Godzilla: King of the Monsters
best movie of the year, calling it now
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
best movie of the year, calling it now
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for based kaijukino
>religious reference
top soi
As if there's any serious competition.
This is the shit worth seeing in IMAX.
That screenshot displays really poor taste though. Cringe-tier.
>really poor taste
>when the director has said he's going with the idea that all of the beasts and behemoths and devils in the Bible and other religions were real and were these kaiju
Yeah he wasnt subtle about that. *barf*
not his fault you're a plebeian
It isnt supposed to be subtle you fucking retard.
Someone post the webm of Godzilla smashing Ghidorah through that scyscraper, i lost track of all the leaks.
Right, that's it.
Look, plebs make Godzilla movies. These movies, like capeshit, are pointless.
The only value here is dinosaurs looking cool whilst brooding in a storm. Its value ends there.
Exactly. Cringe-tier.
They are really going all in on the blue/orange color palette aren't they?
>go check website of closest imax to see if they have tickets yet
>turns out they sustained heavy water damage last summer and millions of dollars worth of equipment has been ruined
>no timeline on if/when it will be fixed
this sucks ass
You get excited to see dinosaur battles. You're 5 years old.
Improve your intellect, improve your quality control, improve your taste level.
>poor taste
imagine hating fun.
Might be the first movie I go to see in theaters in like 15+ years. Then again I said that about BR2049 too and it didn't happen.
Love how they're homaging this reveal
What's going on here? I can't wrap my head around Ghidorah's anatomy.
>imagine finding patrician-tier films fun (patrician-tier = reflective, analytic, and introspective).
So how are they gonna fuck this one up with their SJW agenda this time?
Yeah i get excied for giant dinosaur battles because i'm not a cripplingly cynical nihilistic faggot who's soul is crushed and has to constantly chase any and all sense of validation and life meaning through entertainment media. Imagine having such a vacuous soul that the thought of any form of genuine mirth or excitement brought about via pure spectacle fills you with resentment. This is like fireworks, or watching the night sky while a shooting star passes by, or seeing cars race, its just pure, unadulterated enjoyment of something simple and to the point.
I want to see giant shit make shit explode and go boom and beat the fuck out of eachother while destroying cities, whats wrong with that? Complexit and depth has its place, and in fact is no stranger to the Godzilla franchise. Godzilla originated as a metaphor for the horrors of atomic war and has been used to represent Japanese imperialism, American Nuclear Pollution, Japanese Bureaucracy, the Cold War, among other things, but thats just icing on top for some movies. This movie? Its giant shit fighting, and i want to see it, because seeing giant shit fight and destroy things fills me with a sense of wonder and joy, not because i'm a child, or have the mind of a child, but because i didnt arbitrarily decide that what you enjoy as a child has to be thrown away for the sake of maturity when you hit an arbitrary age. I like giant robots, i like giant monsters, i like seeing things explode, simply because it entertains me, i need no other reason, i need no deeper meaning to it, because its simply that: entertainment.
These things, these kinds of movies, deep introspective journeys into the human soul, and giant monsters wrecking american cities, they're not mutually exclusive. Theres nothing stopping me from appreciating and enjoying both.
Because i'm not a giant fucking faggot like you who thinks he's mature for hating fun.
Zmey Gorynych
he got you dude
>I want to see giant shit make shit explode and go boom.
Low IQ detected.
>Because i'm not a giant fucking faggot like you who thinks he's mature for hating fun.
THAT was your closing sentence?? Low IQ confirmed.
A true NPC if i've ever seen one
cg doesn't look as good as the first movie
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
you're right, it looks better
Ah yes, dark grey and dusty as shit so you cant see anything, so much better than vibrant color contrasts.
nah, that was just the 2014 bluray
the 3D BluRay and theater version were still using a more dull color palette but you could at least see what was going on
That's likely part of the idea, user.
it actually is since it hides imperfections and adds atmosphere. and i'm not just talking about lighting; godzilla's movement in doesn't look as realistic and weighty as . ghidorah looks shiny and fake too
ghidorah looks shiny because his scales have traces of gold you dumb retard
godzilla's movement looks the same, literally the only difference is the camera doesn't shake but thats because the 2019 shot starts right as his foot is finishing its step.
