Attached: SMILE.png (1366x1536, 1.74M)

What is later in the clip / a different take?

>what are separate takes?
seriously retard, her hair is different, the background is different, and big guy's positioning is different in the frame

imagine being this retarded, and no, "irony" is not an excuse for posting this thread
be glad I grace this message board with my presence so that the average IQ is above 100

she a cute

Attached: cgi smile.webm (950x798, 120K)

she's hotter in the first one
like way hotter

stupid fucking alt niggers on twitter are gonna make her unattractive

Jesus Christ incels, this is just embarrassing.

Have some CGI'd sex.

vr isn't advanced enough yet for that

Attached: sad frog.png (598x480, 79K)

go dilate your wound, freak


Attached: 1499461526142.webm (400x224, 2.57M)

agreed, she should definitely make a habit of smiling more

>She just wouldn't smile

you cant force woman to smile, it's literal rape.

what kind of brainlet doesn't see the differing angle and background and assumes the second must be cgi?

Literary Hitler/10

Hey, if they didn't want this sort of shitposting then they shouldn't be putting footage not from final cut in the promotional material.

next mass shooting when?

When China takes over the US and wipe out these degenerates.

Everyone will die/loose to thanos in the present. Or die early in the time travel.

Only the 6 original avengers will survive and each one will get or use one stone.

Caps will die and tony will be incapacitated and retire.

Thor will rebuild asgard on earth

>think they shot a different shot in 3 weeks
>get btfo that it's just a different take
have sex

Jesus, does the simple act of smiling really hurt that much? She looks like she's about to die

>Incels on Yea Forums are legitimately this retarded


Kys tranny

>Keep yourself safe

have sex


This thread's gonna be a yikes from me.

Posted from Tapatalk.

It's not CGI, it would look more natural if it were.

You'd think an academy award winning actress could manage smiling like a human. But you'd be wrong.

Attached: pepepog.jpg (657x527, 34K)

She cute on those IMAX cameras.
They will fug aren't they?

Attached: 1550587085359.jpg (682x690, 96K)

>that webm
my sides are literally dead

Attached: pcl.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

why are they doing this in public

yes, this is a serious issue. the ethics of children's movie advertising are at stake


Attached: 1439715957060.jpg (319x320, 16K)

Sex is overrated


>caring about an actress/character not being "friendly"
toppest of soi

Good to see you taking an interest, user. We just care that much about the Precious Children.

noooooo the white man told her to smile more, us femcels can't support this movie any longer!

This but unironically.

>brie larson can't smile
ya'll need to lurk more desu

Attached: 19367832_248501365555997_7681519635614662656_n.jpg (750x750, 63K)

>why not?
>she just didnt

Not the only thing that was different about the new take. The Axe moves past her slower and it's shot from a different angle. I actually liked the old take because it just showed her being unfazed as it moves past and that was more of a character establishment. I hope that's the one in the movie and this is the one for the trailers.

Attached: captain_marvel_danvers_fury_bar.jpg (1200x680, 84K)

>separate takes

Its the same take just later on in the scene you FUCKING retard holy SHIT

They cut the new trailer differently fucking hell you people are fucking idiots

she and unlikable cunt, who has all the charisma of a wet blanket, no fuck off back to the trannie discord.

It's 'art'.
Notice the gallery.

t.ironic nigger



fuck of kike shill

no u fucc oof

Looks like a baboon doing a threat display

You really try way too hard man. What is even in it for you? All this is just pissing in the ocean.

I dropped videogames at the exact right moment

Angry (You)s

You're aware the headsets aren't connected to anything and they're just acting right?

It's all the plastic surgery that makes it extremely painful

>headsets aren't connected
get up with the times grandpa. wireless connections exist.

it is an excuse
you people are literally shitting yourselves over what has to be THE laziest bait i have ever seen. why wouldn't op post this thread multiple times? i might post it myself, your retarded overreacting is amazing to behold. look at op. look at what you're getting upset over.

Attached: cutie.gif (500x208, 1.89M)

james franco?

Imagine being this assblasted at your own inability to perceive ACTUAL reality.

Those are some serious eye wrinkles for a girl in her 20s.

Why is this board so retarded. Critical thinking is dead.

i'm almost home and i'm gonna rub one out to her leaks bros.

you're retarded

Literally /ourgirl/

Attached: the jester.png (680x440, 325K)

Attached: 02CCECCE-C5AB-4869-A0B9-F08465C6FB1A.jpg (900x1104, 675K)

>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

She has literal lizard eyes

Attached: 1472837173185.webm (800x450, 2.72M)

BBC toll paid, you can see it in her eyes


>im bathing in society's confusion while they're still figuring VR tech and try look like a victim here
>people from 10 years into future will see this video and ask why I act like a retard in front of this cool tech