So why Disney is so quiet about Star Wars?
So why Disney is so quiet about Star Wars?
It's strange. It comes out this year but no one is talking about it
They hope that if they are quiet, everyone will forget.
For the same reason they've been quiet over Solo.
So it doesn't steal hype from Endgame, expect the trailer soon after, if not released at endgame opening.
Because they know trying to hype it up is pointless, as this trilogy is a lost cause.
When will be it released?Isn programed for the next months?
so lets say you have a son, this son of yours is the greatest soccer player in the world, but he got into an accident and he broke both of his legs, you got rid of him and you sent him to live with your sister, now your sister nor you wants to know anything about him and he is just there remembering his glory and thinking he will be great again someday
they got like 15 other blockbuster movies they are releasing between now and December
24th of April here in Oz, not sure about anywhere else. We got IW a day or two earlier than the US because they want to cash in on the 25th being a public holiday.
Star Wars Episode 9 Part 1
>other blockbuster movies
>implying this is one of them
What the fuck are you talking about? they've been hyping up that upcoming celebration like crazy.
>Star Wars Episode 9A Part 1A
I hope you'll be a good bro and record footage in the theater and post to jewtube
just when we thought it couldn't get worse
Seven days, and then the shitposting is going to make Alita and Joker look like a fond memory.
This. Lull before the storm.
Of course my continually asspained self is consistently in like 80% of them, because it'll probably take a fucking decade for it to stop stinging.
>mostly improv
This is highly likely.
Plus I think they've been doing "test audience" type research here & reddit in the guise of shitposts & revising based on the results.
Girl wants to bungee jump, then doesn't want to bungee jump; bro helps her out.
In this story the father let his female coach run over the sons legs thinking it'd make him an even better soccer player