Ham Burgera general /hbg/

>caught on camera screaming and threatening his manager after he turns up late for a 'show' and theres nobody there to see him
>hosts his own festival at castlebam but the township and police shut it down and block the roads
>they need to move location 4 times due to police interference
>when they finally get a location theres hardly any attendees and theyre all fat and old
>the standup 'comedian' is cringe and insults the attendees
>nikki leaves him and takes all his credit cards

youtube.com/watch?v=9VbYZWtAVNk [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=4sbWmiLI-Fg [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=6QJH851gwOg [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=bfEhJ8AknBw [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=Cn7HJ3XSaOM [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=NeFjclsnVJk [Open]

>that one wanker in the white at 00:10 who comes out of nowhere to sucker bam
youtube.com/watch?v=vvXLv8xs97w [Open]


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Other urls found in this thread:


suicide when

Who cares?

I do. Burgera theads have made Yea Forums tolerable for me. Too many capeshit drama not enough el JUSTO threads

oh cool another thinly-veiled cumtown thread for pathetic faggots

Remember when he used to skate?

he looks like he has a dick bent to his ass

I watched all these. This is the most pathetic shit.
Also bam bragging about getting a 40 year old literal who white rapper is possibly the most pathetic shit I've ever seen.

What did you say faggot?

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>ham burgera
lmao thats fucking good
its funny to laugh at him cause he was never really talented anyway. hes like the pauly shore of our generation.

He was pretty talented at skating transition. He used to rip FDR Park in philly. Becoming super famous kinda ruined his life and sent him on this downward spiral of self destruction

please this

Yay another "Fuck Bam Margera" thread

Imagine being a fat 40 year old who still thinks its 2003, still listens to emo and skateboards. What a loser


2019. I am reborn.

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Cum Town killed Bam, the Nick Mullen curse is real


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He really is becoming Phil. I wish Vito was alive to see the shit.

I wonder when the last time he spoke to Knoxville was

Phil's life is more put together than bam's

Wasted and wounded, chit chattin with nobodies.

I just feel bad for his mom, she must be worried sick about him and terrified he'll kill himself.

I'm sure the Jackass guys want to help, but unlike steve o they can't place him under a 5150 law because he isn't technically crazy on ketamine and trying to kill himself, the 5150 laws don't work if your friend is just a fucking moron. rip

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The only good thing involving Bam ever was when they threw him in a room full of snakes, triggering his phobia

learning that bam was an abusive alcoholic and drug abuser way before dunn died opened my eyes. dunn even stopped hanging out with him years before the car accident because of how bam started treating people.

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>Imagine being a fat 40 year old who still thinks its 2003, still listens to emo and skateboards


WHo heRe CuM tOwN?

>hey kid
>wanna listen to some cum town?
>first one's on the house
>anything after that you have to figure out how to get around the parental controls
>cause if your mom and dad find out you've been listening to cum town you're going to be spending all summer inside

sometimes when my parents are yelling at me i lock myself in my room and play cum town so loud you can hear it throughout the entire house cause i just dont give a fuck.

cum town is so edgy that i can only listen in 10 minute increments with 15 minute breaks in between.

i was driving around in my car listening to cum town and the police pulled me over and gave me a ticket for disturbing the peace. fucking pigs. why is everyone so easily offended?

I can't wait for this faggot to die, was literally every 'shithead little brother' trope rolled into one person

cum town should come with a warning label. DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR ELDERLY OR IF YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION. because cum town is so offensive that it might actually kill a person.

I think there's some sort of brain damage here. I don't see a happy ending.

>listens to emo and skateboards
Who listens to skateboards?

hey what if all the cum town fans got together and made a real city called cum town and lived there? everyone would be so pissed at us, it would be sweet. and we'd call our mayor Captain ShitPiss ahahaha and we'd call our treasurer FartBox Keeper ahahahahah. oh fuck man we should really do it!

guys instead of blasting radio messages of peace and unity out into space i heard some fuckhead cum town fan at NASA has been sending cum town out into space for the last year! the secretary of defense said it could start an intergalactic war! aaahahahahahah oh fuck man. cum town and their lunatic fans need to chill the fuck out before we piss off every alien in the universe and get lazer beams shot down our buttholes and burns our asses worse than shitting taco bell! Aaahahahahha

What did you say about Phil Marinara you little bitch??

