1989 joker origin

>1989 joker origin
>throw him in chemical
>2019 joker origin
>throw him in society

Attached: joker.jpg (1200x628, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>*clears throat*
My friends, I have something I need to get off of my chest....

Attached: He Cute 2.png (743x800, 1.3M)



89 was a good time.

woah deep

This will be the straw that breaks the camels back
Usually the crowd laughs at the clown
But when the clown laughs at the crowd, that’s the chaos element

You pathetic person
I was 4 at that time unfortunately

Attached: Orion_Pictures_logo.png (430x182, 141K)




>Killing Joke Joker tells us that just one bad day is the difference between a regular person and the Joker
>but all I've had are bad days
>26 x 365 = 9490
I'm literally over 9000 Jokers, ama

>Joker is not the movie we need right now (and thats a bad thing)

>2019 Joker
>qt black girlfriend
Can it get anymore based?

Attached: clown he cute.jpg (270x323, 66K)

We need to find out who Joe Kerr voted for.

The clown is the outsider who doesn't have to suck up to anyone. He's the only one who can speak freely and this makes him the vessel of the truth.

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Damn bro..that's deep

If they made him black everyone would be saying how woke it is
Trailer seems fine. Prob won't see it anyway tho

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Trump’s Americs has peaked. The God Emporer is saving us

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Deep as a knife wound.

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>26 years old

I miss being that young

honkers rise up

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The joker represents every one of us, that Yungian shadow that lurks beneath the normality. We created the Joker. By paying taxes, wearing clothea and being polite, we gave rise to the monster

It is actually society that is the villian.

now yuo see...

>but doctor... I am society

Was this the one where joker kills Bruce's parents?

man i hope this movie gets banned in asian countries and shit, i hope its that extreme. it needs to be pushed to the absolute limit


Oh we're talking a killing Joke. I thought that was a fairly new movie

This wasn't funny the first time.

>It is actually society that is the villian
Specifically low SES urban youths, accurately




>Hes never heard of Carl Yung

Whos the faggot now, zoomer?

There is no "AJ" in Yung

Are you ok?


Attached: Sopranocharacter_aj.gif (421x236, 88K)

>89 was a good time.
crazy to think i was born in 1989 which was 50 years ago already.
i'm going to be 30 at the end of the year.

We live in a clown society

Only in the hebrew alphabet, Junior


big maths

woah this thread just keeps getting stranger

hhhh oooo nn k

Attached: Tellmemore.jpg (400x300, 47K)

It's a Clowny Clown world.

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Why does he look like a 40 year old lesbian ?

Is it just me or is everyone getting a little crazy?

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Damn bro


You mean Karl Justdab Yung?


My god

Was Clown World pepe and Veronica-posting viral marketing for this movie?

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We entail our daily lives in mutual association

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oh my god

Attached: 8e8.png (509x619, 17K)

Attached: Pepe Honker.gif (536x324, 74K)

So what they’re saying is society is the most corrosive thing of all

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ESL here, what the fuck does this mean?

I am ready for peak incelkino

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time flies when you live in a society.
stranger? strange? we're all a little... STRANGE, stranger.

We laugh at jokes
If you're getting laughed at instead, you're broken enough to be a joke

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And only one is truly toxic.

Now yuo see


This is a libtard meme and it's funny that the types who worshipped his performance pretty much turned it into an unfunny joke. I had always thought the söys worshipped Heath Ledger before this

>a TOXIC society


Attached: 87577.png (160x160, 7K)

Remember bane-posting, where one user posts psuedo intellectuall bullshit. Its that.

Probably a healthy dose of samefagging as well


>the söys

The soi's werent a thing in 2011. It was hipster town then

what is this even trying to say

That trannies are hypocritical fascist fucks. Well, most of them.

Its a bit different than that. Libtards/ commies made we live in a society memes, but zoomers saying it with real underlying unironic meaning has really messed with their shit. Its biting them in the ass to the complete max right now
Look at this:

>Though certain memes (such as “gamers rise up”) surrounding gaming are largely viewed as a humorous interpretation of a mindset, at the core of the humor is a set of very serious issues that affect all gaming enthusiasts.
>By showing disdain or outright rejecting minority and marginalized communities, we become more insular. In this, we lose out on the chance to not only show compassion to these people, but also the chance to grow our own community and diversify the demographics of those involved in it.
>Whether it’s misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism or a host of other discriminatory practices, now is the time to stymie the flow of regressive ideas and prevent them from ever becoming the norm.

