>Shadow you need the candy to find the lady who has the coin which can show you the past of the person who has the memory of the god who is not born in the future yet!
What the fuck is this show about?
American Gods
i watched like 6 episodes and had no clue so i dropped it
It's about the fact that old god folktales make no fucking sense in the context of real life
they just throw shit in randomly
like ibis weighing dead wife's heart in the 3rd episode when they were only getting him to sew her back together
I like to think we learn the rules with every episode. Still the best thing airing atm
Man character's acting was abysmal. I just couldn't watch. I don't even mind watching a mutt if they can act but jesus christ he seems like he's legit retarded.
That's Gaiman writing 101. The first couple of Sandman volumes feel like video game quests.
That's not saying much. What else even is there
>stop doing this, dead woife: the tv show
Are both those characters as prominent in the book? Because they're annoying
Exactly. It's still great though, S2 is killing it. Fuller can fuck off
Hating whitey.
Shadow is cool. In the last episode one African American went on a rant though
i was watching one of the newest episode earlier and thinking how a lot of the dialogue and gods are capeshit tier
Fuck no. Dead Wife haunts Shadow from the background and only has two or three speaking parts aside from when she shows up out of left field to wreck boipucci. Then Sweeny Dies in a snowstorm after not being invited to the house on the rock. Filler everywhere.
It's about how convoluted and pretentious they can make it with a straight face
>aaaaa help mommy I don't understand
television is for retards
no one will get this series
don't worry anons some youtube video will explain it to you
Pretty solid one, citing actual precedents like he was reciting a parody of a courtroom.
Will you faggots read the book because it’s much fucking better
No. Now tell us that the annoying characters have a good payoff.
>tell me why I'm doing all this
>dude just believe lmao
literally 2 seasons of this shit
I liked it when he started talking in a wakandan accent. anansi is always right