I think it's time we blow this scene. Get everybody and the stuff together.
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I think it's time we blow this scene. Get everybody and the stuff together
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Who would you cast?
Why is jet black
Sad looking group of old ass actors, are all the episodes going to take place on the ship like a sitcom?
A trans-person of colour.
Who cares about that. Spikes looks like a pussy and couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
idris elba
Is Spike going to vape in this? He can't smoke cigarettes because showing that in media causes white kids to shoot up schools.
This movie will bomb and deservedly so. There's no reason to make a live action version of Cowboy Bebop. If you want to watch it, watch the damn anime.
emma watson tbqh
Jazz probably
why would spike be chinese be not vicious, the head of a chinese mafia?
>t. jamal
reminder that there will be no Jazz in the soundtrack
Criminally underrated
I hope the jew faggot who chose this cancer ass cast gets assraped by a homosexual aids ridden gorilla with a 17" studded penis. This is the shittiest cast of all time for one of the best anime of all time. After Keanu-Sama hit 40 all plans for this shows live action adaption should've been shelved. Also why the fuck is jet black?
>the white guy is asian
>the asian girl is latina
>jet black is literally black
>and i just don't give a fuck anymore
Nah this character was meant to be sexually ambiguous. Someone more like Caitlyn would do better.
because 7, 8, 9!
it's a 10 episode netflix show
most people who watch anime WANT to see diverse casting. anime is a lefty hobby. are nerd shit is leftist because nerd shit is mainstream and mainstream is leftist.
>are nerd shit
lmao anime accents made me do this
Why must they keep turning good animated things into shitty live-action things? It just keeps happening no matter how bad an idea it is.
>anime is a lefty hobby
This is Faye Valentine. Say something nice about her.
Do I really need to respond to this?
White men must be the villain.
She looks like your typical mystery meat hire because the developers couldn’t help themselves.
I do not have the energy to dispute the obviously twisted and utterly bawards view you hold. Instead I'll simply state jet black is not a nigger and spikes last name is fucking SPIEGEL if anything spike should've been a Jewish actor with that last name I don't even need to mention fay or vicious...
I watch anime and I do not want a live action remake of anything. I want hollywood to keep its filfthy hands off of japanese IP
Too many tattoos, looks like a tramp, not an aristocrats daughter
I don't even care if the cast was right, it'd still be garbage because it's Netflix, and a live action adaptation of a literally perfect work. It'll be another soulless brand name, algorithm-greenlit cash grab made in the same mold as Marvel and Witcher by clueless and pozzed show runners, with generic visual direction and formulaic TV show pacing (no set design, awful editing, ugly digital photography with washed out colors, only close ups of the actors etc), when the whole appeal of the anime was its timeless elegance, filmmaking spirit and sensibility, the low key existential and absurdist tone, the cultural references to all the popular culture the creators deeply loved, which were a Japanese perspective on western works, the way it was unrestrained by conventions and was truly bold and innovative which is something adaptations are fundamentally the opposite of, the overall culture of anime reaching its technical pinacle in the late 90s before the industry switched to digital, ie all the elements that shaped its unique character, tempo, texture and soul. Basically fuck Netflix and fuck niggers.
Those people despite having the budget equivalent to a sack of potatoes at a grocery store managed to put together shitty outfits that payed better homage to the source material than any Netflix anime shit show ever did.
Thanks for posting.
She fucking better be cast as Julia
I don' really have a problem with the casting, the main problem with these adaptions is having the actors try and look like their anime counterparts especially the jap live action adaptions with such a low budget and it's just embarrassing they look like cosplayers
if netflix or some other studio want to do it, do it like edge of tomorrow, just take the concepts and some story beats and do your own thing with it
What're the odds that they make Ed into a tranny?
Spike would have to stand on a couple of crates stacked on top of each other because John Cho is fucking 5'8 at most while Debicki is herself roughly the height Spike is actually supposed to fucking be.
The Faye casting is the worst of the bunch.
the girl playing faye is so fucking ugly, jesus christ.
Why is an image of a sad rotting pumpkin over Spike?
I bet they won't even be smoking.
Faye is Singaporean and they all look ugly there. This actress is actually more attractive than any person I saw there, not even kidding
>cock mongling leftist wants to partake in moral grandstanding over movie casting
>expects to get a pat on the back from white nationalists
Kaylani Lei is Singaporean, should have been Faye
kek and Akita is going to have a nonwhite lead as well. #TimesUp for white leads
Important question: who should play Ein?
I watch anime and I have never asked for this. Get fucked. Anime is anime.
Here's your Julia bro
im ok with this
no wtf
>skin color
>red lips
>tiger print
>ugly face
t. 13%
top tier post
Isabela Moner
That manly face.
it would make sense.
You can't cast spike. All I know is Lilis as Ed. Haven't seen a good spike yet.
I guess dragon dildos aren't the only things you can pull out of your ass.
Exactly my point. Singaporeans are ugly, especially the pajeet singaporeans. The actress playing Faye is unironically more attractive than anyone coming from that multicultural shithole
She should be ein and be on all fours and bark throughout the film and this would immediately be kino
the only correct answer.
so riley j dennis then?
>good spike
90's Keanu
you are right. Asian japanese want to see white people in anime hence your picture.
>character that is famous for her tits
>cast a plank
>i wouldn't mind
why are people obsessed with jet being not white
Netflix should just commission all their anime based movies to be made in Japan.
It would cost less, no one would have issues with the casting one way or the other, and frankly I doubt the end product would be any shittier than the American version.
