If they just HAD to make him Asian, why didn't they go for Steven Yeun?
If they just HAD to make him Asian, why didn't they go for Steven Yeun?
Or literally anyone other than White Castle ad man.
Better than black...
Much better than black
At least hes not black
I dunno why everyone is complaining that an actor doesn't look badass enough to be a cool martial artist. I think average looking guys demonstrating functional strength and technique against puffed up bodybuilders is a cool trope.
>muh yank burgers
Coastie btfo
height: 1.78 meters
Spike is like 6'2. A huge aspect of his character is how tall and lean/lanky he is. For fucks sake.
someone shop spikes hair on him. im not seeing how its gonna look good.
I wonder too. Maybe Cho just had more name recognition, despite being clearly out of his element. And that's all Netflix cared about.
He's also, what, a fucking C-lister? Is Cho even in anything? so even if they have a hit on their hands the pay will be miniscule compared to anyone more prominent.
hes in the new twilight zone =\
Why not a real japanese actor
>i can taste the bubbles
he will never escape the curse
he is pissboy eternal
wait, he's just over 3 and a half feet? the fuck
I just don't see him as an action star
that's not how multiplication works, user
>functional strength
>average looking
hes a passive s oy beta as most east asian "men" are. spike is a high energy man who looks white
holy shit screencap this post
I'm out of the loop. What are we complaining about this time?
because norms are familiar with this particular gink
casting for Cowboy Bebop.
Given Netflix' track record on anime adaptations, I don't know why anyone would expect it to not be trash. Consequently, I don't know why anyone is upset that they cast a short asian to play someone who is tall af and named 'Spike Spiegel'.
Yeah this show is gonna be a cringefest. I'm so fucking pissed that they're making it, too.
The biggest problem is that he's too old. He's 46 old man who's playing a late 20's early 30's character.
The height doesn't matter. Tom cruise is a manlet and he still does action scenes. They'll never fully be able to replicate the characters but it's important that they get the spirit. Cho just won't do it.
50 year old harold from harold and kumar is gonna be an action hero
John Cho is an honorary white. Though I agree Spike looks more white than Asian.
They hired a middle aged manlet without an athletic bone in his body to play a twenty something chad martial artist
He is literally nineteen years older than the character he is playing
Character age 27.
Actor age 46.
Who would you want to see cast as Spike Spiegel?
6'2 is not tall af... That's just tall sweetie XD
Finn Wolfhard when he grows older
lmao manlet
They could've chosen that guy from the man from nowhere and it would've been a better fit. The issues isn't the race you cum guzzling faggot it's the fact it's the Fook from Harold and fucking Kumar there's so many Asians they couldve gotten that would've been a better fit
God fucking dammit that’s perfect. They should have waited a few years.
Give the role to a newcomer.Surely there must be thousands of asian actors under the age of thirty who'd jump at the chance to be the lead in a series like this
Steven Yeun
That rat faced jew nosed faggot is going to age like milk.
I like John Cho, but seriously, why not at least go for a younger actor like pic related if he HAD to be Asian?
Mmm you're taller than 6'2? OwO I bet you have a tall dicc too
>rat faced jew with a jewfro playing rat faced jew with a jewfro
I thought that's what you niggers wanted
In all honesty, that's what makes me annoyed the most. I'd rather the races be accurate (Spike, Jet and Ed white, Faye Asian), but it's so obvious Ed is going to be "gender queer" or some bullshit.
>If they just HAD to make him Asian, why didn't they go for Steven Yeun?
you mean theres another one?
Daniel Wu is literally the same age as Cho but looks younger, is more athletic, is able to do martial arts and action and is the same height. They could've spent less on him too
Sure, they could have found a more fitting white actor
But i've seen this movie.
yeah but I only fuck cute sub 5'8 twinks
Spike is Asian and literally based off a 70s Japanese action star you fucking cinemalets
pic related
If they clearly didn't care about age, why not just cast the person everybody wanted for years? He's quarter Asian, does most of his own stunts and loves the source material.
People complaining about height are idiots. You get around that with simple camera tricks if need be, and it doesn't play any type of real significance to the character.
I would rather Daniel Wu, his fight scenes in Into the Badlands are great
Yeah this. I mean, it's not like weebs care that much about star power. Might as well take the oppertunity to cast an unknown.
