Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
# 316
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free /heals/ and free /repairs/
Fourth for Grewishka
okay I'm assuming this is the legit one then.
>Hey user let's relax and have a few drinks before going to bed
There he is, Doc Ido. Yes sir, good ol' Doc Ido.
>user, it's time to go get comfy
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita.
What kind of comfy do you want? I can recommend a bedtime story or two for you if you'd like.
Fallen Angel starring Steve Austin as one of the motorball players?
already have user, Modelos and Mike's.
I wonder how many little boys and girls that watched Alita made her their favorite female hero.
> Kissu
>someone fixed the lighting issues
Naked doll-body Alita coming thru!
Again, if you want to have some fun, go check out the Chinese anons and see what they think of the film. Lots of good posts over there and some of the memes made here ended up their way.
Zapan was the real hero just trying to do his job
I don't think little kids could relate to a freaky monster like her.
I saw this pic a couple threads ago and while cute, I feel like the movie would've done great as an animated movie. BUT, that would've taken the risk out. Making Alita photo-realistic was a risk and nearly ruined it. But it worked. I'm buzzed and not sure what point I'm trying to make but I'm glad JC/RR/Jon had the conviction to see the vision through.
I NEED to stop buying Alita stuff when drunk...
This isn't even the end of my purchases.
Zapan a good boy
He dindu nuffin
An excellent choice.
Can't wait for him to dab his gf to death and get mauled by dogs.
First for Zapan being a BITCH
>"Dear Alita, I thought you'd like to try some chocolate cake. I know it isn't pretty or maybe even good, but I hope you like it. -Ido"
How much is Alita making off of this merchandise? Do you think a sequel would still be possible even if the movie flopped in the box office?
Imagine getting tipsy with Rosa and talking about all the fascinating aspects of her bringing the Alita character to life
>Make body for disabled daughter.
>No vagina for her to have a normal sex life.
I would hate Ido if he was my father.
welcome to my world, user
the underworld, my world
Why no icing??
Oh god, I hope it doesn't turn out Alita went through a door and found an other Ido.
WO HO HO HO HO HO, what's she gonna do???
fuckin yikes
I want to feed Alita orange slices
are u the one listing the chocolates and Arizonas on OfferUp?
>no manga
haha wow user sort yourself out!
where can I buy an Iron City HW ID card? :c
Can’t wait to get some of those Alita cans and other goodies I purchased to show you my shrine user
Yours is great
I love you drawfren you madman
>imagine just getting really buzzed with Rosa and having a good wholesome time, making her laugh, her making you laugh and connecting as human beans.
haha lol wow gross think about it tho
>$32 chocolate
yikes they were $8 at the Iron City experience
Amazon cancelled my order of the deluxe set twice. The manga can wait until they actually have it in stock.
The countdown to the Blu-ray release is ticking anons
I’m going to make a bunch of designs in photoshop from the HQ Blu-ray screencapd and print out custom shirts
Can’t wait to show you all
That's just the price to pay if you weren't able to go.
ok going to do a thing
be back soon
have a fan art frens
>still worshiping this fucking flop
Okay dude tell me how to learn to draw so I can draw pretty cyborgs.
Will also make a lot of AlitaWave edits
Blu-ray can’t get here soon enough!
yeah but if I had known that I would have bought a whole stack of them and sold them to y'all for less than that
Faggot containment thread
>based Louis Wain
we're not gonna stop any time soon user
Haha imagine making Alita this happy
I want to slice Alita.
A simple "99" sleeve print-long-sleeve will be plenty for me. I know Alita's 300yo berzerker body has URM stenciled on it but do they have a sigil of any kind? If not a Factory logo patch on a baseball cap will also work.
One of us!
>learning to draw
stickied post has a beginner's guide
OOF! You Reddit fags have been EXPOSED
>alita will never say this to you
>why live
You might mess up your hair
>amazon has no idea what the fuck is going on with the alita blu-ray
What the hell
Autism. I'm not really a good artist but I'm great at observation and I have a steady hand. Anyone can copy what they're looking at if you take your time. Drawing from imagination is a lot more difficult and it's what I'm trying to improve.
Alrighty then. My previous outing has only led to hilarity.
Thanks for adding nothing!
This pic is weeks old user are you ok
So? Did you get this to Rosa somehow?
Brothers and sisters, I have it on good authority that Zapan did not, in fact kill those two organic boys. As a matter of fact, he was on his way to church when he was attacked by an anti-cybernetic hate group who were behind numerous assaults on Cybernetic-Americans. This same gang reportedly murdered the motorball star Kinuba and stole his body parts, illustrating that even those Cybernetic-Americans who have risen to the status of star athletes are not safe from hate attacks by organics.
