fucking based

right when you think douge is old, worn out, and past its prime, he comes back STRONGER than ever.

Every new episode is like opening a new birthday present every week

Attached: douge.jpg (1158x727, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the guy who was with Tommy Wiseau in The Room looking quite Bogdanoffed and Literally Who

Wow, congrats Doug.


I miss the basement videos, where shit like "big lipped alligator moment" made me laugh

Why are your videos spammed here? I hope you get aids

Even when I was younger I never really liked that, if only cause it was a joke born from the collabs, which I usually despised. In fact I think a lot of people dropped off the Douge wagon because of the collabs.

yeah even when I was like 12 watching his videos that shit made me cringe

Go to bed doug

Face it, the only reason Nostalgia Critic got big was that he got the AVGN bump.

who were the guest stars? i'm not watching the video. nor am i using capitalization, but i am using punctuation.

imagine being in mid 40s and still doing this.
also douge hates the matrix, doesnt understand the satire of the last action hero and is a furry

>I'm 6'2" also

Has Doug finally figured out that putting an unfunny 4 minute skit in the middle of a review is really bad for pacing?

his camera skills haven't improved one bit

Not a week goes by that I don't regret deleting my CA folder

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Some of his old videos had gold, but as time went on they became less and less funny. Stopped watching around 2014ish, and he was one of my favorite online video guys. To many cameos from annoying faggots, too many forced memes and too many boring episodes until eventually it all came down.

It was funny as hell reading that on Yea Forums poster who worked behind the scenes on his movie telling all


pff yea who Joe Piscopo and Scatman John? big woop

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I was in college when that shit first aired.
Fuck. I'm old.

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He can't if he still makes money out of it and gets rewarding by getting a million subs regardless.

Was this episode a paid advertisement?

is he seriously going to jail?

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He's a first time offender and has police family, he'll be fine. I hope the fine is big enough to cripple him financially, though.

I'm 6' 3" and even I didn't get this post

This will be his year! He will make a comeback like no one has ever seen!

What did he do?

guilty of only making shitty wrestle vids

He became annoying after the fiasco that was Demo Reel, it's kinda sad honestly because in his non scripted videos he seems like a nice fella.

I'm pretty sure the black dude is the furfag.


are they still assmad about the supposed scandal last year?
does anyone even care anymore? did that shit even put a dent in his subscriber count?

Did he ever get to do tha shitty game show he was planning on doing for ages?

He crashed into someone, another hit to his finances.

That's the only thing amusing about his continued success.
His videos are still dismal as ever.

doug is bases. james is a beta loser. ryan is an entrepreneur and an alpha.

Did his wrestle vids EVER do well? Even when he was popular I remember they barely ever got attention.

of course not, no one gives a shit about wrassling.
Problem is, ofc, that Spoony is a giant cunt and he can't stand that his audience doesn't enjoy everything he does, so he just doubles down and makes more of them as some sort of fuck you to his viewers.

With No Survivors?

He did it years ago, and it was wonderful.
A heads up, the Ed guy doesn't break character once.

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>that fucking set

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>hates The Matrix
I hate Doug Walker.

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James was way too nice. Should have told the Walkers to fuck off. You can tell the collabs were way outside his comfort zone and don't really resemble anything else he ever did.