Underrated Kino thread

Underrated Kino thread

>wake in fright 1971

Attached: DE2AB6A8-E380-4C60-A2CD-57FF6B281746.jpg (300x300, 10K)

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I always skip the kangaroo shooting. I know in australia they’re rodents, but they look sort of like dogs to me

Attached: C02B464D-7FB3-48E1-8298-BF369B8E29BD.png (1440x1485, 1.83M)

Why didn't he just handle the bants?

Attached: frodo.jpg (400x399, 93K)

movie is legit terrifying. how can people get so blasted on lager alone? it beggars belief

Manliest kino, it's pure fucking freedom, it's too strong a potion to handle for most, not for the weak!

More like a deer that is built to kill you

>freedom is being blind stinking drunk all the time, brawling, shooting things and playing grab arse with your mates
guess i'll live in my guilded cage of not doing any of those things


Absolutely underrated. Too many new people to the yabba. Or no enough?

oh yeah

Bought this kino on blu ray.

>thought this was the bad guy from Men in Black 3...

Aussie user here, I fucking loved this film, watched it last week. Had a chuckle at a few bits, I don't get why people keep labeling it as horror, aside from maybe the roo shoot.

You try it when it's 35°C at 4AM in the morning.


its psychological horror, i guess

Ninth Gate

Is that going to be Robotnik in the Sonic movie

It's exactly how outback Aus is


we've all seen this
it's not obscure
unless you're like 15 years old
or from reddit
tbqh if you're making a post like this then it means you're a tourist or a pseud
or both

big yikes, post 2017 tourist newfriend

Such a dreary and miserable film. I will never watch it again.

Also the main character gets his boipussi busted by Donald Pleasance.

>main character gets his boipussi busted
he could not handle the strong potion and ran back to his boring little life, like the little crybaby he was.

>it's not obscure
OP was asking for underrated, not obscure.
Also: pic related is massivly underrated. It's sort of the antithesis of Wake in Fright, the polar opposite world. Are you afraid of the 21st century? Well, then this is your kino masterpiece!

Attached: safe 1995.jpg (1024x663, 324K)

>Are you afraid of the 21st century?
when soi horror still was unique and not just try hard!


Attached: MV5BZTU3YjhjZmItNzBjNi00YWVjLWE0ZGQtNGY1NTFmMDczMzhkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UY1200_CR85,0,6 (630x1200, 111K)


Pic related was pretty kino, if you're looking for more films from the southern hemisphere.

Rewatched the shit out of this as a kid.

Attached: the-quiet-earth.jpg (856x482, 42K)