>Faye is recast as white
>SJWs don't care
What did they mean by this?
>could've had Bebop with Kenau complete with all that trigger time and martial arts practice he put in for John Wick
>instead it's fucking Harold
I bet Kenau would have done it for small money too because he loves the animu. It's all so tiresome.
he is too old. that's it.
there are plenty of younger asian actors i don't understand why he was chosen.
this will also ruin the whole romantic tension between valentine and spike because faye looks like she is 20 years older. which she is lol.
they jump when they are told to jump
idk user, he seems to have a lot on his plate
In fairness, spiked has fairly iconic wiry build that you can't fake with tricks.
I wish especially because he's a mutt and it makes more sense in the future for there to be very mixed race people.
But Keanu is unfortunately way too old.
How badly are they going to fuck up the OST, Yea Forums? We're going to get boring, synthwave like every other movie and TV series these days, aren't we?
Because John Cho will bring in a lot of American fans. I despise cases like these where they wash a character’s skin color to become whatever they need the diversity quota to be. But in this case John is simply too famous to pass up if you’re a producer looking to make money. He was in three Star Treks, the harold and Kumar trilogy, basically every modern television sitcom as a guest star, the dude is fucking entrenched in Hollywood.
well fuck. I hope they can get the pillows again
FUCK YEAH!!! Cho is PERFECT for the role. He's got that laid back laconic vibe that Spike needs. Not happy with the rest of the cast but it's Netflix, so of course they'll fuck it up with their SJW shit.
The Wachowski's should have made this several years ago with Cho after Star Trek gave his career some heat.
The original series is one of the best thigs I've ever had the privilege to watch, so if this shits the bed (and not in a sexy Amber Heard sort of way) no fucks will be given!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
But Ed was already basically nonbinary.
There was that one episode where Faye keeps asking, "So are you a boy or a girl?" And Ed just yells, "EDWARD IS EDWARD!"
You have FIVE SECONDS to post your favorite song from Cowboy Bebop:
He's the same age as Cho but I would definitely prefer him. He'd be better at giving off the swagger that Spike has.
He's too old user. He's Jet now
Why didn't they cast a cool karate asian not a gay americanized doctor asian?
spike's a tragic character and EXTREMELY attractive.
the dude they cast should look like prime Sussue Hawakaya
Also the choir music that plays during Spike and Vicious's first fight
The difference is that it wasn't done for political reasons. I don't want Netflix making it a big deal.
I don't even care if the cast was right, it'd still be garbage because it's Netflix, and a live action adaptation of a literally perfect work. It'll be another soulless brand name, algorithm-greenlit cash grab made in the same mold as Marvel and Witcher by clueless and pozzed show runners, with generic visual direction and formulaic TV show pacing (no set design, awful editing, ugly digital photography with washed out colors, only close ups of the actors etc), when the whole appeal of the anime was its timeless elegance, filmmaking spirit and sensibility, the low key existential and absurdist tone, the cultural references to all the popular culture the creators deeply loved, which were a Japanese perspective on western works, the way it was unrestrained by conventions and was truly bold and innovative which is something adaptations are fundamentally the opposite of, the overall culture of anime reaching its technical pinacle in the late 90s before the industry switched to digital, ie all the elements that shaped its unique character, tempo, texture and soul. Basically fuck Netflix and fuck niggers.
Is it even possible to cast somebody who's got the body and looks to accurately play Faye? This happened with The Major in GITS; I don't think there was any female actor, especially Asian that has the right looks.
I feel like he'd make time for it.
>He's too old user.
They could digitally de-age him and age up Spike a little, it's not like he looks bad for his age. Normally I'd say it wouldn't be worth it and just to get another actor but he was born to play this role.
Is take Finn wolfhard now over John
I think most of us share your sentiments but are so broken down by awful reboots.
Body types are barely ever translate from animation to live action specifically because they're so over stylized.
exactly why it shouldn't adapted into real life.
some kpop bimbo could do it
I mean sure, they could. but why? Just get someone that is capable of at least doing some of the stunts cause fuck that's gonna waste a lot of time and look shitty cgi-ing everything and using a stunt double for most of the movie
>digitally de-age him
This is a tv series, they don't have the money spend on that and to pay for Keanu. I'm guessing reeves just isn't interested anymore and who can blame him?
