Just rewatched this fucking kino horror. Were the MCs flashbacks part of a spell ? Also, discuss the lore

Just rewatched this fucking kino horror. Were the MCs flashbacks part of a spell ? Also, discuss the lore.

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This is what happens when a human irl meets a video game boss.

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Nightmare fuel

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Self bump
Becausr tv is unironically arguing about captain marvel. Im done with you faggots

Yes, I believe so. It was hammering him with his biggest failure as a man, literally drubbing him over the head with his own cowardice.

>kneel, you fuck

How did you like the way they used our own pattern recognition and preconceptions against us? They showed us the Jotunn's head, then they showed us the whole fucking thing, barely obscured by the trees, but until we got the reveal, we had no fucking clue what we were looking at. I hadn't seen anything that masterful since the xenomorph "camouflage" in the early Alien films.

Film? I like that.

Problem Child 2

Am I supposed to know what this movie is?

Ritual, it's an OK horror film that the retard OP ruined for you by spoiling the big reveal.

The Ritual

A Jotuun ? So like a Giant ? They mention something about Loki aswell...

Seems like he carved out a small territory in the deep woods. His own magical realm.But he couldnt follow the MC into the light or he just didnt want to risk revealing himself.

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Oh, yeah. I read the book. Some Norwegian black metal band wanted to sacrifice British tourists to some sort of Lovercraftian forest god.
Didn't even know there was a movie.

Was the book any good ? Did they go into more detail about thr God ?

probably the closest we'll get to a skin walker movie. i enjoyed the ritual, don't understand why some people hated it, it's better than most modern horror and it's pretty original.

You coould see that thing 30 times and still be like " what the fuck ?"

I remember it as leaving the monster as a sort of unknown force up until the end. It focused more on the main character.

The fact its still lurking in that forest and can just rebuild another cult fucks with me. Also, what was up with those zombies in the mock church in the attic ? Were those other elder beings or were they just old humans because of the promised immortality ?

Damnit. I want more creepy elk wizard god ! I want to see where he hangs out who he plays cards with.

Most original and disturbing monster recently. Prove me wrong.

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Netflix is stepping its game up i see

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Loki himself is a Jotunn. The Woodgod is his child.

My take on it is that they are representative of the eternal "life" he offers - a living death singing praises as members of a profane parody of the "heavenly choir."

Depending on how you read it, the Woodgod is either profaning both Christianity's Heaven and the Norse concept of Valhalla wherein the Woodgod takes only the cowards who would rather spend an eternity in fear than risk the hereafter, or his "church" is a pagan's view on Christianity.

Either way, it's creepy as shit.

I was absolutely blown away by this design.

Christ, could you imagine waking up to see that shit?

Probably laugh at generic demonic creature with humanoid features


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