The voice of Maude Flanders’ left the show after complaining she wasn’t paid enough. Her character died the same series.
The voice of Maude Flanders’ left the show after complaining she wasn’t paid enough. Her character died the same series
lol, roastie btfo
The original voice of Moe Szyslak left the show after complaining he wasn’t fed enough. His character cringed the same series.
ok incel
have sex
i fucked ur mom kid
>wasn't paid enough
bitch is lucky to get $100 per episode. she was a literal who in the big scope of things.
who hurt you?
The voice of Chuck’ left the show after complaining he wasn’t paid enough. His character was replaced with Sneed the same series.
>Voice actress leaves
>character in show is removed
ok...did this deserve a thread?
Imagine the smell
what about the other major voice actors like Shearer and Azaria
It's intersting to delve on this to clarify for those who got confused in the middle of all of that
*ahem* chuck
oh, i didnt realize people were confused from something that happened in a cartoon 15 years ago
I'm still confused as to why that blonde girl slapped my face in middle school
Have sneed.
did you lick her butthole?
deenS is the dutch name for the danish language.
>deens posting outside of /ck/
begone with you, next you will be trying to start a /sip/ thread here
I was gay back then
Reminder to Sneednewfaggots that Baneposting obliterated them in the meme vote-off during April Fools.
well, theres your answer
Everyone knows this.
Did you know John Lennon beat his wife?
>Her character died the same series.
The same series huh? As opposed to in a different series, like Futurama?
Fucking Brits.
>marry libcreature de la esquierda
>get upset when the only thrill in your relationship after a few years is beating her
I mean, are libsöy men literally retarded? I'm 18 and only kissed once and even I can see this outcome from miles away
She lived in England and whenever they needed her to record some shit she had to fly in.
She wanted to quit.
baneposting has been on life support for 2 years now
they have been branded racist and are therefore working pro bono
literal plebbit upbotes