Whichever way works as we'll still get AMWF kino. TayTay or Debicki are prime aryan stocks.
negro tom waits
nobody would watch them
this could be the next "altered carbon" thats a yikes from me dog
>who should play Ein?
Moner playing a corgi?
>Moner playing a corgi?
Thought the girl was called Ein...
was it Ed?
yes Ed is the girl I said moner would be good for in another thread, same height, young, qt. Ein is the doggie
She's so fucking hot
>Looks like a tramp
So she looks the part, then. I never understood what people see in Faye, she was always a total bitch. Kind of like a reverse Fujiko
>anime: 3 white men and a women
>movie: not a single white man
What did Jewywood meant by that?
I need to see what the costumes look like before I can judge.
It's either going to look cool, or fucking retarded.
Jet Black's actor looks like a nigger Ron Perlman.
There will be no jazz.
Screencap this.
I'm pretty sure spike and jet are both supposed to be Israeli or Cuban or a mix of either
>cast a black actor because his name is Jack Black
I will never not get mad at the possibility of this happening.
>I just learned this is actually the official cast
I hate Netflix so much.
>>cast a black actor because his name is Jack Black
why not cast Jack Black to play Jack Black?
Spike is 47
Faye is 32
Vicious-kun is 39
What is it, Bebop 20 years later?
You're always invited to not watch it.
At this point you're the exact same kind of snowflake as the retards on twitter.
Lmao ram
Jap movie culture is dead. They just cast popstars to sell tickets. Zero talent, screaming on camera etc.
Given the track record as of late with Netflix I'm ignoring this one entirely. At this point if any established ip is getting the reboot I'm going to ignore it entirely. It'll be shit 95% of the time.
We all know Ein should be a corgi, but with netflix it will probably be a Pitbull
He would be perfect.
The Reddit audience loves him
A.COWBOY BEBOP live-action not-movie Netflix 10 episodes?! Good: with DiCaprio’s AKIRA the previous Cameron-Rodriguez ALITA and even the ScarJo GHOST IN THE SHELL, it’s nice to have comicbook non-spandex variety along with the Marvel-Disney/DC-WB superhero™ dominance…
That anime and manga titles get their live-action versions is looong overdue in the Comic-Con generation takeover of HOLLYWOOD— am now waiting for the BLACK HOLE movie (rock-n-roll and sex in the ’70s!), PALOMAR and/or LOCAS adaptations (ideally, a telenovelas streamer soap and/or LA punk in the ’80s!), and MAUS cgi film (animated Holocaust animals!)…
But this CB version: MUST get Yoko Kanno to do the music for it. The Jazz/electronic mood of the soundtrack IS one of the defining traits of the anime– or the very least, this jazzbo is expecting classic bop tracks from Miles, Monk, Rollins, Trane and Silver… (Oooh, the soul-funk of the Adderly brothers are a great fit here!)
Cho might be a little old for “Spike”, Shakir not what I pictured for “Jet”, Pineda sultry enough for “Faye”… but am interested in who’s gonna be cast for “Ed”? Hard to cast geeky gaming right…
(Funny the trolls already out complaining about the casting for this: they loudly raise their Millennial criticisms and bleat comments in their echo/ditto chambers, as if trumpeting their displeasure would derail the production– how did that “boy(s)cott” of the CAPTAIN MARVEL movie turn out?
Yet as ever, their complaints help identify fellow-travelling members of that reactionary “brand”.)
This is not funny anymore
>le based radical centrist
Do weeaboos/jews actually believe anime characters look anything but white, sometimes hapa. Are they delusional or just blind
nope it's obvious the characters are designed with Caucasian features
doesn't bother me that they cast people of other ethnicities though as long as they respect the character
You shut your whore mouth now or else
Faye is a fucking tramp, her latex booty shorts are stuffed up her ass
As much of a meme as the casting is, their faces actually look a whole lot like their anime counterparts. Well, aside from faye, but getting a hollywood actress without a cinderblock jaw is basically impossible. They'd have to get a chinese or korean model to get someone that actually looked like faye.
>Mr. Goldstein, we brought in a few healthy, well trained corgis to play Ein.
>Jamal...just get the mixed race mutt that hangs around the building
I... Like it? They seems fitting in a strange way.
...god damnit
They're all barely passable, just barely, though they could be far better. Except spike. That is unforgivable in every way.
This. Masterpieces should never be subjected to remakes.
Holy shit i'm so glad she's not skipping leg day anymore those are some good results.
go to sleep richie
actually most twink kpop idols could play him
Your casting sucks IMO, what are you like 25 years old? Did you watch bebop as a baby? Depending on the angle you want to play with the script/rendition you can be a bit creative but none of these actors seem capable of doing their jobs as the real bebop crew.
Image related as Spike (but of course late nineties for age reasons, and since we're in pretendoverse). He can out act most of hollywood, has close enough facial features to pull it off, but most importantly can carry himself properly throughout all the action scenes as a perfect Spike S.
The right answer is
>Your casting sucks IMO
should we tell him
Laughed harder than I should have.
Holy fucking kek
Not sure if it's a compliment but I'd cum all over her face
The funny thing is if they get Ein wrong or don't put him in the show, that's the one thing even the audience Netflix is pandering to will get upset about. He's Bebop's Gir and is often the face of the show on most merch sold at places like Hot Topic and Box Lunch.
um casting white people is racist sweatie
This image is fake
Why would you expect Israeli?