1. Take the test, post results.
2. In the same post, post 3 of your favorite films.
Normie Test + Film Taste
Other urls found in this thread:
Last time I did this I got niche normie.
Taxi Driver, Alien and Jungle Book.
Just got normie. I don't think the description was accurate at all.
I got Sperg last time.
Last Crusade, Moon and Kotonoha no Niwa
Fellowship of the Ring, Assassination of Jesse James, Prisoners
Turbo Normie
Kill Bill
The Big Lebowski
Ghost Dog
cool normie
no idea what it means
or why it matters
but whatever
I got party dude u stupid normies kyselves
who /normie/ here?
cool normie here
I don't like movies
Cool normie
X - 5
Y - -0.25
Percentile ? - 63.7166
Tier - C - Normie
The Normie who has a detatched ironic vibe going on that other Normies find to be 'chill'. They usually follow trends and fads, but it's only 'ironic'.
>The Exorcist
Party Dude
Punch-Drunk Love
Buffalo '66
Julien Donkey-Boy
Don't necessarily agree with what I got considering I dont care for parties.
Failed Normie
Predator, Seven Samurai, Apocalypse Now
garf, quit spamming your fucking test
>Sperg on the test and diagnosed irl
1. Cross of Iron
2. Taxi Driver
3. John Wick
Also this
I always get Sperg or Failed Normie. Am I fucked bros?
>Blade Runner
>The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
>Good Time
>In Bruges
>Ocean's Eleven
how do you go about getting a 'tism diagnosis? kinda tired of wondering all these years myself and would rather get some closure
Failed Normie
Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner
>tfw party dude
>tfw always get sperg
There's no saving me
>assuming I even have a friend
Lame normie
X - -2
Y - -0.5
Percentile ? - 36.1951
Tier - C - Normie
Ed Wood
Tron Legacy
Someone I know said I should get checked for the ‘Tism, but I said what’s the fucking point; it doesn’t change anything so why bother
Lame Normie
I couldn't pick a favorite anything if you held a gun to my head.
1. I Saw The Devil
2. American Psycho
3. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
wouldn't say i'm an edge lord at all, i fucking despise edgy retards
>t. unsocial neet
>there are spend who will deny they want to be in a society and seek social interaction despite coming to Yea Forums the second they get bored
It wasn't my choice in the first place. I'd rather never of been diagnosed desu, only made people treat me like shit growing up. Life was crap before it but that really didn't make it better. All because it's thrown in under the ONE FUCKING BANNER of ASD (thrown in with literal mongoloid retards). Otherwise failed normalfag that had a chance but got rekted by the system.
For me it is like that episode of southpark. Just an alcoholic depressed cunt or "everything is just shitty".
oh wait there's more questions.
I got edge lord and tier c normie although I'd put myself in sadboy rather than edge lord (edge is pointless when you don't give a shit about anything).
pitch perfect
master and commander
fifth element
>Lame normie
>Too normal for the spergs, too sperg for the normies.
I don't really have a favourite movies
sup friendo
Niche normie
Blade Runner 2049
Lost In Translation
Manchester by the Sea
The Road
Im supposed to be a cool normie but I doubt that having no friends or being a virgin at 32 makes you a normie at any point.
how's it going?
I am watching football on the internet. i went out today. i didn't enjoy it.
Is sperg the Grizzly man?
Priscilla queen of the desert
Revenge of the Sith
The Hunter
Synecdoche New York
>Cool normie
Wake in Fright
On The Silver Globe
Under the Skin
In English, doc?
ok would some autist please explain this shit? like ok, i'm a powerlifting uni student, 8/10 according to previous exes and current s/o, not socially inept nor autistic (got tested for the former as a child). but how can i be a chad if i'm addicted to several boards on this degenerate site lmao. arbitrary results mean nothing anons, just do your thing.
no thanks CIA
share some of your arcane wisdom
i'm about to have my third cup of coffee this morning out of boredom
I'm not socially retarded and I can make people laugh, but I actively avoid most social situations so I only have 1 friend and I'm a virgin at 25. I only reciprocate when other people start an interaction with me, and I've been told I have very closed off body language that discourages people from wanting to talk to me.
