How are ya now
How are ya now
texas 10-4 there eh
not so bad
You are spare parts user
Canadian """"""""""""""""Humor """"""""""""""""
I haven't been able to talk to anyone really about this show. Stopped enjoying it in the 4th season. Early on it felt it was written so well but then it just turned into a bunch of inside jokes. Fartbook was top tier, especially coming off a fresh watch of social network
yea, 3rd/4th season it became just terrible.
The impersonations of the people in the Social Network was the most enjoyable part of the episode.
I like shows that spend 25% of the episode repeating the same gag over and over and over
First thread failed so you made another one about your garbage show with the squinting cunt.
punch a nazi dude
>Punch a nazi dude
Is this like an even more lefty version of have sex?
Give your balls a tug
t. degen from upcountry
I thought this was a feels thread. ;_;
Had a hard time taking the show seriously. Rural Canadian, sure I can buy that, even though all the white Canadians are faggot white urbanites. But a tough Canadian? They just went and took it too far.
I love this show. And season 6 Bonnie is fucking sexy.
absolute shit posture
No this shitty show had an episode recently about punching alt-right nazis.
>the absolute state of incels
pitter patter lets get at 'er
Is this show accepted by TV or is it deemed reddit?
*electric guitar screech*
*fart noise*
*Yello, "Oh Yeah"*
I wish his sister was hotter
It has gotten back on track with the latest seasons. I think it was a matter of Crave forcing them to get working on more seasons without time to really work on their material.