Why is Japanese television so wacky? haha
Why is Japanese television so wacky? haha
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Her tits are too big, it's not sexy
I think I hate japan. It all seems so pathetic and artificial, at least the chinese are obvious about being scum.
i've seen that host on gaki, absolutely based tv host
>Gets a literal porn star to come on their show just to have her play with her tits
Based nips
The japanese, more than anyone else, have embraced the clown world era of humanity. It's all over their media
Overcompensating for their bland lives.
>the only big busted woman they can find is that stds ridden yakuza whore
This is actually true.
>women are whores
wow, you're a fucking pioneer
nice reading comprehension
Had the pleasure of meeting Hitomi Tanaka at a charity do once. She was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.
>Anriposting on Yea Forums
I'm ok with this
How the fuck could you tell?
Japan is the best.
Yup, the japanese are notoriously right-wing too.
Her English was broken, but she smiled a lot.
How did it feel meeting a person you've seen licking over 50 asses?
maybe cause my mother had the biggest tits in the city and she let me cuddle with her all day that now I don't really feel anything with tits, they seem too normal to me, I dont get the sexual appeal at all, I'm more into faces and feet and have no problem with flat chests, in fact, I'd rather had a girl with small nipples than those big cookie ones
why shouldn't she be down to earth when his job is literally the lowest it can be?
in a row?
red bikini is anri, im guessing they are all pornstars
aka "our propaganda insists it and I'm incapable of differentiating between received opinions and ones that people actually hold"
>gibs donation at the top
whenever I see these kinds of freak titties all I can think about is how they're made by injecting polymer strings that cause chronic irritation and they're actually literally filled with pus-like fluid that needs to be periodically drained to stop them growing indefinitely into even more cartoonish pus-sacks
>stop them growing
Why the fuck would you want to do that?
Is there a place I can download heaps of Japanese shows all nice and ordered and consistent and subtitled and shit?
lol I love how the Left turns everything into a "right-wing symbol" the moment someone other than a commie faggot uses it. We could probably get them to disown rainbow flags.
It's not, that's a satellite channel for adults. I live in Japan and TV is fucking garbage apart from new year's eve.
It's just people saying how delicious food is and acting surprised about basic facts about the world
Hiya limmy
why do you live in japan?
he's a greasy weeb teaching english
Those are natural though
I like living in a safe country with nice people. I'm also married with 4 kids so in too deep to leave
because eventually you can't walk without a wheelbarrow for your disgusting fluid balloons
i genuinely pity anybody so simple and mind-bleached that they can find that shit remotely attractive
That's my fetish.
Same reason American reality shows suck balls and Brit panel shows suck shit right out of assholes: they're cheap.
Just watch the 24/7 Gaki No Tsukai stream.
Virgin detected
I'm not a dancing monkey but my tax does support the JET weebs which I hate
>I live in Japan and TV is fucking garbage
spoiler alert it's the same everywhere else
Imagine the smell
nice retort, american
Japanese TV is great, you faggot. Even post-compliance it's still head and shoulders above the rest of the world in terms of entertainment, stop watching dramas and talk shows.
Dancing around for the amusement of others used to be considered a low job but now everybody wants to be a star. Actors weren't allowed to be burried in the same cemetery as regular people in the past and I'm beginning to think it was a good idea.
This 3rd world incel thinks all big boobs are plastic lol
plz spoon feed me the link
It's not a virgin, its a genuine homosexual
Basically anything that deviates from "crossdressing twink" body is "disgusting" or "nigger tier" or "a joke" depending on what board they are on
of course it was, anyone that lies for a living should not be a role model
singers, sportmans and actors are basically clowns to entertain us
Yet some of them will make more money in a year that everyone on this whole website in a lifetime combined. We live in this farce of a world where someone who kicks a ball fairly well is rewarded better than all the doctors and teachers.
thank you fren
>But no Kaho?
Really says a lot about society huh
At least he isn't a pussy making side remarks instead of actually replying to people.