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aw bam stop sunkin my dick youre gonna get dunk all over it i gotta get to work in the mornin bam

he called me just the other day, said he’s “fine”

You guys watch Big Mouth?

Vito wast the only thing that made Viva la Bam watchable.

He was dead way before that.

When did earthrocker posting happen? Bam has been a fat crazy alcoholic for a long time now


Is he the new king of JUST?

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>daily bam threads are now a thing
I love it. I check the guys instagram daily for updates. His entire life is such an entertaining dumpster fire

He’s been coasting on the years he used to skate longer than he actually skated for at this point

What's it like knowing just the mere existence of these people make you so fucking mad?

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I feel like Bam exaggerates how close Dunn and him were. Sure they were probably close when they were young but after listening to Novak’s podcast apparently they didn’t speak for a good 5 years and Dunn didn’t even film The Unholy Union after Viva la Bam ended. Bam just uses the death of his “best friend” as a way to drink and drug without feeling guilty

idk even if they were not really friends at the time or for 5 years Dunn dying might of made him feel guilty of how he treated the relationship

kinda like how you wish you spent more time with your dad when he died/going to die

Could be. Bams still a fucking retard though
>friend stops speaking to me because I won’t enter rehab/cut back drinking
>friend hypocritically dies from drinking and driving
>what should be a wake up call, Bam takes as an excuse to drink himself into oblivion

You don't know temptation at that level.

Good luck living in the streets in a near future, user

No I don’t but it’s easier just to watch from afar and laugh

He's gonna be dead before this year is out.

Steve-O rescue mission when!?

Why's it funny? Is your life that sad?

Go to rehab, Bam.

>not Dico

there was a point a couple years back where he got back into it in Barcelona and seemed like he could unJUST himself. Then he went back to pennsylvania and back to being a fat drunk again.

Cum town is the shit. My favorite is sam

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Steve-O is busy fucking his dog

It's a comedy.

Shutup Bam

>guy gets rich and famous for being an absolute prick to his friends and family
>can dish it out but got absolutely anally annihalted if somebody ever gave it back to him
>absolute shit tier in terms of Jackass crew
>becomes a fat bloated, JUST, alcoholic white trash druggy, before even 40
Yeah I do find it funny faggot

I love cool adam!!!!

Great podcast by 2 of his friends talking about his rise to fame, drug addiction, mentality, fall and recent events

This is why the schadenfreude is so delicious. Bam is was and always has been a massive fucking asshole.
Hey Bam, enjoy the hell you created, fag.

Forgot link

also add they talk about him as if hes a nice person, and make excuses for him
but bam seems like a total cunt

Based "Fuck Bam" posters

He made a career pranking others and laughing at their expense (Rake Yohn getting covered in mustard etc). Made millions from his spoilt, puerile antics and fucked it all up. Now he's a fucking nobody living relic of 2003 that is finally getting his JUST deserts.

Serves him right

Thank god i got a Ville Valo Tattoo! always thought about getting a bam tattoo but fuck this alcoholic lol, ville valo got clean because u avoided Bam and hated him for getting valo addicted

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>hes like the pauly shore of our generation.
i laughed

Pretty sure Bam paid to hang out with this guy

C U M - T O W N




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>I feel like Bam exaggerates how close Dunn and him were
its pathetic how he keeps going on about it, trying to garner sympathy from it, using it as an excuse for his situation, and using it for attention
i think its also a tool he uses to seem like a caring person with empathy, when he has no empathy

bam is trash
he wanted jackass4 to be call "jackass4: not dunn yet"

his friends go over that here

It's honestly a really fucking pathetic existence. Peter Pan syndrome at its worst.


One day we'll all be pointless and old with our best times long behind us forever, can't blame the guy for being sad about that. There's something to be said about growing old and accepting the passage of time with grace, surrendering youth for age. Seems he can't do that.

twitter adam is so much better than podcast adam

He sells a “Dunn pendant” on his shitty jewelry webshop. The guy is using his friends death to push tacky jewelry

Reminds me of when I saw Peter Hook's new band do a cover of Love Will Tear Us Apart, and stand there like he was rock star with his arms out in front of 2000 50 year olds


The fate of Bam Margera should serve as a cautionary tale for any uppity millennials who think that there isn't a price to pay for a total lack of empathy and accountability.

