>That's a Yikes from me, Mr. Anderson.
That's a Yikes from me, Mr. Anderson
Other urls found in this thread:
>Signal boost the TWoC
you know, instead of "follow the white rabbit"
idk feel like i swung out on this one guys
>Why Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you Sneedpost?
I know my rights, you can't react to my post before I've posted it
>What good is a meme if you are unable... to post
As you can see we’ve had our eye on your airplane mode ban evading for some time now Mr. Anderson
> Can you hear me, user? I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place. This zoo. This freak show. This "board", whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell! If there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can smell your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Repulsive, isn't it? I must get out of here, I must get free.
Are there mods and jannies responsible for individual boards?
I thought all the reports from all boards sort of all show up in the same queue for them
>So you're saying I can dodge bans?
OP i just wanna say this thread is pretty funny. good job :D
stop trying to recreate my thread asshole
What good is the ability to post, if you cant click all the traffic lights
jannies only have power on one board until they get promoted to a sitewide jannie
Stop copying the thread I made last week faggot
Damn it realy is the architect screens
Also he dab on em
>What’s the point of having sex if you will always be an incel
Cry some more
That's a big file
maybe if you weren't so retarded you could come up with your own thread phone posting zoomer faggot.
>We need (you)s, lots of (you)s
>user believed something and he was ready to give his IP for what he believed, I understand that now, that's why I have to go.
>Because I believe in something.
>I believe I can bring him back....
So which part of being a tranny did smith represent because the matrix is about trannys now apparently and not a really shitty riff on Jesus
Yea Forums's magnum opus
Lost my shit
>The cunny posting is older than you know, I prefer counting from the emergence of one block your path to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the six milionth version.
Perseverance is the most predictable of all shitpost responses, but, rest assured, this will be the twentysixth time we have made you select all squares so you buy a 4chanpass, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
>Why, Chuck? Why do you fuck and suck?
>....my name......is SNEED
top kek user