Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have this movie sandwiched between CM and Endgame?
Shazam! Confirmed flop
Other urls found in this thread:
God I wish that straw were me.
this tbqh
they would have to put the movie during like halloween or thanksgiving. I mean, they COULD put it up against Dark Phoenix and win easily, but it would still leach viewers. Then you have Spiderman and Goy Story 4. This year is pretty packed with shitty blockbusters
lol where's all the SOULLESS memes?
Or does that only apply to when stinky grils do it?
Better question is why is Hellboy coming out NEXT week
Hahahahahha dkeks on suicide watch
Go fuck yourself back to le reddit faggot. Shazam blew that femnazi cunt away in terms of quality.
yup..it's almost like, SOMEONE has too many IPs and completely HOGS the entire summer...like some kind of MONOPOLY or ANTITRUST issue...Hmmmmmmm
Cope harder, dcuck.
Is it really worse than Captain Marvel?
/pol/ only supported it to be contrarian to Captain Marvel They didn't flock to see it.
The alt-right, like SJWs, don't actually watch movies.
>1 billion
>twerp thinks 1 billion equates to quality
>mediocrity is the law of the land
Waiting for the purge to wipe fucks like you from the gene pool. Do something for yourself, for a change. Blow your own god damn brains out.
*buys their own tickets*
this to be honest family
Unironically a pretty good movie, was surprised as all fuck.
Give it to those gloomy fucks at DC to make a wholesome super hero movie that's actually about being heroic, saving people, and having a heart.
Wow, you shills are fucking not even trying this time.
Last time at least you tried to accuse a dude of molesting his children, this is really lame.
he's shockingly tall, had no idea til I watched the movie
>all these Marlel threads forcing the “Shazam flopped” meme the weekend before the movie’s release
>Family friendly movie about an orphan kid
Marvelfags reeeeeeeeee
>Shit tier chick flick, even by Marvel lame stardards, that is basically an Air Force recruitment propaganda piece
Marvelfags literally can't get enough
They clearly fucked up the scheduling.
The movie was supposed to have come out in December. It takes place during Christmas.
It's a typical comfy Christmas family movie.
musta been Aquachad's fault then
no it wasn't. December was always Aquaman's spot.
When they scheduled Shazam for early april, Endgame was supposed to come out in early May before they moved the date to late April, and 2 days ago they put the tickets for sale which basically buried Shazam before it even came out.
Smart marketing. That's what I would've done.
It didn't help that he's advertising the competing brand here.
Just got out of the theater and debating with some dorks on Yea Forums, but the general consensus is that the movie was really, really terrible. Probably the worst capeshit since Green Lantern.
I hope this doesn't derail the Black Adam film, because the tone would be completely different (you could never have a Shazam/Black Adam film). Idk why DC always paints themselves into a corner.
Dc is dead
after this massive flop they'll finally shelve the brand
good luck with your black adam movie
ha, my bro saw it and said if marvel is made for children, shazam was made for infants - quote/unquote. dc really shot themselves in the foot by focusing on solo movies - u can't make a goofy shazam flick and a grimdark blackadam film and then expect to mash them together. fuckin dum dums.
I'd look tall too if I starred in a film with a bunch of 12 year olds in lifts and a muscle suit.
The same idiots who thought Chuck could carry a movie.
John Cena would have been a better choice.
No worries, he's perfect as Ben Grimm anyway.
>80 million budget
Nah it'll be fine
>first day of release
Jesus christ, how seething are you?
>Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have this movie sandwiched between CM and Endgame?
The worst part is that Shazam is literally a Christmas movie. It would've been amazing to watch in November.
He's even good with Millennial/Gen-Y kids that he was drawing during his Super Cena days from 2007-2012.
And he doesn't need foam muscles to fill up a costume either.
How seething are you when Captain Marvel made more money on the first day of release than Shazam did?
>Maoyan score starts at 7.8 for SHAZAM
>One of the top negative reviews said that the movie should be released on Children’s Day. Not before Avengers: End Game.
>Scores are around fucking Dr strange's
Jr please. Should have saved Levi for a Captain hero movie.
How could this have happened? Did we make someone powerful upset, bros?
Are these cabana shirts in style?
I want one
yeah, but only certain kinds of people can wear them
if you're the rock, anything you're wearing is in style.
what a goobus
Gay guys and big fat party animals.
the rock isn't gay
the rock is also the rock
I stand by my opinion. Shazam was being developed by New Line Cinema before being absorbed by Warner Bros during production.