Finn is not asian, he's also shit you homo
who the fuck watched that show and thought that Spike was "white?"
something to do with the german name and how the character doesn't look one bit asian
You know it's gonna be shit.
Literally everybody who doesn’t suffer from face blindness.
I think it's time we blow this scene. Get everybody and the stuff together. Okay, three, two, one let's jam
>but why?
Because it's what I want.
>they don't have the money spend on that and to pay for Keanu
Just cancel some of the other garbage they were going to make that season so they could have at least one show that isn't complete dogshit. Also fire their writing staff and just make thinly veiled threads on Yea Forums asking for plots. It'll be around the same quality as your average Netflix original.
True but you can you can still just get a lankier actor.
It doesn't really bother me though, it's that Cho won't be able to bring the kind of younger energy that Spike has. Spike isn't really older and he's not a kid either but his age is still important to his character dynamic
Weebs who've never left the house probably. It's obvious to everyone else.
>this is a "white" guy to /pol/tards
LOL someone bring up the pic from the meetup
>something to do with the german name and how the character doesn't look one bit asian
He's a fucking animu. And his eyes are sloped. And he's a space asshole from the future.
Maybe you muddniggers have just bastardized the term so much but is NOT white. He has asian skin tone, asiany eyes, dark black hair. He sure as SHIT doesn't look fucking "german."
wtf why didnt they pick Ryan Gosling to play Spike?
Nah, the character obviously has western proportions. Even if he isn’t white, he’s much closer to white than Asian ethnicity.
>'he just like me'
*asian casting blocks your path*
i was supposed to play spike. im asian, tall and cool looking like he is, and a cool deep voice too. not liek those pussy soft voices lots of asians have. i didnt make it in time bros. im still working as a waiter and doing open mic stand up gigs :( this chance will never come again in my lifetime. im sorry i have failed you all Yea Forums.
Goddamn, everything from netflix is just a goddamn Monkey’s paw at this point, isn’t it? I hope Cho’s career survives this. He’s a decent guy.
Don’t worry, you’ve done enough to completely eclipse the people that post here by simply having a job.
nah he looks fucking asian. Maybe had a German grandpa but I never watched that shit as a kid thinking he was a white.
But I have blonde hair and shit so I probably had a more uppity definition of "white."
And asian characters in anime normally have HUGE eyes. His are slanty.
>curly hair
>German surname
>tall skinny build
>handsome frivolous look
God so close yet so far, if only he was like 10 years older
>nah he looks fucking asian.
lol retard
They’re anime characters, when I watch anime, especially the old ones, I don’t see them as a race because it’s anime characters not people, I would rather focus on character. Hell most cartoons I don’t even care enough, Snow White isn’t white to me, she’s “Disney Character”.
That being said don’t cast a darkie or a blonde Dane to play Spike, cast someone who can pull off the look like Keanu
You're both retarded
The overwhelming majority of anime depicts westerners and Asians in the same fucking way. Only Monster, from what I've seen, clearly draws white people as different.
These people give their characters natural purple hair down to their waists and bright red eyes, of course they don't give a shit about ethnic features you fucking morons.
giant retard
That’s called art style, and early anime used that style heavily, but race is never a factor into them, people just make characters.
For example, Alucard is supposed to be Wallachian nobility yet he looks like Japanese, even in his Dracula form in the OVA. Hellsing is supposed to be purely British but is tan like Anderson who is supposed to be Italian but his skin is more like beige.
The point is the creators want to create appealing characters and not focus on race. Remember this is Japan and they don’t care for race like the US
>depicts westerners and Asians in the same fucking way.
yeah, as white people
Yea man, I remember all those white people that were born with purple and green hair, with neon red eyes.
That's exactly who came to mind for me too.
