Gotta hand to the French
God she's so perfect
shoulda been in 2d
>what do we do fog oug next animateur, Pierre?
>just make le preteen with le tight body and le big anime eyes, le NEETs will love it Jean Paul
I hope her and Catboy make many French children that will use their parents skills to kill the muslim terrorists invading Paris.
>not Abdul and Muhammad
>asking for the gunman's advice before getting shot
Too expensive unless they went full CalArts mode.
Also, butts.
Cat Noir > Bugbitch
I would have sex with her after marriage.
A team of 50 animators spend four months getting her lips so kissable.
Okay, Chat.
how do i get a gf that looks like that bros
Cheap faggots
Ladybug looks better. Fact!
How delusional.
After all these years I can still recall the smell of the one french girl I ever met in person. A foreign exchange student, very pretty with freckles but she had a certain musk to her. Wasn't exactly a pleasent odor, but it was certainly distinct to say the least. It's the sole reason why I can still remember her vividly while forgetting most other girls that I actually liked more.
>Fear not, citizen, for I, with my tight and flexible spandex-clad teen body, will save you.
Pierre is based
Pathetic. I've seen far better Newgrounds flash porn animations.
How do the French get away with being such blatant pedos? It's in their films, novels even their fucking kid's shows
i'm not seeing anything sexual there bud, you're the one has issues
Does it make you uncomfortable?
that girl is at least 14, probably 15
They portray reality instead of trying to change reality with their portrayal
age of consent is 15 in France
also they can show boobs on television
it's a different culture
>Gotta hand to the French
why? they'll just hand it to the germans right away.
More lips pls
Show premise had potential.
Execution is another matter.
Are you sure its 15?
americans have been getting really aggressive with insisting everyone else conform to their brainwashing lately, huh
Run along back to now children
wtf how based are the french?
Children love this show. That's all that matters.
Yea Forums is beyond cucked
there's no saving that board
Yea Forums, as fucking shit as it is, isn't as bad
This, Yea Forums is the only board I still visit on this site (I like /d/ too, but it's on Yea Forums, so doesn't count). I'm afraid to think what kind of people uses all the other ones.
Yea Forums resists the lefty change of its media, Yea Forums fucking embraced it lol
Cat is NOT for sexual >:(
>Yea Forums fucking embraced it lol
not at first.
there was resistance
but it's been eroded away by an influx of faggots and trannies, the unironic kind of scum
it's not just the userbase, it goes higher than that
Then why is he so sexy
why would you even reply to an unironic "cartoons are for children" post?
Does he wear lipstick now, or was it just for that episode?
cartoons are important
it's what the future generations consume and will, in some way or other to some degree no matter how infinitesimal, will shape them and their world views
discussing them on a board such as Yea Forums is not possible
discussing them has merit, regardless of you age
even if it does just degenerate into lewd discussions more than half the time
Jesus. He looks like a twink
Reminder that Yea Forums unanimously likes the nu Mickey shorts.
Their opinion belongs in the trash.
Is pedophilia really wrong?
The french always made great cartoons and 3d stuff. Hell, a lot of their 'animations' are better than the dogshit that piles up on Yea Forums
right but the guy you replied to outed himself as a retard in his original post so nothing really needed defending
the only people who call other posters "children" are middle-schoolers; who cares
This is a French children's cartoon.
Great, now I want to fuck a sheep.
Neck yourself
>waaal, AJ, whudda we do fer our next cartoony?
>ah figger we reboot classic era elmer fudd, but when he wore a dress. make him black and give him bigger guns.
>how 'bout a minigun?
how about we get a nine foot tall forty year old guy to hold you down and fuck you up the ass until you bleed, and then we can ask you?
>Its always a literal who creation that no one will ever care about
>it's a Ladybug has to castrate some teenage Parisian rapists who think it's okay to do it to infidels episode
Stop your nazi aryan femdom fetish you sick fuck
Mwaaaaaaaah, the French....... animation has always been celebrated for its excellence. There is a Zagtoon animation by Thomas Astruc, inspired by that same French excellence. It's fermented in the computer, and like the best French animations, it's boybutt and sexual, so Thomas Astruc's superb..
Are you saying children are nine feet tall with huge dicks?
based and mwahpilled
There's one but too weeb for me.
I wouldn’t mind that at all :3
it's about relative size. estimate the difference between a child and an adult, then extend that so the adult pedo can experience the same helplessness in the face of someone more powerful than them.
go fuck yourself with this, then, and enjoy spending the rest of your life shitting into a plastic bag attached to your side.
>dick size scales with height
>injecting race mixing at a young age
the krauts should have won tbhfam
What's wrong with /ck/ and /po/?
I don't see anything particularly out of the ordinary there.
t. Euro
>76 replies and the thread still didn't turn into a bunch of literal faggots shitposting about the dude in the cat suit
Has Yea Forums become based again?
Frog here
Pedo is part of the leftist culture. There is even some """""art"""" gallery showing pedo drawing. But because it's allowed by some socialist, it's not so much spread in the media. Back in 2015, there was an art gallery showing thoses drawing and not a single leftist blinked an eye after this. It was denounced by the right but except the alt right, not a single media website talked about it.
We have Daniel Cohen Bendit, a famous leftist politics and activist who said "A child undressing you is absolutely fabulous" but he was never condamned for it. He's a good friend of Jack Lang an old socialist minister who've been to Morocco to fuck children and was even spotted in the act by a journalist but he was shut down. Next we have Frederic Mitterand, the son of out former president François Mitterand who was condamned back in the 90's for sexual acts with kids, but the left always shut down people who talk about it.
>t. seething manlet dicklet
When will they learn lmao
me on the far right, next to last row
well now I'm hard
I hope you're happy
Just that episode, it was an Akuma thing.
He basically is designed as one.