It was intented to be a Christmas movie, but WB moved it to April so it wouldn't compete with Aquaman.
Actually thinking about seeing this. Should I?
do you have anything better to do?
Mega GAY
Well, yeah. Semester is still in full swing.
Hellboy looks kino I want it to do good
>scores are around Dr. Strange's
>Shazam 93%
>Strange 89%
>Captain Marvel 79%
Damn, CM must be really fucking shit and is glad it got attached to the hip at Endgame and was the first major release of the year after the Jan and Feb dead months.
There's really no reason not to
>but the general consensus is that the movie was really, really terrible.
Yeah sure it is user
So we should ignore both and their manufactured controversies, yes.
New Line is a WB subsidiary...
And no, nothing like this happened
Captain Marvel was strategically put there to act as an apetizer to Endgame. Otherwise it would've performed like Ant Man
Imagine caring about whether or not one kids movie makes more money than the other kids movie. How pathetic. Neither studios even pay you fucks and my job is easier because of it.
smoke hotdogs harder why don't you
Is this movie good? I honestly don't know who to believe. The 95% of tv and co that say it's bad or the 5% of shills that say it's good.
I think I'll concede to the masses in this case.
Yeah everyone hates it
Spare me shill. You think anyone is going to support your number crunching Rotten Tomatoes after the shit they pulled? A credibility they had a lost it on a bitch. Like your wife did with you. Loser
I liked it. Had some issues like terrible CGI and underdeveloped side characters but it was fun superhero stuff it's not bad. Don't go if you hate light tone/quips though.
This movie flopped bc it looks stupid as shit
Oh! We believe Rotten Tomatoes now?? Coulda sworn how for weeks on end we bitched about how it was rigged. I guess that only applies when it fits your narrative.
Correct. I'd also like to add: fuck all capeshit
rt is scammed tho, the positive score for shazam is just payback for fudging captain marvels #s -doesnt matter in the long run if your film dont make money (it's a pity fuck)
I saw both and it was ten times better than CM, what are you on about? The movie had great action scenes and balanced seriousness and comedy perfectly. If Darla couldn't convince you, you're a goddamn retard. Stop shitposting
Yeah cause it was painfully unfunny and the special effects were on par with Black panther
The kid actors were also extremely bad
Everyone in my theater liked it and even my gf, who didn't want to go because the trailers seemed childish, liked it. That being said, you're talking out of your ass because the people here and on Yea Forums who are able to discuss movies like normal human beings liked it. Only Marveldrones (not actual Marvelfans) hate on it
It was a great movie in every single aspect. Can't believe they knocked it out of the park with that budget, escpecially in terms of CGI and action scenes. The story was great and the supporting cast was probably the best one in any superhero movie. Definitely one of my top 3 favourite cape movies of the last five years but for some reason, people here will shit on it
What are you even talking about? This was the first time since Ant-Man 1 that I was laughing during a movie. The comedy bits were great and a great fit to the overall story. The seriousness of the story was never undermined by any of it. Also, for such a cheap budget, the effects looked great and nowhere near as bad as BP
I feel like either, trolls or Marveldrones are out in full force. Most people here have seemingly not even seen the goddamn movie
Took my little sister and her friends to see it
Even the ones that hated all DCEU films (WW, MoS and AQM too) all liked it and the theatre had plenty of kids in it too which is always good to see since that's who it's aimed at
It's marvelfags
Litterally all underage zoomers these days shill the MCU because that's what they were raised on.
Funny, everyone I know liked it, but I guess I'm different than the average Yea Forums poster in that I have friends, a gf and a sense of humor.
I'm not saying I'm hot shit, I'm really not, but you all are really next-level pathetic.
Criticism in the year 2000+19
>if you dislike thing I like, it's because you're [label/appeal to motive/genetic fallacy]
Why the studio is not buying all the tickets like they did with Captain Marvel? What happened?
and as usual
the left cant meme
>haha your company made less money than my company
Imagine unironically celebrating this
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?
It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure.
Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
With Shazam bombing Hellboy has nothing to worry about
>in terms of quality.
