Discuss Janeane and her career here.
If you know her, met her, worked with her, and performed with her, feel free to share your stories.
Discuss Janeane and her career here.
If you know her, met her, worked with her, and performed with her, feel free to share your stories.
I saw her at the Schitt's Creek season 2 finale gala held in Vancouver. My gf's purse must have brushed her as we walked by cause it snagged her wig. She was mad at us.
Damn, what happened?
Loved her in "The Matchmaker".
I genuinely hope you die painfully
Ah yes the most autistic poster on Yea Forums
Thank you.
I took a parking spot in front of her at the west LA whole foods and she called me a cunt right in front of my grandma who was in the passenger seat.
Recently worked on a feature with her. She was super sweet. Complimented my hair since it had gotten a bit long and helped me wheel my camera bag to a different floor when I had to move a camera cart
Very creative.
I mean it happened so
I'm 45 and have never had sex, btw, or even touched a woman's skin
Tell me more.
Okay, I believe you.
you sound like me.
What was it?
Loved her on SNL.
Janeane hair/wig stories please?
No, that's the poster who keeps posting Austin St. John threads.
How full is wizardness a perk of such a charateristic
Well, don't leave us hanging.
Anybody see "Mercy Black" on Netflix?
They should've given her more Update pieces.
*exhales over her fivehead*
*shines it with my sleeve*
*look away from my reflection*
How about the hair?
Get laid you virgin, instead of thrashing this board with pictures of women that you seem as attainable (they wouldn't even look in your direction)
Why are you so needlessly mean to your fellow anons? You don't see us being mean to you just because you like preteen girls so why be mean to us?
Virgin cope
why the fuck are there always threads about this tranny?
We Garofaholics stick together.
How about her hair?
Does she like it up her fartbox?
Garofalo? More like godawfulho LMAO
God, she's so hot in that photo.
Comment #35.