Also "virgin" and "incel" aren't even applicable insults here you fucking retard. Maybe try "faggot" or something, although the fact that you use virgin/incel as your go-to insult in the first place probably indicates you're some kind of horn-wearing SJW ally so maybe "faggot" is off the table for you, faggot?
Anyway he's right, the "beauty standards" in US porn are some wacky in-bred degenerate shit.
It sort of made sense back in the day when porn came on VHS and there were no other choices, but we have options now so there's definitely something wrong with you if you still fetishize the anal-bleached spray-tanned chain-smoking barbie-types with spherical pseudotitties.
It unironically seems like corporate brain damage if your idea of sexuality begins and ends with chest size.
because it's top tier
Kys incel
Is this Koreans taking the clean your room pill?
Wow I stand corrected. With sterling replies like that I'm entirely convinced that you aren't literally brain damaged, at all.
calm down elliot
how's the treasure hunter gaki anyway? haven't watched any part yet. how far is the translation?
I am watching TERRACE HOUSE on netflix and it is the absolute best "big brother" documentary i have ever seen
the fact that its just japanese people being japanese ist the most fascinating scenario, more then i would have ever thought
I recommend to everyone to watch it and pay attention how humble, respectful and honest japanese people treat each other
western Big brother formats are truely barbaria, feel like a savage being from the western world
It's a Hamada storyboards an idea for a JAV movie.
Fuck you. That's Hitomi, the tit legend.
I don't want to hear that shit from someone who probably thinks Gaki is even worth watching on New Years.
Terrace House is completely fake, they're just actors.
Have you seen the Terrace House spinoff Wednesday Downtown did? Monster House? It's...frightening. It's Terrace House but with Kuro Chan wednesdaydowntownp.wixsite.com
because of tv and advertisement, it wouldve happen the same in ancient Athens If they had that
Also you can find old scriptures about males angry at bards for conquering their wifes/daughters/sisters...
>le incel meme
based dilator
wow, that psyop really did meme itself into becoming self sustaining didnt it
kinda hard to tell since Yea Forums is at least 40% shillposts at this point but yeah that's kind of the point of psyops
Asshole with a guitar probably dates from before there were instruments to speak of.
because we don't broadcast surgeries nd put branding on their scalpels
gigantic tits and a child's ass. you can't have it all.
unironically women wouldve rather date the one making sound with stones than the one making fire
Its a mistery how humanity even survived cause women dating paterns are bullshit.
I really dislike this nigger, it feels like his only "talent" is being black.
Bobby is 10 times the nigger that this faggot is.
Again, you sound retarded using that insult in this context. Virginity has no bearing on liking tits. Arguably it's virgins who have the strongest opinions on them.
In fact, if you ever actually do have sex, it's extremely unlikely that it will be with someone who has a type of (illegal) implant that's almost exclusively used by porn stars, you clown-shoes fucktard.
All these rice people have zero empathy. They don't even have a word for love in their languages, just lol. All their shows and media feel artificial as fuck.
Imagine thinking every tit bigger than D cup is plastic and being called out for your stupidity
Image doubling down with autistic fits of wall texts
what's up Limmy my man
All these bread people have zero empathy. They don't even have a word for love in their languages, just lol. All their shows and media feel artificial as fuck.
still better than American if you ask me
Even China's African fanboy is cooler than sushi black dude.
Disproportionate to the body nature. Disgusting
It's a shame how everybody just forgot that it was an FBI media blanket campaign that popularised it after the power of calling people 'virgins' universally wore off all of a sudden somehow, but at least it makes it easy to pick out the easily-impressionable.
yep. japs live like insects.
You have mistaken the Koreans with the Japanese.
>because I can't tell real tits from plastic ones this is all a FBI CIA psyop
Lmao found the weeb. My wife watches TV daily and it's utter garbage. It's either some tarento walking around saying uwaaa sugoi or everyone eating some local dish and trying to out do each other by shouting oishii
It's fucking garbage
Woah babby's first deep thought
It's how it's always been you turbonigger
remember what Juventus said? Yeah.