Sorry DCuck
The fact that you think the movie isn't out until next weekend proved it's a bomb
God look at all those awful characters. Stan Lee must be rolling over in his gravw
>after this massive flop they'll finally shelve the brand
We can only hope
The cast of the movie was very diverse, user
Disney literally bought the tickets
>nnnnooo shuuuttttt up
I saw it opening night at a sold out show and the place was half empty
went with a party of 5, 3 of which legitimately do not care for capeshit and they all really liked it
but sure you did marvelfag
what the fuck is wrong with his eyes
CapeShit manchildren don't want to see a movie literally made for children. It reminds them of how embarrassing their favorite genre is.
gonna watch it tonight and can’t wait, sounds like a blast.
Horn placement is shit, a little more space between would've been perfect
Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
nice try Marvel shill
>can't tell if that's Jack Kirby or Karl Popper
So it's making more than Cap costing less to make, how is this a flop again?
It's not making more profit than CM, lmao. Don't listen to everything Yea Forums tells you.
I meant captain america
>December was always Aquaman's spot.
Nope. It was originally for October but got delayed.
Shazam was always scheduled for April though.
Mouse is doing overtime today, eh?
good capeshit doesn't make money
>Even the ones that hated all DCEU films ( MoS
I'll genuinely never forget this, this is lefit the most shilling I've ever seen out of a Marvelfag. Truly delusional. 10/10.
I love how anybody who saw the film and said it was bad gets called a "mouseshill" by the Yea Forumsfags. Like it's so inconceivable that a comic book movie aimed at kids has bad jokes and lame action scenes (action, sadly was few and far between). I wish I could get my money back.
His head is the same width as both of his legs put together.
>Everyone in my theater liked it
- Anyone wanna guess what's wrong with this statement?
Please go shill on r/Shazam!
You're not welcome here.
Honestly fuck Disney. Why can't they just let Shazam be. They could have launched their trailer on monday fucking pricks.
Yeah. Fuck that cunt. How dare him, enjoying a DC movie.
>Everyone in my theater liked it and even my gf
That embarrassed by the fact that you were the only person in an empty theater?
>90M budget
>2.5x is 225
>only 225 to break even
>will open at 150M ww
You guys are terrible at math, not counting that DC movies are better international than in the US.
Yeah, him... and the ENTIRE theater of people. He must be as psychic as you are stupid.
>will open at 150M ww
So that means Usa = 50 and China = 50, where does the rest come from?
I can only assume WB has a packed release schedule for the rest of the year, and didn't want to move Shazam further down for fear of burning out their audience on capeshit
Also, the Christmas stuff might be less novel if it were actually close to Christmas
Thank you for proving that you guys suck at math.
50+50= 100 not 150
I can't tell if you're serious or not.
that's why I asked where does the rest come from. Because I don't see how the rest of the world would give you additional 50 million considering it's doing bellow normal for a comic book movie in every country.
I've heard this film gets pretty violent, what are those scenes like
>USA and China are the only countries in the world
It opens in +8 markets in Europe, you really think they can't make 50M$?
>you really think they can't make 50M$?
WB acquired New Line while Shazam was still being made so it seems very likely.
He is such a Briecuck he even bought her merch instead of his own
and that theater's name was ALBERT EINSTEIN
puting up videos defending her and her movie on his instagram also wasn't the best idea
His fucking muscle suit is so poorly done. And then for him to say it's all him. Gag.
i watched it
shazam! is better than half of dc and marvel movies
oh is that what soured incels on Shazam?
I noticed their shilling stopped around the time this happened
what fucking babbies lmao
goes to show they don't care actually give a fuck about the movies themselves, just about being outraged by "le SJW agenda"
It's opening worldwide except Japan this weekend, the other markets mentioned in Deadline just opened a day earlier
DCfags are literally seething over this one!!!
Gonna laugh with this printscreen when weekend ends.
>jewish basedboy lead
>jewish basedboy director
>tv retards try to make them their redpill champions
Have Fun, marvel cuck.
>every image is posted by one person and one person ONLY
>no image reposts could ever happen in THIS taiwanese dolphin grooming forum
The director is swedish
>actually taking the time to track the evansposting meme and making that graphic instead of going outside and trying to get laid
Are you okay?
Yea Forums calls this getting "worked"
what do you mean?
a spoilers amount
>>jewish basedboy lead
>>jewish basedboy director
Both are gentiles.
Based Arcade Gannon
Just because he is from Sweden doesn't mean he cant be Jewish. Correct?
being briecuck is based, ok, so Capeshit Marvel was ourmovie all along and we won?
