You will never experience the early 2000s again

>You will never experience the early 2000s again
What's the point of living?

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some old fucks are saying the exact same thing about the early 1900s on whatever their equivalent of Yea Forums is. You think it matters? It doesn't fucking matter. It's all the same shit

Hello centrist

Yes I will, and so will you.

Time is a flat circle.

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Well yeah, cos the 1910s changed society for the worse forever. An entire generation was slaughtered

Why did nigga so flat lmao

I wish I were in 1933 Germany


I was six in 2003, the year my father moved out. All of my memories from that time are of anxiety, trauma, and pain.
Sometimes people ask if I remember Hit Clips or when the McDonald's still had a jungle gym. All I can remember is lying on my bed crying for hours being too scared to move.

right now, for me, it's anime. keeps me going week to week

fucking weeb lmao

>the early 2000s

You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed

Attached: Pepe Younger.png (651x641, 17K)

There are many that never did. Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened

Back in the 2000's this is what kept me going honestly.

Nigga you're gonna experience early 20's soon what are you crying about? shit's gonna be wild

I hated the early 2000s, horrible fashion, technology was at that weird phase where it was almost there but not quite, my first mp3 player was amazing, but it could still only hold 12 songs

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what does a fat croc have to do with the early 2000s?

I'm just thankful that I actually got to experience it. Imagine being a zoomer and being born during/after 9/11...

holy fucking BASED

The 2000's were shit though. Honestly everything is shit all the time. Nothing has ever not been complete shit.

>when the McDonald's still had a jungle gym
They don't anymore? Not saying i'm nostalgic for a fucking fastfood chain but wat. Do they have charging docks for the parents who not only can't be fucked cooking proper food but also let a tablet or phone baby sit their spawn?

>on whatever their equivalent of Yea Forums is.
Let me get this straight..
>Want to relive early 2000s
>Because of taiwanese knitting forum
Top fucking kek

>o they have charging docks for the parents who not only can't be fucked cooking proper food but also let a tablet or phone baby sit their spawn?
That's depressing

So sorry to hear you live in India.

I dont liv in India u bich basterd. I go put my 1 feet penus deap insyd ur mudda u bich lasagne.

>Dale Earnhardt
>Columbia Space Shuttle
God, early 2000’s catastrophes were comfy...

You dare ask that question?

>you will never experience April first, 2019, at 3:52 pm EST again
I’m gonna kill myself bros. I can’t stand this life anymore.


>imagine being a centrist

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For me its in 2008 when the fags in the changing room after PE started singing and dancing to this song

Damnit I remember looking up poptropica tutorial videos and they'd always have 009 Sound System blaring in the background.

>early 2000s

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I was like 13 when the early 2000s started. This was the end of the 90s, the end of America not being governed by "terror," the end of the analog era, and the begining of the end of the wild west of the internet. The fucking Star Wars Prequels. The early aughts were a dark time in American and western history. They were the turning point that will ultimately destroy us.

Attached: Perfect summation of everything bad about the prequels.webm (1920x816, 888K)

You've experienced this life 6,022,140,857 times already

Well yours was forced, ours was out of the blue.

Centrist is not a sick burn.

Is this some hot new buzzword people are using regardless of context or something

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Just watch the early seasons of The Sopranos and wallow in the nostalgia.

My dad died in 2005 when I was 8. Died of a heart attack right next to me and I still remember the early 2000’s very fondly. Ya I was upset for quite a bit and it had repercussions throughout my life certainly but I didn’t just dwell it, although it comes to mind often.

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No one gives a fuck Zoomers. I was already 7 in 2000 and those years have some of my fondest memories.

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It pretty much is. People that are primarily focused on being a "centrist" inevitably act as the referee bouncer for the side that continuously slides into more radical views. At this point a contemporary "centrist" is what a conservative Republican was 20 years ago, because the Republican party platform has continued to slide into more and more extreme corporate protectionism and fucking racial demographics memes. Centricism is a fundamental aspect of the messaging strategy coming from fossil fuel and health insurance industries, to train people to think that they're special when they defend "the right" from criticism from "the left."

Like if one side is like KILL ALL NIGGERS AND JEWS AND SPICS and the other side is like HEY THE GUYS TRYING TO KILL EVERYONE ARE BEING DICKS, it's always the magically negro centrists hopping in to virtue signal how much they're in the middle of things, that end up being the biggest tool for the intolerant side. You're just endlessly willing to tolerate one side's intolerance, while ANY criticism from the other side about that FIRST has to go through you and your narcissism.

You're like the mini boss NPC before the hero has to fight the big bad.

Ya but things hadn’t progressed really until the 2010’s. Ya things were getting worse but no one noticed, we were still blissfully ignorant. It was a more innocent time.