They've already unironically named 2% Milk as a "racist symbol". I don't doubt it.
It all makes sense when you realize women's purpose in acting that way is to make men strong and controlling. If nothing ever challenged men to attempt to control women, we would become complacent and sedentary. Life is a constant push pull dynamic between the two, and this dynamic has created strong men and destroyed weak men
I don't know what's sadder, that you have a braindead, basic bitch for a wife, or that you think that she's the be-all, end-all of TV.
I watch some of their jdramas. Even if their acting is so weird, the girls are so pretty.
Live fast kys young, that's Nippon baby!
>In fact, if you ever actually do have sex
this is a good point
i noticed a while ago that people's go-to insult almost always seems to be the thing that they're most sensitive about personally
for reals, go find some videos of literal downsie speds having verbal altercations: in a fight, retards accuse other people of being retards
niggers call people niggers
crackheads call people crackheads
and this goofy tit-lover really insists on calling people "virgins"
We split the atom and all that bullshit but we haven't figured out how to stop showering people who don't deserve it with money. Panem et circenses.
What's sadder is you putting Japanese TV on a pedestal you pleb
>The clown render of Pepe the Frog, which KnowYourMeme researchers have identified as being known as “Honk Honk” or “Honkler,” began spreading across the internet last year.
>KnowYourMeme researchers
Holy fucking shit. This site is amazing.
These people unironically want to be taken seriously.
Post more webms.
he's funny as fuck in the documental
Yea Forums is not as important in Japan as it is in countries like the US and the UK. They are further behind in terms of entertainment development for things like tv, since people just don't care about it as much. It's a background thing for people to put on as noise while they go about their lives. It may surprise some of you to hear this, but tv isn't nearly as important in many other countries as it seemingly is in so many nations in the west.
That doesn't mean that "LMAO JAPANESE ARE BUGMEN WHO CAN'T MAKE REAL ENTERTAINMENT". If you look at some of Japanese cinema, it is clear they are very capable of making serious and artistic media, since they actually consider cinema an artform- not tv. Just look at how quickly cinema in the west matured before tv did. It is only very recently that tv shows stopped being a laughingstock for the most part. Go back and watch shows from even the 90s and early 2000s and then tell me how great western television has always been. Better yet, go and watch anything 80s or before, it was on about the same level as Japan is now. And why is Japan better at making tv animation than we are? Because it is a serious medium for them and not just a child's medium. There is no innate difference in artistic talent, just a difference in what they consider important, and what people watch more of.
The "Street Fighter" scene with him and the stone-faced guy was the best.
I live in Japan and aside from the exceptions like Itte-Q all the television is hot trash.
In terms of number of shows I watch weekly, Japanese TV is far and away number one.
They absolutely put out some garbage for housewives, just like every fucking country. I don't know why you're surprised by food shows, they definitely have a lot of them but they're hardly the only thing on, and none of them can act in dramas to save their lives, but their variety content is consistently solid, because the Japanese have an absurd work ethic and will literally go through hours and hours of footage for the sake of a 10 second clip, and they'll do that every week for years.
Looks a lot more fun than anything on Western TV.
For me it's Maria Ozawa
Is this allowed in your country?
Literally me
How can Hollywood even compete?
>That face and tumor tits
Or maybe you're too much of an indoctrinated edgemeister anything that isn't blood guts rape and superheros you can't stand wholesome decent television solely geared towards well adjusted nipponese people?
All those J dramas and talk shows just can't cut it, I need people bashing other people's heads in and extreme animals biting each other while bear gryles eats his own shit and ramsey yells at people for petty things
Or maybe you're just another one of those losers stationed in japan like the worthless government fodder you are
Taking back the rainbow
nice skit.
I guarantee you this has so many goofy sound effects that a webm does not do it justice.
>We could probably get them to disown rainbow flags.
Look again at Clown Pepe's hair.
imagine being so much of a weeb loser that you waste your time defending japanese soap operas
Calm down Chang
With the exception of some high-budget cinematic dramas/etc (which arguably could constitute a third medium of serials sitting between cinema and traditional TV anyway) almost all of our television is fucking trash right now, no need to go back a decade.