No, that's wrong.
>ghidorah looks shiny
maybe because his scales are inspired by snakes? fucking moron
look at this shit, it's inexcusable how lazy they were with the standard bluray
>ghidorah looks shiny
He's a fucking dragon.
Based Rodan
how the fuck does that even happen. did no one watch it before they started printing discs?
I just want to see man's hubris, through the avatar of various competent militarys, be shredded. That's why it's important that man not defeat any monster, only monsters can do that. Zilla being killed by fucking missiles and a bridge in 1998 was horrible.
I can’t fuckin wait lads
probably not
some lazy chucklefucks just assembled the bluray, didn't bother to make sure the fucking contrast and brightness settings were right, and then just started printing
like literally, if you just boost the contrast alone on your standard copy of the film it looks a ton better. not quite as crisp as the 3D Bluray but still loads better.
I unironically hope they got fired for this blunder
They weren't lazy. Whatever intern that handled the transfer fucked up the levels. The 2D BR has every sign of some poor fuck confusing 16-235 with 0-255, a 0-255 master got shoved into 16-235 range, with 16 without any re-encoding it seems, and 16 became the new 0.
The tonal range is narrow, overall gamma is lower, blacks are crushed, and the whole picture is dull and dreary washed out mess because likewise, the highlights got cut off.
How the fuck did they not catch this, even after release, and issue a buyback, or at the very least make sure later BDs were corrected? I assume ALL dics are fucked?
one user claimed that a bluray he bought recently looked like the bottom one instead of the top(he was just getting into Godzilla films)
but he never posted proof
bottom as in the comparison video and are from
Probably a misguided attempt at saving face and damage control.
Imagine having to admit that the ENTIRE home media run(it affected everything, both digital and physical, not even the 3D was spared, that's just placebo - the heightened contrast and increased brightness merely masks the most offending aspect of the fuck up, namely everything being too dark to see) of your this years tent-pole got fucked up.
Every single scene involving humans looks amazingly bad in the trailers and you guys KNOW that will be at the very least the better half of the running time. I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, just realistic.
But you can actually see what's going on in the 3D BluRay though. It's essentially what the film looked like in theaters.
It's probably an acceptable loss, once was enough for that movie. Other than a compilation of the monster scenes, I really have no desire to see it again.
>What is every single Godzilla except for the original, Alex.
based zack snyder
>Bradley Whitford as Dr. Stanton
>Dougherty verified that Dr. Stanton is loosely modeled after Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty. Dougherty had the character "drink alot" to keep the character in line with the spirit of Rick Sanchez.
Good omen?
what 2008 anime is this?
>only 55 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
>>What is every single Godzilla except for the original, Alex.
Oh cool, another "Godzilla" fan who has no fucking idea what he is talking about. The very best Godzilla movies have greater focus on mankind. And if you're going the action route full on, just consider this: Is there anything in even the most retarded japanese Godzilla movie that is on the same level as black people going "damn right!" and "you gotta be kidding me!" constantly?
Not even 2000 has lines as retarded as some of the shit you've seen in the trailer. It's on another level and if the first movie is anything to go by it's gonna be absolutely dreadful every time Godzilla is not on screen. Also what he said , watch more Kaiju movies bucko.
i watched the bluray version origanlly. It was so fucking dark I couldnt see anything until godzilla shreeeeeeeonked down that niggas throat then fade to black with waves crashing
Not a fan of all the quipping interspersed throughout the trailers, hopefully that won't be such a common occurrence in the actual movie.
It doesn't need to be cerebral kino full of profound commentary, it just needs to be entertaining.
A kaiju movie has around 10-15 minutes of monster screentime on average, the much maligned for "N-not enough M-m-monsters" G14 falls flat in the middle of of this average with ~13 minutes of monsters fucking shit up, but the actual drama of the film is absolute shit and ridiculously dull on re-watch, because of a wooden lead protagonist.