>ladderbro damage control
How good is Shazam actor? Is he funny?
You know Berg is a northern european name in origin right?
I guess Pewdiepie is jewish too because his name is kjellberg
+great "big" reference
+great "Street Fighter" reference
+comedy was well balanced with the serious scenes
+movie took it's time for character development although you still wished for more time with certain characters
+the adult actors and the kid actors are flawless in making you believe they are the same person
+No SJW bullshit or identity politics
+Special effects were well done, better than the last several Marvel movies
>/pol/ were the only people who wanted to see this movie to spite Captain Marbles
>Acts like he’s a centerist
t. absolutely normal person
There's no point in doing it the weekend it comes out
You should have said it months ago like the rest of us with functioning brains did
I can honestly say there are literally disney shills in this board. The amount of people shitposting here and trying to put down shazam is way beyond just trolling or being ironic
yeah well Disney legit has over eight companies working to do that 24/7 no joke.
Nobody can put down Shazam harder than it setting overseas records for worst capeshit opening ever
They'll blame the big bad boogeyman Disney for that too.
it is mostly shitposting though. I paid for and watched Shazam last night on IMAX (mostly to see the 5 minute godzilla preview) no less and enjoyed it quite a bit. but I still shitpost about its misfortune, because it's fun.
that's not what he said though
/pol/ never wanted to see this movie, they just pretend to because brie got them triggered
plenty of actually people who aren't mentally ill /pol/tards want, and will, see that movie
I did last night
It's Yea Forums fault. Every movie Yea Forums supports flops
Zachary Levi confirmed in an interview to Israel that he's not a jew
>Capeshit is actually good
>It flops
many such cases
>Disney black mails theaters to play only MC and buys tickets to a movie no one has actually seen
Of course user.
his last name is pugh not levi, so that was known
>*Says something*
>*Quotes him*
>”No, that’s not what I- I am he said”
Ok yeah sure.
Captain Marvel is still playing in more screens in France than Shazam on its opening weekend, despite projected to make 35% of Shazam's box office
How does one explain that?
Black Panther is like "Yo Ant-Man smell my foot" in that pic lmao
>Empty theatres
>dc really shot themselves in the foot by focusing on solo movies
>the better and most successful movies have been the solo ones
every website has this movie showing overwhelming high scores, even the (((critics))) who suck disney's schlong have given it a good score, I think this movie will do better than expected just on word of mouth alone
how do the horn roots not run into each other?
>not covering up brie on the cup
It is projected to do 150 million WW opening. It\s not a complete disaster. And with a budget of 80-100 million, it will do decent money, especially for a character that is pretty unknown outside the USA.
>have a flip phone
>automatically get to dodge all social media apps and cancers
sell your smart phone you dumb fucking faggots
>I think this movie will do better than expected just on word of mouth alone
Except what you DCucks fail to realize is something is drowning out the WoM
it has bad scores overseas because it is literraly american schoolkids movie. It is zoomer memes put into movie.
Rocketeer was shit and came out like 30 years ago
It's jack popper
We've known this since Captain Marvel
That's why people are trying to get them to turn on Godzilla and Detective Pikachu before it's too late
>it has bad scores overseas
Who's "we"?
>Rocketeer was shit and came out like 30 years ago
kill yourself, zoomer
No, it is because Disney has all the critics on his pockets, they are cheap because so why not?
No, that's not what those words mean.
>The alt-right, don't actually watch movies.
No, I don't watch capeshit movies for manchildren. Not movies in general. There's a difference there.
Critics are the ones liking the movie everywhere, casual audience has no clue about american zoomer memes. And those memes are 90% of the movie
It's just funposting
No one here saw Captain Brie (judging by lack of memes)
t. DidntSeeIt
Unironically, why is this movie flopping? I heard only good things about it.
Saw it, know that it will make less than Warcraft here, it is just completely alien for general audience
Almost like there's some kind of huge event movie coming that's taking all the attention away or something
Overseas audience not caring for something fully focused on current american teenage culture.
American general audience seems to have doubts about it and may end up considering it just stupid kids movie.
China sees it as worse looking more boring Capeshit Marvel without even a girl. Once again, jokes are 100% rely on current day american pop culture from kids perspective.
It just released yesterday OP is a lying faggot
>fully focused on current american teenage culture.
what? I am 36 and I didn't notice anything specific to teens of today
Kek. How long have you been here? Genuinely curious.
