What is the worst Christopher Walken movie?

what is the worst Christopher Walken movie?

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Worst: The Deer Hunter
Best: Hairspray

the one with that alien, shit was boring as fuck.

Honorable mentions
>Joe Dirt
>Wayne's World 2

fools all of you. it's excess baggage


Hairspray with Nikki Blonski

is that the psychic one where he kills a presidential candidate because he foresees that the candidate is going let off nukes?

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is going to let off*

best walken scene gotta be this one

kek everyone agrees Nwords are the worst. Quentin Tarantino is such a racist

who should be more offended by this? blacks or italians?

>deer hunter

>Christopher walken's performance in Deer Hunter
>anything other than superb and dreamlike

OP is truly a faggot this day. He was excellent in that movie. Worst performance? Probably in mystery men. Pretozoic capeshit.

me. that was a terrible movie

>The role was initially offered to David Bowie, who turned it down, saying, "I didn't want to spend five months watching my stunt double fall off cliffs."[1] Rutger Hauer also turned down the part, before Christopher Walken signed on.

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How has nobody posted this

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Also why the fuck is this poster in Swedish

lol i unironically love that movie. walken is supposed to be a chinese guy named feng who makes no attempt to look or sound chinese at all. what were they thinking when they made this thing? one of those so stupid/terrible its amazing type movies

Because it’s not a bad movie

>Christopher Walken
Does not compute

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Because it's Quinoa?

Worst is relative you retard


The only relative here is the uncle who touches you

Fun as fuck
Those are all good


The one where he unironically goes to prison for killing Natalie Wood.

The one where he is a cop where he shoots a suspect in the leg at a gas station.

seven psychopaths?

>no mentions of the actual pedo flick
you should be ashamed

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does Gigli count?

It's one of the best "lowest common denominator movies essentially made just for Comedy Central to play for the next ten years."

Batman Returns


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