As i said, the picture is still washed out because the same issue still persists - it still has black crush and cut off highlights. It's especially visible when you compare it with the making of feature., it's just easier on the eyes, because they ramped up the contrast and brightness to compensate for the 3D glasses, which make it watchable when you excise the glasses from the equation.
Look at pic related, that's from the behind the scenes featurette predating the home media transfer. Not even the 2D layer of the 3D BR has that much detail in the dark areas, nor does the fire burn as bright.
>cut to another token black character every 2 seconds saying something ""witty""
You bet your ass it will be an awful quipfest full of retarded dialogue.
I like plenty of Kaiju movies for their characters and story. G14 is trash because you have some nice action (nothing breathtaking btw) but everything else is unbearably bad. So no, you can't just ignore that part of a movie. And no, the japanese movies are, for the most part, nowhere near as bad in the human department of their stories.
>Look at pic related, that's from the behind the scenes featurette predating the home media transfer. Not even the 2D layer of the 3D BR has that much detail in the dark areas, nor does the fire burn as bright.
do you have a comparison shot from the base frames of 3D Bluray to compare? so far all I've been able to see is the one from the vimeo comparison, which is doubly compressed by being shrunk down and then also suffering vimeo compression on top of that
Stop being so pessimistic guys, wait until you see the movie at least. This has been the only thing keeping me going for the past 2 years now, give it a chance before you judge it.
Yeah, but typically companies love packing trailers full of that shit for whatever reason, so I'm hoping the movie itself isn't such a quipfest. As meh as the human element of the 2014 film was, at least the characters weren't constantly undercutting the seriousness of cities getting leveled by unstoppable monsters by joking about it every 5 seconds. It's what really separated it from capeshit to me.
You're right, the characters in 2014 were constantly undercutting the seriousness of cities getting leveled by unstoppable monsters by overacting, worrying about miniscule shit and having their mouths agape for 90% of the movie.
I don't have a lossless rip on hand anymore(got rid of it after i got my hands on the community made re-encode with color and contrast corrections) and my actual BD is 2D, so you'll have to believe me when i tell you that the clouds in the top left corner and bridge suffer from some serious black crush.
Killing of Cranston so early killed the film. He was the only character with any charisma.
>got rid of it after i got my hands on the community made re-encode with color and contrast corrections)
are you talking about kk650's Regraded edition? or something else? because that version is still darker than the 3D BluRay or that BTS shot you posted
also, I could link you an unaltered remux of the 3D BluRay if you want. i'm in the process of downloading it myself to try making a 2D version myself with makemkv, but since my internet is shit it's gonna take eons
Here you go.
Added your pic for comparison as well. Movie got JUST'd, no argument.
Thanks famalam
...and as you can see, the only difference between the 2D BR and the 2D layer of the 3D one, is that it got brightened to compensate for tinted glasses.
That behind the scenes pic is probably as close to the master as we'll get, if not straight from the master.
>kk650's Regraded edition?
Yeah, that one, and thanks, i can do without ~40g's of dolphin porn.
Also, you do not have to make a conversion to 2D, the 2D layer IS the movie. The second, 3D one is a separate file that plays OVER the 2D with transparency enabled. Playing the 2D alone has some weird artifacts that come with the territory - shadows have a distinct violet hue for some reason.
so then why does the TohoKingdom comparison video look brighter than ? is it just a product of compression and the frame being already compressed? Or what? The guy said he did it by using makemkv to take just the base frames from the 3D BluRay and not the delta frames
because the frame in this video looks a lot closer to that near-flawless image that's likely from the master, rather than the middle image of
I don't disagree with this but I honestly can't remember any Godzilla movies with really good human character stories. I know they exist but they are mostly from the Hesei Era, maybe some of the 2000s movies. Showa was a mixed bag and was pretty much the same type of people only different actors.
