

I've only been for 6 months and I already know it's been dead.

Because he was really close to a star and didn't die?

>Yea Forums is dead
>only 6 months

Lurk more and you'll see the light.
>pro tip : honk

Gib super milkies . png

Why do people pretend like this is so far fetched? I'm not saying it REALLY happened, but the infrastructure, man-power, and financial capability to do this are ALL available to Disney. Disney is buying Fox Studios for $73 Billion dollars. Most of which is paid for with Disney stock. Disney absolutely doesn't want a bad movie to tank the stock price (even by a little bit).

Disney giving $300 to $500 million dollars to some subsidiary marketing firm, then having said marketing firm buy tickets online, and in person is not outside the realm of possibility. Fet-fetched? Maybe. But I've heard far worse theories. Plus Disney gets back 60% of all ticket sales. So they are literally paying themselves. Losing $250 to $500 million is a drop in a bucket to Disney's total resources.

Not to mention as an actual shareholder of Disney stock, Disney recently started hiding their merchandise sales after a few bad quarters. In the latest quarterly report, they merged (merchandise/toy) sales with their (Disney Entertainment Parks) earnings. I found this incredibly deceptive as I would like to know how the merchandise and toy sales division are doing. Disney toys has nothing to do with Disney parks and I don't see how they could justify merging the two in the latest earnings report. Of course Disney parks turn a huge profit. But I want to know if Disney toys are selling well. The latest thing reported was that Cars franchise was selling well, but Star Wars merchandise sales was in the toilet.

The movie was fun, I enjoyed it
also, who tf is pic related?

Attached: D2mW2Z_VYAEkFnn.jpg (810x1200, 126K)

Great marketing, shitty movie.


like clockwork ;)

I guess someone hates the truth


That's Kate from Lost you retard

ugly man transform to ugly man with boobs and makeup

I want her to pee on me


Attached: i gotta pee on her.jpg (608x412, 13K)


>top 40 pop music is the best music out there
you are a retard

Incels still think Disney would lose money and commit a felony to look good, rather than just plain making a billion dollars.
And make no mistake about it, what these brainlets propose would be a felony. You can't lie to your investors like that.

imagine being this blue pilled

Nigger. Please. You're proposing Disney would commit a felony to look good. In a scheme so silly and obvious random /pol/tards have uncovered it.

Imagine being this braindead.

she was popular on here for years. I wish I had the saved the United States of Tara clips were she's cake sitting.

Attached: BLar KEK.jpg (580x580, 50K)

>also, who tf is pic related?

Attached: confirmed for autism.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Yes she had a singer carreer


We need to smash more of those like and subscribe buttons to support our boy!!

>thinking for yourself and piecing together something that makes logical sense is "bread dead" according to NPCs

70% of the audience was male
(Guys without dates)
Obviously they were incels and liked Brie because she's attractive enough but not too good looking to be unattainable

Captain Marvel is a pro-Palestine movie prove me wrong
protip: you can't

She's bad in captain marvel because it's fucking embarrassing to be in CapeShit especially when you consider yourself a real actress

Have sex

same as /pol/incels are obsessed with niggers and faggots. two sides of the same retard coin

Is Captain Marvel kryptonite to Incels?

I still won't watch it.

Speak english much, pajeet?

Attached: captain marvel OH NO NO.png (1784x564, 50K)

wait so are the Skrulls jews fleeing nazis or Muslims fleeing jews? Figured with them being shapeshifters that can look like white people they were jews

Both Robert Downey and Chris Evans are coming up on the end of their respective contracts, not top mention they are getting a bit long in the tooth.

>>This will be the first Marvel flop!
...Never saw Daredevil.

Iron Man lives lol. RDJ is a company boy for life.

to save the 6 gorillion.

for a few years now actually

Solo's flop is what killed SW

Brie you fat fucking disgusting ass smelling. Blob. Cheese drinking. Crisco bathing. Lard gargling. Calorie thieving. 'Cabbage-Patch' face having. Dr.Robotnik looking. WingStop eating. McDonalds gorging. T-Rex arm having. Non-vegetable eating. Cook on a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray. Wide Load. Hungry Hungry Hippo. Planet. Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem. Whale/ Free Willy. Part Bus. Yokozuna. Flubber. Kirby. Salad Dodger. Chair Crusher. Butterball. Go to Subway but put everything on it. Michelin Man. Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker

so fucking based and redpilled.

>You're proposing Disney would commit a felony
such a fucking brainlet

I've never seen a movie get them as butthurt as this

Attached: 1554455754680.jpg (772x198, 41K)

whip it out, user

Attached: 1552006727406.png (529x414, 109K)

I am become Mar-Vell destroyer of incels.

what kind of surgery did she get?
nosejob, boobjob, browlift?
Ironically she looks even more like heath ledger before the surgery in middle pic

Is that the hat worn by people who think Captain Marvel was review bombed?