If you turn on your TV, right now, to a random channel, you're going to see some complete garbage. So when people turn on a hotel TV in a foreign country to a random channel I'm not sure why they expect anything different.
I guess if you're a brain-dead consumer type who actually regularly watches normal TV then you might be used to what you're seeing, think it's normal, and compare international unfavourably to that normalisation.
But you'd just be acclimatised in that case, and I think that's probably what's highlighted if you go back and watch TV from a few years ago. Even stuff like universally-acclaimed dramas from a decade ago can seem like they have stilted and weird acting when you watch them today. But I doubt that particular art has progressed all that much since then; it's just a different stage in a slow tonal shift that we're used to.
Nice blogpost, but yeah I unironically agree with this, except in a more positive tone. One of the contributing factors in the west's decline has been the over-reliance on entertainment to substitute actually "living a life". That Japanese television is light hearted fun is a testament to a proper hierarchy of values. People in the US boast with pride when they binge watch a show; in Japan, you'd be laughed at, called a child, and asked why you didn't have anything better to do.
>let's call him chinese
I'm pretty sure that's been out-lawed in the US
Was he on the first season of Documental? If so then yea he's terrible. Gimmick is literally I'M BLACK IN JAPAN LOL ISN'T THAT CRAZY LOL.
post more japs pranks
>So when people turn on a hotel TV in a foreign country to a random channel I'm not sure why they expect anything different.
Because they're weebs who think Japan is magical anime land. What's really pathetic are the self-hating ones who move there and cannot fucking cope with the country at all. So they withdraw into pathetic self-loathing ex-pat communities, marry the first washed up bar whore that shows any interest, and spend every day trying to belittle people who like Japan online because they're angry at their past selves and think everyone is just as stupid as them.
Yeah he was. He wasn't that terrible, he did use the "I am cocojin here's a pic of my lazy eyed boxing dad" in the final hour but gotta admit it was a funny gimmick.
is it just me or does it feel like lately the Americans are patrolling the internet far more aggressively than usual to insist that everyone else sucks as much as them
what are they butthurt about?
Holy shit you’re a fucking weeb. Even from a cinematic angle the shows suck. Lighting and angles are complete garbage.
why do they all look the same?
>what are they butthurt about?
bc they literally have everything, and still want more, and more is never enough.
it's just you, in the last few years they've been hard at it on here with the cancerous politics, so it isn't anything new
>I live in Japan and TV is fucking garbage apart from new year's eve.
There are only four things worth watching :
Gaki no Tsukai
Suiyoubi no Downtown (by far the best program on TV)
Game Center CX
Ame Talk
And Ame Talk went downhill a few years ago and is way more hit than miss now.
no, that can't be it.
there's a big difference between the confident attitude of superiority they used to have online from like 1998-2012 and what they're doing now, which is more like... loudly trying to convince everyone that they really honestly aren't afraid of losing their status, with this kind of sense of desperation
Oh, how the table has turned
This is pretty much the perfect "braindead gaijin TV" starter pack.
fucking hilarious overdubbed voices for the gaijin. Fuck natalia is hot as fuck with her dirty whorish comments. I bet slamada fucked her.
>is it just me or is there something preoccupying my mind and I in turn project that behavior onto them?
yeah more prank shit
that's japan in a nutshell. Plenty of women with big anime tiddes but barely any woman that has a normal ass. much less a nice big one. even the fatties have no ass
If by "braindead gaijin" you mean someone who refuses to watch anything containing any male or female idols, anything that's badly written, rote, soulless, unfunny and uninteresting.... Then sure, yeah.
sure but it feels like there's been a new quality to it for the last few months when it comes to talking about the rest of the world hyper-defensively
thanks for your valuable contributions to the discussion, america
Nah, I mean someone with a Japanese level so low that they can't actually watch most of the real talk shows because the topics fly right over their heads without pictures.
So far, it's mediocre. The past few years they have stopped trying anything new and just done the same old jokes over again.