No idea, it's been a good year since i watched the 3D and honestly? i don't remember it being THIS bright. But it's obviously sourced from the 3D br, since it has this weird violet hue to the shadows when Godzilla wades into the ocean.
user, definitively has some miscalibrated settings on his player, contrast for one is off - since the AutismKingdom video has some bright highlights on individual Godzilla's scales that got muted to hell by fucking up the gamma, then annihilated completely when it got compressed to to BR size in the 2D release.
In other words, it appears that my initial argument was wrong, and the 3D BR IS indeed a separate transfer, since it has detail that got destroyed and no longer exist in 2D BR.
I wonder if the 3D BluRay could be used as a basis to try and create an almost-theatrical look. I know jack shit about color grading and encoding but perhaps someone who does could take the 3D BluRay and try and match it as best as possible to Obviously it wouldn't be 100% the same but it'd perhaps be even closer than kk650s version
Perhaps, but what i hope for is that there will be no point in doing so.
KOTM is coming and that's just begging for the 4K/HDR re-release of G14 with a brand new transfer that hopefully doesn't get fucked up to shit again.
I hope they do end up releasing a new transfer
>people still dissing 2014 like every other Godzilla movie doesn't have shit cardboard characters that take up 80% of screen time
Isn't this a sequel to the 2014 film which was absolute shit?
>Improve your intellect, improve your quality control, improve your taste level.
Dinosaur battles are the alpha and omega
To Reddit with you
Yea but Americans did it so they have to bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
So I should watch your city cybermeme flick about how you lament your lack of gf?
>muh subtlety
>in a giant monster movie
top cringe
didn't read but based
it worked for Aquaman
Based and extremely bluepilled
But watching a bunch of guys in spandex fight a purple alien with a magic glove is perfectly fine huh?
It’s all coming together now. Godzilla will deliver us from this evil in the name of the lord.
Jesus Christ, just post the link to the full leak: vimeo.com
>Reddit spacing
>shit taste
Checks out
>Best movie of the year
Yeah, naw mate
I simply loved the 2014 movie idk why people shat on it
I want Rodan to be badass instead of a jobber
It was a fine movie but it had too little kaiju on screen.
The whole movie was ebin especially Heisenberg's scenes.
someone post the imax trailer. it didnt play when i saw shazam.
wait, is the print out?
Right there, my good man.
>jet flying at same speed as helicopter with gunner
Why didn't he just accelerate away?
Less is more.
Godzilla is a strong f*male
rent free
Not when the rest of the movie is military wank and some forced family drama with some fucking random nobody characters who nobody gives a fuck about. Jaws did it right because every moment that there wasn't a shark on the screen, it was building proper tension. Godzilla just left the audience checking their tickets to make sure they were in the right theater.
The percentage of Godzilla in the movie is one of the lowest in the series.
Because the movie is two hours long.
Actual screen time of monsters fucking shit up is in the top 30% of them.
According to leddit, he has 9:53 worth of screen time, the Mutos probably have another 5-6 minutes of solo action.
15 minutes of monsters is honestly more than I remember, must have been because the movie is an absolute slog that grounds to a fucking halt when they're not present.
It was a very good Generic Soldier Man movie with special cameo from Godzilla
As it should be. The military shit was kino, the plane jump, the two bridge scenes, the train scene, they were all fantastic.
It wil be the capekino of the year.
Why do I even bother talking to Americans
Literally who filmed this shit? Snyder?
This is complete and utter garbage.
Just ms paint with the black bucket it
No bully Mothra pls
mediocre disappointment of the year, calling it now
where did you get these clips from?
I'm not American. Just man up and admit you have no arguments against what I wrote. Those scenes were terrific.
Those scenes are all terrible because nobody in their right mind would ever care about what happens to those terrible characters, the only decent one is the plane jump because there's Godzilla
>I'm not American
Only Americans have such shit taste and boner for their own military
I'm a nigger.
So, American
He based
Mothra was made to be bullied
this movie looks fuckin awesome. The creature battles are scary, they look real.