The cowards have dug themselves into a fucking pit, the Clown World they've built is crashing down. And I made the meme from the previous image

I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
Cuz I find it hard to take
When niggers run in circles
It's a very very
Clown world
Clown world
Clown world
Clown world

Attached: B5FDACFA-1AC6-4508-9B4B-53364128E0D0.jpg (1920x1026, 107K)


what was aragorn's policy on clowns?

trans suicide statistics

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stop posting this dumb pandering whore

Attached: frasier-clown.jpg (486x431, 70K)

at first I thought my life was a Calliades, Niles but then I realized it was a Sophocles


Trannies are totalitarians with a 30% suicide rate.

yo estoy los societas grande

And this guy likely isn't even the one who thought of it.

Attached: NotEvenTheOriginal.png (303x85, 6K)

Oh shit.


That's great, but what does this has to do with the upcoming Joker movie?

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Its a clown world brother

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Its a clown world

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I was very proud of myself in 89.
>learn to talk
>learn to walk
>Dad teaches me how to play Mario Bros 3
>still shitting my pants
4/5, bretty good year imo

white male gets depressed over some minor bullying incidents, goes on violent rampage


Rise Up

Attached: 1537615292694.jpg (960x957, 136K)

nothing wrong with a bit of comedy haha

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>tfw sister born in 89
no fuck off

white male posts pepe memes on Yea Forums, goes to sleep alone and forgotten


white man overworking his brain capacity at a two minutes trailer


Any honkbros able to edit honkler into this? Or vice versa

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no one is ever alone in this circus we call life

That's deep bro


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You keep poking that stick ... one day the sticks gonna poke back, this is how you’ve built your precious society, I set up the dominoes and... break the walls of Jericho


Attached: lf.png (413x461, 242K)

Whoa dude

Attached: 1553659279571.jpg (634x870, 136K)

did they write the joker as a generic highschool shooter now ?

the virgin phoenix
>incel motivated by racism
>spouts worrysome crime statistics
>has a retarded mom he has to bathe
>won't be memed in mainstream due to alt right roots
the chad ledger
>ancap motivated by happenings
>asks you if you want to know how he got scars
>father was a drunk and a fiend, gave him scars
>10+ years later, still meme'd by tumblr and Yea Forums alike

put me in the screencap if at all possible

What rough beast slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

I'm just like... THE JOKER

See you’re not thinking circumspectly here, I’m not looking to make them cry, I’m looking to make them smile, see I believe that which doesn’t kill you simply makes you stranger :)

reaching levels of based and redpilled that shouldnt even be possible..

Society is the villain... AND WE LIVE IN IT.

>I used to think my life was a tragedy. Now I see the funny side. Now I'm always smiling. Just one side of a double sided coin.

>I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother? After all.. we do live in a society.

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I'd like this in the hands of a better animator, it has potential.


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Thanks doc

If the clowns, the people trying to bring a bit of fun into this world, are the outcasts then what does that make normal people?

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They’re being clowned and they have no idea

Now I see the funny side...

89 was the last time i touched a female breast

I wonder how many cinema shootings will happen when this movie debuts
Even during Dark Knight there was one and now these rampages seem to happen all the time

Attached: ?width=630&version=2259651.jpg (630x461, 65K)

Read this as if it said:
>Usually the crowd laughs at the clown
But when the crowd laughs at the clown, that’s the chaos element
Funnier than the actual comment tbqh

But TDK had nothing to do with any incel themes

Unironically at least one that will gain SOME media attention. It won't be nationwide but it will be reported.

society is chemical

thats a tranny

who the fuck cares about a ronald mcdonald movie

Is clownposting becoming a thing?



Attached: 1531257509924.jpg (800x999, 64K)

VERY underrated

seething marveltranny

Post a picture, make an assumption, you can assume a lot from a mans post. Some think they’re immune but I can read a mans posts like the unguarded secrets that float to the surface of the skin on a mans face, like words written on a sheet of paper someone mistakenly thought no one would read. I can smell your post too, and the over whelming smell that’s blocking out my senses ... fear.

Yea, I’m thinkin BASED

Attached: 1552441124313.jpg (829x1024, 82K)

Unironically should be etched in stone.

im the joker

Incels always loved Joker

Attached: 4uae9S8T70PEVOHoRjeI9DP_aFvgWaTritpTibNrz38.jpg?w=660&s=4f63bb9b45e116049028d277171632c8.jpg (826x960, 137K)

Every single one of you is cringe

why does the joker trigger trannies so much?

You're cringe too, but unironically.

It's a stupid image because jokes are usually grounded in reality.