So the family guy skit where Peter beats up Lois and she scuttles away giggling was accurate?!
it's probably because the rest of the world has increased their shitposting about americans; they've become the biggest joke of all countries, just look at /int/
The United States has always been the object of unrequited fixation of much of the world.
>the biggest joke of all countries
Nice try, Nigel.
don't forget your see-through backpack on your way to class today, ramirez
Yeah, that's true enough. Most tv even in America is trash. What I meant was that pretty much ALL of Japanese tv is trash, and I understand why that is the case, nor do I even consider it a bad thing necessarily. It just shows that they place less importance on television. And like you say, people acclimatise to what is on their tv at the time. People were completely fine with the hammy acting we had on tv a few decades ago, so why would the Japanese not be ok with their weird unnatural acting when it is the norm? And like you say, even most modern western tv acting is stilted and perhaps we just don't notice it much yet, and in a few years time we'll realise that we've progressed again. Japan is at a different stage in the maturing of their tv, and one day we'll be at a different stage compared to our tv now.
Until then, it's kind of pointless to just say something like "WHY IS JAPANESE TV SO BAD" without thinking about how and why it is different or without thinking about how people are just used to different norms.
I think this is a reason anime is so much more advanced than western tv animation and even compared to Japan's own live action tv. Otaku's take anime more seriously than normal Japanese people take tv, and they spend more time watching it, which is why the medium has had to evolve more quickly than live action tv in Japan. Essentially, it just shows that otaku people are so sad they've needed their medium of enjoyment to evolve faster than the normal, functional people of Japanese society.
>There are people in Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't seen every episode of Game Centre CX
Jesus imagine that
>Nah, I mean someone with a Japanese level so low that they can't actually watch most of the real talk shows because the topics fly right over their heads without pictures.
you could say their jokes are getting as old as they are now, maybe thats a thing
This was just painful to read, I really wish N1 at least tested basic production ability. Maybe they can come out with an N1+ at some point, but I guess the whole point of these tests is that they're marked by a machine in 2 seconds and rake in millions off braindead weebs.
99% of everything is trash. Obviously, the vast majority of Japanese TV is going to be bad, but there are some great shows out there, which is why it's so funny that you're practically just sticking to the same paddling pool that EOPs are forced to swim in, and that you're proud of this ignorance.
It's sad that you disgusting burgerfats don't even know your own history or politics well enough to know how silly you sound when you make these kind of ego-shielding statements. Yeah man, everyone is just "obsessed", meanwhile global cultural hegemony has been a stated policy of your nation for decades.
ignorance is a virtue
if we can't find you on a map, it's because we're simply too cool
Notice how often posters from other countries make these kinds of unprompted defensive posts. Never, right? Yeah you're just dripping with confidence there bro
>Most tv even in America is trash.
>even in America
dude, every time I travel to the US and turn on a tv it's depressing as fuck
HBO/netflix/whatever aside, regular american tv is some of the worst, and that's saying something
remember how Robocop had those satirical television segments? I wonder if kids today would even detect the satire
I swear ever since they fired that producer a few years ago, they have changed demographics and are only catering to old people who just want the same joke over and over again.
At least their weekly shows are still funny. Last week's silent library was quite good.
How can white “women” even begin to compete?
it's mostly feeling like that because it's only airing once a year in japan, but if you watch the shows in the span of a week it does get incredibly stale
>but there are some great shows out there,
You still haven't named one even though I asked you too, you goofy fuck. Not one.
You're just spewing frustrated, empty insults on an anonymous forum, proving nothing to noone.
I can't help it if your life is shit. I understand your need to take it out on people, but do it on your family or your pets?
Big Boobies :D
You’re reading a lot of subtext into a pretty reasonable statement of facts. The US imposes an outsized level of global influence that really only flows in one direction. For better or worse.
I don't think it is just that. Up until Detectives, while they did have the same formula, they at least tried to make different twists of the formula as well as try new things. I'm currently rewatching them all back-to-back now, I'm up to EDF, and they still manage to get laughs out of me while American police and Treasure Hunter either had me cringing or bored.