This copypasta could be applied to everything Yea Forums hates on
There was a very long trailer shown before Shazam last night that had all these scenes and it's probably where they're from. I'm not sure if it's on YouTube or not yet. It was basically a spoiler for 10 minutes worth of the movie.
A reminder that Rodan is a cool guy.
>Only Americans have such shit taste and boner for their own military
I take it you didn't see Shin Godzilla. You should but a huge percentage of that movie is Hideaki Anno furiously realizing his military fetish and jizzing it all out onto celluloid. Great film though.
>director is a huge godzillafag
>visually looks fantastic
>apparently stuffed full of kaiju action
I daresay this movie will do amazingly
Kaijukino is apolitical user
Is this a "The Giant Claw" reference?
Yeah right
We both know that if this was disney you'd be dragging your cock across your monitor
Get out of my Godzilla thread. You don't deserve to occupy the same space as even the lowest of Godzilla fandom autism.
Reminder that Rodan is gonna give Mothra's moth pussy some BIG DACTYL COCK.
Hope this will wash the bad test out of my mouth the last godzilla was.
I said this in the Yea Forums thread last night, but I find it bullshit that he was supposed to be fully grown right out of the egg.
So I headcanon that the Rodan from Shigeru's flashback was the Rodan that appeared in Ghidorah the 3 Headed Monster and was the offspring of the two in Rodan.
Looks like, good catch
I honestly hope legendary give him the gundam film
Yeah user, heh, who the fuck becomes awestruck at spectacles of nature anyways?
I thought about capping that post and flaked, I'm glad someone did
I think you may be right. Toho kaijus rarely eat people. So, that really may be an homage.
Why do I find this so funny
What are the odds the human dialogue is going to 100% cringe?
This movie is gonna be wicked but they already spoiled it
Who watches these for the dialogues
if it's like the first one, I'm gonna love it
>let them fight
What do you think the rotten tomatoes score will be?
Like others said, a good human story is important, but ultimately they're forgettable and all you remember all the fights. When people to Godzilla retrospectives, the first things that are brought up is who Godzilla is fighting and if Godzilla is good, bad, or neutral. Human plot is always secondary even if it's the majority of the screentime.
so is this just going to be another one of those "zzomg look at all these epic shots and scenes with all these big monsters looking all badass in the camera" empty action movie like kong: skull island and the 2014 godzilla?
Why do Godzilla fans have shit taste. 90% of them think shit like Godzilla vs Destoroyah or Godzilla Final Wars are OBJECTIVELY GOOD FILMS and get mad over monster screentime lol
fucking hell.
Based and redpilled.
check out this channel if you wanna see how the movie looked in theaters
cringe and lowstandardspilled
>Godzilla just left the audience checking their tickets to make sure they were in the right theater.
funny image
Yeah, definitely gonna need to see this in IMAX for that immersive surround sound.
based to infinity and beyond
Yep. None of the characters had presence, the plot doesn't make sense yet the movie takes itself super seriously, and you can't even see the little action it does have. I'm tired of people making excuses for this mediocre flick.
Considering it's a bunch green party faggots who cause all this trouble, it may be anti-sjw
Is there a digital copy around with improved colors? I fucking hate my Bluray version, looks like shit. I'm tempted to just do an edit myself.
Are you really surprised by those lines? This is an AMERICAN film, hell it's to be expected.
Coming from an American G-fan
Mine looks perfect. Calibrate your monitor faggot.
That’s what I thought. Never saw the film, but I saw the trailer and the part where he eats the pilot stuck out in my memory.
Imagine not thinking Godzilla vs Destoroyah is one of the greatest films ever made. I bet you like Shin, faggot.
This movie will get trashed by reviewers
v redd it/in31fgvf3dq21
Are there spoilers for this yet?