Furthermore, it has been reported that Zapan's face was destroyed in full view of a group of Centurions, who did nothing to apprehend the assailant. Such craven dereliction of duty demonstrates, once more, the structural prejudice that Cybernetic-Americans face.
If you want to stand up for justice, if you want to end the discrimination still perpetrated, still institutionalized by organics, if you want to raise a mighty steel fist and break the teeth of the next organic who utters the derisive term "h*rdbody," I entreat you to make a tax-deductible donation to the Vector Foundation today.
Are you the guy with the legendary green alien pic
I don't get what you're trying to prove
this is just other people talking about the movie
there's nothing weird about it
My head is full of things I want to draw but I really need to know how to make things look like things to make them.
>green alien
When I was young, anons were represented by green men in black suits. Kids these days don't even get that reference.
oh no, we are in danger of our friends and family knowing we visit a movie forum
Kek 13% Vector, the dubbed scenes and Joe Rogan Alita posting have been some of the funniest shit here lately
i second this
40 fatals
>dude, in the future do you think they could actually make a pill that turns you into a werewolf temporarily
>Jamie pull that shit up about werewolves
based chinese fan-art
What are anons hobbies outside of /ALITA/?
I love working on cars. Especially my 80's shitbox
Wow! Thank you for showing me that movie, user. That was great! So, what do you want to do now?
Now we watch Tremors.
Then The Goonies.
Then Time Bandits.
Then Highlander.
Then Flash Gordon.
Then you dress up as Princess Aura.
No. I thought it would be easy to find a way to send it to her but the talent agency she used to work with is now defunct and no listed addresses are accurate. All I can do is post it on Instagram with a bunch of hashtags and pray that she maybe sees it. I guess I'm keeping the drawing and framing it or something.
>tfw subbed to the r/alitabattleangel
>tfw they slowpost because reddit isn't an imageboard
>tfw we have more content than they could ever hope to have
let them have their fun, support for Alita is support that helps.
Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Yoga, Graphic Design, and Spiritual Pursuing. Which can all technically link to /ALITA/ and the movie
>m-maybe we can kissu
>based e30
I have an '86 Civic Si that I need to find new fuel injectors for but I love that damn thing
I actually kind of feel sorry for them that they don't know about all the content we've been making but I don't want them to flood the board
There has been some cross-contamination though which is fine
wow, I've been doxxed again
we need more Vector posting, complimentstoyourcrew.png
>Vector posting
fucking amazing
Then get me some good Vector faces, I'm too lazy to screenshot them from the camrips myself.
No that's not based.
Not based at all!
I can smell the frankincense oil from here
I know the feel. The e30 is my daily and every 200 miles, something breaks. Recently my wheel bearing bit the dust while I was on the freeway doing 70
>Warhammer 30k
>Death Metal
>Black Metal.
>Baoding balls
>gym (not an interest but I do it because it slightly helps with depression)
>the same movies people here enjoy
>Playing metal riffs on guitar
>Writing drum parts into gp5 even though I can't play drums
Glad you guys are keeping Alita alive.
How is going to be the final fight between Alita and Nova? is it actually going to be a fight? or is she going to kill him in a second?
more lesbian writing porn when
that sounds like a maximum comfy night. Next night is TNG and it gets even comfier.
All the way to 999!
Pretty shit, but I tried
I actually doubt there will be a fight.
It's the thought that counts. Pretty cute.
Manga Nova has backups, he cannot be killed. Movie Nova may be a combination of Manga Nova and Mbadi, so he might be killable. There won't be a big fight, though. Nova is a scientist, not a warrior.
weird yet cute
well in the manga he can't permanently die but idk if they're going to go that way in the movies
Based fellow Flash Gordon appreciator.
we're not stopping until we get triple holy digits.
Some more /comfy/.
But Ido, I thought you approved of her with Alita
goofy, but cute. Which suits Alita.
Keep that meta-posting, namefag-inserting shit out of here.
>As friends
let's not go down the lezbion route again
it was really bad it won't get any better now
Take your time and focus on translating your thoughts to the paper. Your hand has to do exactly what you want it to do and it has to be natural. Many people who are bad at drawing picture one thing but end up doing something else due to poor coordination. You have to be asking yourself repeatedly
>is this the size/shape I want it to be?
>could it be better if I do it a different way?
>does this look good/natural?
You have to be constantly critiquing yourself. It helps if you look away from your drawing and then look back. That way you can spot mistakes easily. Pay close attention to value, shape and texture. If you practice each of those separately it's a lot easier to put them together. Eventually your brain can instantly tell when something is off.