My bad, I honestly did just stop reading before your last sentence because seeing shit like "テレビは主にごみです。ただのごみ" makes me legitimately want to kill myself, I honestly think that given another 100 years it'd still be way too early for you to start attempting to produce Japanese.
Where's the fun in finding new shows if I just give you a fucking list of shit I watch? Just branch out a bit, it's not hard.
>makes me legitimately want to kill myself
You really should, all you've shown is that you're a bitter, miserable faggot, that can't back up his statements.
the TLDR is that the Japanese consider TV as being a thing for housewives to watch during the day and kids to watch before/after school.
So was he gay for cumming?
>this is what white "men" of Yea Forums are attracted to
>I honestly think that given another 100 years it'd still be way too early for you to start attempting to produce Japanese.
And would you care to explain what grammatical and syntactical mistakes I've made? And what's keeping you from saying all that to me in Japanese? To prove your exquisite mastery of the language? Except the fact that you don't fucking speak Japanese, of course, and are just a miserable person lying on the internet?
And what's keeping you from actually recommending shows? Except the fact that you don't know any, because you don't live in Japan and, again, don't fucking speak Japanese?
The answer is : nothing.
The only thing people need to know is that 水曜日のダウンタウン is awesome and everyone should watch it. Your opinions on anything else are irrelevant.
wew, don't think I've seen an user spew so much shit without backing it up before.
sort yourself out mate
is fapping to traps gay?
It's purposefully larger than life. As far as I know, the whole themed reality show formula that's super popular here in the US is not very popular in Japan.
post sexy webm
Limmy pls go
imagine the smell
>because you don't live in Japan
You're right there, I'm not dumb enough to move halfway around the world for an underpaid job.
I've never said suiyo is a bad show, just that it's entry level as fuck. Go watch yofukashi, or god tongue. Darake is pretty solid, Ariyoshi hosts some funny shit, there's a plethora of entertainment out there but you got burned by a couple of fucking food blogging shows and think you've found everything there is worth watching.
Ummmmm, here's the thing: I fucking hate Trump. He embarrasses me everyday, he makes us all look like backwards idiots, and frankly the fact that he got elected means that we probably are all backwards idiots.
Hitomi is ugly as shit.
A lot of Americans not like him, hate him even. He was even out voted.
b-but boobs
>looking at her face
lmao, u gay?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. /csg/'s two boards down
>butter face in porn
>no one will ever really bother to translate old knight scoop episodes anymore now that youtube dmca's them
Counter Strike: GO?
cocksucker general
That's too bad, I actually learned some ultimately useless but entertaining facts about the local fauna.
That's your answer? Fucking God Tongue and Yofukashi? A plainer than white rice entertainment show like there are dozens of, and another one so basic and /or vulgar it actually makes Gekidan Hitori not funny?? Jesus Christ. The other guy was right, you should kill yourself.
Suiyou is the only show on TV that sometimes goes into satire or irony territory. That alone makes it rare and valuable in a country that is so devoid of both that most people don't even understand the concepts. And also, it's hilarious. Your recommendations aren't. And they're ordinary as fuck. Why not recommend Hirunandesu while you're at it?
You proved to be really were full or shit, weren't you?
The one with the husband that had not spoken to his wife for like 15 years is the single most Japanese thing I've seen in my life.
absolutely boring
Isn't that Hitomi Tanaka. This is probably an adult show. Not really a bad idea
hes a retard, but everyone sucking the msm virtue signaling cock got what they deserved and it was fucking beautiful.
Because Japanese life is so repressed.
I was just larping, not even American and Trump is fine by me, but yes it was
if you think it's hard for japs to be wacky like those shows irl, that's wrong.
What's the code for this?
its not JAV
Alright then, so what's the full source?
Nevermind, I found it through some Googling. Appreciate you telling me it's not JAV.
For anyone else, the title is "Queen & Maid" and you can easily find it.