Blade Runner 2049
LotR Trilogy
Niche Normie
Event horizon, jaws, blazing saddles
Anything by Ozu
Tarchovsky's kino
Kubrick's madness
Who /partydude/ here?
1. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Synecdoche, New York
Lost Highway
A Clockwork Orange
American Beauty
nice try snack
Is there a way to see all of them with their descriptions?
>Imagine being dumb enough to reduce the human psyche in archetypes
I like coffee. I had a caramel latte iced coffee that was 85% off as it's use by was tomorrow. was alright.
its for fun
imagine being so uncontrollably autistic that you take a fun little test this seriously and project your pent up aspie rage on it lmao
X - 4
Y - 5
Percentile ? - 72.1492
Tier - B - Turbo-normie
Nothing special. Listens to electronic dance music, his favourite show is what's being pushed on the on-demand streaming service he uses.
>South Park: The Movie
I am 31 Years old.
>Children of Men
Lame normie
The Last Samurai
This is Spinal Tap
Sperg. I'm kind of autistic/weird according to others, I don't take care of myself and I often want to be alone and not work. I do however have very good friends, people seem to like me despite being a bit weird (or because of it) and I have had romantic partners (although it was like 5 years ago). It seems like I've lucked out because I'm confident and have no real problem talking to people. My entire character arc so far has been: successful normie as a kid and teenager -> depression -> acceptance of myself and my situation.
Sunset Boulevard
Come and See
Fellowship of the Ring
Empire Strikes Back, Boogie Nights and the first Matrix
Lame normie
X - -1
Y - -5.75
Percentile ? - 27.1150
Tier - D - Sperg
idk, I don't like picking favorites, I like a bunch of movies for different reasons, and it changes all the time, but:
The Thing, There Will Be Blood and Taxi Driver.
The Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Spider man 2
reminder this test is specifically made to make you appear as normal as possible.
>5'6 to 6'2 is an entire height category
>Fight Club (though I prefer the book)
>naked gun
>murder by death
I don't watch movies
Apocalypse Now
The Thing
The Boondock Saints
cool normie
texas chainsaw massacre
fire walk with me
side note, you have to be severely fucking autistic not to get a normie rating on this test.
I'm a Sadboy.
>End of evangelion
Good job doxing yourselves you fucking idiots.
Plain normie. A few years back I would've got sperg, edgelord or failed normie. Being here is probably the last mostly unproductive and sperg thing I still do.
linking off site, on http, you fucking idiots deserve it.
Why did I have to un-check the box?
Hi chaim, good time at the synagogue?
You must be fun at parties. Who hurt you?
That category describes me a little too well. Even the portrait isn't far off
i tend to feel like shit when i wake up and the smell of coffee really helps, i end up drinking a lot and then feeling even shitter from the caffeine
That's exactly what a retarded fucking normie would say, you need to go back
I don't live in a country where memes are illegal so it's ok, Pierre.
try showering more than twice a week and making eye contact with people
damn i suck at both sides.
even though most of the time i always choose side (on politics, socials) and i think "both sides are bad" argument just plain retarded.
fave movies:
Rocky 1
LoTR 1
Blade Runner 2049
Big Lebowski
kill yourself normie
Where the social outcasts at?
no, user. i have too many people that would miss me if i died :^)
Party dude - tier c normie
Neon Demon
Hot Fuzz
mark of a true brainlet
you know it's possible to be left on some issues and right on others yeah
what in the fuck
that was totally unexpected
I am months away from becoming a wizard, but I am not a virgin nor have problems with social interaction
I think this test gives too much value to skills and not interests
i got Cool Normie...
Conan the Barbarian, Robocop and Brief Encounter
Got this, but I'm a 35yo virgin so I don't think its accurate. Also I don't care for anime or gaming or have any weird fetishes that I'd rather be doing.
The Fountain
>I think this test gives too much value to skills and not interests
That's how it should be. There are turbochads in the military who collects Sailor Moon figures. A useless, awkward autist who deeply want human connection and try to have as many normie interests as possible is just pathetic.
