Without using any meme words, describe what makes a film "reddit"

without using any meme words, describe what makes a film "reddit"

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When it's surface level deep with no actual depth at all. Or it's only good quality is a stylistic one.

white male lead who is edgy and smarter than the rest of the world who rebels

Your post don't make any sense.

we live in a society

i haven't thought a movie was 'reddit' ever i think. but the one time the phrase 'this is reddit' literally popped into my head was while watching lucifer the tv show and it was because of the terrible 'naughty' quips the main character kept making. i couldn't even finish the first episode

Expect to get zero solid answers.

When it's a cult film.
Just on the cusp between niche and mainstream, popular enough that you're not really a nerd for liking it, but niche enough that you can feel superior to the capeshit masses by watching it.

>stylistic just for the sake of it
>pseudo deep but not really
>explains the meaning to normies

When it insists upon itself

kinda building on this it's often tv shows that are truly reddit. A quintessence is that the lead character is a self insert that satisfies a superiority complex in a society position, these characters are often vastly superior to most characters in the show or are woke quipping social outcasts, their only weakness being that they are "selfdestructive" so that they can be sold as losers (that is the humblebragging side of the redditor) because despite being a chadtier winner for 90% of the time they gotta have some small moment of selfdefeat, preferbly in a relationship cause "no one gets me durrhurr I'm to intelligent too have frens" , just like how most redditors see themselves.
tl;dr the premise is subliminal egofeeding

good movies = reddit
shit movies = 4channel

*Popular movies= reddit
unpopular movies = 4channel


Have sex

faggots on here will throw all kinds of half baked low iq metrics but the fact is reddit like most words on here are bait and attached to things to aggravate because this is where we are as a society where hateclicks and sensationalism is the only way to engage each other

Which is funny considering this would inherently make Yea Forums films "cult" films, and this directly ties into
So they would then become "Reddit".

No, you're just retarded

I know but it's fun to hate things.
Half the explenations in this thread also describe the average Yea Forums users mindset, not just reddit

these also apply to the average Yea Forums approved kinos

>I know but it's fun to hate things.
until you realize it is the lowest form of engagement and is utilized by plebs and women

/thread. also confusing on first watch

>huge marketing campaign
>flash in the pan "it" actor
>normalfags ask if you've seen it yet and say "it's really good"

>it's fun to hate things
Maybe if you're an edgy teenager who can't get laid

movies i loved when i was a teen are all reddit. that is the only metric.

i am

yes and?

then seek copulation and engage in it

you're mom's not back from work yet

Quit wasting time on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum and go talk to girls you losers. This shit hole will still be here when you get back

Attached: no.jpg (299x168, 6K)

one more word out of you and i'll rape your mouth

literally my favorite film

1987 models are kind of just stuck with that being their coming of age movie

It does to anyone that's not a fucking idiot.

haha good one incel

fr tho why haven't you lot had sex? Literal idiots have it all the time

i'm to smart for sex

If a girl says she likes it then it's reddit.

I had the same reaction watching Thor Ragnarok

reminds me of Sherlock

So kinda like Yea Forums

well Yea Forums is the most reddit board nowadays so..

A film that purveyors of the website known as 4channel (formerly Chuck's) lovingly refer to as "kino" can, if subjected to a large enough spotlight by more mainstream sources, end up adopting the much despised moniker of "reddit".

>purveyors of the website
stop using words you don't understand brainlet

Yea Forums is the most based board
Fuck off kike

I had it with GOTG 2, still enjoyed it though.