This. There's a time and place for everything. They are completely boring and professional when they work, unlike every western office that seems to require an annoying clown, but get them into a karaoke bar and give them a few drinks, and they are completely different people.
>when the fucking Evangelion battle sortie music kicks in
Hitomi did a set with Milena Velba, and Milena was bigger.
can literally make them write about anything. Should bring back "googles" being used as a stand in for "niggers" that was a fun time
Nadine is better looking than both.
Fuck me that was a cicada
Japanese kids' TV is fucking baller.
America has to buy footage and piece it back together to have anything approaching good tokusatsu.
Its fluent japanese mate I dont see anything wrong with it. Grammatically you can tell he's western but he didnt make any mistakes
What the hell is your problem?
This is about the level of discourse I would expect
愛 is the word for love in Japanese. Its pronounced ai
Nigga what are you, gay or something?
Lol wtf I've never heard that and I come to this stupid site every day. I swear they spend a few days here and either make shit up or someone trolls them. "Oh yea, w-we call that pepe honkler"
she has macromastia, you won't find any scarring or injection marks on her breasts.
shut up, ai is only used for THE love of your life and even then they feel awkward using the word
How about you think before writing such nonsensical crap? That user BTFO'd you, be a man and take it.
He was btfo for sure, but he's not wrong with that post. You saying ai to a Japanese person is typically much too strong unless they're literally on their deathbed in their last moments or something equally dramatic, saying it even to a lover makes them think you're mocking them and pretending to be a J-drama star or something. Suki is an acceptable equivalent in 99% of cases.
Source for this kino?
incels won't kill themselves we have to start killing them
why are soo many japanese men ugly
Daily reminder that she's married to an arab guy now. Stay mad japs we're taking your women.
Every self-respecting Yea Forums poster should check out the MUM series. Pure kino.
Who's the girl to the right of Hitomi?
nah, it's the shape of them and the sag, not that they are too big. Even then she still gets me hard.
that was kawaii as fuck nigga
why did you marry 4 kids?
everyone loves sex so why not get paid to do it
Actually proud of being an uncivilised savage devoid of constructive moral character.
*picks up her toys and goes home*
nice reddit spacing
But why is it so CUTE?
because their society is sick to the core
Based Fuko
best japanese comedy show??
Which one of you brapposters caused this?
Why would anyone fap to Hitomi when Anri is better in every single way
At least they have games and make effort for coming up with new shit. Korean variety shows are worse, they are bland hour and a half dicksucking networking events for celebs that control the country.
Hitomi still does porn
Imagine being such a brainlet. No country is without problems but the history and culture of Japan is really interesting.
>B-but they're racist against non-Japanese
So what they still make kino
Shitty excuse to fap to the ugly one
Hitomi has a twitch channel too, but she hasn't streamed in a while. She used to play mario kart 8 in complete silence for hours.
>She used to play mario kart 8 in complete silence for hours.
My dick is diamonds
>It's just people saying how delicious food is and acting surprised about basic facts about the world
sound better than jerry spring type shit, judge judy, that hospital shit that runs forever, the mental ill spic who cut his penis, that children drag queen show, drag queen show 2, lesbians moms, show with non-binary people, generic crimes shit inserts.
maybe she'll come back
twitch tv/hitomi_official
I was being sarcastic
what do people in japan do in their free time them?
have magic battles on high school rooftops and get raped by tentacles
grope highschoolers
Imagine being a Japanese male and choosing to not breed with all these cows.
They have less free time than the average westerner. Many people get home at 9 pm and are drained to do anything productive. They open the TV and watch whatever bullshit is on, not because its good, but because there is no time or energy to do anything else.
I'm not entirely sure, but it seems "not being busy" is frowned upon in Japan. Students without extracurricular activities seem to be the anomaly, while in the west, if you know that kid at school who's got tons of classes and activities and never have free time you feel he's kinda weird or his parents are weird or whatever.
In their life, they seem to have less occasions to develop their personality or individuality, and by adulthood, you get drones, not in the sense that they do pointless, repetitive bullshit jobs (although many office workers do), but because they all seem interchangeable. In a public/work setting, chances are one japanese adult will behave, talk and care about the sames things as another.