>I am months away from becoming a wizard, but I am not a virgin
Test needs questions for neatness, hygiene, athleticism/military, and willingness to spend money on certain things. That'd really be peak scientifikino.
The Blues Brothers
Whoops, here's the description
lmao imagine being this naive
memes obviously shape your thought process
this. memes are brain viruses.
normies aren't very smart
My point is, this shit considers me a normie because I can socialize, and talk to strangers, while I am not interested into
I literally have zero friends now, and I am honestly quite happy about it
I am on the road to become a wizard, in my solitude and hobbies, after years wasting my time with friends and skanks
no kidding
Top Gun
I'm not edgy about anything
The Matrix
The Social Network
The Fellowship of the Ring
>I am on the road to become a wizard
No you're not, and this is the second time you've shown what a normie you are.
Of course the test doesn't work perfectly, but it has to measure something.
God dammit I just wanna be a virgin again
>No you're not, and this is the second time you've shown what a normie you are.
why? I can wizard all I want, fuck
I don't like anime either
this is discrimination
you can't be a wizard if a succubus stole your essence
you fucking retarded newfag, wizards can't be normies that had sex
A wizard is a 30+ year old virgin, newfag
I know wizards who has banged fatties in a magic the gathering tournament
and they are still wizard as fuck
that is like saying a Chad can't have a girlfriend
what do you think wizard means outside the classical meaning
dont you ever @ me again
Lame normalfag
The dollars trilogy
my gf got cool normie and I got edge lord
zero interest in society
passing his time alone in his ivory tower
it is not the wizard as in hurdurr you virgin play too much dnd type of wizard
>The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
>Lawrence of Arabia
Edge Lord
Memories of Murder, Andrei Rublev and The Nutt House
>I know wizards who has banged fatties in a magic the gathering tournament
They're by definition not wizards
>tfw niche normie
American Psycho
Fight club
ngl though I'm definitely more of a niche normie, don't know why the test puts me as this baka
>Too normal for the spergs, too sperg for the normies.
damn, really made me think
if you had sex you are a failed normie
wizard means you never had sex
this test is shit
OP is a faggot
Seems about right.
>The Master
Niche Normie
Zack "Wake the fuck up" Snyder is love, and is life as well.
X=6 should be chad
Hey guys.
S11e5, E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)
Captain Marvel
BLACKED Rich Wife Needs A BBC To Satisfy Her Sexual Needs.
Literally me
I got Party Dude or Brad (not a normie and not a chad)
>The Shining
>Mulholland Dr
>El Topo
Blade Runner (original)
Apocalypse Now
Straw Dogs
Oh and to clarify:
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Empire Strikes Back or maybe the first Matrix
Sicario too
Sorry I can't decide
based, you may pass
I mean it seems about right. 27 yo, skinny and above average appearance, married, decent salary, no kids and don't want them, good number of friends I see regularly, nerdy hobbies like magic the gathering tournaments but very social and outgoing with them, no problems socializing but very selective with what I choose to do.
>Turbo Normie
I get why I'd be highly outgoing, but I'm not a bloomer under any circumstance. What a shitty test.
>Once Upon a Time in America
>Lawrence of Arabia
>8 1/2
As for movies. People on Yea Forums actually watch movies?
Damn, this shit is legit desu famalam.
1. Moon 2009
2. Pan's Labyrinth
3. What we do in the Shadows
That's what immediately pops into mind
1) The Wizard of Oz
2) No Country For Old Men
3) The 13th Warrior
i think this test is fucking onto something
>eva movies, excluding rebuild and revival
>the karate kid
>last samurai
Me too bro, it's surprisingly accurate.
Augh Augh Augh!
Gimme your lunch money!!
Lame Normie
Dazed and Confused
The Big Lebowski
guys he's using wizard the way the test describes it. he doesn't know about the Proper meaning
>Lame normie
>Metropolis,The Leopard,Barry Lyndon,list goes on
I'm the worse kind
Paths of Glory
Dr Strangelove
Ask a doctor then he refers you to a specialist who then charges you nearly a grand to say yeah ur fucked son.
IQ test is fun though.