>tarnishes Serizawa's sacrifice for no reason and this forgotten not even half way into the movie
>characters are pretty much useless and have nothing going on besides blandly commenting on the monster action
>an entire scene is dedicated to a bad Aliens rip-off
>Godzilla's attack on Hong Kong is a special effect carelessly inserted into location footage
>no effort to make miniature cities not look as fake as possible
>most of final battle involves two almost immobile suits bumping into each other and causing spark showers
And its a below 20 percent rotten rating because sub par acting, and movie too confusing and weird for newcomers
but it has stranger things girl
wtf is there to spoil about? obviously godzilla will win against the bad monsters
the only thing you should care about in movies like this are the action scenes, and those are all already revealed in the trailers
Was it self-defense?
I'm just curious if the plot has any decent twists. plus the next movie is a Kong crossover so that needs to get worked in
fucking this
Something like that. I still think that as far as human characters go Godzilla 2014 it's not very high on the list and Shin Godzilla got away with having no human characters.
Still no reason not to consider G'2014 a successful Godzilla movie. Fantastic scenes and although universe building will be better in the sequel this got things started. One thing that was unnecessary was not showing that first fight.
>user thinks his dishonest drivel is an argument
The most notable aspects from the leaked plot summary is:
>Kong is referenced early on
>Including Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Ghidorah, and Kong, there are a total of 17 kaiju on Earth. The kaiju are named after myths and biblical allusions; one is a giant mammoth monster, one a spider, one a kracken-esque monster, one is the Loch Ness monster, one is Anguirus-but-not-really, etc.
>The Oxygen Destroyer is made and is used, Destroyah has potential to appear in a later film
>Post-credits is Charles Dance's character collecting one of Ghidorah's severed heads
>No implication of Mothra having another egg stashed away, she may be the last of her kind
>Rodan lives
>Godzilla temporarily goes Burning-mode
>Charles Dance may-or-may-not be Tom Hiddleston's Skull Island character; no leaks have confirmed or denied this rumor.
These things aside the plot is just about what you expect.
Based and truthpilled.
Even as a hardcore G-Fan I've grown to dislike G vs Destroyah
because hollywood
in reality the F-35 could reach speeds that would be physically impossible for Rhodan to fly
The first user to leak the movie said it might be a crab because the VFX weren't done, others that saw the movie say he was holding a chunk of Ghidorah's regenerating body and he was collecting a whole head.
This is bullshit, flying animal of that size could never catch up with fighter jet, wind resistance forces would be too great.
This. Leave her alone.
Why is Ghidorah so smug?
>Ghidorah is demon from hell
>Godzilla fight and have Jesus on it's side
>pole through head
Hear no evil
>glowing eyes
See no evil
>open mouth
Speak no evil
Don't forget
>tryhard ''dude it's a fucking awesome demon thing!'' monster stealing Gidorah's rightful place as the one to finally kill Godzilla
Of course, it's 2019, this shit work with masses.
There's a giant three headed golden alien Dragon that generates hurricanes as it flies and fires gravity beams out of it's mouth.
Dude I love the big G but this is the most embarassing post I've read in a while
Where the fuck do you get this, My Cinema still list it at fucking May 30
>movies have always been spectacles
A giant dinosaur kaiju battle is exactly what movies are for. Its an entire genre called Epics
They gonna upload it now right?
Since it been leaked?
As long as he's slower than figher jet I'm ok with it.
Godzilla is also active now. His MUTO fight was literally after a big sleep
It looks like one of those pastas that are really shit so the author just spams it and some sheep still like it if they see it enough times. No talent.
If it's not and it's just trolls coming here because they're annoyed at these movies popularity and pretend to think that liking things is wrong then I guess we made it.
I saw this in theaters twice, I saw bottom
He won't. You're finished.
He's faster. I'm sorry.
Godzilla charging towards Ghidorah can keep pace with fighter jets
Rodan is such a PUNK.
Reminder that the director of KOTM said theres 40+ minutes of pure monster on monster action, which mgiht be some of the most in the entire franchise.
Imagine being a headlet.
soifags are atheist, though.
If you ignore Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and The Irishman, then sure. But a glorified Power Rangers episode is not gonna cut it, m8.