Yeah seriously. The Black panther and marvel frog sales pics are shitposts done by an incel.

ooh someone's a little agitated by that superior high score

>this whole board hates capeshit
>wtf why do these incels hate us spamming these threads?
>they must be alt-right and sexist!

Attached: 1495491274387.jpg (568x566, 138K)

and The Blindside LMAO

>this whole board hates capeshit
>Captain Marvel has easily been the #1 most discussed topic for the last few months

the time of the white male is over sweaty

It doesn't make sense to anyone without autism or a severe mental illness and the more it gets explained to you, the more you screech like a petulant faggot.

I bet you believed all the political pundits that said Hillary would win. I bet you believed Bernie had a chance and that the DNC was not corrupt. I bet you believed Mueller was going to actually find evidence to back up the conspiracy the pundits fed you for 2 years. Well, tell me user, am I close?

>this whole board hates capeshit

Attached: jlaw ok.gif (245x285, 916K)

Why would you tell a lie like that? Especially when one guy spamming the same old images in the half the threads doesn't really count.

Why is it always the politically radicalized retards that get triggered by this shit?

Is it because you don't want to have to think about the fucking retard you got hoodwinked into shilling for?

>149 posters ITT

Attached: jlaw nod.gif (500x166, 491K)

That's a bizzare whatabout, are you seething?

I can see I hit a nerve ;)
it's ok sweaty all conspiracies are conspiracies until they're proven to be correct

>change to literally "MUH HILLARY"
>thinks he hit a nerve
>"it da conspirsceee until it not ;)"
Well good, you still have no proof.

People spamming the same bait with the same canned responses doesn't really count. Boy, I sure do all the discussion Captain Marvel threads have on Yea Forums and Yea Forums, with 90% of them being about incels, sales, and RT instead of the movie itself!

>I can see I hit a nerve ;)
about what? You can't talk about a kid's movie without fleeing to your silly meme election like 3 years ago. Nobody here liked Clinton. Half the people here aren't even American.

So what are your thoughts about Moscow Donny since you want to talk politiks? You think he fucked them kids?

>nothing counts!
>nobody counts!
>the constant activity in capeshit threads doesn't count!

Smiling and having normal looking hair gives her 2 points. Shame about her mental illness and foot fungus.

Uh, yeah? Thanks for agreeing with me. Another thing I forgot that I always see it talk about DC and how bad Brie is. Great (not) movie discussion, drones.

Money laundering, doesn't count

I'm mocking you you fucking loser. Spending all your time getting triggered and talking about how much you don't like something is still talking about it. It's still CONSTANTLY the most talked about thing on this board and has been for a decade now.

>getting triggered
Projecting much, incel?
>it still counts
Not really. Again, most of it is offtopic.

you guys are funny

Attached: 1554482952915.png (988x896, 1.75M)

>no u
150 posters now m8. What number of them don't count?

What DOES count?

Attached: jlaw go on.gif (500x218, 967K)

>50 million of which is real money

And how much are talking about the movie itself? Not even (You) are. All you have is your tumblr gifs trying to hide your anger.

bane and sneed shitposting don't count

>And how much are talking about the movie itself?
literally doesn't matter. talking about talking about the movie is even gayer. Are you autistic?
>Not even (You) are.
Having a meta conversation about capeshit is still talking about capeshit.
> All you have is your tumblr gifs trying to hide your anger.
literally what is there to be angry about? I'm not the one trying to deal with all this autistic cognitive dissonance. Just admit that you're a capefaggot my dude.

Attached: jlaw tada tiddier.gif (500x281, 883K)

idk sounds like projection

How do her feet sleep at night?

>still projecting
>implying this discussion is meta
>admitting to not want to discuss the movie
Why are you here?

It's not far fetched, just look at the music industry. It's a fact they use streaming deals, ticket bundles, and other magic sales tricks to pump their numbers to literally buy a spot on the billboard chart.

Why don’t I know anyone who has seen this? Why has no one mentioned this at my job?

>implying this discussion is meta
this sentence is the definition of a meta-conversation. Talking about talking is what "meta" is.

Honestly why are you so upset?
>admitting to not want to discuss the movie
I'm confused. I like talking about the movie. I thought the cat was funny.

I just started talking to you because you displaying autism with all your no true memesmen meme.

>Why are you here?
To talk about television and film with other weirdos. Why are you here? You don't like capeshit but you endlessly bump capeshit threads to talk about talking? Why?

Attached: jlaw stretchface 3.png (684x430, 472K)

Eat the disc Pajeet and post the video.

I want to _____ Brie!


Attached: brie its only smellz.webm (1280x720, 424K)

holy shit this fucking thread

Attached: 1554164847567.jpg (642x640, 127K)

No, marry

Sam Jackson was the best thing about this movie.

Dilate you fuckin tranny faggots!