>Robocop 2
>Predator 2
>Home Alone 2
Pretty accurate tbqh.
This test might be on to something because by your favorite movies you do seem pretty lame
talladega nights, dude wheres my car and grown ups
How the fuck are sociopaths stoic ?
t. anti-social PD
Cool Normie
Satantango, Wake in Fright and The Thing
I think it's a pretty accurate result. Favorite movies are probably:
Blade Runner
Synecdoche, New York
The pain is real
>are you depressed
Aaaand closed
If you are just a materialist who aspires to live like a normalfag, and are mad because you can’t, you are a normie, period.
>buffalo 66'
>leaving Las Vegas
>suspiria (argento)
Interesting, i know that people really like hanging out with me and that it's easy for me to hook up, but i didn't think i was a Party Dude kek.
My favorite movie of all time :
1.Donnie Darko
2. Freddy VS Jason
3. American Graffiti
Anything by Fernando Eimbcke
Tarkovski's Solaris
The motorcycle diaries
Guess being a functional, non-hideous adult makes me a party dude.
this post is textbook projection
>Synecdoche, New York
>Synecdoche New York
The movie is disgustingly hormonal.
Only in the minds of narcissistic children wannabes without whole object relations like Kaufman would any of this be a revelation. It's not even edgy.
Besides the good actors what's really there ?
A real pleb filter.
>Cool Normie
haven't had sex in 5 years, and I thought I was miserable, but yeah, maybe I'm just not applying myself. This is actually kind of uplifting
Buffalo '66
Forbidden Zone
Project A-ko
Philosophical materialism is obviously the basedest pattern of thinking. Everything supervenes on physics. For the mediocre I guess it can lead to existential depressive states.It also sucks a lot to die. It also sucks to be conditioned by normative pressures that keep going despite the fact we've had an industrial revolution.
Materialist as a set of behavioral traits ? Yes, it's for normies but it's a better society in which plebs have those concerns instead anyway.
What boards?
Party Dude checking in. Call me Brad.
Party dude
X - 5
Y - 7
Percentile ? - 56
Tier - C - Normie
Party dudes, sometimes referred to as 'Brad', are a few steps away from being Chad, but aren't due to laziness, or they've already peaked and are destined to be a Brad. They're better than your average normie, but are shadowed by Chad.
>Niche normie
John Carpenters The Thing.
I'm OK with this
Lame Normie
Mulholland Dr
Saragossa Manuscript
Lord of the Rings Extended Cut
Boko no Pico
The Seventh Seal
Turbo Normie
I don't have 3 favourites, but I'll name some
One Hour Photo
Perfect Blue
Valhalla Rising
Fellowship of the Ring
Requiem for a Dream
Mr. Nobody
Das Boot
Dr. Strangelove
Children of Men
You've got no direction or inherent motivation for anything and you convinced yourself that nothing really has any value. You obviously rationalized your self-worth so far though so you're not completely hypocritical, I can only assume the problem lies that you think you were meant for greater things but somewhere along the way you went astray and now you're just existing in a limbo that you don't know how to get out of. You've got a safe intimate relationship, nothing polarizing at all going on, a prospect at a safe career. You're alive but you haven't really lived.
Forrest Gump, BR2049 and The Raid.
God what happened to this fucking website. If this is bait well played bro
there is nothing funny about being a transwizard and having to deal with this discriminatory test
This doesn't correspond to me at all desu
>Andrei Rublev
>Aguirre The Wrath of God
How do I become a based normie?
>The Goonies
>Batman Begins
>Shutter Island
Obviously the results can be skewed. If you have perfect genetics and basic grooming practices you'll still be classified as a normie even if you're a total omega autist.
>In Bruges
>Taxi Driver
>The Lobster
2001: A Space Odyssey
12 Angry Men
Das Leben der Anderen
>I have very closed off body language that discourages people from wanting to talk to me.
That's a very real thing. Don't be like that. Nobody's out to get you or beat you up.
It's okay to be more open, you said you can make people laugh, use that to your advantage and socialize more.