Literally all I see when I look at these photos and Webms is ORANGE AND BLUE
It's written and directed by the guy who made Trick 'r Treat and Krampus, so I trust the movie will be entertaining enough even when there's no monsters.
I hope Anguirus gets a cameo, hes best boy
spoilerfags DO NOT reply
he doesn't
There are 17 monsters and he's not one.
I bet nearly every philosopher in history would have gone to see dinosaurs fight each other.
s-stop it!
Since when is Kong that tall?
There's a monster that's very similar in design but its not him.
Since KKvG next year. Promo art makes him pretty big.
Okay that one looks about right. Legendary Godzilla is fucking huge so it'd be weird if they sized Kong up to be 300+ feet tall.
I mean he's still growing in Kong: Skull Island, he could honestly be bigger.
>Mecha King Ghidorah in Kong Vs Godzilla
I know it's to save space, but these charts always ignore how Godzilla's size has fluctuated throughout the years. Godzilla Earth is like 300 meters isn't he?
Bigger sure but is kind of crazy.
Kong has to be small enough to believably climb buildings still.
You're out of your mind if you think Kong vs Godzilla isnt going to take place in New York and recreate the famous scene of Kong climbing the Empire State. Its mandatory, every King Kong does it.
How the hell can Dance be old Hiddleston???
Why not?
People just latch onto the theory because his character has no name in any media yet, and Dougherty said a character from KSI will reappear in KotM. Could happen, but its still baseless.
>a character from KSI will reappear in KotM.
It's Kong
Burst speed is a real thing. Not like the jets are hauling ass. They are just keeping pace and Zilla turns it up: I think it looks fucking rad.
You know that modern military aircraft literally can't fly any slower than 350-400km/h without airbrakes and shit, without falling from the sky like rocks?
Godzilla is fucking huge, and something That big moving so swiftly is fucking fast, especially when you consider the scale and the distance each movement traverses.
I'm sorry user, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sonic boom when he starts running.
85% to be honest.
Dance is 72 so conceivably he fits the age range for playing an older Vietnam vet but I think the theory is bunk.
To be fair, I’m pretty sure those vets are behind him and are moving to go past him.
Why would Hiddleston's character even want to unleash these monsters?
Best explanation I heard is that he's a Kong supporter.
Part of me wants it to be true but I'd rather have something less comedic and actually not dumb as hell.
The end of Kong hints that he’s going to join Monarch, at least forcibly so. Maybe something during his years drove him mad?
The only thing iffy about Dance being Hiddleston is that Dance's character 1) unleashes monsters on the world, for whatever reason, which seems very unlike Hiddleston's character and 2) he's apparently collecting the DNA of all the Titans during the movie, which again I can't figure out a motive with that in relation to Kong.
Say what you will about the Monsterverse but each movie has had some really good music
Doesn't matter, Rotten Tomatoes has never mattered and no amount of pushing high scores on advertisements will change that.
Kaiju Avengers would be godlike.
Seeing this footage reminded me of this:
>not using the fuckin osom Paul Gilbert's song for the trailer
what a shame
Amazing. You have a gift Yea Forums you really do.
Serizawa is supposed to have a dad that had witnessed atomic bombs on Japan (the watch he showed in the first movie) which also made him old as fuck since he was supposed to be like a teenager (at least in the comics)
So I don't see why they couldn't make Dance the same character as in Skull Island, would be a nice twist and a way to connect the two movies even further
Blowing their load to early with the last movie in the series?
The rights default back to Toho after Godzilla vs. Kong because Toho wants to make more of their own.
This guy gets it.
does my dude Mothra survive long?
That same site said it would have a domestic total of $110 million its opening weekend
She shanks Rodan with her stinger and knocks him out but then she gets obliterated by Ghidorah.
Sorry, reread that it says it's total domestic total will be $110 million which makes absolutely no sense
I always hated the shape of Gidorah‘s wings
The other thing is the Monarch Timeline they relelased last year already teased Dance's character.