Union dispute

>Union dispute

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Why did they decide to call someone who Poe and Rose didn't know and Finn had met once for 5 minutes not 3 days ago?

I'm starting to think these writers don't know what they're doing.

What a worthless shitty character

is it true JJ based her on some jew bitch professor he had? makes me hate it even more.

Can someone tell me what this scene was? I don't remember it at all

>we need a Yoda
>yeah but gender-flipped! we need more representation
>like that one in the prequels? we can't touch that poison
>we'll make her orange
>sold. Now we need a black character
>what about that stormtrooper? The one we're going to shove in all their faces?
>no another black character, in addition
>why not orange Yoda? We could just get a black voice actress. imagine a wise black character. we could get magical negro points that way.
>sold...but wait... an old black woman... and we'd have to exaggerate the voice... that would be a mammy character. That's racist
>why don't we just get a super young black actress even though her voice doesn't fit the character at all? maybe she could be from Africa or somewhere and not speak in ebonics

Finn as a black dude is okay
Rose as ugly asian
Orange Yoda
Leia space Jesus
Powerful admiral woman saying no in 90% of the plot
Luke drinking alien space milk straight from the udders
Ben Swolo
Your mom jokes
Tension- and pointless casino planet
Worldbreaking space kamikaze

this shit is not okay
rian has NO idea what plot tension is
i rewatched TLJ today, it's like a high school student wrote it
no sense of story arc progression
mostly very dull visuals
breakage of suspension of disbelief

Just a hunch really.

it's from the intro to the new ride at disney land starwar

>Tiny orange creature with huge, round glasses
It's a minion.
It's a minion.
It's a minion.

>butthole eyes

well im pretty sure it was a mostly female writing staff for this one... went for the "virtue signaling over skill" shit and it shows obviously. what a terrible, terrible movie

Union dispute

Ryan wrote the script himself

or maybe im just blaming Kathleen kennedy... dont wanna make it a sex thing, it's just super shitty what she's done with it all

Did someone say bonus?

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can anyone tell me anything this character actually contributed to the story from any of the movies?

yes the superstructures imposed on society by the corporate imperialist capitalists is extremely hypocritical and flawed and serves only to perpetuate the current power structures in our civilisation, its quite obvious at this point

>dont wanna make it a sex thing
Why not? Women are fucking terrible. Sooner you realize that the sooner things make sense. Rian's wife for example is notable in that she obviously owns his balls and is a big influence on his politics, being a rabid feminist and malignant cunt.

she gave bitch lady Luke's lightsaber and the writer absolutely refused to explain why she had it and they never fucking will

no i completely agree, females are responsible for ruining fucking everything but i just know how these threads turn into pol so was just trying to keep it about how fucking shitty disney and star wars is

I thought rey found it from her vision thing?

which was in the basement of the cantina that orange thing owned. unless im mistaken

The orange bitch had it in a trunk. Where the FUCK did she get it? It should be at the core of fucking Bespin, a gas giant.

>"Im afraid thats a story for another time"

shut up fag

i'm right
read gramsci

Star Wars Episode IX: Dispute of the Union

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Was this meant to be a message to Hollywood workers not to use unions or the Mouse would hire people to shoot them?