>remember some guy autistically analyzing the details of the alita trailers before the movie was out
>he was trying to make out the reflections in vector's glasses
>said there was a part in the manga where vector oversees something gruesome happening to a cyborg or something
>user, can you help me put this together?
>I bought it for you but I can't figure out the instructions
Alright user, that sounds fun! We'll watch all that tomorrow night, but now I think it's time to go to sleep. You can cuddle up next to me if you want.
I actually have to go to bed, good night anons.
>Filename: Cute queen of the citrus fort.
Haha yeah I remember that guy
He was right about basically everything else though, even Ido's scar from the mark of Zalem
Vector kills the guy Hugo jacked by cutting his head off with an axe right in front of them, I think that's what he was thinking of
What's going on here
RRAAAAARGH! Following the advice at /ic/ I have completed the first exercise!
night night user stay comfy
When Alita sees Hugo for the first time after getting the berserker body I love how Kiyomi gives her that 'YOU GO GIRRRRL" stare
also, i wonder how many orange peels she'd wake up to each morning
Yeah I love how every side character like Nurse Gerhad and Koyomi all have at least one little moment like that
One of the things love about this place is how supportive the OC people are. Lots of room for learning and kindness
Okay but go see the movie though
An axe instead of a blowtorch. Guess they'd gone through their PG-13 decapitation budget already?
based edit user, ty, saved
You're gonna have to try way harder we've had much bigger disruptions recently
Yeah, there's no sense in shooting someone down, it's about improving your skills, that's what Alita would want.
She'll have to eat through it
been here a while
>Looks like someone needs a kissu
Cool! Did you like it?
we couldn't afford you an Alita, user. Here's a Lupa
Totes agree w/ you my fellow user.
We should all move to the captain fungaltoes general which doesn't exist.
Go see it again.
>tells us to stop obsessing and move on
>types in all caps and uses an angry Pepe
not an argument.
The FBI guys already know you are one user, no need to announce yourself.
Okay but go see the movie though
>that's what Alita would want
that's part of why we love her
huh... did you see the same movie as us?
Every thread has the same 30 posters. Are you folks really this autistic?
is this the one rip that everyone is using? it's really fuckin yellow, i remember the first 1/3 of the movie being bright (probably intentional, the "honeymoon period") but this looks off. is it just a filter on the rip?
It's called a community user. We care about each other here and want to share in a film we love
frick I forgot the image
But she's a teenage girl so that makes you a
Rude... I spent like an hour on it. The lips alone took me 20 mins.
1xbet is always yellow, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's a Chinese rip.
Welp. I finally got my hands on some acid and will drop some this Tuesday to see Alita while tripping balls. I just hope it’s the quality acid promised and don’t turn out to be some rando drug.
we're going into picasso territory, boys
ok that's fuckin cute
How can you possibly love this mediocre ass movie?????
idk why it's so yellow
I don't have image editing software on my new computer yet otherwise I would color correct them
tip: for that exercise, try breaking the entire picture into smaller shapes. Make sure each relative shape is proportional to their counterparts and then you can star defining the lines.
based spaz poster
And I keep telling you to stop stealing my intellectual property
please feel free to document your experience and provide some quality OC for the anons
I refer to that alita face as the downy alita face.
Alita is not for lewd
I love her as a character and she's inspiring
I understood nothing of what you just said!
Def will.
it's late
I should go to bed
Oh now that's nice
Get some sleep!
I think this one is the dumbest
that one seems fine to me
How is this?
have a good sleep fren
see you later
Why did Screwhead just straight up die when Stinger dices her up?
Zhet core should have been intact
Seems like Stinger was the only one who’d have died
Even Ajakutty was walking around Kansas just fine after Kinuba reduced him to a head with the grindcutters
Well I think the downy face is sexy
Hm? Bye.
Me neither. I had a brain fart.
Try breaking down the entire picture into smaller shapes. Make sure each one of those is proportionate to the picture you're copying. Then, once you make sure everything lines up and is proportionate, you can start defining the outline. You want to draw the body first and the detail later.
her*** holy shit fuck phoneposting in fthe rain
>muh waifu
she will kill you dead in a second user
Definitely an improvement. I've tried just turning down saturation before. It'll be nice when we just have an HD rip.
How about I just draw a pretty flower?
Because muh waifu
You don't need to reply to yourself just to bump the thread, the thread isn't in danger.
Lol. In all seriousness it actually isn't that good.
I relate to this image
>Trigger discipline
Alita just keeps getting better.
Lmfao, this is Sanic-tier
now draw the hand closed in a way that looks natural
I can't wait either, the quality difference is huge
however I do kind of like the shitty camrip memes because it kind of separates them from the actual movie a little more
It's my best effort user! I'm wearing my hear on my sleeve here!
