ITT: Characters who would get #MeToo'd

ITT: Characters who would get #MeToo'd

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/lol underrated thred tb h

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Nope. If you're good looking people will let you get way with way more shit ugly people wouldn't

It'd be total bullshit, but nobody would stand up for him.

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Opps meant For

leave roshi alone

We live in dark times.

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Nigga used a shrinkray to try and spy on girls peeing.
Krillin would go too, for when he forcefully exposed bulma's breasts
And then you have goku over here grabbing peoples crotches to check their gender

Depressing to think Frieza would've taken over the Earth because they were all put in prison.

iirc they were all metood for that by bulma directly ie beaten up

back when everybody was disgusted at the thought of Anal sex, fast forward 2 decades and now zoomers are unironically memeing about eating ass.

master roshi was a pedophile. i can't even believe dragon ball was for kids

Attached: 矢吹奈子 ( 위 야부키 나코 ) 指原 莉乃 KISS-uwNo4AXGuC0-[01.44.733-01.53.433].webm (1280x720, 2.44M)


Thanks, Feminism.


Happosai would get blown out by metoo

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