His frame would be perfect for spike and we know he can do action. Why didn't they at least consult with the guy...maybe he can't speak English worth a fuck but I'm with you user.
lol epic
spike still looks white though
I do get that but you have to admit that inevitably, there are many anime characters ending up stylized in a way that would be most accurately portrayed by a European, especially when it comes to basic features like a character having blonde hair and blue eyes. Not that I even have a problem with this casting, as John Cho is one of my favorite actors and I love that he’s being given this opportunity, but the simplistic art style of anime is one that relies on generic faces and the eyes and hair color being changed. When the particular character fits our ethnicity and someone says they’re strictly Asian despite nobody Asian looking like them, it’s annoying as shit.
in the movie ed says she's a girl
based and redpilled
These are both perfect, Either or. White Castle is such shit casting.
This would only annoy you if your primary concern with casting is someone perfectly resembling the character.
It would be far more annoying to have a Japanese man, with a Japanese name, whose story says that he was born and raised in Japan, be portrayed by some white dude because the character originally had blonde hair. In some sci-fi situation it's fine I guess, but in many other cases it would be absurd when the character really is strictly Asian
>It would be far more annoying to have a Japanese man, with a Japanese name, whose story says that he was born and raised in Japan, be portrayed by some white dude because the character originally had blonde hair.
A very fair point. I have to give that to you.
You're right, I do quite like Steve Yuen and would be excited for him in this role.
To be fair, Braff is jewish
not White
What an ugly goblin.
Ding ding ding
If you're going to cast an Asian actor, John Cho is like the only good one
I don't mind this but the rest of the cast sucks however
Yeah I hate this non-binary shit going on but I feel like if one was to go for flagship examples of "non-binary" in fiction Ed would be the obvious pick.
And frodo is under 4 feet tall but you're not gonna see anyone complain why minime or dinklage didn't get cast as him. There are many problems you can point out but height is not one of them
Who will play Julia tho?
They couldn't possibly fuck her character up could they?
Just heard about this now and came here to see if anyone's talking about it. Looks like an adaptation I will ignore. This is my first and final post about it, cya.
It's hard to think of any live-action anime adaptions that are good honestly.
he looks like a weak, depressed souless faggot. The very opposite of spike.
I want so smack him, not hang out with him.
Cowboy bebop is full of western references and is in space.
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he has to be asian.
they should cast Julia to play Julia
>races be accurate
>Ed white
Kill yourself.
>Tom cruise is a manlet and he still does action scenes
Tom cruise doesn't play tall skinny lanklets like Spike you brainlet
>falling for the identity politics meme
literally manipulated by social media and the news. haha idiots.
This is LITERALLY white genocide...
I didn't hear you snowflakes complain when they cast a white guy to play Goku. White fragility is real yo.
John Cho is almost fucking 50 and looks way older than Keanu Reeves
If John Cho and Keanu Reeves took off their shirts, Cho would be the one with a shitter body.
wtf thats not Idris Elba
John Cho is fucking too old too but at least Keanu Reeve has proof his body is still strong since he does most of his action stunts, himself.
to me he'll forever be Harold Lee
Im not even going to watch it, theres no reason to
Elijah is literally 4 feet tall
Spike was never white you soft skull. He is of Puerto Rican descent.
Wtf bros!?!?!?
Spike is supposed to be white like me!!! Let's march the streets and protest at Netflix's headquarters!!! Who's with me???
They propably casted him because of the backlash Ghost in the Shell and Iron Fist got for having a White Person in the leading role. Thats not even a problem Netflix cant into good fight scenes Iron Fist was supposed to be some Martial Arts super genius but the show was complete shit.
reminder that these images are how Trump's supporters WANT people to see them.
I hope every white character is replaced by blacks in Hollywood.
Black Bourne. Black Bond. Black everything.
Are you retarded? Elijah is 5'6 while Frodo is supposed to be 3'6. To put your stupidity in perspective, Dinklage is 4'5 so in your eyes he's taller than Elijah.
literally just dont watch it, discuss and promote it and dont pay for a kikeflix sub
it really is that easy, you dont have to care
If they can skip over Faye's super interesting arc near the end of the series, she doesn't really have too much to act for.
So all they really needed was some cheap asian bimbo off of fucking instagram or something. Look what they did with Ada Wong in the last live action Resident Evil.
Zero acting skills are needed if you can look the part. That's the most important thing about faithful adaptations.
Literally all you need to see he's not fit for this role is to watch the Star Trek movie, which is exactly why they cast him.
