Is it worth a watch? iv'e never seen it before

Is it worth a watch? iv'e never seen it before.

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You have to fall down before you can rise up

It's really not very good.

"Boomer throwing a temper tantrum because assorted wagies don't suck his dick enough" for two hours
Massively overrated by children who think it's cool to smash up some dude's shop like a n_____ because he wouldn't give you free shit for no reason.

>when you literally haven't seen the movie

I have. No one, except arguably those cholos, deserved the Wrath Of The Boomer.
Imagine being a 16 year old kid getting a gun pointed in your face because you're doing exactly what your manager instructed you to do, or a poor store-owner getting your entire stock destroyed because you refused some lunatic's demands for special prices.

hey /pol/ shouldn't you be watching Ben Shapiro?


Look mommy, a contrarian!

it's basically incel: the movie

You've got to dilate before you can have sex, user.

Rewatching rn and I honestly can't tell if I feel worse for Michael Douglas or Robert Duvall.

Mike at least gets to vent his frustration against the machine and those who get in his way. Bob lost a kid, has to retire early and forfeit his self-worth because he married the wrong woman, and participate as a cog in the machine that brings people down. He has to take shit from all the other cops and his boss just for doing his damn job.

He has a wife and daughter you tranny

>poor store-owner
hello, kike

It’s not a great film, but it’s a good flick. Understand?

yeah and his wife doesn't fuck him hence why he goes on a rampage.

have sex.

The restaurant scene was the only time he was in the wrong. He was right in the right with how he dealt with the cholos, neo-nazi, construction workers, homeless dude, and ex wife.

I did last week, can't right now cus my fwb is on holiday

Divorced cuck boomer no-one likes with a busted ass 15 year old car has a tantrum because he's too retarded to have used his money wisely (a middle aged boomer that had a full time long-term defence contractor job should have had multiple houses, cars and a stock portfolio by the early 90's and should at least have developed enough in his career to make a sideways step to another company) and so takes it out on random strangers.
Who the fuck pulls a gun on a kid working at a mcdonalds?
He's the exact type of insane retard that he's railing against but because he's a racist boomer he has no self awareness.
The sad thing about the movie is that it makes most of the other people "bad guys" so gives people a justification to actually feel good. There just happens to be a neo-nazi. Then some gangbangers show up at random. The golf course people are dicks, the korean guy is a jerk. It's just a cavalcade of strawmen targets lined up to give a reason for boomers hating them.

Do you still grit your teeth and scream when you dilate, or are you down to tears and whimpers now?

We watch Tucker in this board, you socialist faggot

Watch is before the new Joker movie is released

you're not supposed to identify with him idiot

Why not?

> he's a racist boomer he has no self awareness.
Where did you get that from? unless you mean the neo-nazi dude.

>telling /pol/ to go watch a jew

The only person he killed was the neo nazi, and that was out of self defense, other than the fast food joint pretty much everyone deserved what they got, and he never killed the old man either.

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Why not?

We should just accept the degeneracy of society huh?

Punish the working man while niggers and fags fuck around doing shit all to make peoples lives worse.

this nigger out here trying to prove himself to the trannies

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>have sex
is this the only thing going on on your head? are you a retard cretin that thinks about sex all hours of the day you demented loser? what is wrong with you people?

It's a shame that today, this movie is basically interpreted as some sort of incel white male fantasy. To me it's just a story about how a shitty society can drive a guy to insanity if enough problems pile up on his head.

And if you watch it carefully and not like a retard, the movie doesn't even make excuses for him. Near the end when he watches old vidoes with his family it's shown that even then, he was abusive and had a fucked up temper. He was never a saint.

>He was never a saint.
Neither are incels

t. female

That's the way it was always intended. A grey-shaded movie about a normal guy - not a particularly good guy, but a normal guy - completely losing his shit.
Nowadays we're surrounded by constant coverage of people losing their shit and shooting up schools, becoming terrorists, bullying people on twitter or completely sperging out live on major news networks, etc.
They just can't believe there isn't some other message to something they're used to seeing every day.

"the main character must do the right things like I'd do"

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The fact that his doppelganger wears the exact same clothes as him and is in the same situation as him, but is black, pretty much shuts down this "white rage fantasy" argument.

Based performance by Douglas. Watching the kino, you realize nothings changed for the past 20+ years in commiefornia

>"Don't forget me."
>*solemn nods*
That always got me. Just that tiny little second of solidarity.

I thought the movie was always interpreted as such by based media retards tho?

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Absolutely. But don't too much thought into it. It is what it is.

I agree but it isn't some huge deal. They're just idiots. It has nothing to do with the movie. If you can't enjoy a movie because other people you don't like like it then just don't watch it.

Running amok is ok if you're white.