Maybe the true society is the friends we made along the way

He's a dangerous psychopath who puts on makeup and kills people while being self-confident and lacking insecurities. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out

Clowning is hard. This was maybe my answer to Nolan, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. TDK had a very modern philosophy: that if The Joker was a funny man, Gotham would burn. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Nolan can say that The Joker killed the Batman and reigned for a hundred years, and he was intelligent and nihilistic. But Nolan doesn’t ask the question: What was The Joker’s money pile policy? Did he maintain a clown army? What did he do in times of 13% of the population committing 50% of the murders? And what about all these blacks? By the end of the war, Batman is gone but all of the niggers aren’t gone – they’re in the ghetto. Did The Joker pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby niggers, in their little nigger cradles?

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Based tax poster



makes me think we need to rise up

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h-holy SHIT this makes me wanna rise UP

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Cringe is the new cool.

prescient and cringepilled

I saw this on Reddit too

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Yes it’s posting the epic gamers rise up meme, because that meme came from reddit.


it's beat down! time!

What did he mean by this?

Gamers... Rise up!

Attached: gigac.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)

too deep!

Attached: shiiiiet.png (352x261, 243K)



2019 the year of the clown

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Keep it honky honk honk fellers.
We takin' over.

Attached: r4rxwk0n0ri21.png (2518x1024, 441K)

This movie looks like it will be a hit with fags who pretend to be deep on message boards.

>muh deeeeeep
isn't there a Brie Larson thread you should be foaming at

No, I'm the real Brie poster. This guy is a clown. Joker will be kino.

Saw the movie at the theater with my T-ball team. good times

Wow already triggered some beta. I guess you found time from making posts about how you own books and think women can't understand them?

>that’s the chaos element

Attached: 1526610304840.jpg (1024x752, 93K)

Get a load of this faggot.
Can't even comprehend wisdom.

Attached: get a load of this society.jpg (665x692, 66K)

damn this changed my life


holy fucking shit dude

Is this the greatest reply of 2019 so far?

Underrated, based, and redpilled.

Attached: za1lS.jpg (410x313, 78K)

When society becomes a joke, the clowns seem serious .

Attached: a.png (240x221, 80K)

>The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."

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I love how the Joker character is sabotaged by memes even if the movie was well written and the acting was good it won't matter and I'm actually thinking it'll flop because of the "gamer rise up" meme attached to it kek

Attached: 1554076654756.jpg (300x217, 19K)

Explain something to me:

This trailer makes it look like the movie is basically done. So why is it coming out in half a year and not now?

nobody sees a movie they've never heard of or seen previews of retard

Not too shabby. Solid 5.5/10

Attached: fb2.jpg (600x600, 146K)

It takes 6 months to promote a movie?

>it'll flop
Small chance. Trailer alone got more views than Endgame did and it was posted later.

Damn mang
This activated my almonds


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maybe we are all pagliaccis in this kind of society


I unironically loved that YT comment


why is she creying?

post pics of her feet

It's actually Yang

same. I'm relating less and less to people on this site as time goes on. they don't seem to realize that they are here forever as well though.
I miss laughing at retarded memes.

Will it be the purest form of KINO DC has created?

>they don't seem to realize that they are here forever as well though.
From a broader perspective, all of us will be on the internet forever either way. This is just one corner of it.
As long as you don't let it negatively impact your IRL life you should be fine.

I know the movei is going to pussy halfway through and go "achtually, BOTH SIDES are bad", but it's still cool for Joker to lead poor downthrodden people against rich pigs like Wayne.

Attached: 2019-04-05_19-53-51.png (643x890, 999K)

Why won't NECA make a Joaqkino Joker?? They made one for Heath Ledger.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fuck this gay Earth

Attached: review_necadkjoker_6.jpg (800x1111, 138K)

The movie isn't even out yet.

The comment that made Yea Forums rise up.

Attached: 7u2ghzkz7p3z.png (640x640, 485K)

In the sun it's hard to measure
What is pain and what is pleasure
Spent a lifetime separating
All the turmoil from the treasure
We were young and we were able
Working under the table
Put your pennies in with mine
We can write our own fable
Lost in the fog again, again

Some days it's hard to give her
What she needs I can't deliver
Got no answers on my tongue I
Got no arrows in my quiver
I'm lost in the fog again, again

we actually do really in fact live in a society(TM). Dayum

Cinema? The world itself will burn...

It was inevitable.

We live in a society

Can you please peer review my thesis?

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It's time...

Attached: 1499786517235.gif (500x350, 1.26M)

Flip it around next time.
>when clowns are serious, it's society that's the joke

put me in the cap

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oh fuck..