>we need an asian that's been in a space flick that people will recognize
Thing is, he's Korean, Cowboy Bebop is Japanese, and Spiegel is Jewish.
They had every opportunity to have a diverse cast and also be accurate.
If they wanna go Asian then I'd say Daniel Wu aka Sunny from Inti the Badlands but really any choice other than what we've gotten
>Spiegel is Jewish
how long until you retards stop thinking this?
How is someone with the last name of Spiegel asian? He should be Jewish.
Jewish last name, Jewish pistol
Haven't seen it yet, but looks cool.
The fuck outta here, fucking pedo-cunny cunt
>Netflix' track record on anime adaptations
You don't need "anime" in there
Every time.
Gould is like 80 years old now
Nobody gave a shit when a white skinny manlet was cast as Light
>For example, Alucard is supposed to be Wallachian nobility yet he looks like Japanese
what the fuck is wrong with you
Why couldn't we have gotten a Cowboy Bebop adaptation 50 years ago...
They didn't want a good actor.
Couldn't they have at least gone with Lewis Tan? He's the right height, actually knows martial arts, isn't known exclusively for dudeweed content, isn't fucking pushing 50 and is still asian. I would have also taken him as vicious instead of evil british man for the millionth time.
nobody cares about this literal who
senor chang for vice, arnold for prez
>race is never a factor into them
It honestly depends on the show, sometimes it's pretty clear they want characters to look specifically like members of a certain race. Take Monster for example, a show about a Japanese guy in Germany, Tenma looks almost stereotypically Japanese while everyone else has an extremely Germanic look. Or LoGH, you can tell that they used actual people as inspiration for some of the character designs(pic related). But yeah, in most shows it's pretty ambiguous.
Keanu Reeves is 54 years old. 10 years older than john cho fuck off with this "reeves doesn't age" meme shit. He's clearly way too old to play a young guy like spike
>cast a 50 year old korean midget to play a tall 27 year old german guy. From a japanese cartoon
>just because some retarded asian american activists keep harassing you
Spike is too cool and laid back to be german.
>still on this autistic anime is white shit
This guy look like your stereotypical german kraut to you?
we won't get Jazz
we'll get a Netflix synth soundtrack
based, I don't know him as anyone else other than the beta asian named Harold Lee that gets bullied for jay walking
This is how you know people are being autistic. Spike's age doesn't matter.
Spike is obviously an Israeli looking dude
Zach Levi would be perfect
>reee Keanu is clearly too old!
>posts image of a guy with only a bit of crows feet and some greying that would easily be fixed with dyes
You're not helping your case here, buddy.
Holy shit, now that she what I call casting!
>mixing meters and feet
Good bait, getting both sides confused.
Are you in denial? He looks his age. Which is too old to play Spike Spiegel. Watch the Man of Tai Chi if you want further proof. He looked old as fuck in that movie and that was before the John Wick movies
>It's hard to think of any live-action animated adaptions that are good honestly.
Fixed that for you. There's literally ZERO reason to do a live-action adaptation of anything animated unless maybe it's something done with early CGI that looks awful now. All it does is remove one aspect of what makes it a fascinating viewing: the animation aspect.
His forehead isn't any more wrinkled than Cho's, neither does he have overly prominent laugh lines or anything. All he has is the crows feet, because of how he's always squinting. Slap some of the right anti-aging makeup on him and he's good to fucking go. Get that make-up artist that de-aged Kurt Russell for his scenes in GOTG2, so they'd have an easier time CGI'ing even younger. From what everyone said she did a bang-up job so they didn't have to do that much with CGI, and that was Kurt Russell.
You can spot a manlet just by arm to head ratio moron.
Cho > Yeun
that's not Asian, that's american
This is what I'm more afraid of. The series wouldn't be nearly as popular without the stellar OST. Imagine the church scene without Rain.
imagine a generic pop song/synth track instead
they'll 100% fuck it up
As if it was that fucking easy. What are they going to do, cgi him younger for every episode? Why not just get a younger actor at that point? And he definitely has prominent lines. His face is puffy as shit too. Stop deluding yourself
Except they could literally cast everyone accurately and it would be diverse.