One friend is too little, you need 2 friends as a bare minimum in case of an emergency.
good taste fellow turbos
Blade Runner
Did they update this test? The first time I took I was a sperg, and I remember the chart having more subsections.
thanks friend
these descriptions are contradictory as fuck
So I guess you have a job and don't look like a cave troll, then?
>niche normie
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
Mulholland Drive
Sansho the Bailiff
Niche normie masterrace I guess
Fifth Element
The Master
based normie
1. buffalo 66
2. lotr fotr
3. only lovers left alive
I used to be a sperg
but since i found my job, i became a normie
Are you the fag that keeps making threads and ends them in ‘(movie) general I guess’?
lotta Buffalo itt
Got the same. Fits like a glove.
The Matrix
Saving Private Ryan
>the thing
>starship troopers
>the godfather
Niche normie/Cool normie
>AvP Requiem
In that order
Turbo normie
I even did it on a phone lol
I was a lame normie until I met my fiance and got a salary IT position. Before that I was broke, hated myself, and was far more introverted. I'm still a sperg I just am successful in work and relationships (had zero success until my mid 20s). I think I power sperged my way into emulating normal human behavior. I IQd my way to a moderately healthy EQ. it's the only explanation.
Top 3 films are:
Days of Heaven
Raiders of the Lost Ark
>based normie
How? Teach us pls
In no specific order;
Fanny & Alexander, Diary of a Country Priest, Seven Samurai
I don't think this test is too accurate. I did try to be truthful
That's some exceptional taste my friend
Niche Normie
Throne of Blood
My Dinner with Andre
The Eel
i don’t know desu. just bee yourself :^)
Thanks, user. They're not very Party friendly films though, so who knows what the quiz meant
Jesus it's sad how accurate this is. What the fuck am I doing with my life man, ppl might be jealous of me I think mostly cuz they got no idea how strict the life I'm living is.
Mostly k v tv and fa, ik what you think of me lol.
>Incels pretend that they are fuckable and only slightly awkward when they are actually full-blown autists in denial trying to cope with their lack of social skills, confidence in applying and keeping a job, and inability to do basic things like maintain eye contact
shockingly accurate
Niche normie 66.6%
>Glengarry Glenross
>Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Jesus fucking christ this was a hit. I fit in literally no where.
>Batman Begins
>The Incredibles
>Treasure Planet
i live in austin and i feel like ths applies to like 90% of the people living here
Party Dude
Lost in Translation
Pride and Prejudice
Fellowship of the Ring
I certainly don't feel like a party dude, nor does my life reflect it whatsoever. I don't find it difficult to be around people, I'm just depressed anyway.
>nothing special
Tell me something I don't know.
X - 4
Y - 1.75
Percentile ? - 65.7007
Tier - C - Normie
Snakes on a Plane
I'm actually not sure what the other two are.
Post a picture of yourself and I'll tell you if you're a true Chad of not.
Lawrence of Arabia
My Own Private Idaho
The just "Normie" result is actually about as rare as a Chad.
I'd be proud user.
Just how autistic do you have to be to get anything other than normie on this test? This is bullshit
I'm a 32 year old depressed neet who lives with his mother and goes weeks without having any contact with another human being and I got Cool Normie. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to get Sperg?
Lawrence of Arabia
The Wicker Man
Blue Velvet.
Party Dude
Fellowship of the Ring
From Russia with Love
>he doesn’t like my favorite shitty flick
>he’s a pleb
cringe and patheticpilled
Has anyone gotten social outcast yet? trying to get it but keep getting sperg or failed normie.
Lame normie
Mad max 2, interstellar and guyver the dark hero
I don't think I've made a thread on Yea Forums in over a month.
fuck, the first question made me lol
have sex
because you and everyone there are California refugee libshits
have sex
have sex
party dude
my 3 favourite movies are it's such a beautiful day, children of men and up
Well all fucking right, off to a club to hook up with a girl or two
>Party dudes, sometimes referred to as 'Brad', are a few steps away from being Chad, but aren't due to laziness, or they've already peaked and are destined to be a Brad. They're better than your average normie, but are shadowed by Chad.
2.Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Food
3. Blue Velvet
have sex