>White Nationalists Adopt Clowns as Their Next Racist Symbol
What the fuck?
>White Nationalists Adopt Clowns as Their Next Racist Symbol
What the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Actually real
Now where on earth could people be getting the idea of a clown world from
Anything posted to Yea Forums.com automatically becomes an alt-right symbol
but that's pretty much true
/pol/ should start posting rainbows to ruin gay pride for lefties
Is he right?
Go there and tell them immediately
>reddit spaced
white nationalists are the emmanuel goldstein of modern times
that's all you have to know to understand what is going on
This Berenstein timeline has been getting weirder and weirder. The only thing we can do is laugh.
I mean we used to think it was a tragedy
>right wing watch
>angry white men
>rational wiki
how many sites/organizations do these jews need to make? jesus christ
Okay, but why Melissa Joan Hart tho?
>The clown render of Pepe the Frog, which KnowYourMeme researchers have identified as being known as “Honk Honk” or “Honkler,” began spreading across the internet last year.
>KnowYourMeme researchers
Due to quantum suicide theory, everytime we die we simply move sideways into a less likely, more ridiculous timeline where we survived despite the odds. Thing will just keep getting weirder and weirder as we age.
>if you think the world is crazy, it means you are crazy
>if you think the world is crazy, and it's clown world, you should act like a crazy clown too
>if you do not act like a crazy clown despite thinking the world is for crazy clowns, you are evil
they are projecting hard here
I wouldn't even mind if they weren't constantly banning and censoring the Right Wing equivalents of these.
what's the context here?
wow thats chilling
this is reddit
Radical movements tend to splinter due to interpersonal conflicts and tiny ideological differences. That's why the "Peoples Front of Judea vs. Judean People's Front" joke works well.
I will this true, I would say it's even simpler than that.
Anything posted with consistency on the Internet by literally anyone that isn't a card-carrying SJW Communist gets labeled as an "alt-right symbol" now.
Nah Redditors just parrot it to feel smart
Is this how Americans bathe?
that's not how quantum suicide theory works at all
Greetings Reddit
Leftists are just mad because clowns and clown-based aesthetics is THEIR territory and Righty needs to keep the fuck out.
Why can't /pol/ leave Yea Forums alone? Why is my alternative fucking leddit if I dont want to be exposed to edgy stormfag posting every single day? It wasn't like this 10 years ago
Almost as if he were making a joke rather than an actual scientific statement?
no u
>you should be now careful of clowns, they are the next racist symbol of the alt-right
>but doctor, I am Pagliacci
>paranoid SJW's publish something that is both retarded and clearly relevant to Yea Forums and its culture, humor and memes
>someone makes a SINGLE thread about it here
Are you mad that the people ITT aren't bumping your thread about feet or something?
Lmao, do americans really do this?
Well done, you got a chuckle out of me.
M8, there are 10 threads like this every minute mocking sjw's. I'm not interested in your "culture war". This belongs at Yea Forums at best
I have suggested this for years. People would flip their shit.
You've been warned
>White Western nations have an Islamic attack on White people every other fucking week
>Black on White Crime is literally several times higher than White on Black Crime
But thank God somebody out there is keeping an eye on the REAL monsters that threaten modern society: Sargon of Akkad and people who post clown memes on Yea Forums.
If you want a lefty board go to Yea Forums. Sorry bud but /pol/ and Yea Forums go hand in hand like Yea Forums and /news/ used to.
>M8, there are 10 threads like this every minute mocking sjw's
Maybe SJW's should quit embarrassing themselves and sticking their noses into Television & Film?
Chubby girls with cats is next year's alt right symbol. Get a head start.
You're say right wing terrorism isn't a thing right after New Zealand? Lmao
"Islamic attack every week", what's this kind of Cheney rhetoric? That's empirically wrong
I see no clowns there. Only knowing cynicism.
Makes sense. Watching most movies doesn't require an intellectual capacity
>be alt right
>think that trump getting elected is the start of a glorious race war
>nothing really happens. sure, some mexicans get shit on but nothing fundamentally changes
>start supporting a democratic presidential nomination and posting esoteric clown memes
inb4 some clown gets the shit beat out of him by some random lunatic libtard
dare I say it, the alt-right is RISING UP?
>literal clowns beat up by metaphorical clowns
That's why you're here, I imagine.
Fucking comic and cartoons disinterests me. I'm not a manchild. Janitors and Moda should do their fucking job and perm ban every thinly veiled /pol/, frog and newfag posters
Just use a prism and how it spreads white light into a rainbow, implying diversity is a creation of white power.
But then there would be like 100 people on Yea Forums.
I wanna buy a MAGA clown nose
>he doesn't remember the weird irl scary clown meme a few years ago that got people shot
In contrary to Yea Forums, for instance. I can never imagine a /pol/poster ever picking up litterature that isn't self-help books.
>You're say right wing terrorism isn't a thing right after New Zealand? Lmao
The first major incident in what, 5 years? 10 years?
>"Islamic attack every week", what's this kind of Cheney rhetoric? That's empirically wrong
I like how you actively changed my quote when you could have easily copy & pasted it.
Also you're the one that's empirically wrong.
nazis keep getting kicked off of other social media sites and some don't like reddit because the ratings system makes them feel unpopular even though it's an even bigger white supremacist cesspool than here
Well, I do. But honestly I hardly go to /pol/ anymore. Why should I when Yea Forums is /pol/-lite. The battle for this board is over. You lost. It's time to move on and let go of your hate, bud.
>think that trump getting elected is the start of a glorious race war
>start supporting a democratic presidential nomination and posting esoteric clown memes
Where did this happen? In your head?
Yes and those people having any influence at all is what makes it clown world. I really wish I still had a political party to vote for. I want to cut back on wars and use tax money for roads and health care and shit without also opening the borders and destroying the first amendment.
seek help
>Antifa thug: "He LOOKED like a Nazi! He even honked his nose!"
Well you're obviously ahistorical. Coming from Norway, there has only been one terrorist incident since ww2 on Norwegian soil. That was Breivik, a right-winger. So it makes sense to keep surveillance on these groups.
>Janitors and Moda should do their fucking job and perm ban every thinly veiled /pol/, frog and newfag posters
Preach it, sister.