But they chose diversity in spite of accuracy instead of diversity through accuracy.
instead we have
But you don't see any outrage about "washing" this time because the people who complain about lack of diversity are too stupid and ignorant. As long as they don't see whitey everything's okay.
it's fake diversity as all them are American
Is it the JIDF that is trying to make Spike out to be Jewish? Can they get any more ridiculous?
Because it was the first asian man they remembered
You don't think they'll go through the trouble to find actors do you?
Why the fuck would they cast the guy walking dead negan killed with a bat?
Can’t Faye fix her fucking gap teeth? She’s decent looking enough if she just fixed her damned teeth.
Negan also beats the shit out of sub Jet.
yes it does. he was in a war at a young age, right after was in with some gang for a little while, lost his girlfriend, all by age 24 or so. he's had more drama in his life build up so quickly before his thirties
It's a popular fan theory and there's a few things that support the idea. For example, he has a jew-fro, his gun is an Israeli police issue pistol, and Spiegel is not just a German word, it's a Yiddish word as well.
It also matters in the sense that he lives hard and dies young because of his inability to let go of the past. He has that whole thing about his eye being fake and seeing the past and present, which feels like a dream he can’t wake up from. It makes sense for that to be a shorter “dream” than him basically being like that until he’s almost 50.
He’s more attractive than Cho, young, Asian, and probably resembles Spike more than Cho. Much better pick, famalam.
Lol,even the japanese draw white characters and people pretend they should be asian in live action. What is up with that? Also great job casting 5'10 50 year old guy in a role of a tall 27 year old.
because he's wooden as fuck and can't pull off spike's laid back, saracastic playfulness.
spike is a jew he should be played by jesse eisenberg
Geez the reddit cuck vibe just OOZES from this post.
>Spike, Jet and Ed white, Faye Asian
Correction: Spike and Jet "white". Ed white, Faye asian.
damn he's perfect
you are fukken wrong mate. Keanu, aside from his looks, acts perfectly as Spike. The way he does his moves in fight scenes + his stature are pretty good for replicating Spike's fight style (ref: Man of Tai Chi), aside from that Keanu does the nonchalant act with hint of goofiness perfectly. I can't remember the film exactly, but if you watch any of his movies you can see he acts exactly like Spike IRL - Constantine, for example.
lol no. if you think constantine is a good example of keanu acting like spike you might legitimately have autism. clear example of being unable to read emotional and social cues.
He's so ugly it honestly disgusts me every time I see him
Who's this?
It's very easy to find a Malaysian girl who looks like that (I think Faye is malaysian or some shit). the problem with that is that she's probably not an actress.
Perfect Spike would have slight goofiness IRL, which is what Keanu has when trying to act serious.
They already made jet a nigga which is just as bad
>(I think Faye is malaysian or some shit)
She's a Singie. Almost certainly Chinese, which makes things easier.
>still on with this autistic anime isn't white shit
Yeah but Jet black is black amirite?
Spike's supposed to be in his 20s? I had him pegged more mid/late-30s.
WHy don't they cast someone who can actually fight like Spike?
Are we supposed to be impressed watching old ass cho attempt a high roundhouse kick?
No, she's Singaporean. It is impossible to find an attractive Singaporean. Casting Faye to be a race other than the original is actually a blessing
>t-triple dubs
i don't care that he's asian, why'd they have to cast someone so old and ugly looking
Space Lion
Pure class and atmosphere, nothing comes close
If you want accurate then Spike was half asian half white.
The same retards who view every anime character, even the ones in Japanese high schools, as having 'white aesthetic'. They're fucking obsessed.
The only one I like is the negro playing Jet, he looks exactly like a black Jet desu
Spike Comes from a Chinese colonized mars and was in the Chinese triads.
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeee he has to be white
So go complain about that instead of a racially ambiguous character like Spike.
Nick Jonas should have played Spike
Are Asian men the ugliest in the world?
You're a retard if you think every character in every anime must be Asian
That's because they DO have European features, most of the time. Of course, you could say anime characters have idealized features, but that could lead to people thinking that maybe Europeans are an ideal... perhaps even a master race...
Australian aboriginals
>John Cho will bring in a lot of American fans
Will he really though? What has he done besides being recognized by us late 20s/30s boomers from the white castle movie
So do Vicious and Julia in the same way. Are they chinese?
