/fa/ had another meetup
lets all laugh
/fa/ had another meetup
lets all laugh
I mean, at least they actually go outside. Thats more that the average Yea Forums poster.
I would unironically rob them all at once
Are you black?
That fucking midget is wearing RDJ style retard shoes and is still a fucking shortarse.
hahahahahahah...dat Naruto kid.
Guy in the Akutsuki robe is based. Rest look like massive faggots but browsing through /fa/ thats to be expected
The guy in yellow is attractive, but certainly not /fa/
pic uncropped
good luck robbing a fucking S rank missing ninja in the Akatsuki organization
me on the far right
WHAT is wrong with the black dude?!?
>Thats more that the average Yea Forums poster.
This is pure conjecture.
wheres dylann roof?
>Guy in akutsuki robe
>Guy in 6ix9ine shirt
>Filthy Frank Larper
>Donald Glover Larper
>ex 3 Days Grace frontman
>Literal Nazi
These guys are clearly memeing.
>Spend all their waking hours talking about fashion.
>Dress like a bunch of manchild nerds who shop at Kmart.
Fucking hell man, what is it with /fa/ and being massive failures? Yea Forums reads good books. /cgl/ has good cosplayers and lolitas. /fit/ has dudes who are fit. Why can't /fa/ dress themselves?
Five years have passed since this pic was taken. Do you still think the /fa/ggots in this pic post here?
That dude wearing a soccer jersey looks pretty normal
Guy in yellow is literally /ourguy/
These outfits are pretty clearly jokes, but what's up with the manlet that actually tried to look /fa/?
At least this looked a little bit more normal compared to OP's pic
Also what the fuck is up that dude's neck?
>guy with katana
>guy with giraffe neck
>that manlet
Jesus Christ, what a bunch of faggots.
I honestly don't know if you guys are just pretending to be retarded or don't realise that these pics are shopped.
He's sending out a psychic distress signal.
brown guy is True Neutral incarnate
The original is already bad enough
What is up with that Indian dude
The people that go to meetups are not the successful ones.
Pretty sure half of Yea Forums are 30 year old redneck yokels
At least /fa/ are hip young kids
They shopped him into a manlet. Very subtle
Jfc how short is that guy? 3 feet?
The people who go on /fa/ are not successful. They dress like absolute retards and look down upon "normies" and "plebs" for wearing what they find comfortable and visually appealing, while being completely obvlivious to the fact that everyone outside their bubble is pissing themselves laughing over the fact that they're spending crazy amounts of money to dress like lunatics.
Absolutely fucking surreal
Each one is a universe of memes in and of themselves.
Incredible. Absolutely incredible.
im a 23 year old from Toronto but i constantly larp as a rural American neonazi
Friendly reminder that the entire /fa/ board is a cringe thread
ahahaah holy shit is he like 4'10??
mu is more fashionable than fa itself. what went wrong?
They all look like weirdo hippies.
Mu has girls
Who's the fucken anime villain in the middle?
>You underestimate my power!
has there ever been a Yea Forums meetup?
don't post the dining trannies pic
it's called alcohol. lightens up the room
>the shortest dude is the best looking and most appropriately dressed
everyone thats insecure, take notice
that guy with dortmund shirt is fucking goose
Simple. If you take anything too seriously you ruin it for yourself.
>Also what the fuck is up that dude's neck?
Nothing, necklet.
Guy in the middle has no idea where he is.
The fuck would we do? Berate each other for our poor taste??
Yea Forums is the most Chad board. We spend our time at the kinoplex.
None of them are /fa/ at all, what are you talking about? /fa/ doesn't mean "looking good," it's a specific fag style of fashion that looks super gay.
Based and redpilled no jutsu
Based Tyrone
Take notice of what? That you could be the coolest guy in the room and still get laughed at for being a manlet?
>you look around that room and it’s the whitest fucking room in the history of time. It’s unbelievably white.
if by chad you mean neet
>You close your eyes, it's been a long week but now you can relax. "All is well," you think to yourself.
She cute
>these people are all unironically liberals
honestly this
radical larry is cute and i wouldn't mind giving him the succ and playing with his toes
is this real?
This is terrible, nuke when?
These are the ((people)) that call you faggot, soiboy and nigger in 4chin.
tbqh they look kinda fun, also look at the blonde girl in the back that literally doesn't know where she is.
Yea Forums is the alpha board
I'd fuck the one in the green polo
This is legit the best thread today.
Wasn't the guy on the right in the original image?
We had this exact thread yesterday. Yeah I know, I'm here too much.
I fucking hate these types of hoodies. I have one and I barely wear it because it makes me look exactly like that.
I thought these guys were meant to be fashionable
Yea Forums is a place were people are interested in things but are too afraid to do it.
>implying your weak ass could take a member of Akatsuki
Some of these outfits would be /fa/ in a crowd of normals but when they're grouped together it's a collection of weirdos
My favorite is the Jakub looking motherfucker in the center.
>>Guy in the middle has no idea where he is.
He's probably the only one with a steady income, his own apartment, a drivers license and most importantly a minivan to transport the others around in.
Unironically true, the other boards (even shit like /vp/) are on suicide watch from Yea Forums
Cool it with the shitposting. Here's the original pic.
imagine going to a Yea Forums meetup
unbelievably embarrassing
Guy in dark green with the hippie glasses is the only one that looks decent. Far right is alright too
damn I want a lanky, androgynous arthoe gf (possibly male)
>Guy in dark green with the hippie glasses is the only one that looks decent. Far right is alright too
Imagine going to a Yea Forums meetup and not bringing any condoms. Whew.
This. I'd rape the shit out of the green shirt guy.
Apparently some girls went topless at the end of the night at the Yea Forums meeting.
He does look out of place
Feels like he realised what he got himself into and cant wait to leave
Unironically think that's what /fa/ would look like.