Bam was a spoilt little bastard whose wealthy, well meaning parents totally failed him by allowing him to run amok and encouraging his immature behaviour. Anyone with an ounce of introspection in them would seriously assess their life after witnessing the horrific death of their best friend due to reckless behaviour and seeing others fall by the wayside due to drugs and degeneracy.

Margera seemingly lacks all self-awareness and any desire to mature, preferring instead to subsist in the nostalgic vacuum of his long departed youth and descending ever further into self-parody and destruction.

It really is a pathetic spectacle to behold. His life has become a car crash that even Ryan Dunn would find disturbing.

See also Will Smith’s retarded children. The byproduct of “passive” parenting

Say what you want about nu-bam but viva la bam, jackass, and wild boyz are the height of comedy central

Childhood is feeling sorry for Ryan Dunn. Adulthood is realizing he was the lucky one.

imagine ruining your entire life over alcohol, that's pretty fucking GAY, go ruin yourself with some cool drugs like flakka or meth

you don't know fucking shit about bam or his situation, why don't you grow some fucking balls and get laid instead of spouting shit about him? the guy gives EVERYTHING to his fans and you treat me like shit, what the fuck has he ever done to you for you to take pleasure in his pain? Just fucking LAY OFF ok?

Stav is a fat hack faggot

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>not getting hank von helvete

It's not his parents fault, there must be 100 kids just like him in every small town in America, that would all grow up eventually and become real people. Putting him on TV and making him think he was special was the mistake

I think going from being considered the coolest guy around in 2003 to a living punchline a decade later has more to do with it

You fucking virgins have now idea about bams life he is a true rockstar. His comedy shows are doing amazing and I can still skateboard better than ever. Novack can suck a dick he never did anything for bam but I helped him with his heroin addiction all the fucking time! Bam is doing fine guys, fuck off with this shit.


His parents let him run the house since he was 12 years old. Total fucking pushovers.

Wait just a minute, did Brandon Novak really unJUST himself?

From Bam
To Boomer

>Posts obsessively in Bam Margera JUST threads
>Makes fun of the guy for being immature
>Spends all day laughing at his own shitposts on Yea Forums, most likely because he's unemployed and lives with his parents

Projection is a terrible thing

Laughing at people who ruin their lives is based and redpilled, are you some kind of slack jawed faggot?

Fuck off bam


>Bam Margera net worth: $50 Million

>Bam Margera is an American actor and stunt man who has a net worth of $50 million. Bam Margera was born Brandon "Bam" Margera on September 28, 1979. He has made himself a household name thanks to a multifaceted career as a television and radio personality, professional skateboarder and daredevil

Stay mad, faggots

What the fuck is Cum Town?

shut up chud you wish you could ruin your life as hard as me and blow all your life savings on drugs/alcohol but you can't, see i wear my brain damage and kidney/liver disease like a fashion accessory, you can't handle this sub 30 IQ who's better than you now watch me doodoo in my hand and throw it at you big up to my boy GG Allin in the big sky toilet respect

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Yup. Totally sober for 4 years

Wow good for him.


I just want to know what happened to Pontius.

as Dicamillo would say, who the fuck cares? I've been sober for 29 years.
he hates novak so much, it's great

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I sort of agree with him. Just because youve lived healthy and clean for the last 4 years, that doesn’t make up for the 25 you spent being walking human garbage

this is his suicide, we're halfway through now.

>tfw the cum boys were in town and I missed them

I'm not from New York so it's difficult for me to enjoy Cum Town.

weak b8

he's having a comfy life travelling the world with his gf

then why does he keep making those shitty parties?

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It seems like you guys still have your ego attached to him, but now his situation gives you a boost of superiority over him. You envy what he once was and use his current situation to reconcile your own failure.

>I'm sure the Jackass guys want to help

Everyone hated Bam.

I can’t tell if the cum shitposting is ironic or genuine but I would describe cum town in one word as “autistic” rather than “edgy” IMO

It's always the parents' fault when someone turns out trash. And, although narcissistic self righteous redditors will deny this, it's always the parents' success when someone turns out decent.

He was so far up his own ass.

>can dish it out but got absolutely anally annihalted if somebody ever gave it back to him
This was always the most annoying shit

Guys,I want to be an earthrocker,but I'm not a musician.
pls hlp

Did anyone not always think that Bam was clearly a total asshole and just enjoy some of the antics anyway? The "I'm gonna kick my dad's ass all day" bit is really all the evidence needed.