Because it's been out for some time
>projected to make 35% of Shazam's box office
Almost like it's been out for over a month or something
>/pol/tard telling Yea Forums what Yea Forums is like
>everybody who uses that image is the same person
first day on Yea Forums, eh reddit?
It's been only posted on /pol/ before, ergo user found it on /pol/. Basic deduction is hard, isn't it tourist-kun?
And? Yea Forums has been a /pol/ board for years
you realize that image search can't find every single version of an image right? If one image has even a byte of data different from being saved it will not show up. But I would not expect any comprehension of that from a poo in the loo
>If one image has even a byte of data different from being saved it will not show up.
The only instance of this happening is when it's done on purpose, e.g. shills covering their tracks.
Yes. And that specific version of the image has only been posted on /pol/ before. It's not that hard, tourist, really.
>Don't go if you hate light tone/quips though.
I hate light tone/quips, but the movie still had enough edge that it didn't feel totally sterile. They did a good job with Sivana's mini-origin, and he was a solid antagonist that didn't feel lacking as most capeshit villains do.
The quips were a bit heavy, though. I feel like Levi brought a bit too much energy to the character. Kid Billy was more mature than Shazam Billy, like he's 14, but when he transforms, he felt like he was mentally a 6 year old sometimes. A few tweaks could have helped it feel more cohesive, but eh. I was surprisingly engaged in the foster family stuff, and focusing it on the kids and their troubles really did help it feel different than your average capeshit. The scene where he got reunited with his mother was unexpected and actually got to me a little, it was probably one of the better act two finale emotional revelations that I've ever seen as far as superhero movies go. While I might not completely approve of the execution of everything, it was definitely a complete movie that hit all the right notes. My cinema wasn't super full last night, but there was a lot of laughing. People seemed genuinely charmed by it.
cope harder, mickey mouse
Things that don't matter, and will never matter:
1. relative audience reviews for capeshit on the internet
>no argument
I rest my case, tourist.
Was Zach trying to take a picture of himself here?
Exactly I mean who needs word of mouth anyway?
I can't wait for Chadzam to crush the mouse and make more money than Captain Fungus
Kermode just gave it a good review
Hellooooo Reddit
This is just sad.
He deserves it for standing up for Brie
The two bitches in the movie are fucking hot.
I remember when you morons thought his Aquaman review was positive too
>beats (((them)))
Zach Levi is Jewish, retard.
tfw predictions now doubt even getting to 400m, meanwhile fungus went up to 1b
beating them at their own game
based af
Oh nonononononono
THURSDAY PREVIEWS NUMBERS WENT UP (and it already had 3.3m in previews 2 weeks ago)
new low for Disney, literally hacking theaters to stop Shazam
>China hates it for not being bombastic enough
that's a sign of quality
Loder likes it, and his reviews are usually pretty good for me
Well that's certainly better than the $4 million they were citing yesterday
Now let's hope families turn out like crazy over the weekend
Well theres your problem
yeah and it still gets more screens even though they will be emptier, that's the point morans
the alt right are habitual losers
Wtf is this real
It is you can check the theater's twitter
I bet these technical issues happened a lot during Captain Marvel's 4 weeks
>Unironically, why is this movie flopping?
Because people have no idea who Shazam is or if this movie is a parody like Epic Movie or Scary movie. No joke, that's what the reviewer here wrote.
*zoomers don't know him
>even though they will be emptier
Will they?
It's the costume. They went too far into the parody aesthetic with it.
>50 more screens but 75% less entrances
>"will they be emptier?"
gee i don't know
this. i have no idea who shazam is. trailers made it look like a parody/comedy superhero movie like hancock or something
Emptier than previous CM screenings, sure. But emptier than Shazam?
>that butthurt
Grow up
>It's the costume. They went too far into the parody aesthetic with it
Oh sure, it's THAT, and not the trailers with "DUDE YOU HAVE POWERS, LET'S YOUTUBE IT!!!"
>I can honestly say there are literally disney shills in this board.
Did the "get your early Avengers ticket" threads tip you off, Sherlock?
Seriously, if this movie flops similarly to Alita and Captain Marvel keeps printing money I call some behind-the-scenes bullshit.
Captain Marvel was one of the most boring and uninspired Marvel capeshits I've seen in a very long time. There is not one memorable line in that movie. I actually regret wasting my time on it.
