Who are some actors who never got their due

in their prime.
Pic related.

Would T2 would have put him over the top? Or was going with a boy and his robot story and cutting all his scenes the end of his career?

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He was gold on the screen but had a MASSIVE drinking problem off screen which pretty much decimated any chance of ramping him up as a star.

>and cutting all his scenes the end of his career?
what scenes? Only ones I know of are him visiting sarah in mental hospital briefly before she gets nuked outside

Delroy Lindo

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Didn't you watch the first film?

>him visiting sarah in mental hospital briefly
Yeah, the dream sequence was the only one far as I know.

The REAL thing that fucked Beihn's career was getting killed off out of the Aliens franchise. Not necessarily because being in 4 more of them or whatever would've been so great, but because the depression & bitterness over getting tossed away offhandedly tipped him over the edge into full blown unabashed alcoholism. Otherwise I'm sure he would've gotten a ton of good roles in the 90's.

Still yet to see if he'll end up getting it after all, but the window of his prime is running out fast. Him doing Mercury would've proven the serious chops he has as an actor & blown him up.
I'm hopeful somebody will have enough sense to use him for something other than over the top comedics sometime soon.

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it would have been interesting if michael bien played the liquid metal guy in terminator 2

sky net sent a terminator disguised as his father

Robert Patrick was great, but that would have been kino.

He was great in The Abyss and was GOAT in pic related.

He seemed to get consistant great work and roles in 80s and early 90s then just kinda disappeared by mid 90s. A shame.

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I think he was good when used right but not really leading man material

Jim should probably have put him in Avatar

Timothy Dalton, should have made at least three more Bond films.

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>Jim should probably have put him in Avatar

Cameron mentioned that Biehn was his first choice for Qauritch bit with sigourney already cast he didnt want to give the audience Aliens vibes or whatever and didnt use him.

Even thought Sean Bean was the GOAT casting choice, I think Biehn would've made a great Boromir.

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I bet he would have been extremely successful in the 80's.

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he was sort of typecast as a military guy too. he was great in the abyss

Guy seems to be doing fine, he made all the money he'll ever need with Borat & Bruno and now picks and chooses what he does.

The guy absolutely made it and is married to Isa Fisher man, come one.

His voiceacting in Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon was vidyakino

Best Bond

What could have been...

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First film wasn't a huge success in the theater zoomer.

based.theatrical cut of T2 has zero

Alcholic thats why