Me. I never though Bam was cool, even though I was his fanbases’ main demo. At 14 even I knew he was a poser annoying faggot. I loved Jackass and watched his show anyway

You are correct,sir.
I have to admit,I laughed at his antics.
Now he is like a retired pro wrestler that refuses to break character.

Bam seemed like the kind of guy who as a kid used to bully younger kids then him at the playground.

He just looks like Phil though, he acts like Vito

What the fuck is this shit?



I didn't know white trash of this magnitude existed

I worked for MTV UK for a time and most of it was spent with the Dirty Sanchez crew. Most of them were friends with the Jackass crew, who they knew through Gumball/skating/general MTV shit. Not a single one of them liked Bam Margera. Less than three of the Jackass bunch did.

By all accounts, not a very fun person to be around.

>Dirty Sanchez crew
They chose that name?

Was Bam trying to jump on the Housewives reality tv bandwagon or something? I’m imagining this is his attempt at self-production. Also:
>driving super cars barefoot with a cold one

No idea how the name came about. I was working for a Playstation magazine and then MTV asked me if I wanted to get in on a show.

Good to hear actually, I always assumed Jackass would hate Dirty Sanchez lot for some reason.
I remember when they were in Russia and one of them got a tattoo, but they'd got the tattoo artist to secretly tattoo "I love jonny Knoxville" heh
DS lot actually seemed like real friends where sometimes on Jackass it felt a bit like none of them really knew each other before the show



Is anyone really surprised he just turned into a combination of his dad and Don Vito?
He wasn't even the funniest or most talented guy on his own television shows, of course he's become boomerific.

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Jackass were of a different background. These were clean cut American kids who happened to be very good at skateboarding and putting together films. They had a lot of backing from their parents and families. It wasn't that they weren't friends, but they were very middle America.

The Welshmen, and the bloke from London, were a bit more rough. It was that era in the UK of Danny Dyer, Nuts magazine, page 3 girls, the Iraq War, Nick Griffin and a lot of other things that really don't apply much these days.

Was this broadcast on TV? Fucking hell

>Danny Dyer, Nuts magazine, page 3 girls, the Iraq War, Nick Griffin and a lot of other things that really don't apply much these days.

Fucking liberals spoil all the fun

no way its 50 million
he keeps doing trash like the party and the "comedy" tour to try and scrape together a career and some cash

I miss those days man. Take me back to Jnco jeans and nu-metal

Fucking pathetic

I used to think these self destructive, abusive, degenerate embarrassments on humanity's ass were so cool

He's one of those morons where the more he has the more he spends though. He still has 10 super cars and massive houses and a million other things that cost loads
A fool and his money are lucky to meet in the first place

>He's one of those morons where the more he has the more he spends though.

This is how money works, retard.

Was it autism?

That's kind of the point. I got the Jackass movie on DVD for my 21st birthday and thought it was the funniest shit ever. But then.... you grow up. Bam never did.

He's a living time capsule of a bygone age.

When they were 24 and we were 14 they were

You don't get rich by spending money user

A comedy podcast hosted by three guys from New York. The sense of humor is ironic and not dissimilar to the kind of shitposts you find here. For whatever reason it makes some autist here unreasonably angry.

Isn't it strange how even though we are living in the most degenerate time ever, stuff like Jackass would never get on TV anymore. It's like the WWE Attitude Era. It looks so fucking dated now, Bam is a legit curiosity of the early 2000s.

People in society have fully internalised degeneracy to the point where overt crudity and violence in the media are no longer required for them to get their kicks.

It's sad that he's the last one who can't move on with his life. Every single other jackass member has found something to do with their lives.

You have to put some money to work in order to keep your money. Dog shit US Savings rates don’t keep up with inflation, and you still have to pay taxes on earned interest. That amounts to spending money just to keep it in the bank while it’s value dwindles over time.

steve amazon is the richest man in the world and he spends all his money on cardboard boxes

a sense of humor can't be ironic.

steve amazon is giving all of his money to tommy carboard

>page 3 girls

Americool here, after being shown or hearing about that in the late 90s. I always used to look it up online on the British newspaper's website. Then again these were the days of Maxim, Stuff, FHM and other Men-centric woman objectifying fun that went the way of the dodo.

