The Virgin Avengers vs The Chad Joker

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Wait this Joker movie is a real thing? I thought it was just some YouTube loser running about town dressed as a clown for ad money.


Special look vs actual trailer - we've had endgame trailers for a while.

nice try mouse

It's kind of sad that DC has like these 3 things that literally anyone gives a fuck about


And they just have to keep regurgitating it to be able to make bank. Meanwhile Marvel makes a movie starring a fucking talking tree and a racoon and makes bank.

Not a partisan but is the content in DC comics just too hit, or is this just the executives laziness and safe-playing?

fuck off marvelcuck

Nice redditspacing Mousefaggot


Don't waste your time no one give a shit, answer the question.

Aquaman and Wonder Woman were more successful than those three things though.

can i get a redpill on the honk pepe

DC can't compete with Marvel
keep coping DCucks

Go back to redddit

They're not what DC keeps regurgitating tho. There are like 20 iterations of Batman and Superman in cinema at this point and this is the 3th(?) Joker reboot?

Ladderbro coming in 3 2 1

Marvel = McDonalds cinema
A meal that always has the same flatline mediocre taste no matter what film you're watching

DC = A Gourmet Chef experimenting
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but you'll always have a different experience each time you watch DCinema

Attached: Marvel v DC.jpg (1686x560, 344K)

DC to Marvel is what Star Trek to Star Wars: a great pleb filter and superior in every way.

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>DC = A Gourmet Chef experimenting
with McDonalds food

DC is Star Wars and Marvel is Star Trek.
The only reason why they tried to expand the trilogy into an extended universe was to get in on the success of Star Trek.

DC, particularly Snyder DC, is the Barton Fink Cinematic Universe.

It's like they hired him to make a wrestling picture, and he spun out into shoving renaissance imagery and stupid poems and monologues into the wrestling picture, without ever bothering to figure out the surface story.

BvS is the Barton Fink Production of capeshit.

Attached: barton fink no homo.webm (912x496, 2.2M)

>the very first trailer for a movie
>like the third one for another movie
Granted, I know a lot of people are watching the Joker trailer because of how awful it looks. Hopefully it gets another trailer that doesn't make it look so bad.


Nah Marvel is Star Wars

Rami Spiderman, Ang Lee Hulk, Blade and X-Men = Old Star Wars EU
It has problems but overall is overall full of soul and is original.

MCU = Nu-EU and Sequel Trilogy

Soulless fucking trash that normies think is good

God damn it stop making this into a meme
Based Zimo.

it's the lastest alt-incel spammed mean because they are edgy faggots for whom "life is just a big joke lmao"
there's not much more to it than that: it's absolutely retarded

>makes a wacky space adventure
>makes a heist movie
>makes syhthwave space punk with a Nordic god

>makes a dark superhero movie
>makes a dark superhero movie but re-cuts it to have more fun becasue it wasn't working
>makes a dark superhero movie
>makes a dark superhero movie but re-cuts it to have more fun becasue it wasn't working

Attached: shitpost.jpg (540x769, 121K)

DC = Heart
Marvel = Inverted

>DC is Star Wars and Marvel is Star Trek.
They are all manchild Big Bang Theory tier shit.

You left out the part where all the McDonald meals were different but tasted the same, while all the DC meals were the same, but tasted different.

>Rami Spiderman, Ang Lee Hulk, Blade and X-Men = Old Star Wars EU
>It has problems but overall is overall full of soul and is original.


Attached: 1446402785929.gif (320x215, 3.02M)

>Makes Shitty Capeflick with quips in space
>Makes Shitty Capeflick with quips that's set in the Bay area
>Makes Shitty Capeflick with quips that's set in space again

Woah that's some great fucking variety there

>quips bad
It's good to know you focus on the important things in fiction.

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Is there even a way to make a good trailer anymore? If you show too much, people will complain that you know what the movie is all about just by watching the trailer . If you don't stuff it with plot points and emmotional scenes and try to keep it a bit cryptic, people will say that it's a shit movie not worth watching because even the trailer is bad.

Literally LGBT symbol now

Quips and shitty Marvel humour are bad because they get in the way of having a decent character arc (they're also infecting surrounding franchises like Star Wars)

>Captain Marvel's ex-squad leader throws down his weapons and challenges her to a fair fight 1v1
>She blasts him for a cheap laugh from the audience

If it was Rami's Spiderman there would have been an interesting conflict between the characters but instead it's thrown away for a shitty joke

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>She blasts him for a cheap laugh from the audience
This is some next level denial.

seems pretty clear that's where it's going. My first thought when seeing "rainbow clown pepe" is "oh this is the /lgbt/ pepe."

Feel like whatever the original ironic intent was, it's going to be get subverted.

There's 3 movies with the Joker in them and they all have at least one Oscar

but its a perfect representation of life today: unironically funny. its not even supposed to be partisan, you can be part of whatever shekel-backed organization and still find humor in what is happening around you.

It's not that complicated. Joker isn't even the third space - Spiderman is, though he's Marvel.
Batman, Superman, and Spiderman are all insanely popular characters that are guaranteed turnout whenever you do it. That's why they're continually hammered on in all sorts of mediums, not just film.

It hurts the industry.

I think the reason why Marvel succeeded was because they ***didn't*** have the rights to their most popular franchises. If they had X-men or Spider Man at that point the MCU would never have come into existence. Spider Man homecoming was an incredible danger, a make or break point, and I think the X-men and the F4 still is, because they are popular. Executives have this tendency to look at that and say "wait, we don't have to try with this". It can still mess it all up if they haven't become self-aware of this.

Aquaman just made more money than Captain Marvel this year my duderino

HI there frend

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Reminder a reddiot made this

Objectively what happens in the movie
>Asgard blows up
>quip dude: "uh that went well lol"
Fucking garbage franchise from top to bottom, DC being better is in no way a high compliment to DC

I'm certain MCU would have one way or another. The problem an executive would've immediately seen with x-men and F4 is "F4 is still poison right now, we need to wait longer and bring them in slow" and "x-men pretty much was its own universe over there. If we do it with them as the lead again, there's going to be too many comparisons and we'll always be at a hype disadvantage."
It's for sure it'd look different than it currently does. And the Netflix leftover shit for sure would not be the same as what it was. Except maybe for Runaways, since sooner or later someone would've caught wind of plans for Titans and gone "don't we have something like that too?"