Just imagine all the terrible art once the movie drops
I'm trying but it's hard cause I'm using a mouse and ms paint
lol grab some paper and a pencil user
Fuck how was JC so correct with the fuck the haters decision
I'm actually better with a mouse and a computer than pencil and paper
>using a mouse
well there's your problem user
do it on paper or use a tablet
what do you think his room smells like?
No I don't have a tablet and I'm actually more precise and accurate with my mouse, I can get way more detail with the mouse
Dude's a genius
Props to Weta for actually pulling it off though
But then how will I upload it here?
user...You're better than that.
motor oil and popcorn
>how will I upload it
Just take a good picture of it, wait until the lighting is good and there's no shadows
Stale sweat and dried cum
No thanks I'll just stick to MS Paint.
yes user?
hi user
Can a Alitabro love an Alitasis?
He was asking about that guy's room, not yours.
Does this Alitabro love an Alitasis?
...An Alitabro can love an Alitasis, but you have to keep your mind on the thread, user. It can get very derailed out there.
How do you know she dies? She just kinda goes limp and that's all we see, she may have stopped moving because continuing to move would invite more attacks from Alita.
they're far and few between so don't put stock in it
user nobody's mad at you but...
damn it I should'n't have said anything this was better
does this Alitasis love an Alitabro?
I think I'll get back to you after I actually learn something. Practicing in public like this only fills me with endless shame at my lack of coordination. I should've learned to draw as a kid instead of just playing them vidya games.
If you hit on voiceanon Alita will kill you, don't risk it.
I mean it's a win win
I'll try not to hit on myself, user
That's a nice gif
>nom nom nom
>what are you anons even doing right now?
thanks fren I've found a lot lately
I haven't been making OC but I've been trying to spread good images and stuff around
c u t e
Mostly just gaming. Wanna join me?
what are you playing
has voiceanon posted pics of her feet yet?
Borderlands 2 with a good friend. I've beat it like four times, but it's always nice with people you love.
I cannot make sense of this foot, what's going on here?
Printing stickers. Might weeb the shit out of my rifle with them.
Nope, and she never will.
Guys would Alita eat beefaroni or mini ravioli?
>mini ravioli
Sounds cuter, so this
actually she doesn't have them anyways, she's stubby
To think, this picture will actually be a reality in the sequel if they follow the manga.
Why have footfags become so belligerent
as of late?
left leg is crossed over the right and her pants have a seam down the side that makes it look weird
I'm sure they're better looking than Brie's.
Where is songanon for a Wonderwall cover
no manga or OVA
get the fuck out of here loser
>"sure why not!"
why is that line so adorable :3
>Voiceanon doesn't have feet
idk but some people do have nice feet
theres no way they're worse than Brie
Imagine inviting someone to game and them saying yes with such enthusiasm
OC for our favorite troll
I was laughing out loud as I was doing it, the lines were writing themselves
sweet I have the issue after that up on my wall in a plastic display thing
it has this image but a little different
I miss the black hair
this is not it
you don't have to be a footfag to know that Brie has some tremendously worrying toes. Rosa is good though.
This scene really spooked me when I first saw it.
very good!
this is amazing
Holy shit tis is great where is the follow up
holy shit this is HQ OC great work user!
I would be delighted
coin for both of you
just please don't shoot up a Captain Marvel screening
Outstanding kino
Feet have been a staple of Yea Forums culture for years.
Also, theres nothing wrong with admiring all parts of a woman. Feet included.
Rosa is CUTE
True story. Very good!
Attraction to feet is a sign of mental illness and likely associated with pedophilia. No wonder you love this flop.
yeah I really like her better with dark hair
you have to admit though she pulls off a lot of looks that other actresses aren't brave enough to try
Be more tasteful than that, a 99 or a factory star logo would look good on an AR.
well when Alita and Akajutty were shredded to bits they were still conscious but screwhead is just gone
why are you still here
hot stuff user
Now that just doesn't make sense...
I swear pedoposter has issues
reminder, this is the spam shitposter
Oh shit dude. You'll be gonzo for the whole fuckin day. Are you going to movie hop?
Because you keep spamming the catalog with your cancer.
Alita is cancer but we love her anyways
why do you care, we just keep it in one thread
It's one general user
How much you wanna bet he's on a FBI watchlist
someone bake
Where is the bread fag?
>one general at a time
I think there's a reason the jannies accept us m8
Alita = L O W T E S T
I'll do it gimme a sec
Neat, I have an impersonator!
I was about to ask wtf are you doing
Carry on
fresh out of the oven
UHH, sweetheart? This is one thread, and look!
You can't contain your cancer in one!