Attached: abso lutely.gif (500x311, 997K)

>e-celeb fags BTFO

Thank you based Brie

whoever smelt it dealt it

Attached: brie larson huzuh.jpg (264x360, 20K)

>tfw she made it

Attached: brie.jpg (1200x632, 518K)

>Why don’t I know anyone

Attached: brie larson laughing.jpg (600x900, 180K)

shut yo mouth, daredevil is kino

the audience is endeared to Fury because he's the outsider learning all the facts about the plot.


Attached: 1552474809200.jpg (1581x2048, 367K)

>thor character development
thor 1 was the only good thor movie, ragnarok was retarded garbage by (((waititi)))

mother of god

Attached: 1552932480703.gif (480x360, 916K)

Fury ded

Yea Forums was 24/7 anti-Larson threads before the movie came out, so fucking funny to see how wrong you all were

guys I'm developing a femdom fetish, imagine her giving you that face while she forces you to eat her pussy and calls you an incel nazi

Attached: 1533558611491.jpg (322x322, 15K)

what did she mean by this?

Attached: brie best.jpg (548x768, 101K)

imagine the smell in those adidas

>brie is always making a bitch face
>brie never smiles

Attached: brie-larson-uk-premiere-of-scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-held-at-the-D0K6F4.jpg (821x1390, 158K)

white male: *exist*
Brie: it's nice to see she will drop her lunch break to continue the cleansing.

aww cmon Yea Forums, tired of winning yet?

>virgins saying they wouldn't do sex with Brie

Attached: brie larson.gif (394x302, 2.7M)

BASED white girl

it's so hot seeing her laugh and smile and look cute while knowing there's a fungus growing all over her toes and in her shoes at the same time

Because I'm allowed to talk about movies and capeshit. But you're making some crazy theory about how popular Captain Marvel is (later on changing it to just capeshit) despite being wrong.
>still projecting
Just stop.

If only she did that during the movie.

Captain Marvel hitting 1bil just in time for Shitzam to come out has been the greatest thing to happen to this board recently. You can feel the anger coming from some of these DCbot's posts trying to compare the movies.

I'm sowwy I said the meanie thing user

Attached: brie larson sad.jpg (428x594, 61K)

just give up. you literally just got embarrassed on a weeaboo porn image board

Even J-Lo's ass couldn't save that film

>Why don’t I know anyone who has seen this?
Because you don't know anyone
>Why has no one mentioned this at my job?
you're unemployed

are you trying to pretend the movie didn't actually make 1bil? are you trying to act like Yea Forums hasn't shutup about the movie since brie larson was confirmed as captain marvel?

10/10 armpits

Attached: 1554063347970.gif (404x347, 1003K)

This is true. I love the guy.

Jesus Christ, this thread is still up? How much can you guys talk about incels and feet?

Attached: 1551826031299.gif (220x258, 678K)

>the most popular and successful movie ever is about wypipo

based goldblumposter

Like this

Attached: received_331645310901819.jpg (748x790, 51K)

>gf loves marvel
>takes me to Dr Strange and IW
>alright, but preferred Strange
>gf the other day says she's thinking about making an evening of watching CM
>tell her no because not enough tits
>mfw gf agrees

Attached: 1554495465025.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

I accept your concession. Sorry noone wants to talk about your captain fungus movie.

I don't know why, but her eyes and the way she blinks makes me think of a frog and I find it really cute.

That's the only discussion Carolfags can put out. Sales, DC, incels, and the same rehashed brie pics.

>Dude the 90's! lmao

brie best

Attached: tfw MCU.jpg (973x1390, 131K)

>bad people don't exist

This isn't an issue about "bad people" satan.

It just literally doesn't make sense. The risk/reward isn't there.

Attached: pbates checkem.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Why does that webm look like he's really in my room?

So, Disney toy sales are in the shitter. That's my take-away.

>babby's first fuguns ah bloo bloo
Could happen to literally anyone and is easily treatable.
There are worse things that can be found on a woman.. blue things.. no, not things, horrors, abominations.
Your mind would be too fragile to comprehend the unholy things of which I speak.


Attached: 1554473540340.jpg (882x960, 76K)


Attached: brie-larson-samuel-l-jackson-arrives-at-the-91st-annual-news-photo-1131981679-1551647049.jpg (1200x600, 107K)

High frame rate bb

Attached: pbates nice v nice.webm (960x408, 917K)


Marvel won again.

So what?

Attached: goodwin-0512.jpg (300x400, 43K)

Because it makes no economic sense if you actually think it trough. If the net profit is going to be, say, 200M with or without absurd shenanigans then why take the risk of legal repercusiones at all? Is it really that hard to believe people like a movie you don't?

Attached: 5potxwI.jpg (532x533, 25K)


is she /ourgal/

Attached: Brie-Larson-Instagram.jpg (1200x630, 560K)

that's Gal Gadot

that's Evangeline Lilly

Attached: Evangeline Lilly dance.webm (900x690, 2.64M)

>Meanwhile Shazam is flopping
look the marlel is daydreaming again!

Why is she so cute, bros?