Attached: nervous.jpg (960x1231, 167K)

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Too soon...

Attached: 1554348763554.jpg (1000x1000, 144K)

How come Gotham is such a white city?

>Chaos is a ladder.
- Littlefoot

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You might be talking about the Jojer but you made me fall off my chair laughing

Do you even browse /toy/? McFarlane has the license for DC now.

Unironically got shivers reading this.

really makes your brain become the big brain.


makes the nose honk itself

You are correct.

I completely agree with you.

This didn't have these many replies in the morning

Attached: tumblr_inline_nw99j6k7El1rs2ggz_540.jpg (502x760, 153K)

Fucked up clown world we living in I tell you what

>no Chad bulge
One fucking job

Stop it

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Powerful stuff

Attached: 1444933109699.jpg (612x996, 63K)

Screen cap pls

is Honkfren officially Yea Forums: the meem

Wait, why are people calling Ewen Yafrends Joe Kerr?

The ending is kino


I don't know why this has all the (You)s, but include me in the screencap.

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Attached: 13-50.jpg (640x1396, 386K)

Holy shit bro

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Ryan Dawson

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My mom had a brain disease which almost took her in '89. Then she survived and I was born later. I'm glad I didn't have any mental deficiencies

go ahead my man

I'm not a Joker expert, but shouldn't he specifically not have a deeper, semi-rational idea behind him?

Okay this is epic

I think that's it for today.....

kino music video and song.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

clowns are anything but rational, they have been driven to the point of insanity by the society they were meant to entertain

this post alone caused me to rise up.

make me think

Attached: oswald_spengler.jpg (605x800, 44K)


Mother of shit
I've never seen so many (You)s all year long.


i'm not replying to this like all the sheeple

Attached: itsbeatdown_time!.png (602x609, 785K)

I don't get it.

For you

How the fuck is a capeshit trailer creating this kind of reaction? Are retards really waking up?

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Gamers rise up!

I'm fucking shaking!!! I'm crying!!!
Never before has anyone understood us bros!!

The Joker movie is literally the thinking mans super hero movie

We will skin alive all normalfags and leave them crucified till they bleed out

Attached: images.jpg (229x220, 8K)

Great post. Here's an upvote.


How is there a new joker? The joker died in 2008


The best edit of this would be "guy says something mean to me!" - "I don't care!"
"girl says something mean to me!" - "It's beat down time!"

Attached: 1538667232876.jpg (470x470, 31K)

>I'm glad I didn't have any mental deficiencies

like ur mom's bagina XD

Attached: d29b5211ee76d56023f7522d364d3cde--humor.jpg (236x221, 10K)

Dios mio...


Oh yeah
yeah that's pretty true
I never thought about it like that before

>Michael Keaton

Thread theme

Attached: joaquin_joker.0.jpg (1200x800, 87K)

Big honks to you too my brother. This is the start of a new era.

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Someone please post the webm where he dances on the stairs.

This timeline is starting to look good.

Attached: download (1).jpg (249x202, 11K)

Most soulfull post in a while

*Jack Nicholson

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HONK HONK ahhahahhahhaha

Caspere knew about this

this isn't even my final form

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So good

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Haha yeah who would be crazy enough to let a Norwegian seal castration enthusiast imageboard influence your real life HAHAHAHA fucking insane to imagine

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So Honker is basically the "meta-Pepe" right?

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Why does this have so many replies

because its deep as fuck bro, like woah, like he really gets us

t. retatd
Screencap me senpai

Attached: 1531092956143.png (651x641, 17K)


Honker is the synthesis of being aware and not.

Include me in the screencap reddit

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How is clown world Pepe related to this joker other then dressing like a clown

This but unironically

On the contrary i think it will rise up because of the meme

>McFarlane has the license for DC now.
What is this true?

Attached: whaa.jpg (1071x1020, 297K)

Honker is the next stage after smug/successful. He truly does not give af. He's irreverently happy after pushing through a range of other mental states.

Lol what

sage to squeeze another reply in

Attached: 1554298921059.jpg (918x597, 63K)


And now, delete your post to confuse retards stumbling onto this thread

>open this thread
>this immediately turns up in my recommendations on YouTube

Attached: 1546373575652.jpg (720x720, 75K)

Holy shit. I'm dying over here.

This. Honker has completely cut his earthly tethers and is free to say and do pretty much whatever he wants.

remember that lättä and therefore honker is the product of finnish chan culture.

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Do Elves live in Finland? I know that the Icelanders say that they exist in their country, but what about Finland?

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Cope replylet.

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>michael keaton

una illusion...


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