5 and she will love me someday

5 and she will love me someday

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Good luck, faggot. Hope she won't fuck too many guys before that happens.

5 and op is a faggot

You're going to hate my post.
But that isn't how it works, fren. Never has been.
The "persistence will win her" thing is a hollywood myth, either that part of it is there from the start or it isn't.
I'm going to assume you've never broached the subject with her before. If so this is a huge mistake. Down a shot or two beforehand & broach it. Find out if it's there or not. If she says it isn't, there's nothing you'll ever be able to do to make it be there. Eat the pain & find a way to move on. Distance yourself from her, because you'll never be able to be friends with her while you're alone & she's not, & it will eat at you, and you'll get as bitter about it over time as the rest of us.
You might say or think it won't happen but it will.
If you HAVE broached it & it's not there, just skip that part & do the rest. Sorry fren.

Well done user well done


7 and she dies in a year

5 and she won't

Enjoy your gf op

6 and she doesnt.

You win this round, enjoy your new gf

hope you make it, user

2 and the world ends tomorrow

dubs and we all get gfs



9 and I will meet my special someone this year

take the 2d pill

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Thanks for reminding me to fuck Sylvie.

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4 and you get aids from her

2 and my blind gf will see again eventually

Well there's always next time i guess

3 and she goes deaf too

>needing a reminder
You don't deserve to today
Headpats only

Why would you want her to see how ugly you are compared to Chad? You are a 10 to her.

>fucking with your luck like this
Don't do that

You know she rapes you if you don't fuck her for several days?

>asking for a single number instead of doubles
Get on my level and check 'em

7 and her nude leaks

I took the yuri pill

Now I do
I never neglected her needs before

Have you read Kindred Spirits on the Roof? What about Flowers?

dubs and we all go gay for eachother with me as the only top ; )

is there anything else that comes close to this?

0 and my cock get bigger

Dubs and I chop my dick off and mail it to the girl I like.


Faustian as fuck
tempted fate too often

>jannies and mods left this thread out of pity
thanks, maybe, I guess?


trips and mods keep this thread until sunday

Someday might be in 50 years thought.

Anyway, fuck dubs 978

1 and I fuck OP's gf

have sex

Whether OP delivers oqr not , he'll be a faggot

Attached: A Five.png (912x686, 627K)

***Thank you for your contribution***
***1 mass shooting has been deposited in your future***


5 and she will be blacked before that

5 and we rape someone else's waifu

6 and she laughs at your dicks

4 and she leaves you to be a whore

>all these getriders
>only one to get is the self-castration
what was meant here?

1 and I post pic of hand

3 and I post pic of my pusy