This drone mentality is noticeable in small things too. Just go to hanami, some event where people go sit under cherrytrees when they are blossoming, and you'll notice that 1) 90% of people there will be sitting on the standard blue plastic carpet that I presume is given by the park and 2) all these groups are clustered together, and you'll hardly see a group sitting by itself or more than 5 meters away from another, even though every group is stranger to the other ones.
This is the first time I have seen a gay Japanese person... many of them. Just assumed it was taboo but they're all loving it.
>in Japan, you'd be laughed at, called a child
That's all coping with their ethnic identity. They're famous for their cartoons, video games and cutesy stuff, while also being more neotenous than any other race. Add that to their shame culture and if they're not working 24/7 they probably feel like literal children.
The drone mentality you're talking about is a byproduct of living in a collectivist culture.
That being said, if you get to know anyone from a place like China or Japan, you'll find they have very personal beliefs that can differ in extreme ways from mainstream society. They're just quiet about it, for obvious reasons.
People here always treat it as a negative, but many western problems spring out of a constant respect for individual ways when a certain level of conformity can be good.
>tfw no hitomi gf
think she's sick and tired of playing with her boobs all of the time? that shit must get old
I think she did say she was retiring at some point, partly because of wanting to do something else with her life, but according to she went back?
This is probably the wrong place to ask but has anybody here ever date a girl with tits like hitomi? How was it?
too profitable to turn down I guess
Anime can fix reality, though sometimes, reality doesn't really need saving
Why do fags get so hateful when guys say they like asian girls? They immediately start talking shit about their culture and and insulting you, just because you have a different taste in women.
Hitomi never retired. She's put out a movie every month and has another coming out a in couple weeks. If she was retiring she would most definitely have done a retirement video. She'll retire eventually, but seeing how she's the biggest JAV star at the moment, she could be getting more money to do stuff.
or maybe anime became reality in her case
Any weaboo to answer? this kind of show display late night or is it in plain daily time?
Isn't that guy Junior from gaki no tsukai ?
I haven't been watching TV for the last few months but from what I remember, those kinds of shows that had two or three dude hosts and like 20 idols/gravure actresses are what you see after midnight here, though the only thing I like to watch that late is Matsuko Deluxe's Monday show
That's the obese guy that appears in gaki no tsukai right ? Is it kino ?
Isn't one of the guy in OP vid also Junior from gaki ?
Who is that absolute qt?
It's the jealous western roasties and trannies. And, to a lesser extent, some self-crusading /pol/tard as well.
He is, Matsuko is very popular on his own in Japan right now, there are shops in Harajuku selling caricatures of him next to Trump or Obama and he has more than one regular show.
One of the guys is Chihara Junior yeah, the only jiggling the boobs is Gekidan Hitori who also appears a lot in the batsu games and stuff related to God Tongue, a lot of Gekidan's humor is from the idea that he has a very "Chinese" looking face to Japanese people, I think he can even speak Chinese
the artwork is done by ilya kuvshinov.
he basically traces over qts and turns them into animes.
You have visitors, user.
no, preferring asian girls is an instant giveaway that you're a limp wristed faggot that wants to be treated like a man without having to be one.
It was shit. But the thai kick part was a bit fun this year.
They'rr past their prime and science lab is probably the last good one we will ever see.
Best one so far I guess is either spy or detective
>like asian girls
>am also a limp wristed faggot
hmmm a daring synthesis
To me, the last good one was hotel employee.
christ its already being 10 years
Most girl's don't want to do their squats.
Thank you very much user. Blessings to you and everyone you love.
am I allowed to love both? I don't understand the warfare
there is no warfare only triggered roasties
>if you call me a limp wristed faggot you must be a dumb roastie
you're just a limp wristed faggot
I also love triggered roasties. I want to a triggered roastie and a yellow waifu for laifu at the same time.
oh shit, el macho over here gonna break our bones, watch out
the roastie is SEETHING lmao
how about a medium rare hapa?