And I don't even have a stake in this culture war.
>That embarrassed by the fact that you were the only person in an empty theater?
Do incels really think like this? LOL
Empty theaters are better anyway. I can vape and talk to my friends without being rude to anyone else in the place.
its not that bad. Still above Pet Semetery
yes, do you even logic?
>Shazam is gonna have 380,000 entrances in 566 screens
>Captain Marvel is gonna have 135,000 entrances in 604 screens
Which screenings will be emptier? You figure it out
Pet Sematary will be successful too
>only 20M $ budget
I'll be shocked if it doesn't make a huge profit.
Well, at least this means I don't really share interests with those subhumans
Snyder already brought enough of randian shitters to DCEU fanbase
>9 million thursday previews
>80 million budget
Not a flop, Aquaman still made 300 million more than Thor Ragnarok and Marvel still doesn't have legitimate awards (welfare ones don't count obviously). Everything's alright bros
Hey guys, OP here. Give it up Shazam will flop but at least it'll be considered a very underrated capeshit movie.
>hasn’t released yet
>confirmed flop
Interesting hypothesis op
MoS is kino and besides Shazam! the best DCEU film.
Shazam! > MoS > Aquaman > BvS Director's Cut > Wonder Woman >>>>> BvS Theatrical
I know it's hard for DCucks to read but that's including the fandango screenings
Real Thursday is much less
OP is a fag, but early screenings were yesterday
I'd say MoS = Shazam > AQM > BvS > WW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Suicide Squad
The "technical issue" was that no one's buying tickets
Looks like a solid number for previews
It actually felt similar to Raimi's Spider-Man films in tone, humor and emotional depth, which is something I never expected to see again.
Word of mouth will be good
Yea Forums claimed Spiderverse was a flop even though it wasn't
This movie was great. Actually laughed out loud at a few of the jokes. Terrible release timing though.
Still not a flop, you'll get real awards someday bro don't worry
I completely forgot about JL and SS lel.
find one thread on /pol/ about this movie
Just pirate it
Switch Skwad and Wonder Woman, we aren't on tumbler
I'm glad this happened. That's what DCucks get for talking shit.
>Hellboy looks kino
Said no one ever
Wait for the cinemascore, i think people are gonna like the movie
>As a fellow DC fan...
Well at least you're getting better
a sign of quality
Also a sign of box office failure, which means no sequels.
Still gonna make 350+ ww on 80-90 budget so will be fine. Just likely Black Adam gets inserted in sequel instead of third movie to try to bump it up.
Quality means legs which means money, that's how Aquaman ended up outgrossing Captain Marvel
>Still gonna make 350+ ww
Won't even get to $200 million
They still cant nail the tone or character of hellboy for shit.
>DC copies worst parts of MCU quipverse and then turns it into a kids movie
This was trash from jump. You cant base an idea on already trash (mcu formula) and then make it further trash by making it a kids movie about a hero not a single fucking kid knows about.
Captain America Civil War you mean
Do movies usually get progressively higher box office via word of mouth and quality?
I actually want to see it again
I have a thousand dollars dumped into Disney stocks you fuck, so fuck dc and based brie
No but they do last longer in theaters
Word of mouth is how a movie gets its legs
And Bart doesn't look like a big fat party animal
Me and my whole family are watching it this weekend. Suck it, Mouse.
I think Billy Batson was raped at least once. That's what happens to foster kids who run away. They do all they can to survive. You know how it is.
what's the tiger's name?
You have problems.
Tawky Tawny. He’s the inspiration for Tony the Tiger.
Surprisingly solid numbers from China. Then again, I think the trailers might have been just the kind Chinese theater goes look for.
It must suck the bad at making predictions. 400 million WW is the least Shazam! will do.
I just saw another tv spot for it and I can’t stop laughing.
I shit you not, if the comedy in the movie’s half that good, it’s already worth it.
His head is fucking huge and his legs are twigs.
you're the potato here retard
I bet he misses Yvonne like I do.
I haven't seen /pol/ mention this movie once
He isn't, it's his stage name. He's a Christian.
Imagine the smell
Whoever put together this picture went to the Rob Liefeld School of Composition.
Shazam is well known in Japan. Granted that most of it is towards the pure waifu Mary Marvel
I see the DC shills are out in force today.
Just keep it contained to this one thread and we won't have a problem.
How about no
Mouseshills out in full force I see.