How does it feel to be pushed out of another thing you find precious, incels?
They took your websites
They took your comicbooks
They took your video games
They took your star wars and star trek
They're taking your Warhammer 40k
They're taking your anime
They're taking your Lord of the Rings
There's nowhere left for you aspies to congregate and feel safe. There's only one option....
Why didn't they get the Asian guy from I Saw The Devil? He's tall and built enough for Spike
On the Asian-American internet are there flame wars between Cho and Yeun fans? Because Yeun is clearly superior.
Guys, what are we talking about?
Ed was always nonbinary. You're just upset that word exists for it now.
humphrey bogart was a manlet among manlets and played tall characters. You don't even need special effects to make someone appear taller on screen.
Even if Spike is asian, casting a fucking Korean as a japanese is like casting (insert nation that hates nation 2) as (nation 2)
I Ike how this was 1998 and nobody gave a flying FUCK but you just know, you just FUCKING KNOW, there will be 100 “news” articles posted
>Netflix new movie Cowboy Bebop features a queer...and it’s EVERYTHING
>Netflix movie features a gender fluid character...and that’s a good thing
>10 reasons why white people are ruining Netflix’s movie Cowboy Bebop
That manlet should be put on The Rack to stretch before he plays Spike
In all seriousness, what does “live action” add? What is the point? The original exists. It’s like the upcoming live action Akira and Your Name. Why are we (Americans) so fucking afraid of animation
Somehow they’re still going to fuck it up
>thinking they’ll cast an attractive light eyed, blonde haired, WHITE woman in 2019
Give me a fucking break
You americans dismiss anything animated as simply for children.
Are you fucking delusional? EVERYBODY criticized that casting choice
>ctrl-f 'Henry'
>zero results
This is objectively the best choice
absolutely based lad right here
Not even 50 years ago. Why couldn’t we have it like 10-15 years ago before they started shoving ugly mutts and goblinas into everything
Japan is all fucked up when it comes to ages. Spike is canonically 27 I think. It’s like how all Final Fantasy characters seem easily 20s but are like 17.
He doesn't look like a lead. He looks like a side character. He looks so meek and weak.
Netflix Cowboy Bebop movie. They cast a 46 year old Asian manlet to play a tall, lanky, 6’3” 27 year old martial artist bounty hunter
yeah it's all for kids
fucking muricans
black would work more, spike just has to be zen and cool, and lanklet non-manlet.
>Asians diverse.
No one cares about diverse Asians faggot.
No one gives a shit about faye's race.
So is spike SPIEGEL is a jew German last name
>no one gives a shit about Faye’s race
This is true. All they had to do was cast a sexy, big titty woman. White, black, Asian, Indian, doesn’t fucking matter. They couldn’t even do that
Ed is a girl. Her father was a retard and gave her a boy name.
Why do you care? It's your sole fault if a netflix show reminds you of tumblr weirdos
mate, no matter how hard you try. ALL CHINKS LOOK THE SAME. stop denying it.
>The difference is that it wasn't done for political reasons.
Acknowledging that people exist isn't political.
This scene got me so hard and flustered when I was 13
Get fucked desu. Ed was always a girl. Here's a transcript from the movie you never watched.
Snow White is white
Lol they shouldn't get a weakling to play spike
ugh why couldn't it be someone else if he HAAD to be white. oh wait.
It's called acting, just because he never played a calm and cool character before like Spike doesn't mean he can't play one.
Tbf if you actually go to Japan you can actually recognise a lot of the mannerisms and even some of the hairstyles and colors that are present in anime and when you watch anime after that you can definitely see how some characters are drawn as japs. That being said spike definitely has white mannerisms and build in the show, but kind of mixed race white if you know what I mean
Exactly! Finally someone gets it, there are so many Japanese who are born with red eyes and green hair it's just obvious where they come from when you see those characters shown in anime
They should just get someone who looks like this guy (not being sarcastic) considering the fact that this is who the character was based on. Surely it's not that hard to find someone who looks like this
>average looking guys demonstrating functional strength
>dosent look German
It's either him or timothée chalamet
It takes place between session 22 and 23 you drooling fuck. How do you even feed yourself?
so does my fanfiction lol