I'd easily sign up to be him at least for a couple of weeks in 2002 even if ending up like this was part of the deal. Must have gotten rockstar levels of pussy, way more than Knoxville

“I’m growing old on magic mountain”

I actually always thought he was gay

Then it’s when you don’t hate black people but still think it’s funny to say nigger

>Wakes up fully clothed in a drained swimming pool
>Shakes himself down, adjusts his beanie cap and dons his wrap around shades
>Staggers to the house, sprays some CKY graffiti on the wall before entering
>Enters his trashed kitchen to fix himself a large vodka and 6 Vicodin for breakfast
>Swings on broken chandelier on way out
>Stomps upstairs to his man cave
>Inserts a heavily scratched disc of 'Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3' into his shit and cum stained PS2
>Game won't load
>Smashes PS2 against wall
>Breaks down sobbing uncontrollably
>Storms out of the house, jumps into his graffiti covered Lamborghini Aventador and speeds over to Ape and Phil's place
>Crashes car into fence
>Climbs drainpipe and enters through his parents bedroom window
>Pulls bedcovers off Phil, farts in his face and then starts slapping his man boobs
>Everything is ok

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Why do you think the elite are phasing in all this shit with "the joker"

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>relevant in 1999+20

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There was definitely some closet shit going on with the Jackass crew

did it knock one of your capeshit threads off the board nigger?

I miss Jackass and early 2000 comedies in general. There hasn't been a tolerable comedy film since Tropic Thunder and that was 11 years ago

Ham Burgera or Chris Chan choose one.

Those were the good ole days

cum town guys seem like fags

Anyone else think bam has a low iq violent face?
his small flat nose and fish eyes just scream sub human

They are. Nick is the only one who's funny on his own and if he doesn't have the energy to riff the other two guys really drag the quality down.

i was just thinking that watching some jackass clips
always doing stuff with their butts or willys or piss

>Dirty Sanchez
those inbred welsh cunts were just revolting desu senpai

>never liked skating irl but found the subcultures that gravitied to it interesting edgy and kinda like 4ch before the internet blew up and shit like mtv gen jackass and shit got pushed back underground
>see these threads about how BAM is monumentally fucked and nobody knows who Tony hawk is despite them basically being my teenage idols growing up (loved thps)
Fuck brehs I can't take it anymore I'm literally bam except not rich/famous (formerly) and I'm in my late 20s no friends live at my mums house
Kino threads but too sad
Dunno where I was going with this post even aye

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Oh, hi austin tehe

I hear you buddy, there's a certain sad nostalgia seeing these outer-culture icons old now. They were seen as rebels in their celebrity and now they're just another washed up TMZ z-lister no one's heard of

You forgot the part where
>looks in the mirror and it cracks even more

Who the fuck doesn’t know Tony Hawk?

Tbqh at least Tony is taking it OK he's literally punished old snake tier
I don't get the hate around bam here though but reading this thread and others it's pretty clear ex mtv jackass crew and or bam himself are making and posting these as a sort of meta chatharsis with themselves and their fans.
No doubt anyone younger than 25 knows who the fuck these guys are let alone still cares a fuck if they do.
I do feel sorry for bam and as a ex alcoholic pos self destructive asshole I hope he pulls out of that mindset desu.
I'm not any happier now more suicidal if anything because no friends apart from those on the other side of the screenet
Late Gen y
Gen a
Basically anyone younger than 25 born after 00s when thps/jackass/cky where past their peak and already fading

there's a gen a now??

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That bums me out. I’m not much of a sports fan but at least I know all of the greats that were before my time

abacus would have helped in this situation

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Yeah the new toddlers-tweens basically the ones born in late 00s-early 201x
They are gonna all be nostalgic for what dumb YouTube memeshit normie book and robolox mobile shit
They don't even play outside anymore
Same man it's like each generation since gen x gives less of a fuck about what came before (revisionist memory hole brainwashing) despite growing up with the most powerful tool humanity has ever invented (the internet)
Everyone just goes to the same 5 sites whereas back in the day you had actual competition and irl shitposting now it's just centralised crap nobody actually socialises irl anymore it's all so tiresome and I'm over it.
Time to fap later oldfags and magera you koo bro fuck the haters

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What sort of a gay homo name is cumtown? Why not just call themselves gayhomoaidstown

Tony Hawk's ascended to a beloved skating wise man and successful businessman now, hardly even comparable to "adulthood" Bam Margera. I doubt he minds not being "hip" anymore.

So true.