Have sex

>I'm mad because intelligent people aren't playing my stupid politics game abloobloo

btw what you are rambling about are closeted leftist normies, being completely antipolitics and hating both sides is the final enlightenment, now fuck off

No you don't. Reality is boring, living in germany through the 30's sucked unless you were a high ranking member of the NSDAP.

How fucking delusional and paranoid are you that you thought the OP was somehow an attack on the right you fucking clown

The original user was saying nostalgia is dumb. How you managed to turn that around into some weird shit about political extremes is anyone's guess.

>early 00s
>GTA Vice City
>Linkin Park
>Living here

If this wasn't your childhood you missed out.

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I mean I was ACTIVELY opposed to Iraq in 2003. Think I was a freshman in high school. I was doing debate team and getting into school political clubs and stuff because I had just been following the post-9/11 drive to build up Iraq, and then in those months leading up to it, it was like EVERYONE was just taking crazy pills. You couldn't say anything without being shrieked at for being "UnAmerican" and everyone had kind of devolved into the most monkey instincts. Like when the economy tanked in 2008 I was a Junior in college and it was "well of FUCKING COURSE THAT HAPPENED WTF DID YOU CUNTS THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN WHEN YOU CUT ALL THOSE CORPORATE TAXES, DEREGULATED EVERYTHING, AND WENT NUTS WITH FUCKING SPENDING?!"

Like it's weird how in hindsight, the prequel trilogy and the terror wars were kind of the hugely defining "coming of age" moments in my life. That's what the aughts were to me. Just learning real fast that the people in charge of things aren't always the best intended, and aren't always competent.

Attached: stay in the lines george.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

I was in my 20s in 2003. Getting drunk, fucking fat, ugly girls, and wasting my life.

>You're like the mini boss NPC

Jesus christ leave your house Sekiro

I remember hating the early 2010s so much when i was in them, now i miss them. At least we had some kind of identifiable culture back then, instead of this depressing post ironic shithole

2009-2012 was nice
There's nothing I miss about 2014-2016. Even now is better than then.

Early 2000s was cool. Technology was slowly creeping in but social media didn't completely brainwash everything.
It was a nice mix of soul and technology. Everything is fucked now.

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>i wish i lived in a totalitarian fascist state with thought police, no freedom of expression in any aspect of my beliefs and being drafted into a paramilitary organisation to prepare to be drafted into the wehrmacht when i turn into an adult to fight an inevitable war while being inundated with propaganda
ok buddy...

I didn't at all. I was responding to the "centrist" meme.
>I'm mad because intelligent people aren't playing my stupid politics game abloobloo
no it's the opposite of intelligence. It's "it seems like there are 2 sides arguing, I'm going to virtue signal how special I am by ALWAYS just being in the middle."

and how this works in terms of political messaging is that you just function as a useful idiot for the more intolerant and manipulative side.
cynical appeals to nostalgia to manipulate people are dumb. People can't help feeling nostalgic for their better years.
>How you managed to turn that around into some weird shit about political extremes is anyone's guess.
I was literally referring to someone saying that "centrist is not a sick burn." I'm someone that actively rejects the dichotomy, and I say that there's nothing worse than being called a "centrist" because of what "centrists" have let themselves be manipulated into becoming in the US.

But even ignoring the US, "centrism" as a concept is inherently cancerous and stupid, and prone to manipulation by the more extreme and abusive side. Like in communist Russia, "centrists" were just communists that called themselves centrists and acted as an antagonist on anyone that questioned the communists. In Nazi Germany "centrists" were the ones that essentially allowed the concentration camps to happen. They always act as informal buffer between the assholes and everyone else.

>I didn't at all
Follow the reply chain ass clown. Also kill yourself.

How the FUCK did you make out the lyrics? He got shot in the face you know. In the FACE!

2013 was literally the best year of my life, both real life and internet life. I don't know why it went donwhill after that

Yeah, the internet was nice.
MMOs were huge and the only shitters were the odd brazilian, russian and vietnamese.
But technology as a whole was on a downward spiral with the explosion of waggle-shit and overpriced mp3 players.

But the owner of the local kosher food store got arrested so life is so much better now

Hell yeah, the great depression was sick. Boy, remember waiting in bread lines? Yup, those were the days.

It was heaven compared to the Weimar Republic


Oh lawd.

Well, it's not flat anymore; some idiot expanded air into it and we live in a globe.

based georgie destroying illusions with a neon pen in a futuristic dystopian space society.


So many words and yet so little substance. Read more pal

bruh, Germany in the 30's was the happiest country on earth.
>got past over a decade of depression
>economic boom
>finally people are waking up to the kike menace
>qt German girls everywhere wanting to breed, so they can fill up the lebensraum later
>everyone you know is in the party

And it would have been fine after that too, but Britain simply too salty to let anything good ever happen to a different country.
Instead, they decided to hand over half of Europe to Russia for 50 years.